Pointless smut chapter. You've been warned.

I don't own Danny Phantom.

They Were Kids That I Once Knew

Chapter Twelve

August 25, 2013

The two weeks after graduation were spent installing the latest ghost-repelling technology in his new apartment, with extensive assistance from his parents, Tucker, and Sam. There were people there with him almost constantly, from the early morning hours to late at night, and on the rare occasions that Danny found himself alone, he was far too exhausted to do much of anything besides sleep.

Sam was unbelievably busy as well; if she wasn't at Danny's, she was either moving her belongings over to her own new apartment, or else at the Skulk and Lurk for training and orientation for her new job. They hardly got a chance to speak face to face, and in the few spare moments they could find together, there was almost always someone else around. By the end of the third night, Danny lay awake, alone in his bed, frustrated in more ways that one.

The following morning, he took a break from the installation process to visit Sam at work. He shared his frustrations with her in a hushed whisper toward the back of the store, momentarily delighted to discover that Sam was just as frustrated. She suggested reading which was her personal way of dealing with stress, and he skeptically agreed.

He quickly discovered that fantasy books were not his cup of tea, considering he was essentially living a fantasy story of his own creation. Sci-Fi irritated him for the simple lack of realistic storylines, and soon he was giving up on fiction all together.

In the end, it was a management book, entitled The Irrefutable Laws of Power, that finally caught and held his attention. He never counted himself as one to read a book about laws of power (maybe Vlad, once upon a time) but within the first ten pages, he was hooked. Every spare moment he could find was spent buried in the pages of that book. He was so addicted to it, in fact, he found himself spacing out, lost in thoughts revolving around the book, whenever he was forced to put it down and join the real world.

He was about half-way through the book when the installation process was finally completed. Sam promised to come over the moment she got off work for dinner and a movie, and Danny spent the hours between - you guessed it - reading.

When she arrived, he reluctantly left the book on his bedside table to join her in his living room. Conversation was sparse and mostly carried on by Sam. He was distracted all through the movie, much to Sam's steadily growing annoyance. And the moment she asked if he was ready to go to bed a little early?

"Yeah," He grunted, lunching off the couch and darting into his bedroom. He phased his pants and shirt off, leaving them strewn across the floor, before diving head first into his bed. The book was in his hands in seconds, the blankets drawn up loosely to his belly, and he was so lost in the book that he did not even notice that Sam was still sitting on his couch, completely frozen.

"Are you joking?" She demanded. He glanced over the top of his book to find her standing in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest. "You're reading?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing," He said, eyes darting back to the book. "Haven't you been trying to get me to read for forever now?"

"Yeah, but not right now!" She shouted indignantly. He did not respond. "Danny. Do you know what's happening right now?"


"We're alone. Together. For the first time in two weeks. At your apartment. Where there's absolutely no chance of anyone we know walking in on us or even hearing us." By then she was across the room, on her knees at the foot of his bed, straddling his feet. "You really wanna read right now?"

He did not even look up at her. Fortunately, she was not one to give up so easily. She fell forward with a rush of air that smelled faintly of her tangy perfume, catching herself with her hands on either side of his hips, and slowly crawled up his body. "Danny," She sang, walking her index fingers along the top of the book.

His frustrated sigh was similar to that of an exhausted parent after a long day at the zoo. "Listen, I know what you want, and I promise we will. Just...let me finish this chapter."

She fell back to sit on her haunches, thin eyebrow raised in a way he was truly starting to adore. "How many more pages?" She asked, voice flat and monotone.

He counted. "Twelve."

"You read, like, two words a minute!" She screeched. "It'll be next week by the time you finish that chapter!"

"Normally I'd take offence to that, but this book is just too damn good."

With that, he promptly returned his full attention back to his book. Sam released a strangled sound of frustration and rolled off of him, falling to the space of mattress to his left on her back. The mattress shook slightly as she crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. The corner of his mouth lifted slightly, but he remained absorbed.

After about five minutes of steely silence, Sam seemed to give up. Her tightly knotted arms loosened and he could see her peering up at him from the corner of his eye. He glanced up when she sat up suddenly, crawling down to the foot of his bed. His gaze lingered on her well-toned ass for a moment, but then she was standing and the book reclaimed his attention.

She must have changed clothes, for when she crawled back into bed, she was wearing a form-fitting tank top and bright blue shorts, and her hair was done up in a pony tail that sat high on her head. She did not spare him a single glance as she drew the covers back and slipped beneath them. He snorted in spite of himself when she yanked them up over her head, wondering if she decided to give up completely and go to sleep early. He almost felt guilty for a moment.

The moment ended when he felt her fingernails lightly grazing the skin just above the elastic waistband of his boxers. He inhaled sharply when they dipped below, but she made no move to go beyond the sensitive skin beneath the elastic. With a will-power he did not know he possessed, he refocused on the page before him.

Her fingers dipped below the waistband just as he was able to comprehend the words he was glaring at, tracing patters on the smooth plane of skin between his waistband and his rapidly growing erection. He released a breath he did not realize he was holding noisily through his nose.

"Sam." He said sharply, a warning evident in his tone.

"What?" She asked crossly. Her face was still hidden beneath the blankets.

"Cut it out." He pronounced each word carefully through his clenched jaw.

"I'm just sleeping." She spat. Her fingertip brushed against the base of his erection, making him jerk. "You're reading, I'm sleeping. You want me to stop sleeping?"

He just grumbled something even he could not understand. "That's what I thought. Now sh, let me sleep."

The moment her entire hand wrapped around his erection, her grip warm and firm and exactly the way he liked it most, he knew he was done for. He bit back a pleasured groan as she began pumping her hand up and down, his book falling forward to his belly, completely forgotten. She kept this up until he was fully erect, his manhood twitching for her, and then the sheets flew up in a way that told him she was moving. The hand down his boxers vanished before quickly reappearing with her other in yanking his boxers off completely. He felt her spreading his knees, her entire body heat moving between his thighs, and his head tipped back in anticipated pleasure.

He yelped when something wet and warm encased his erection. He had been expecting her hand; this was an entirely different sensation, one he had never felt before, one far more intense. He ripped the blankets up quickly.

Sam was on her stomach between his legs, the head of his erection in her mouth. She met his gaze, and as he was about to point out that they had never orally pleasured each other before and that she really did not have to do that if she did not want to, she smirked and bobbed her head.

A thousand pinpricks of pleasure immediately stormed through his groin. "Oh God," He groaned, hands flailing in an effort to find something solid to hold. Something crashed to the ground on his right, but he was beyond all coherent thought by then. "Oh shit, oh God, Sam..."

She hummed at the sound of her name, deep in her throat, and the sensations that tiny action caused sent a shock wave of pleasure rocketing through his system, so powerful his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He seized her shoulders and shoved her away, ignoring her sounds of protest as he doubled over.

"D-don't...do...that..." He hissed through gritted teeth.

"What?" She demanded sharply.

He stayed folded over on himself, taking several deep calming breaths and reciting the order of the planets until his erection was no longer twitching, before meeting her gaze. "Hum. Don't hum."

Her cheeks flooded with a lovely shade of pink. "Oh," She said, eyes suddenly downcast. "Was it not...good?"

"No, no!" He said loudly, seizing her arms and giving her a reassuring squeeze. "It was good. Very good. A little...too good, if you get what I mean."

Her eyes widened in understanding. "Were you about to...?"

It was his turn to blush. "Yes." He mumbled, refusing to meet her gaze.

She glanced at the clock on his bedside table and her eyebrows rose to her hairline. "Wow." She murmured.

"Hey, I think you know just as well as I do that I normally last a lot longer than -" He glanced at the clock, "- two minutes?" He cried in outrage.

"Oh, trust me, I am well aware. You've gone for hours before." She shuddered at the memories, which pleased him. "I actually take this as more of a compliment to my skills than an insult to your stamina."

He nodded emphatically, obviously satisfied. He was just about to suggest she lose her clothes when she knelt again, tongue flicking out over the tip of his erection.

"W-wait!" He cried hoarsely. She glanced up at him, confusion evident in her face. "What are you doing?"

"Well I kind of started something." She glanced down at his erection. "I was just about to finish it."

Before he could make another sound of protest, he was engulfed in her mouth again, head bobbing even faster than before. He threw his head back, impervious to the pain of his skull bouncing off the wall he was leaning on, hands tightly gripping either side of Sam's head. Her tongue swirled along the underside of his erection and he shuddered at the sensation. One of her hands was splayed across his hip, partially to keep him from bucking his pelvis up and partly to giver herself a solid focal point in her otherwise quaking world. Her other was beneath her chin, fingers fondling his balls.

"Oh God, oh God," He choked. Despite her firm grip, his hips were still bucking slightly, rising to meet her every time her head came down. He gripped her pony tail tightly, feeling the white-hot edge of release approaching rapidly. "I'm...I'm gonna...Sam..."

She understood immediately. With a deep breath through her nose, she shoved her head down, taking in as much of him as she could. He held her there, fingers hopelessly tangled in her raven locks. "Fuck!" He shouted as he exploded in her mouth, realizing too late that he was giving her little option besides swallowing his load. She did not seem to mind, though.

When he released her head, arms falling limply at his sides, she sat up with a broad smile on her face. He was dazed, senses knocked silly as she returned to her original place beside him. She said something to him but her voice was muffled and fuzzy in his ears, so he just grunted. She laughed.

"Fine, I'll get it myself," She said, voice ringing with mock annoyance. She stretched across him, reaching for her phone on the bedside table, but before she could grab it he had her pinned on her back beneath him, her surprised shriek swallowed with a searing kiss. His tongue pried her lips apart forcefully and he probed her mouth roughly, tongue as stiff as a rod. Her hands ran up his chiseled arms, lightly fingering the contours of his muscles pulled taught as he held his weight over her, and up to his shoulders.

He was able to get his hand precisely half way up her shirt before she shoved him off, tutting her disapproval. "You haven't finished your chapter yet." She said sternly, wagging her finger just inches from his face.

"What?" He asked, completely bewildered.

"No sex until you finish that chapter. That's what you said, remember?" She was taunting him, he realized.

"You're joking," He dead-panned. "You're withholding sex?"

"Hey, you're the one who made the rules, not me. This is your apartment. You're in charge." She said, scooting further down his mattress and pulling the blankets up to her chin.

"You just gave me a mind-blowing blow job - my first blow job - and now you won't have sex with me?"

"First of all, I never said I wouldn't have sex with you. You just have to finish your chapter first." She sat up enough to prop her head up on her hand, quizzical look on her face. "And when did I give you a blow job?" She asked.

"Just now!" He exclaimed, gesturing to his groin, where traces of her purple lip gloss remained to his skin, now sticky with sweat.

"I was asleep." She said seriously, though her eyes twinkled with mirth. "You were reading."

"You're infuriating." He growled.

"Be that as it may, it's really important that you finish that chapter. No sex 'til after you're done reading."

"Oh shut up." He barked. She laughed and rolled to her other side, back facing him, and for the first time he realized his book was no longer on his stomach. He peered over the side of the bed and found it laying face-down, suddenly a lot less interesting than the woman in the sheets beside him. He glanced at her figure, sensual curves just covered in his satin sheets. "I'm gonna get you back for that." He swore.

He had a plan for revenge ready to go in less than three hours. He smirked wickedly at the ceiling, his level of excitement over the idea of getting her back when she least expected it far too high to be normal.

It would nt be ready until the following night, and she would probably kill him by the time it was all said and done with, but it certainly would be fun.

He waited until she was gone for work before soaring over the city, smiling and waving to people shouting up at him below, heading for her new apartment. He'd been there once or twice already to help her haul boxes, but as they had both been so busy he had not really spent much quality time there. Luckily for him, the apartment complex was fairly new, so the ghost repellant technology it was built with was yet to be activated, meaning he could just phase right through the walls.

Once inside, he glanced around quickly for anything that might help him block the air vents. He found several empty boxes stored in a closet at the end of her hallway and he smirked, thinking to himself that it was really rather lucky he was taking them away from her before the box ghost found them and she would be forced to deal with him by herself. He tore the box into several small squares, just large enough to block the air vents, before phasing through the wall and sliding them into place. When he reappeared in the center of her apartment, it was already several degrees warmer, and he chuckled a little to himself.

He followed her home that night invisibly, watching her weave through the crowd walking down the sidewalks, silently ensuring she made it home safely without making any pit stops along the way. She paused and answered a few questions from a greasy man with a camera, but other than that the most contact she made with the other pedestrians was a polite smile and wave.

"Oh, Jesus Christ," She groaned when she threw her apartment door open. Even being invisible and several feet behind her (he did not want her to feel the cool breeze associated with his ghost form), he could feel the wall of heat come rolling out of the doorway, crashing directly into her. She shuffled in and dropped her purse and keys on the floor, gazing around the room with distaste. All of her furniture was still in plastic wrap, and Danny suddenly imagined what it would sound like if that plastic was sticking to her bare skin, peeling away slowly as she writhed and moaned.

He was already hard, erection straining against the spandex suit.

"What the actual hell." She muttered to herself, snapping him out of his steamy daydream. She was standing at her thermostat now, one hand on her hip while she fiddled with the dial. "It's set to 68 degrees. What is going on?" She whirled around and stomped back to her purse, giving Danny just enough time to glide quickly into the apartment before she slammed the door shut. She bent forward at her waist, ass thrust up into the air, and Danny almost whimpered at the thought of taking her that way, hands gripping her hips hard enough to bruise while he slammed into her repeatedly. She straightened, cell phone inches from her face, obviously scrolling through her contacts for her super.

"Uh, hey, Zack?" She said, slowly drifting further into the apartment. "Is Kyle there?" Her eyes rolled up to the ceiling when the response came. "When is he coming back?" She asked. He heard a muffled voice on the other end of the line, but as he was trying to make out what Zack was saying, Sam exhaled angrily. "No, I really need to talk to him now. Something's wrong with my air conditioner." Another pause, more muffled words, and then "Aruba? Are you kidding me? God, of course he is, that's great. Thanks Zack."

He could tell she was resisting the urge to chunk her phone across the room when she hung up. She grumbled to herself, something about incompetent supers, as she stormed right past Danny and up the hallway toward her bedroom. He followed her, glancing through the open doorway to the empty bedroom beside Sam's and the empty bedroom across the hall from Sam's, momentarily wondering what she would fill those rooms with.

He watched her change clothes from her closet, biting down hard on his tongue when she slowly stripped her shirt off and unhooked her bra. His peep show was cut short when she crammed herself into a white sports bra, but he was no less excited when he realized that the sports bra and a black thong was all she would be wearing for the remainder of the evening.

She threw herself down on her bed, spread-eagled on her back, and heaved a heavy sigh. Her legs were dangling over the foot of the bed, feet planted in the carpet, and he realized that if he was going to carry out his scheme he would have to act now.

He stole forward quickly, pausing when he reached her knees. Goosebumps raced down her skin and she sat up quickly, eyes dancing with alarm, but before she could get all the way up he had an invisible hand clamped over her mouth. He shot a small wad of ectoplasm there, muffling her scream, and immediately slid out of intangibility. The moment her eyes landed on his mischievous face, she softened, before a righteous fury washed those feelings away.

"Sh, lay down, trust me," He murmured soothingly over her angry shouts, He pushed her back slowly, a hand on her shoulder, and he took it as a good sign that she allowed him to. She fell to her back stiffly, and he knelt between her legs. With a little readjusting, he had her ass right on the edge of the bed, knees bent at ninety degree angles and spread wide, the folds of her womanhood almost completely exposed save for the small strip of fabric running over it.

He lightly grazed the area with his fingertips, grinning when he noticed she was already wet. She moaned a little at the contact. He pulled her thong away, pushing it over to hold with his left hand, and with his right he teased her entrance. Her hips came up slightly and goosebumps tore across her skin. He took the glove on his right hand between his teeth and yanked it out before slowly easing his middle finger into her opening.

He heard her gasp and sigh at the contact, and his grin suddenly took on a more evil appearance. Keeping one hand on her waist, similar to the way she'd done just the night before to him, he bent forward and kissed the skin just above her opening.

Her head jerked up, eyes wide in alarm, but he just gazed up at her innocently. "What?" He murmured as she shook her head frantically. "You don't want me to kiss you?" She stopped shaking her head, her chest heaving. "If you want me to stop, just say so."

He chose that precise moment to add his index finger and shove them as far as they could go into her slick folds. Before she was even really reacting to it, he curled his fingers up, brushing that special spot inside her. She fell backwards immediately, releasing a primal moan low in her stomach that quickly broke into a shrill shriek as he kept the curling motion going. The hand on her hip quickly moved to her thigh, keeping it spaced apart from her other as she desperately tried to close them. He could see her arms flailing, hands clenching into fists around thin air, and he just felt all the more devious for it.

Before she could get her wits about her, he knelt again and thrust his tongue inside of her, instantly finding the hardened nub of her clitoris. Her shriek grew even more shrill, something he did not think possible, her entire body squirming and writing on the bed as he circled the tip of his tongue around the little bundle of nerves. He pumped his fingers in and out of her quickly, adding a third when she seemed to adjust to two, all while continuing the steady beat of his tongue against her clitoris.

Her thighs were trembling, toes curled into the carpet, and he knew she was on the verge as her abs began to shudder. With more force than he intended, he shoved three fingers into her opening and suckled at her clitoris, almost pulling the nub into his lips as his fingertips curled upward.

She came silently, head thrown back and throat bared, a deep shade of maroon leaking from her forehead all the way down to her breasts. He sat up and watched her hungrily as she gave herself over to a violent orgasm, muscles spasming and limbs flailing. After a few prolonged moments of this, during which he lightly stroked his painfully erect member through his pants, she seemed to be released, for she fell limply against the blankets. He smirked as a few aftershocks washed through her, only moving from his rightful place between her legs when she lifted her head and stared at him through dark half-lidded eyes.

"Feel a little better?" He asked innocently, moving up to sit beside her. Her eyebrows creased and he understood what she was asking. "Yeah, I blocked your air vents. I wanted to all hot and bothered."

In contrast to the way he expected her to react (a hard punch to the gut) she simply pointed to the ectoplasm sealing her mouth shut. He removed it quickly. For a moment, she did not speak; she simply let her jaw fall slack and the tip of her tongue to run across her lips quickly.

"You blocked the vents?" She asked, voice scarcely louder than a whisper. He nodded smugly. She blinked a few times. "Did you know?"

"Did I know what?"

"That it would be cold?" She asked. All of his amusement with the situation vanished, replaced with bewilderment. "Your fingers...your tongue..." She shivered as a latent aftershock suddenly washed through. "Did you know they would be cold?"

He glanced down at his hands. "No," He confessed. "I just wanted to get you really overheated so that you would take all your clothes off. I had no idea..."

"It was the most incredible feeling I've ever felt." She said firmly, sitting up on her elbows. "We've got to do that more often."

An idea struck him, and he gazed at her slyly. "If my fingers and tongue were cold while I was in Phantom mode, do you think...?"

Her hands were already on his neck, yanking him down by the scruff of his uniform. "Let's find out," She murmured against his lips.