The Fight for Dominance: Chapter 7

I stood waiting on the wrestling mat in the training centre. I had snuck out of the living quarters a few minutes earlier to make my way here.

The wrestling mats were in a small room off to the side of the main hall of the training centre. There were no windows and only one door. To be fair to Cato, it was the perfect place to meet as the door could be locked from the inside, ensuring no one could interrupt our fight.

I had asked for the keys to the centre from my mentor. He had given them to me willingly. Partly because I had told him that I needed extra archery practice and partly because he was slightly inebriated after dinner.

I had thought about possible rules all day and I feel happy with the ones I have chosen. There was no escaping the fact that Cato wanted sex in our game and he would do almost anything to get that. That's why there would be sex in our game, but he will be the one getting fucked if everything goes to plan.

A hand turned the door handle, and fortunately Cato walked into the room. He smiled as he saw the perfect setting for his fantasy.

I brushed past him to turn the lock on the door to guarantee us some privacy.

'Did you bring any lube so that my dick doesn't hurt so much when it's in your ass?' Cato asked playfully.

'I didn't.' I retaliated. 'You'll be the one with the sore ass then.'

'Oh fighting talk?!' Cato recognised. 'Feisty guys are such a turn on, don't you agree?'

'I prefer feisty women.' I retorted.

'You're not fooling anybody Marvel, why would you want the tiebreak unless you want to be fucked again? I'm happy to oblige, of course, your ass is so fucking tight.' Cato said.

'I want the tiebreak so that I can be the rightful leader of the Careers. Not a sex-crazy maniac like you.' I said. Cato smiled.

'Talking of sex,' he said, 'what are tonight's rules?' he asked.

I obliged and explained the rules.

'The fight is a race to top, like before, but this time we have clothes on to start. In order to win, I must take all of your clothes off of you and then fuck your ass. No one can leave this room until one of us has been penetrated successfully. No excessive physical violence is allowed. And you must be fully naked before I can fuck you.'

'OK,' the large blond said as he processed the rules, 'but can I make an adjustment?' Cato asked.

'Depends what it is.' I said.

'Seeing as you've already got the upper hand by wearing far more clothes than me, I am allowed to make one adjustment.' He stated, not taking no for an answer.

It's true, I had given myself the advantage by wearing far more clothes than he was, but that was part of my plan all along.

Cato was wearing a gym kit of a skin-hugging black vest (which didn't hide any of his perfectly-sculpted chest muscles at all, for they were all visible through the thin material), black gym shorts and trainers. His arms bulged ridiculously as his bare biceps were left exposed, and his gigantic legs were barely covered by the thin short black gym shorts.

I was worried again as I saw the sheer size of his muscles and his body, but then I remembered that I had the advantage as I was wearing a t-shirt underneath a hoody with belted army trousers, socks and trainers.

Cato would have to strip more clothes off of me before he could fuck me, but that was never going to happen.

'OK, what is it?' I asked seeing that if I had the upper hand and he had noticed that, I could allow him one little change of rules.

'Once I have penetrated you with my cock, you have lost the fight and as a punishment, you must let me fuck you until I cum inside of you.' Cato said.

His eyes locked with mine and he tried to stare me defiantly into submission.

'If you insist.' I said, 'But that means that I will fuck you till I cum when I win.' By now I wanted to win, just so that I could fuck him and make him feel the pain of both my shaft and the pain of losing the game when he has only been arrogant from the start.

'However unlikely that is.' The blond said dismissively.

'Are you ready then?' I asked.

'Marvel,' the brute said, 'you are the one that needs to be ready. Ready to be fucked hard in your ass.'

With that, I could not restrain my irritancy and anger at his arrogance, so I converted that rage into energy as I charged at him from across the room.

*A/N Change of perspective from Marvel's point of view to 3rd person*

The brunet charged at Cato like a bull would charge at a matador. Marvel kept himself low, aiming to tackle the hunky blond forcefully to the mat. Cato entered a fighting stance and readied himself for impact but at the last moment he stepped agilely out of Marvel's path.

Marvel continued to run, seeing as the momentum he had earned kept him going. He would have run in to the wall if it were not for the strong hand of Cato which had clenched at Marvel's hood as he had run past.

The larger boy had Marvel's hood clenched in his powerful fist, trying to rip the hoody but the material was just far too thick. Cato's pull on the hoody slowed Marvel and brought him to stand upright as the material tugged against his neck.

Marvel felt Cato's grip on his hood and tried to rid himself of the blond's grasp. But Cato wouldn't release his grip easily. Marvel swung his torso around and succeeded in pushing Cato's arm off of his back. The larger boy was knocked off balance as Marvel spun and the smaller boy seized the opportunity and pushed Cato to the mat.

Cato fell and thudded onto the mat due to his large weight, landing on his back. The blow had temporarily winded the larger boy and Marvel spied this as he stood over the muscled blond and eyed his prey.

'How's the view from down there?' Marvel questioned teasingly.

Cato did not have enough breath to reply. But Marvel soldiered on with a smile, insensitive to the older boy's discomfort. The brunet bent over and used one of his index fingers to tug at the V-neck of Cato's vest. The mesh fabric gave way easily under the pressure and Marvel dragged his finger down the rip until the whole vest had split so it now seemed to resemble a waistcoat.

'What's this? You're losing already.' Marvel pointed out while he secretly admired the beauty of Cato's nearly bare torso.

The hunk's pecs towered above his flawless abdominal muscles, dwarfing them in size but not in terms of perfection as every single muscle of his were perfectly formed. His smooth pale skin contorted around the bulge of every muscle, no inch of fat was visible anywhere.

Marvel now rested his hand upon Cato's bare chest and he could feel the delectable contour of each muscle under his touch. He could feel the soft rise and fall as Cato struggled for breath. He could feel something stirring inside his own pants.

But Cato, seeing that Marvel was distracted due to the magnificence of his torso, reached for Marvel's outstretched arm and pulled on it with all of his weight, causing the brunet to tumble to the mat next to Cato.

The blond having regained his breath used his might to seize both of Marvel's hands in order to prevent any more of his vest from being ripped off, using both of his strong arms. Cato then climbed on top of the smaller boy, pinning him to the mat by sitting on Marvel's torso.

The larger boy still used his hands to hold Marvel's arms together above his head.

'I felt you feeling my chest and now look at that tent in your trousers.' Cato said. 'You are gay and you know it so why don't we cut all of the crap and you can just beg me to fuck you.'

The blond stared deeply into Marvel's eyes, encouraging the brunet to quit. But Marvel wasn't having any of it as he wanted to fuck the blond as much as the blond wanted to fuck him. But he wouldn't tell Cato any of that so that his own pride wasn't damaged.

'My cock's hard,' Marvel said, 'because I was imagining how tight your muscly ass would be when I pounded away at it.'

'Stop pretending.' Cato said, 'You're now pinned and you've practically lost already.'

'Have I?' asked Marvel, 'What are you going to do now then? Use your teeth to strip me?'

The brunet laughed as Cato realised his dilemma, for he couldn't undress Marvel if he was using both his hands to subdue those of Marvel. A sacrifice would have to be made.

Using his power, Cato manoeuvred himself so that he was still sitting on Marvel's chest, just facing the other way. He released the brunet's hands while using his own to crack Marvel's seemingly impenetrable trousers.

The blond leaned forward so that his hips brushed against Marvel's hard member. Cato bucked his hips, teasing the brunet playfully. The larger boy reached forward and pulled each one of Marvel's trainers off simultaneously.

Meanwhile, with Marvel's hands free the smaller boy capitalised on Cato's error and continued to claw at the shreds of Cato's black vest. He managed to rip at the back of the vest but that left the material hanging limply from Cato's shoulders. The rules stated that they must be completely off. Marvel tugged at the mesh material but they would not give way despite his best efforts.

Cato, after having succeeded in de-shoeing the boy underneath him, was fumbling with Marvel's belt. The blond undid the buckle and unzipped the trousers' fly revealing Marvel's underwear of choice.

'Pink underwear? Are you serious? You couldn't be gayer if you tried.' Cato laughed. But Marvel had now clocked how near Cato was to taking off his trousers too. The brunet spread his legs so that the trousers would not come off easily.

'You bitch.' Cato shouted. And the blond delved his hand into Marvel's pink skin-tight boxer-briefs in a way of punishment.

Marvel sensed Cato's hand clamp around his girth and gasped in shock and amazement.

'There are no rules about finishing off the competition early.' Cato spoke mischievously. The larger boy began to stroke the shaft aggressively in attempt to cause Marvel to erupt prematurely.

'I'd forgotten how small it was.' Cato said.

Marvel was surprised and disgusted by the foul play and switched his attention from the vest straps to Cato's shapely posterior that was squished onto his toned chest. Marvel could not move his arms as Cato's bubble butt was so close to his head.

Instead he leaned forward and used his sharp canine teeth to gnaw at the thin material of Cato's gym shorts. He managed to create a small hole in the material without Cato noticing.

The larger boy continued to buck his hips into Marvel's rippled chest while pumping at the brunet's meat.

Marvel was climaxing, much to his disgust. But Cato's tightly gripped hand engulfing his cock was sending shivers down his spine. Shivers of pleasure.

Cato could feel Marvel's meat throbbing and pulsating in his hand. The blond used his other hand to drag Marvel's underwear further down his legs, making his man tool stand at its full height.

The blond began to massage the brunet's balls delicately, willing him to erupt his load as soon as possible.

'Stop Cato.' Marvel pleaded as his body shuddered in pleasure.

'Why should I?' Cato questioned with glee.

'Uhhh,' Marvel groaned, 'becauseā€¦ I'm gonna cum!'

But Cato would only stop if he got something he needed in return.

*A/N Next chapter will be coming next week. In the meantime, please review the chapter as the reviews inspire me to write on.*