I awake to sound of Sylsta banging on the door squawking at us to get moving. I forgot I never left Clove's room, and now she is curled up in my arms like a child. She looks so innocent when she sleeps. I examine her face for a while. When her eyes are closed, you can't see her eyes staring through your soul. It's kind of nice, but I love Clove because of who she is when she is awake.

Clove's eyes shoot open, and she whips her head around to face me. She looks at me with shock filling her eyes, but relaxes once she realizes who I am, and where we are. I look down at her and give her a little smile.

"Good morning Clover." I say though my grin.

"Why are you sleeping in my bed Cato?" she replies, clearly not ready to be awake. She starts to wiggle away, but I pull her right back.

"You looked cold, little one." And I pull the blanket over us to emphasize my point. She keeps struggling though.

"Will you two just get out of there already?" Sylsta asks impatiently. "Don't make me go get Brutus or Enobaria. You don't want one of them waking you up do you?" she says, sounding like a teacher threatening to call your parents. "We are nearly to the Capitol! You have to get up and get ready for your big entrance!" she chirps. She obviously can't wait to get back to the Capitol.

This does make me jump out of bed though. I have been waiting for this my whole life, and we are finally getting to the Capitol. I am finally going to get to show all of Panem what Cato Forwath is made of. I get to prove to the Gamemakers that I am the one to beat. But I really just want to be in the Arena.

Right as I am about to leave for my own room so I can shower and change, I remember the events that took place yesterday in the train car.

"Clove, how are you doing? You know, after your little encounter with Enobaria. You got knocked out, so are you ok?" I ask, suddenly sounding like a mom.

"I'm fine!" she snaps, and I swear I could see venom spewing from her mouth. Someone's wearing their sassy pants today.

"Alright, alright." I say, holding my hands up in surrender.

I walk out of Clove's room, and cross the hallway to mine. As I walk in, I realize that this is the first time and have even been in my room. It might even be the last time, since we're going to be arriving at the Capitol soon.

The rooms here are huge… well as huge as a room can be in a train. But the walls are painted a very deep shade of teal, and the carpet is white and incredibly soft. The beds are on lifted pedestals that are about 2 feet tall. Instead of a few big lights, there are about twenty five very small lights spread evenly around the ceiling.

I make my way to the bathroom, and find that the style of it is dramatically different from the bedroom area. Instead of a deep shade of teal on the walls, there is a blinding white and silver pattern on the walls. The sink and shower are both silver. I decide on taking a quick shower before breakfast.

I take off my dirty clothes and throw them carelessly onto the cold, tile floor. I reach into the shower and turn the water on. I let it run for a while before getting in. I regret it as I step in, the water is scolding hot. It immediately turns my feet a bright shade of pink.

Standing in the hot water, I start to think over what I will be doing over the next few days before the Games. Tomorrow night is the Tribute Parade, and then we start training. A vicious grin spreads across my face as I wonder how pathetic the other tributes will be compared to me and Clove. I keep thinking over all of this while I get out of the shower, and dry off.

Wrapping a new towel around my waist, I walk over to the dresser that looks like it's made of mahogany. I open one of the drawers and try to find something normal to wear. I dig around and finally find a plain blue v-neck. I slide it over my head, and out on a pair of fitted gray pants I found in another drawer.

After getting dressed, I walk out of my room and start towards the dining car. It's not a long walk, since the dining car is only two away from our rooms. I pass through the main car, and remember the incident that took place yesterday. Anger boils underneath the skin all over my body. I know I will have to face Enobaria in just a few moments, and I am not prepared for what might happen if I get too pissed at that bitch.

I reach the door, and peek through the window. Sylsta, Brutus, Enobaria, and Clove are all there. Great I'm last. I open the door, and walk into what seems to be a conversation between Brutus and Enobaria about the most fun ways to kill people. This doesn't surprise me one bit. Not even a little bit.

"Look at this, it's little Clove's big hero." Enobaria coos, as she leans forward onto the table to rest her head on her fist. "Don't worry big guy, I won't be attacking your girlfriend anymore… as long as she keeps her claws off me." Enobaria speaks as if she is talking to a small child.

"I'm right here, so don't start talking about me like I'm not!" Clove exclaims. She hates when people talk to me about her… especially if she can hear them.

"She would've never attacked you if you never rigg—" I start to yell.

"Can we all just shut up and eat?" Brutus exclaims, slamming his hands down on the table." I really don't want to have to tell the Gamemakers that I lost both my tributes and a trainer, because they killed each other on the train." He says with a very annoyed tone to his voice.

"Whatever." I mumble, and I walk over to the chair next to Clove. I sit down and an avox brings me a plate so full of food, it makes me less hungry just looking at it. But, of course I still dive into the mountain of deliciousness.

"My goodness, you eat like a pig!" says a seemingly shocked, and offended Sylsta Whimsey.

"Oh I'm sorry," I begin with my mouth still stuffed with food, "would you like me to eat one potato chunk at a time, so you all have to watch me eat for a year?" I say, dropping my fork onto my plate, makes a loud clank causing everyone to go silent and stare at me.

"Well, it's just very obnoxious and unpleasant to witness Cato." She says my name in an elongated voice that implies she is my superior.

"Cato, don't say anything. I need the escort too. Sort of." Says Brutus, his comment makes Sylsta look very offended. But she shuts up, and so do I.

I finish eating in few minutes, still devouring my food just to annoy Sylsta. She shoots me glares every once and a while. I stand up and an avox takes my plate right away. I start walking towards my room again, beginning to get anxious to get out o this train. It may be big, but there's only so much time I can spend trapped in a small area with no weapons.

I quickly notice Clove is following me, but she hasn't said anything so she must not want to talk to me. I decide not to acknowledge her until we reach our rooms.

"Clove, was it just me, or did you want to gouge Sylsta's eyes out too?" I say as I turn to face her. Her eyes fill with pleasure at that thought and a smile emerges onto her face.

"Oh, it was most definitely not just you Cato. Except I was thinking more of a tongue-cutting thing." She spits through her smirk.

I let out a laugh, "Can you imagine Sylsta as an avox?" we laugh together this time. We are both taking great pleasure in the thought of cutting out Sylsta's tongue, and finally shutting her up.

"Would you like to come into my room with me?" I ask jokingly, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"Is that an invitation Cato?" she jokes back.

I laugh at this and pull her close to me, and just as our lips are about to touch, I whisper to her. "I think it is Clover." And our lips meet. Every single one of our kisses has the same amount of fire and passion. There is never a bad kiss with me and Clove.

But Enobaria rudely interrupts us as she purrs: "Don't get to cozy, Lovebirds. We have finally arrived at the Capitol."

