Three's A Company: Which Doctor is it Anyway

Summary: Rose, a constant companion, a normal day inside the TARDIS, no running or anything evil or world ending scenarios, and 3 Doctors, wait...WHAT?! Featuring: Rose Tyler, 11th Doctor, 10th Doctor and 9th Doctor. Rose/10, Rose/9, Rose/11


Grumbling, Rose walked around the TARDIS. She couldn't sleep tonight, a restless night so she gave up and got up instead and went to the kitchen inside the TARDIS. Drinking the glass of water, she looked around, hoping to see Doctor. Seeing as he didn't sleep, she was hoping to see him and perhaps even talk as she was sleepless but strangely enough, today he wasn't tinkering with TARDIS.

She was about to call out her Doctor when she heard a whirring noise. Confused and alert, she turned around and her jaw fell when she saw who was in front of her. Oh it was a Doctor, not not the one she currently had. Her sight met leather jacket, big ears, cropped hair-cut, vibrant blue eyes and dominating nose. He was her first Doctor, the one who first took her in adventure but before his regeneration obviously. Her eyes went wide and she stared at him, jaw practically on the floor. How he get here? Where was her current Doctor, with spiky hair and pinstip suit?

"Rose! Uh, I have never seen those pyjamas before, and what have you done to your hair?!" asked the 9th incarnation of Doctor staring at Rose, eyes filled with confusion but he was covering it up with teasing

Rose touched her current, brunette hair. She had colored it back her natural color a week ago. Her Doctor had been surprised to see her gold, blonde hair gone but according to him she suited this hair more.

"Are you okay, Rose?" he asked, worry in his voice

Rose swallowed her panic and shut her jaw

"Uh...Doctor!" shouted Rose, calling her present Doctor, hoping he might come

This confused the 9th Doctor

"I'm right here" he said

Rose groaned in frustration and was about to reply when suddenly she heard another whirring noise and a zap. Both Rose and Past Doctor turned their heads to left side and their eyes met the sight of another stranger. He seemed to be sporting a suit, appeared to be in his 20's, had brown hair and seemed to be wearing a bowtie.

Rose's eyebrow rose as she noticed another stranger. What the hell was going on?

"Okay, who is he?" asked 9th Doctor pointing at the young, new comer.

The new one looked at the past Doctor, looked surprised.

"God knows, because I sure don't!" said Rose observing the new one.

Hearing her voice, the new one whipped his head and looked at her, disbelieve in his eyes and shock in it as well. He gasped looking at her, as if he was looking at a ghost.

"Rose..." he whispered, heart broken at seeing her

9th Doctor raised his eyebrow looking at Rose as the new one seemed to know her.

"What? I don't!" said Rose looking at 9th but then looked at the new one instead. She observed the new comer, although he looked completely different, it was his eyes that seemed familiar to her. His eyes held the same pain, haunted look her Doctor and the past one held, but his one seemed even more haunted, if that was even possible. Her eyes then went wide as she finally understood who the new one was.

"I don't believe it" she whispered

Just then, loud footsteps were heard and a loud voice spoke up from behind her.

"Blimey, that took a while. Rose, you will love this planet where I will take you!" shouted the present, 10th Doctor as he ran up to Rose and stood beside her but then took in his audience, that Rose wasn't the only one inside the TARDIS. He saw his last incarnation, with same leather jacket and standing beside his past incarnation, was another young chap with a bowtie.

"Okay, who the bloody hell is that!" shouted 9th Doctor

10th Doctor's mouth went dry, as did 11th.

All this appeared to be too much for Rose because just then she fainted. When she started to fall, all three Doctor's were worried and reached for her, but 10th, being the closest caught her and readjusted her so he was carrying her as bridal style.

"Look nancy boy, I don't know who you are but let her go!" said 9th Doctor worried, looking at the stranger, whereas 11th wasn't making any fuse knowing.

10th sighed, exasperated while he looked at himself

"I won't hurt her, I am the Doctor, the current, the present one!" said 10th looking at his past incarnation

"What! I don't believe that" said 9th scoffing

"Well I am!" said 10th

10th, the present Doctor then looked next to his past incarnation to notice the young new comer who he did not recognise at all

"Let me guess, you're me as well, a future regeneration?" asked 10th, raising his eyebrows

"Good guess" said 11th dryly, his eyes still trained at Rose, not even bothering looking at 10th

"Seriously? A pretty boy and a kid!" said 9th distastefully looking at his two future incarnations "What have I done to deserve that!"

To Be Continued

So, what do you think? Please do review.

This story will be short, either a Two-Parter or a Three-Parter. Let me know what you think