Well, Fall is upon us, and you know what that means…Halloween is coming! So, in honor of the awesomeness that is this holiday, I have decided to write drabbles about the best part—costumes! All will star Jo and a male Supernatural character shopping for costumes. They will be short! They will be silly! They will likely be flirty! I know it sounds dull, but I'll be doing my best to make it entertaining. Mainly because female costumes are so unbelievably slutty nowadays that I had to make fun of them a bit (I've worn them myself, so I'm making fun of myself here too!). Hope you all at least get a chuckle out of them! And if you like the idea, please check out the author's note at the end.

First up: Dean Winchester.

Disclaimer: Don't own, but I will be getting Supernatural: Season 5 on DVD within the next week or so! Yay!


"Slutty nurse."


"Slutty schoolgirl."


"Slutty vampire."



"Dean, I swear to God, if you use the word "slutty" one more time I'm going to clock you so hard Sam will feel it!" Jo growled, digging through the racks of costumes.

Dean thought for a moment. "Playboy bunny?" He barely dodged the fist that came flying at him. "What? I didn't say slutty."

The blonde woman glared at him. "I'm serious, Dean-o. If you want to keep that pretty face of yours you'll knock it off."

"Oh come on! Girls in sexy costumes are the best part of Halloween!" he whined.

She cocked her head. "Better than the candy?"

"Well, ok, but they're still a close second."

Jo rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Hey, what are you going as?"

Dean puffed up his chest proudly. "Woody from Toy Story." He frowned when he saw her attempt to stifle a laugh. "Hey, cowboys are awesome, and Woody's the man—er, toy."

As much as she liked the movie, Jo couldn't resist the chance to mess with the oldest Winchester. "So you're going as a doll?"

"He's not a doll!"

"Sure he's not. He's just an action figure made of cloth."

Dean paused, trying to come up with a comeback. "Shut up!"

She chuckled, then got an idea. Quickly searching through the heaps of costumes, she finally managed to find the exact one she was looking for. She grabbed the pouting Dean's wrist and dragged him over to the changing rooms.

"Wait here and tell me what you think." And with that, she disappeared behind the curtain.

A few minutes later, Jo emerged, dressed to the nines in a sexy, frilly, pink polka-dotted Bo Peep costume, complete with a matching bonnet and oversized shepherd's crook. She smiled saucily at Dean's dumbfounded stare, pulling him closer with the crook. "Well, Sheriff? Think you can help me find my sheep?"

Dean's grin was a mile wide. Now that's more like it! He wrapped his arm around her waist. "Why certainly, ma'am."

She smiled wider, tapping him playfully on the nose. "Aw, you're such a doll!"

"Oh, shut up!"


Well, I had fun with that. I've got a bunch more of these planned, all involving Jo and one other guy picking out costumes. If you want, you can send me suggestions of what guy you want to see her shopping with in later drabbles. Just put in the review which guy, a costume, and if you want, a prompt line. It can be either the guy helping her pick a costume, or vice-versa. Like I said, I've already got a few of these planned out, but if I like the suggestion I will happily use a guy twice! Let me know what you think in a review!

Next up is Sam!