A/N Please make note I do not own the Harry Potter story. I am like all of you a big fan. I always found myself asking several questions. So I thought I'd write my own stroy that would answer those questions for myself. Please enjoy my story and let me know what you think. All comments are welcome.

I hope you all enjoy this first chapter may be a little happy in mood but trust me as the story gose on it gets much better.

Chapter 1 Return of the Phoenix

Harry's eyes fluttered open to the sight of all of his friends and teachers, who were all looking down at him with tears in their eyes. He stood up slowly and he was rushed by Ron and Hermione, who both hugged him tightly. "Harry, you're alive," they screamed.

"Yeah, I'm alive, and Voldemort is finally gone hopefully for good this time," Harry said as he looked over the destruction that surrounded them. They walked to the middle of the bridge that crossed the deepest part of the black lake. Harry stopped and pulled the Elder wand out of his tattered robes. "This wand should be put somewhere no one will find it and use it for evil purposes ever again," he said as he snapped the wand in half and threw it into the middle of the black lake.

He stood there for a long moment thinking about where he was going to live now that the Dursleys were horribly afraid of him. He continued to stare out into space when something about the black lake caught his attention. "Ron, Hermione! What do you think that is," he asked as he pointed towards where he had thrown the pieces of the elder wand?

They looked in the direction that Harry was pointing to see what had gotten Harry's attention. The spot where Harry had thrown the pieces of the wand was boiling hard like a cauldron in the now dead, professor Snape's potions class. Everyone in Hogwarts came running to where the three were standing, and pointed their wands at the place where the water was boiling. Professor McGonagall pushed Harry out of the way and stood between him and the boiling thing, which was now moving slowly toward the bridge.

As they all watched the boiling became fiercer, and got bigger. It seemed like there was something rising out of the bubbling and boiling water. Then all of a sudden there was a blinding light, and when they all opened their eyes they found that the water in the lake was no longer boiling. They all gasped in shock and amazement at the sight before them.

Standing on the now calm surface of the black lake was a beautiful unicorn with a long flowing mane and tail. Its horn looked strangely like the elder wand. They all backed up as the unicorn walked across the water and jumped up onto the bridge to stand in front of them. Somewhere in Harry's mind he heard a soft somewhat familiar voice calling his name.

"Harry Potter, I knew this day would come," said the voice in his head. "Have no fear child for you are my nephew. My little brother was James Potter, your father," said the voice. "A spell has been cast on the amulet around my neck Harry. Only a blood relative can remove the amulet. Please come and remove it," asked the voice pleadingly?

Harry slowly walked past the others who were still standing there as if all of them were in a trance. The unicorn lowered its head and nuzzled Harry's hand affectionately. He walked around to the unicorns shoulder and unfastened the clasp that held the amulet in place. Then stood back and let the amulet fall to the ground at the unicorn's feet.

Before anyone could move there was another bright flash of light. When they opened their eyes again there was a beautiful woman standing where the unicorn had been. She had extremely pail skin, long flowing white hair which fell to the floor, and soft grey eyes which were filled with kindness, and love for those around her. She wore a white floor length dress with gold trim, and a long white cape with gold trim flowing down from her shoulders

Everyone bowed with respect for the woman who stood before them. Well, everyone except for Harry, who was in shock over the reaction of his teachers and the other students. Hermione tugged at his sleeve and whispered under her breath. "Harry, don't just stand there, bow to the queen before she gets angry."

Before Harry could move the woman put her hand tenderly on his shoulder and smiled at him. "Thank you for saving us all Harry. There is no need for a member of my family to ever bow to me. Furthermore I thank you for your respect but you can all stop now," she said as she waited until the people around her where standing at their proper heights. Looking around at the faces looking back at her, she smiled again.

"For those of you, who do not know me, please allow me to introduce myself," said the woman softly. "I am the Golden Phoenix, Queen of the wizarding world, Esrelda Oraura Snape," she said with a slight nod of her head. The younger ones in the crowd of people gasped in shock. They couldn't imagine this beautiful woman being married to Professor Severus Snape. The adults in the crowd exchanged knowing glances to one another.

"Aside from being your queen, I happen to be Harry Potter's Aunt," she announced. "I must beg you all to forgive me for I am the cause of all of your pain and suffering through these years. I can explain everything but first there are several things that I must make right in our world. I promise you that once I have made all right again, you shall all have the whole story. Once Hogwarts has been repaired meet me and the others in the great hall," she said as she withdrew the elder wand from her sleeve.

They jumped back in horror as queen Esrelda burst into flames and floated up into the air. Before their eyes she transformed herself into a phoenix. Then they shielded their eyes as there was another blinding light which started from the phoenix and radiated outward like ripples on a pond of water. They all watched in amazement as brick by brick Hogwarts began to rebuild its self.

Once the bricks had stopped moving and Hogwarts looked like its normal self again. They all felt a slight tingling sensation as what seemed like rain drops fell from the fiery bird in the sky that they now knew was the most powerful witch in the world. Their wounds healed when they got hit by the drops. Than there robes mended themselves as if they had never been through a battle at all.

When this was finished the golden phoenix disappeared. They all rushed into the great hall and were shocked to discover that all of the witches and wizards who had lost their lives during the time that Voldemort had reigned where very much alive and well. Neville Longbottom seeing his parents ran into their arms. They hugged each other with tears of joy streaming down their faces.

As Harry stood among the other students looking around in amazement at all of the faces of the ones that he personally knew who had lost their lives his eyes stopped and rested at the front of the great hall where the teachers and the headmaster usually sat. In the center stood the woman he now knew as his aunt Esrelda, beside her to the left stood a very happy looking professor Severus Snape, with his arm around her tiny waist.

Next to professor Snape, was the headmaster professor Albus Dumbledore On the right side of his aunt stood his parents, Sirius Black, and Allister "Mad-Eye" Moody. His snowy white owl Hedwig sat perched on his aunt's shoulder. Esrelda gave the owl a gentle pat. Then Hedwig ruffled her feathers and flew to land on Harry's shoulder.

Harry walked up to where they all stood and wrapped his arms around his parents for the first time in his life. Tears flowed from the eyes of all involved. After what seemed like a long time Harry turned to his aunt with a confused look on his face. "Aunt Esrelda, how is this possible? They died when I was a baby, and I was there when many of the people in this room where killed," he said as he gestured to the people in the room

"Professor Dumbledore, you told me that there wasn't a spell in existence that could bring someone back from the dead. How is this all possible," asked Harry as he turned to the headmaster? Albus Dumbledore looked toward Queen Esrelda for her approval, than spoke.

"Yes, Harry I did say that there wasn't a spell that could bring someone back to life. However there is one in our world who can," he said as he gestured toward Esrelda.

Esrelda gazed lovingly into her nephew's eyes before she spoke. "I shall explain all in good time, I promise but first there is still some unfinished business that must be attended to. Please make yourselves comfortable," she said as she gestured to the many seats.

Once everyone had taken their seats she sat in the throne behind her. "Bring forth the accused ones," she said with a cold look in her grey eyes. At her command the members of the Order of the Phoenix all left the room. James put a hand on Harry's shoulder and told him to stay with his aunt and uncle.

When they returned to the room they were accompanied by the witches and wizards who had followed the orders of Lord Voldemort. They all looked very afraid when they were led into the room. Esrelda sat back in her throne and gazed at them through emotionless eyes.

"Albus, would you be so kind as to read the charges of the accused," asked Esrelda coolly? Professor Dumbledore stepped up to the podium and opened a scroll that had the charges listed on it.

"You are all accused of being death eaters. You have murdered many of your own kind. You have murdered many muggles, and exposed the truth about our world to the muggle world. Lastly you are all accused of high treason for turning against your true ruler, her majesty the golden phoenix queen Esrelda," he announced with cold blue eyes peering out through his glasses. After he read the charges he stepped back and waited for a response.

It was deadly silent in the room, not a word was said for what seemed like a long time. Then Esrelda rose from her throne and looked over the accused offenders. "Have none of you anything to say for yourselves, "she asked as she waited patiently for their reply? There was no reply from the witches and wizards who stood before the queen. She didn't need them to speak, because she already had read their minds.

"I am not like Voldemort; I am a forgiving and lenient person. I have seen what is in your hearts, and can tell you that some of you have for one reason or another have found favor in my eyes. If I call your name you may approach, and I will clan's you of the evil that takes control of you even now. If I do not call your name you will be punished for your crimes against muggle and wizard kind. The punishment I can assure you will be most harsh," she said as she looked out into the crowd of death eaters.

"Draco Malfoy, please step forward child," said Queen Esrelda softly. "You are being spared because you despite the orders of Voldemort refused to kill another living being. You were mean towards your fellow students but you are really not as bad as you seem. It is for this reason that I have chosen to spare your life. Please step forward and raise the sleeve of the arm which has the dark mark on it," she said as she walked a little closer to Draco. Draco swallowed the saliva that collected in his mouth and did as he was told.

Esrelda placed her hand tenderly over the dark mark and closed her eyes. "You may feel a bit hot, do not pull away until I release your arm," she ordered. Queen Esrelda removed her hand after about three minutes. Draco looked at his arm in disbelief when she removed her hand. "Go and sit down please your parents will join you soon," said the soft voice of the queen in his head. Draco walked over to a set of empty seats and sat down.

Queen Esrelda then called up Draco's parents together. "Narcissa Malfoy and Lucius Malfoy step forward please." The Malfoy's stepped forward and bowed low. Neither one of them dared to look into the grey eyes of the queen for fear of what she would say to them. Esrelda placed her hands softly on the Malfoy's chins and made them look up at her. Then they both heard the soft voice of the queen in their heads.

"You are being spared because you Narcissa lied to Voldemort when you told him that my beloved nephew was dead. You kept on believing in me even when it seemed like I would never return. You Lucius are being spared because when you under Voldemort's command put the amulet around my neck whispered to me that you were sorry and that if not for fear of what Voldemort would do to your family you would never have defied me. You also whispered the secret to break the spell that was on the amulet. For that, I thank you," said Esrelda softly.

The Malfoy's rose to their feet and raised the sleeves that hid the dark mark. Esrelda placed her hands on each mark and held them there for a few minutes. When she removed her hands and the Malfoy's saw that the dark marks where gone they bowed again and went to join their son in the two remaining seats.

Lastly Esrelda called Igor Karkaroff and removed the dark mark from his arm as well. Then she turned to the remainder of the death eaters and other followers of Voldemort and her eyes hardened again. "The few people that I have cleansed of the dark mark have all proven to me in some way form or fashion that they deserve my leniency. You that remain have done nothing good to warrant my mercy. Therefore you will all face your punishment. Considering that many of you have broken out of Azkaban prison because of the dementor's revolt. I have decided that there is only one way to deal with you," said Queen Esrelda as she glared at the remaining followers of Voldemort.

Queen Esrelda raised her closed fist out in front of her and opened her hand to reveal what looked like a crystal ball. There was a flash of light and the witches, wizards, and other beings that followed Voldemort disappeared, and the crystal ball which was once clear was now black like a piece of onyx stone.

"Let it be known to all, from this day on, any witch or wizard who breaks our laws and refuses to stay in the confines of Azkaban prison will face the same fate as these traitors," she said sternly. They all watched as the black crystal disappeared just as fast as it had appeared. "Now that the unpleasantness is done and over with it is time for the wizarding world to rejoice, Sang out Queen Esrelda to the roar of applause.

A/N Thanks for reading. Please review and let me know what you think. Chapter 2 Explinations are in Order is next.