Renesmee POV

"Renesmee," Mary called. Mary was the person who took care of us. She fed us, cleaned us, and read us a bedtime story every night.

I'm Renesmee. I don't know my last name. Right now, I am seven years old. My parents left me when I was young. Mary understood my predicament and took me in.

"Renesmee!" Mary called.

"Coming!" I replied. I raced down the creaky wooden stairs and ran towards the kitchen, where I knew that Mary would be.

She was there, cooking a big pot of stew. "Call Kate and Tom and tell them to come down for supper."

"Kate! Tom!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Suppertime!"

I heard two pairs of feet running down the stairs.

Kate and Tom are siblings. Their parents died in a car crash. Sometimes, I wished that my parents had loved me like theirs did.

We all sat down at the table and waited for Mary to give us our food. She brought placed rolls in the middle of the table.

"No, Tom," she said when Tom tried to reach for one.

Mary gave us each three ladles of stew.

"Now you may eat."

Tom started pigging out and ate all of his food in a couple of bites. Kate nudged him, rolled her eyes, and told him to stop. I knew that she still loved him though.

I sighed. I wish that I had someone to love me through thick and thin.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Mary went to answer it.

After a while, she shouted, "Renesmee!"

I went to her side. Mary smiled at me. "They want to see you," she whispered in my ear.

I grinned. I didn't know what that meant, but Mary seemed to be happy about it.

"Renesmee," Mary said, "This is Rosalie and Emmett."

"Hi," I whispered shyly as I peeked through my bronze curls.

"She's a beaut, isn't she," the man named Emmett said.


They seemed to be waiting for me to say something. "Do you want to see my room?"

They grinned at each other. "Sure, Renesmee."

I bounded up the stairs and noticed when Mary wasn't following us.

"Mary?" I called.

"Renesmee, go up. I have to take care of the other kids."

"The other kids?" Emmett asked.

"Yeah. We have Tom and Kate, and they're brother and sister."

"Do you have any siblings?" Rosalie asked me.

I looked down. "No."

Emmett looked at Rosalie. They went off to the side and discussed something for a while.

"I'm sorry," Emmett said. Mary immediately came upstairs. Her face fell. "We just aren't ready for a kid yet."

"A kid?" I asked. "Where would they get a kid?"

Mary looked to me. "I'll explain later."

"That's okay," Mary said to the couple. She sounded a little bit disappointed. I didn't know why though. Maybe those were her relatives and Mary wanted a baby to play with.

I looked at them through my chocolate brown eyes, willing them to get a kid for Mary.

"But Em!" the girl named Rosalie whined. "She's so cute."

The boy named Emmett said, "Not today, Rosalie."

"Thanks, but no thanks," Emmett said to Mary. They left, and closed the door behind them. Mary looked exhausted.

"Come on, Renesmee. Let's go finish dinner."

I walked to the dining room and sat down. I silently finished my meal, and afterwards, went straight up to our rooms. Kate, Tom and I all share a room. It is a little chaotic at times, but it's always fun.

"Renesmee, what's wrong?" Kate asked.

"I don't know, but ever since those people left, Mary looked sad. I wonder why Mary told me to meet them."

"I don't know, Renesmee." Kate replied. She sat down on my bed. "Were they nice?"

"I'm not sure. I only saw them for a little bit." I sighed. "I think Mary wants a baby to play with."


"Mary seemed so sad when Emmett and Rosalie said that they weren't ready for a kid yet."

"Maybe Mary wants Emmett and Rosalie to buy a baby from the baby store or something like that," Kate said, her six year old mind working hard.

"Everybody knows that babies don't come from the baby store," Tom interrupted. He was eight.

"Where do they come from then?" I asked him.

"How should I know? I'm only eight!"

"We'll ask Mary tomorrow."


I turned off the lights. Kate giggled.

"What?" I asked.

"We forgot to change into our pajamas and brush our teeth!" she squealed.

I grinned at her and laughed too.

Tom just looked at us funny.

"Let's go!"

As soon as we finished brushing our teeth, we wriggled into our pajamas.

However, after tossing and turning for half an hour, I asked Kate, "Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"

"Okay!" she exclaimed.

I climbed in with her and fell asleep. She seemed to have an automatic calming effect.

That night, I dreamt of my parents. I wasn't sure if they were my real parents, but they looked nice and seemed to care for me. I couldn't see what they looked like though.

When I woke up, I started crying. Kate noticed and asked what was wrong. I told her about my dream. She smiled and said, "It's going to be okay, I just know."

I smiled a tiny bit at her words. It seemed so weird coming out of a six year olds mouth, but yet it seemed so right coming from Kate.

But I knew one thing. I was going to find my parents.