Hey all. This is my very first fanfiction, so I'm still not quite sure how everything works. Writing criticism is accepted, because I know I'm not very good, and I need to improve. Although if you're going to tell me what I did wrong, at least tell me how to fix it.

This first chapter is sorta Kataang I guess you would say, not much Toph. I basically needed to explain how Aang crossed over, and put a few things in perspective. This is set after the Hundred Year's War, and it follows a bit of The Promise, but not exactly.

If you could give me pointers on how to do things with publishing, let me know, I'd appreciate it. Thanks :)

DISCLAIMER - I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, and give all rights to the amazing people who do.

Aang would never forget the first time he'd travelled into the spirit world with someone.

The Gaang had taken a short vacation to Ember Island, in a hopeful attempt to get away from their duties in the real world. Zuko was stressed, having taken on a boatload of responsibilities as new Firelord. Toph had been training her students hard at her new metalbending school. Sokka was visiting Suki at Kyoshi Island. Aang and Katara had been travelling the world, doing their best to restore balance back to the chaos Firelord Ozai had created.

The seven of them – including Mai – had miraculously managed to get three days off from their busy lives, and had travelled to the one place where they could forget all of their troubles – Ember Island.

It had been their last day on vacation. The next day they would go back to the world of people, responsibility, work, etc. Everyone else was packing up to go, but Aang was relaxing on the beach with Katara.

They were sitting in the shore, the two of them coated with sand from a long day at the beach. The sun was going down. The waves sloshed against the shore. Aang sat next to Katara, holding her hand, listening to the stillness.

"I don't ever want to leave," Katara said, as her hair loops pushed back by the gentle breeze.

Aang held onto her hand tighter. It was still difficult to believe that they were dating now, after all they had went through, they were finally together.

"The sky looks amazing," Aang replied, smiling at the sunset. He thought about taking his glider and flying her up in the sky, but he didn't want to lose the moment.

"I feel…so…relaxed."

As she said those words, Aang's eyes closed. Without even realizing it, he was meditating. It was hard for him to meditate without his legs crossed and hands together, but with Katara by his side, he could do it subconsciously.

Little did he know, he had slipped into the Avatar State. He didn't know that he had crossed over into the spirit world. Only later would he discover that his eyes and airbender tattoos had begun to glow. Only later would he realize that Katara's eyes had glowed too, as she slipped into the spirit world with him, too.

He still heard the waves of the beach. He still felt Katara's hand next to him. But the atmosphere had changed. He couldn't feel the sunset. When Aang opened his eyes, he was surprised to not be at Ember Island, but in the spirit world.

He was even more surprised to find Katara there with him.

"Where are we?" she asked, suddenly getting to her feet. "What happened?"

Aang gasped. "We're in the spirit world."

He threw his hand out in an attempt to send a blast of air, but nothing happened.

"No bending?" Katara asked.


Katara began to panic. "How did this happen? Is this even possible? Get us out of here!"

Aang scowled and looked around him. "I don't see our bodies. Usually when I'm in the spirit world, I'm on a mission. Now we're just…here."

"But…where is here, exactly?"

They were standing on a circular platform, surrounded by water and jungle trees. It looked like the swamp they had landed in a few years back, just before they'd found Toph. Animals were creaking. A blue spirit rushed by, zipping by them at flashing speed.

Katara grabbed his arm. "I'm scared," she said. "This place is creepy. How did we get here? How do we get out of here?"

Aang thought for a moment. "I'm…not sure. We were on the beach; just relaxing…I guess I slipped into the Avatar State. And since you were touching me…"

"I travelled with you?" Katara asked. "That doesn't make sense. I thought only the Avatar could go into the spirit world."

"Well, the Avatar is the bridge between the mortal world and the spirit world. I guess…I guess I brought you here, since I'm a bridge." Aang laughed at the thought.

Katara couldn't help but smile. "Well, how do we get out of here?"

"Not quite sure…" Aang did a small smile. "But we could… Oh, never mind."



"What is it?"

Aang blushed. "Well, we're alone, you know. For the first time in weeks. We could…hang out. We don't have to go back just yet. Just for a little while."

Katara couldn't help but smile. "As you wish, oh Mystical Great Bridge."

The two of them explored the spirit world together, talking, laughing, just like old times. Aang introduced her to Habi and the other spirits he'd met on the way. He tried to find Roku, but for some reason his past life wasn't around. As they explored, they talked. About each other, as well as the future. Things they hadn't had time to discuss, because they'd never been alone.

It was probably two hours later when they returned to the platform, finding their bodies, just like they'd left them.

"How do we do this?" Katara asked. "Just step in?"

"You'd better hold my hand," Aang suggested. "Just in case."

They slipped back into their bodies, waking up in the mortal world, back on the beach. Sokka, Toph, Suki, Zuko, and Mai stood in front of them, looking surprised and concerned.

"You're back!" Sokka cried, yanking his sister off the ground and hugging her. "You scared me half to death!"

"Eugh. Stop, it Sokka! You're smothering me."

Katara released herself from her brother's grasp and helped Aang up.

Zuko analyzed the two of them with his amber eyes, hiding underneath his dark shag of hair. "What happened?" he demanded. "You two were missing for five hours. When we came to the beach…"

"Aang was in the Avatar State," Suki finished for him. "Katara, your eyes were glowing too."

"They were?" Katara asked, surprised.

"We couldn't wake you," Sokka explained, giving Aang a suspicious look. "No matter what we tried."

"It was kind of nice," Toph put in. "Not listening to Twinkle Toes and Sugar Queen sweet talk all over each other. Finally some freaking silence. Next time take Sokka with you."

Mai did a chuckle, the most emotion they'd had from her in weeks.

Sokka scowled. "I had had no idea what happened, I thought you two had died or something."

"We're okay," Aang said, dusting the sand off himself.

Zuko gave Aang a suspicious look. "What did happen?" the Firelord asked.

Aang and Katara retold their story, how Aang had somehow gone into the spirit world, and taken Katara with him. They retold the part of them spending time together, and twisted it into them exploring and trying to find their bodies, which wasn't a complete lie.

"So you can spirit travel with someone?" Zuko asked, surprised. "That's new. I've been reading over my grandfather's history, Avatar Roku. I've been trying to find out some information about bringing balance to the four nations, and some of his wisdom has helped."

Zuko pulled back his hair over his scar. "He's also mentioned some things about being the Avatar, and the spirit world. You should read it over. He never mentioned anything about taking someone with him, though… I guess he never tried."

Aang shrugged. "Well, I have no idea how I did it. I guess we were both just so relaxed, and since we were touching each other, we both slipped in together."

"No matter," Sokka said, swiping his hand across the air. "We're on a schedule, and we're already behind having to look for you two. We should pack up our things on Appa and leave."

Everyone else nodded in agreement, and Team Avatar dispersed, all heading to get their things. Aang and Katara waited before leaving. They stared out at the sea together, in mutual silence.

"That was nice," Katara said, slipping her hand in his. "I wouldn't mind doing it again."

Aang squeezed her hand tightly. "I think we've just found our new way of getting some alone time."

The two of them trailed back to retrieve their things, packing up to head home.