Whoop! Another update today! ^^ This time it's Starbucks! :P lol, I'm such a weirdo~

I have to thank one certain song for bringing ideas and flows to AS and SB: Automatic with Nicki Minaj! ( I love her newest album! Marilyn Monroe is one of the best songs! )

Thanks to: Killer Moon Lover, NatsuXLucy-1314, GoldenRoseTanya, DarkInfernoGirl and Arzon for reviewing! :D and thanks to you who added this story to your fav and alert. ^3^

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does! XD


-:Chapter Eight:-


Today is Lucia's birthday party and Natsumi were beyond nervous. She was extremely nervous.

Michel had tried to teach her the waltz people do in this kind of celebrations. And also they had made strawberry cupcakes, which turned out to be a very easy thing to do. Well for Michelangelo in that case, Natsumi just screwed it up on the first try.

Though all the mistakes and re-making a dozen of cupcakes were laying in a basket together with the gifts from the maids and butlers.

Now in the present time we follow the stairs up to Natsumi's room, were the pinkette now stands in front of the whole figure mirror, looking over herself and the dress she was clad up in. Spinning around in the place she giggled.

The dress was in a beautiful shade of golden-yellow, with frills in the skirt, strapless with a big pink rose just above her left breast and ankle long. The dress slowly followed her moves, swinging around her naked legs, tickling her feet with the frills.

Now for her hair. She had asked Virgo to make it curly later in time for the party and the maid had with a smile agreed to it.

Doing a few more spins, she didn't notice the door open and Lucia peek inside.

Lucia looked at the giggling girl. He couldn't help but smile at her. She was pretty gorgeous in that dress and her smile made her look even prettier. Leaning against the wall with crossed arms, he continued watching her from afar, his blue eyes following every little movement of her legs. Seeing her near to lose her balance, she had in the last breath got control again.

"You look happy, something positive happened?" he asked her.

Startled by the voice, she turned around and saw Lucia lean against he wall next to the door. She hadn't heard him, so for how long have he been standing there?

"Don't worry, I've been here for a minute or two." he said with a wave. Natsumi put her hands on the hips, puffing out her cheeks and blew away a lose strand of her pink hair.

"Ever heard of knocking?" she asked in a irritated tone. Lucia cocked a eyebrow.

"Excuse me? Are you to talk about personal space and door knocking?" he retorted, his hands shoved down in his tuxedo pockets.

A blush crept up on her cheeks. "It's different with girls going into boys room!"

"Is that so?"

"You bet it is." Lucia only rolled his eyes in answer.

"However, I didn't come to argue with you." Natsumi let her hands drop from her sides. She nodded at him to continue as she got over to her makeup table.

"What is it?" taking up the mascara bottle she sat down and opened it. Lucia took a deep breath.

"I will have to leave after party for a live concert at the central park."

Natsumi nearly lost her hold on the bottle.

"W-What? But why, your dad can't be serious. It's your birthday party and all!"

"I thought he joked too, but he was dead serious." Natsumi turned to him. Lucia was taken aback with the irritated expression she wore. "Natsumi?"

"I am going to talk with the father of yours." she said and stood up. Before she could reach the door, a warm hand stopped her.

"Stop it, he won't listen to you."

"You don't know if I haven't tried yet!" she spat and pushed his arm away. Opening the door she startled Spetto-san who held onto some towels. Seeing Natsumi stomp down the hallway.

"Natsumi!" Lucia called after the maid, but she was gone. Sighing he hid his face in his right hand.

"Lucia-dono? Did something happen?" Spetto-san asked, careful to not sound too curious.

"I told her about the concert," he paused to sigh. "and she didn't take it too well."

"Well, I could clearly see that." Spetto-san said. Her brows knitted together. "But why did she stomp away like that?"

Lucia rubbed the back of his neck. "She said she's going to talk with father about it."

Spetto-san's eyes widened. "Such brave girl."


Natsumi's POV_

I can't believe how Judo could do such thing towards Lucia! A birthday is the most special time ever! Though it happens every year, but you don't get any younger. You know, YOLO, you-only-lives-once.

And it's his 18th birthday too. Even if he officially turn it tomorrow but his party is today. The only time of the year to let himself take a break from all the superstar crap!

I saw the door to Judo's door and increased my speed, till I was power walking. Coming to a stop just millimeters away from the big wooden port, I lifted my hand and knocked three times, hard and noticeable.

"Come in." Oh I will.

Slamming the doors open I point a finger at the surprised old man.

"You!" I yelled.


"Yes you! How can you do this to him!"

"Natsumi, calm down an-"

"No!" I cut him off before he could continue with the rest. "I won't calm down until you explain why Lucia have to do a live concert after the party!" inhaling the wanted air I stood there, my breath rigid and chest heaving up and down.

I watched as he put a hand before his mustache clad mouth. "Haha."

My eyes widened. Did he just laugh?

"Haha, I can't believe he told you that." another laugh followed. My left eyebrow ticked in irritation.

"It's not funny! You should have seen his face." I mumbled the last part.

"Natsumi, close the door and I will tell you why."

Normal POV_

Virgo hummed on a song as she took a long lock of Natsumi's pink hair and curled it with ease. Looking at the girl's face in the mirror, she tilted her head.

"Something the matter, Natsumi-sama?" she ask her with a careful voice. Natsumi blinked, like she had forgotten the other maid.

"No, sorry, I was just spacing out." she answered with a smile. Virgo answered her with a smile too.

A minute passed by.

Two minutes.



Natsumi looked into Virgo's eyes from the mirror. "How was Lucia before all this celebrity thing?"

Virgo pursed her lips, thinking. "Well, he was popular with the girls even before he became who he his." she paused. " But he was a really sweet boy who didn't fight or anything related to such stuff."

"W-What about girlfriends?" Virgo pretended that she didn't see the blush on Natsumi's cheeks.

"He's been single all life." she said, adding a smile to it. "He said once that he wanted to find the girl who loves him for who he is, not what he is."

Natsumi nodded, her brown eyes looking down to her relaxed hands, a smile spread on her lips. Virgo rolled her eyes with a smile.

Youngsters… she thought happily.


One hour and a half later the guests were arriving one after another. Black and white limousines stood in a line down the street.

Lucia stood by the front port, greeting and shaking hand with each person who stepped inside. The butlers took the guests' jackets and hats.

"Oh congratulation dear Lucia!" a elderly woman said, her grey eyes shining with energy and joy.

"Hello Mrs. Densaia." he greeted her with a steady shake and smile.

"Is it okay for my niece to attend this party?" taking a step to the side she revealed a very pretty girl, in Lucia's opinion. She has long brown hair set up in along pigtail, with braids on the sides. Big brown eyes filled with shyness and excitement. And she looked to be a year younger than himself.

Lucia smiled.

"No problem, she is very welcomed."

"Oh that's terrific. Say hello to Lucia-kun, Diana." Diana let out a low 'eep' when her aunt pushed her towards him.

"Nice to meet you, Diana." he said and took her hand, shaking it slowly. Diana's face turned scarlet in matter of seconds.

"H-H-Hello, Lucia-san." she whispered. Lucia liked her voice too. Soft like honey.

"Just call me Lucia." he said with a wink. Diana looked like she was on the brink of fainting.

Mrs. Densaia giggled at her niece. She was a little worried that Diana couldn't attend, but now, she could relax.

Suddenly a very nervous looking maid came rushing towards the three.

"Lucia-sama!" she panted. Stopping in front of the teen. Lucia worriedly laid a hand on the maid's shoulder.

"Hilda? What's wrong?"

"Natsumi-san… she… she fell down the stairs!"

DUN DUN DUNNNNN! Omg! No, poor Natsumi! D: Lucia! Go to her rescue!

Lucia: …

Me: *through gritted teeth while pointing at some random direction* I-said-go-!

Lucia: …

Natsumi: *from distant* Lucia! Come and help me, dammit!

Lucia: Coming! *runs over*

Me: What? ! He listen to her, but not me? AND I'M THE ONE WRITING HERE! ! ! ÒAÓ

Stupid Lucia for not listening to my writing… anyhow, I hope you liked the chapter and will continue reading it! ^^

Please leave a review or two! :D favs and alerts are also very welcomed! :3

Love F-T-K~