A/N This is the last chapter I hope you enjoy my story. :)

Chapter 6 Summer With the Snapes

Headmaster Dumbledore stood behind the podium to make the end of year announcements. "For the first time in Hogwarts history, I am sad to say that the only thing that can be awarded this year is the house cup. Also please note that because of the war, you will all have to repeat your current years. For those of you who are confused, this means that it doesn't matter if you are a first year or a seventh year. Next school term you will be in the same year that you were in. The only difference is that you the returning first years will proceed directly to your house tables. There is no need to be resorted. Miss Granger, your family's memories have been returned to them you will return to them for the summer. The Weasley family home has been repaired so there is no reason to worry about where you are going to live. Now let the end of term feast begin, and may you all have wonderful summers," said the headmaster as he looked out onto the crowd of students.

Harry promised to write to his friends over the summer then ran to join his family at the apparition point. James and Lilly hugged their son warmly then apperated to a white gleaming castle twice the size of Hogwarts. "Welcome to Phoenix castle, our family has lived here for generations, "announced James proudly. Harry looked around in amazement as he followed his parents around the castle. "Over there is our quidditch field, we can play together anytime you'd like son. Over on the other side is the royal creatures stables. Your aunt has a passion for creatures. Don't get too close to that dome looking building unless you want to be killed by the most deadly dragons ever known to wizarding kind. Your aunt and few others are able to control them," said James as he shivered at the thought of Harry ever going near the most dangerous of his sisters pets. As they continued to walk through the massive castle Harry started to feel like he was finally at home.

The next day Harry was exploring on his own when he ran head long into his uncle Severus. "Perhaps your parents should have your vision checked Potter," he said with a smirk on his face. "The dungeons are off limits unless you wish me to tooter you in the art of potions brewing, said Severus with an arched eyebrow at his nephew. Harry thought for a moment before he answered the grouchy looking man. "Now if you excuse me I have to get some ingredients from the green house," said Severus as he quickly walked away from the stunned boy. Harry watched as his uncle's robes billowed around a corner.

He glanced into a large atrium to find his aunt Esrelda reading under the shade of a cherry tree. As he approached the sweet scent of cherry blossoms surrounded him. She did not look up, but told him to come and sit with her if he liked. "Aunt Esrelda, I was thinking that being since I will have to complete my seventh year during next term that perhaps it would be a good idea if I was able to study now," said Harry as he looked around him distractedly. Esrelda looked up from her parchments and smiled.

"Harry I am quite sure that you will do fine in your N.E.W.T's next term, but a bit of tutoring is always a good idea. Would you like me to help you," she offered?

"I think uncle Severus will help me prepare for N.E.W.T level potions. Mum said that she will help me with transfiguration, and dad will help me with charms. I was wondering if you could help me with herb ology, and care of magical creatures," asked Harry hopefully?

"I think that can be arraigned," said Esrelda as she glanced around the atrium before smiling at her nephew.

Harry enjoyed his summer lessons; however his uncle Snape did not make it easy on him. "I expect excellence from you here Potter. If you wish to pass your N.E.W.T. level potions class next year you have to be prepared. I will not tolerate any foolishness," said Severus as he tousled Harry's already messy hair affectionately.

"I understand Professor said Harry as he opened his advanced potions textbook. Severus looked down at old potions textbook in Harry's hand and gently took it from him.

"First off Harry, when we are not at Hogwarts you can call me, Uncle Severus. Second off I would like to give you a gift. This outdated version of potions textbook will not help you or anyone else for that matter. I have taken the liberty of having the errors in the potions textbook corrected. I want you to have the first copy of the corrected book. If you are ever going to be able to brew properly you will need correct instruction," said Severus as he handed Harry a brand new copy of the potions textbook with a genuine smile on his normally stern face.

Harry took the book and flipped through it. He noticed a few differences. "Now if you are ready Harry, I am going to give you a much needed head start on your N.E.W.T. level assignment for next year. Make sure you pay attention to your book and if you have any questions that refer to potions brewing I will be here. Your N.E.W.T. level potions assignment is to invent your own potion. You will also have to turn in a parchment no less than twenty inches in length discussing your potion, what it is meant to do, your findings and research, and test results. Do you have any questions for me," asked Severus as he took a seat at the work table across from Harry with a satisfied smile on his face?

"No uncle Severus," Harry said as he opened his book to the index.

Harry Spent almost his entire summer working on and researching the ingredients of his potion. Just when he thought his summer wasn't going to get very interesting, he awoke to the sound of an explosion. It sounded like it came from outside his window. He ran to his window to see what was going on. "Damn you James, are you trying to kill me," yelled Severus as he ran across the court yard of the castle? He watched in amazement as his father and uncle both ran from the dome shaped building which housed the dragons. A large ominous looking black dragon was quite literally in hot pursuit of the two wizards. It flew close behind them roaring and breathing hot evil looking purple fire. He laughed as his father jumped into a fountain to avoid being burned by the purple flame.

His uncle Severus was the next to jump into the fountain narrowly missing his father's head as he jumped. "Damn it James you got us into this what are you going to do about that dragon," screamed Severus as he ducked the dragons sharp claws.

"I've never worked with dragons, I didn't think-"

"Yeah you didn't think, and that's the problem," barked Severus cutting James off in mid sentence.

The angry black dragon circled the two wizards and landed on the very top of the fountain snapping it's massive jaws at them. Harry ran down stairs and was stopped by his mother's protective hand.

"You're not going out there Harry, it's too dangerous," she said with a terrified tone in her voice.

"Mum I can help them. I went up against a Hungarian Horn tail in my fourth year," said Harry as he attempted to get passed her and out into the court yard.

" No Harry, I won't let you go out there. That is a night fury. They are very rare, and very deadly," said his mother as she watched thee two wizards helplessly from the door.

"So we're just going to stand here while it eats dad and uncle Severus," countered Harry angrily?

"I'll keep them safe run and find your aunt, she's the only one who can get the dragon back under control," ordered his mother as she pushed him back inside the castle doors.

Harry ran through the castle screaming his aunts name. She came out of the dungeons with a puzzled look on her face. "Harry, have you seen your uncle? Why are you screaming my name? Is something wrong," she asked as she took ahold of his shoulders and steadied him as he swayed on his feet? She gazed into his eyes as he gasped for air and saw exactly what was going on through his memories and thoughts. "Merlin's Beard, how did my night fury get out," she asked in a panicked tone? Before Harry could utter a single word she burst into flame and seamed to vanish into thin air. Harry ran back to the front door of the castle and arrived just in time to see the golden flame that was his aunt encircling the fierce dragon.

The flame stopped moving and slowly went out. Esrelda stood in the court yard with her hands on her hips. "Ok, you two, which one of you let shadow hunter out of his enclosure," she asked the two cowering men in the fountain angrily? Severus pointed at James and ducked the dragons snapping jaws. "James you know how dangerous dragons are. What were you thinking," asked Esrelda as she shook her head?

"He wasn't thinking Esrelda. He's trying to get us both killed. He's been poking at that dragon all morning pissing it off," said Severus as he ducked again taking in a mouth full of water as he spoke.

"James, I should let Shadow hunter roast you, however I don't think my dear sister-in-law would ever forgive me if I did. Consider yourself lucky that I was home and not away at a meeting," she said as she stretched a hand out in front of her.

She opened her right hand to reveal a ball of purple flame. The dragon seemed to calm down. It's eyes never left the ball of flame in her hand. She through the purple fire ball up into the air and the dragon leapt for it, and landed in front of her chewing on something. Esrelda reached out one hand and stroked the dragon between its large yellow eyes. "Come now Shadow Hunter, they aren't very tasty. If you go back to your enclosure I will give you a special treat for being such a loyal friend," she said sweetly to the dragon. The dragon turned and followed its mistress back to the dragon shelter. After the dragon was safely back into his enclosure Esrelda turned and glared back at her brother. "You could have been killed, worse you could have killed my husband whom has yet to be told the glorious news," she said as she angrily crossed her arms over her chest.

Severus got out of the fountain and cast drying charms on his soggy wet robes and hair. James was just about to get out of the fountain when Severus asked the all-important question. "What glorious news do I not know about darling?" Esrelda smiled at James and Severus.

"Well gentlemen, it may interest you to know that I am with child," she said happily. On hearing this James slipped and fell back into the fountain. Severus rushed forward and wrapped his wife in a tender embrace.

"Esrelda are you certain about this," asked Severus not attempting to hide his joy from the onlookers?

"Yes, Severus I am about two months along. I can't get any more certain than this. Lilly did James react like that when you told him about your pregnancy with Harry," asked Esrelda as she pointed at her brother whom was coughing and spluttering in the fountain? Lilly laughed and shook her head.

"No Esrelda he was worse. He fell off of Sirius Black's Muggle motorbike," said Lilly as she helped her stunned husband from the fountain and dried him off. Esrelda laughed and allowed Severus to lead her back inside the castle.

Later that night at dinner Harry was at the dinner table reading over his notes that he had taken over the summer for his N.E.W.T. level potions exams. Severus peeked over his shoulder to see what Harry was so engrossed in that he was neglecting his evening meal. "You have some very detailed notes there Harry; however your meal is getting cold. There's one more week of summer left and I've not seen you out on the quidditch field with your father since the start of summer break. Take some time to enjoy yourself before start of term," said Severus as he reached for his goblet of wine.

"Um, Uncle Severus, I never knew you could be so caring about others. For years I took you as a mean, and hard hearted man. I wish to apologize for that. I also want to thank you for everything that you did for me. If not for you, I would have been killed by Voldemort for sure," said Harry as he stabbed his fork into his steak and took a bite out of it.

"Don't mention it Harry, that's what family dose for one another. I hope you do well in your classes next term and I will look forward to attending your graduation," said Severus as he patted Esrelda on the hand.

A week later Harry boarded the Hogwarts Express and waved to his family. He knew that the rest of his life was going to be a truly wonderful thing. Voldemort was gone forever, and the wizarding world was once again at peace. His uncle Professor Severus Snape was a new man. He still was a bit hard on his students because he expected great things from them, but all in all He and Harry got along much better. In March of that year Esrelda gave birth to a daughter which she named Eileen Angela Snape in honor of Severus's mother.

~The End~

A/N I hope that you enjoyed my first story. If you have any comments questions or suggestions please let me know. I enjoyed writting this story and am now working on my second story starring Severus Snape. Thanks for reading! Please leave a review.