117Jorn: Hello everyone! 117Jorn here with another Chapter of Evolution! I hope ya'll enjoy! Also, you should know I have set up a Forum that will contain all information regarding Evolution, including factions, ships and mobile suits. Please check it out!


Lagrange 3



The Battle of Heliopolis was beginning to heat up, as the Militia/E.A Forces fought off the ZAFT attack. In the early battle, most of the Heliopolis Ships had been destroyed by the Superior ZAFT Mobile Suits and Weapons, most of them lost with all hands. Now, the only ship of the Militia left was the Amaterasu, and she was still giving off quite a fight as it fired barrages of missiles and Beam Weapons Fire.

It was not fighting alone, as beside it was the White Base, which was just as determined to fight as its own weapons opened fire on the ZAFT Fleet. As the two ships worked together, Mobile Suits from both sides were clashing along them, as the Amaterasu's Mobile Suits battled ZAFT GiNN's alongside the E.A Guncannon's and Moebius Zero's.

In the cockpit of the first Guncannon, Sayla kicked a GiNN in the torso, and turned around firing her Beam Rifle. Her aim was true as she scored a hit into the GiNN's Torso, confirming her third kill of the day.

"Not bad Sayla," Sleggar said as he fired his twin 200mm Cannons on his Guncannon at another GiNN, blasting off its left leg and right arm."Looks like it was a good idea to bring you along!"

Sayla smiled a bit "I told you, I've been practicing." she said, as she moved her Guncannon behind the wreckage of one of the destroyed Salamis-class ships. "How is everyone else holding up though?"

"We're doing fine!" Mu said as he fired his Gunbarrels of his Moebius Zero, destroying another GiNN. "Though for how much longer, I don't know!"

"Same here!" Cornelia said, as she flew her Zero around a GiNN, and destroyed its head and left arm with her Linear Cannon. "Thanks god for the Militia, they really are-"

However, her danger senses began blaring in her head, demanding her to dive down. She did so, narrowly avoiding being sliced in half by a beam saber. "Whoa! Who the-" She looked at the source, and her eyes widened, and then narrowed seeing a Blood Red Mobile Suit, resembling a CGUE in a few ways, but what made her eyes narrow was the butcher symbol on its shoulder.

"Victor Amsel..." She said anger seeming into her voice "Of all the bastards they could have sent they sent him!?"

"Amsel? Fuck!" Mu shouted in frustration before an idea hit him "Cornelia, where was the last place intel placed him at?"

Cornelia blinked and realized who Mu was a talking about "Here in Heliopolis..." She said trailing off "Are you insane?"

"He owes me one and hates Victor more than the EA and Blue Cosmos put together," Mu informed as he activated a unique comm channel that his old squad had used during the war knowing his old wingmate would be listening for old time's sake "This is Hawk calling to Dragon, Butcher is here, repeat, Butcher is here!" Closing the channel he set the message to repeat "Now we have to survive a crazed psychopathic until he gets the message."

"Oh is that all?" Cornelia asked sarcastically as she narrowly dodged the beam saber "We'd have better luck surviving a goddamn NUKE!"



In the Colony


Linda was terrified. Not for herself, but for Takeshi and the others. There were so many questions running through her mind: had Kira, Ryu, Jaden, Kasumi, and Adam reached a shelter? Or had something happened to them? And was her sister Flay, and Takeshi alright? But she had no way to answer these questions, and the agony it was causing her took the only form readily available, as tears fell from her eyes every few seconds while Darknal led them in the direction of another colony block, as all the shelters in their current area were occupied.

Then, the Morgenroete warehouse suddenly exploded, spraying loose debris all over the area. Linda and her friends all instinctively raised their arms in front of their faces to shield from the debris, but stopped when they spotted five distinctive grey mobile suits like nothing they'd ever seen before leap out of the burning building trailing smoke, but otherwise miraculously undamaged.

The five mobile suits landed all at once, shaking the colony around them. Two of them stood tall and proud after landing, while the other three stumbled like trainees were piloting them at best, or at the very least like the pilots were all drunken fools.

Miguel Aiman, piloting the GINN in this district, couldn't believe what he was seeing. Intelligence said there were only eight machines, and then two more Intel said nothing about attacked them and killed two GiNN's, and now there were even more!

"Athrun, Rusty, Kyoji, you three there?" he called out over the radio.

"Me and Rusty are here Miguel," Athrun said, "But we have no idea where Kyoji is."

"Yeah," Rusty said, "And to top it off, Intel obviously fucked up big time! There are three extra machines!"

"Make that five," Miguel said, "The others got attacked by two more unknown G-Weapons, one of them single handedly destroyed two of our GiNN's without taking so much as a scratch."

Both ZAFT pilots looked shocked "Are you kidding me!" Rusty shouted, "That means the E.A built Ten Mobile Suits here!"

"Are the others alright?" Athrun asked, worried about the rest of his team.

"They're fine, Yzak and the others got out with their machines intact." Miguel said, "Shiho, Matthew and Slender are fighting those other two G-Weapons somewhere in the colony. I called in some reinforcements from the fleet, should be here soon."

Meanwhile, with the three other machines, Kasumi, Kira and Adam were eyeing the two ZAFT G-Weapons and the GiNN that landed beside them. Ning was doing her best to control the Origin Unit 1, but was not having much luck due to the 'error' reports on the screen. "Damnit! Several of the systems weren't installed!" She cursed, "Amuro must not have had the time to check over it!"

"Does that mean we can't move?" Kasumi asked, worried.

"Barley," Ning said, "We'll have to depend on the others to keep us safe..."

Meanwhile in the cockpit of the Strike, Kira was breathing quickened unconsciously as the mobile suit she was in rose up, she could not believe it, Athrun Zala, A peace-loving boy who hated the thought of war was a part of ZAFT and was attacking Heliopolis? 'Why, Athrun?' She asked herself 'Why are you doing this?'

"This is GAT-X105 Strike," the mechanic that was piloting the Strike said over the radio "GAT-X250 Akula, RGX-78-1 Origin Unit 1, respond to this channel"

"This is Origin 1," Ning's voice said, "We're fine, but the Origin isn't all too good. Some of the systems are showing Error Reports, I can barely move her!"

"Uhh...this is Adam Parker, in the...Akula I guess." Adam's voice said, "My Machine is good...I think."

"Who are you?" She asked insistently "I don't recognize you as any of the G-weapon pilots."

"Relax Ramius," Ning said, "He's alright, he can be , let the girl with you, Kira, pilot the suit, she will be able to fix and use the OS."

"What a civilian?" Ramius asked in shock "Are you kidding me let a civilian pilot top-secret mobile suits? Kids no less."

"If ZAFT is attacking, it doesn't seem like much a secret," Adam commented on the comm.

Before Murrue could make a reply, there was another explosion from the warehouse, and another mobile suit flew out of the debris, colored Black and Red.


With Athrun


"Another unit!" Athrun shouted out in shock, "That makes Eleven Units!"

Before Rusty could make his own reply, their Radio's turned on "Calm down you guys, its me." Kyoji's voice came through.

"There you are!" Rusty shouted, "Where have you been? And where did you get that mobile suit?"

"Inside a hidden hanger, but we have bigger problems." Kyoji said with a sigh, "The E.A made two more Mobile Suits here..."

Before either of them could say anything, Two more Mobile Suits emerged from the Warehouse, a black and Green one, and a white and blue one with somewhat angelic features. "And those would be them..." Kyoji said with a sigh.



With Jaden


Jaden took a deep breath, as he saw the Mobile Suits in front of him, one of which was the same Mobile Suit that left the hanger before them. His eyes narrowed as he saw it land next to the two other Gundam's near the GiNN. That meant whoever killed his Uncle was probably piloting that Mobile Suit.

'You'regonna pay for killing Uncle Phil...' he thought, as Ryu's voice came through the comm. "This is Ryu Hisanaga to the Strike, Origin and Akula," he said. "Kira, Kasumi, Adam are you there?"

"I... I'm here," Kira said as she typed away rapidly on the keyboard fixing all of the bugs in the OS "This OS looks like the one we built for the support suit, it's not meant for a mobile suit."

"I'm here Ryu, I'm with Ning in the Origin Unit." Kasumi informed

"We'll need protection, this unit is not combat ready." Ning said cutting in "We can move but that's it."

"I'm alright here," Adam informed "I'm working on the OS."

Jaden could hear Ryu sigh in relief "Alright, get everything good to go you guys," He ordered crisply "Watch each other's backs, I'll deal with the enemies."

The Rage walked forward drawing out one of the heat shotels on its waist as it moved "By yourself Ryu?" Jaden asked skeptically "I mean you were able to deal with those guys on foot but..."

"There's a lot I haven't told you guys," Ryu admitted cutting off Jaden "Let's just say this isn't the first time I've had the odds stacked against me."



With Ryu


Ryu grinned ferally as he set the Rage into a combat stance his finger's flying tweaking the suit to match his preferences, he opened an old comm channel that suddenly burst forth with a familiar voice "This is Hawk calling to Dragon, Butcher is here, repeat, Butcher is here!" The message repeated itself as Ryu stared at the console his face set in stone.

"That changes things," Ryu said coldly making his friends blink in shock at his voice "I'll have to wrap this up quickly to... deal with someone..."

One of the GiNNs stepped forward raising its rifle and aimed at Kira and the Strike and was about to fire when Ryu threw his heat shotel catching the gun, piercing it and pinned it to the wall.

"I don't think so pal," Ryu growled, "I don't have the time to deal with you." The Rage then burst forward, and with his second shotel he sliced off the GiNN's arms and head. "So get the hell out of my colony!"

The GiNN pilot wised up as it retreated, however five more GiNN's showed up, and at that same time the Aegis, Archer and Monster took off toward the sky, to leave the colony.

"I'll try to lead them away," Ryu said as the Rage took off, "Jaden, Kira, Adam, do what you can to hold them off before I return, I'll be back soon."

"Ryu! Dammit..." Kira swore as Ryu took off with most of the GiNNs following him "What the hell is going on with my boyfriend!?"

"Worry about him later," Jaden said, as the Captured G-Weapons left as well, leaving behind five GiNN's to deal with them as they drew their weapons. "We have bigger problems to worry about!"


With Adam


Adam soon found himself facing off his first GiNN, which had its Machine Gun drawn. 'Alright, weapons...weapons...' he thought as he looked thought the weapons of his unit. 'Head Vulcans, Arm Machine Guns, Rail Guns, Plasma Cannon, Torpedoes, and Close Combat Spikes...a lot of these weapons I can't even use! Wait...what the hell is a Geschmeidig Panzer Shield?'

Before Adam could answer his question, the GiNN fired its Machine Gun, "Shit!" He shouted as the Akula jumped up into the air. "Have a taste of this!" He then switched to Close Combat mode, and fired his unit's Railgun's. However the GiNN managed to doge the shots, as they hit the ground.

The GiNN began to approach him, discarding its Machine Gun in favor for its sword. 'Crap, Crap!' He said, as he pressed the button that said 'P.S Armor', and he prayed it would do something.

It did, as the Akula switched from a dull grey color to Dark Blue with an Aqua Blue trimming. The GiNN struck with its sword, however the sword did no damage to the newly colored armor. 'What the hell?' Adam thought, before shaking his head. He used the GiNN's closeness to his advantage, as he activated the Close Combat Spikes on the unit's shield, and four large claw-like devices emerged from the two shields on the unit.

He then grabbed the GiNN with the right claw, and then he crunched down onto it, the spikes tearing through the GiNN destroying the unit. Adam didn't even have time to register he just killed someone as he moved towards his next target.



With Kira


Kira grunted as her suit collided with the ground after the enemy delivered a particularly nasty kick, on the upside though she was finished with the reconfigurations to the Strike 'Now weapons, what the...'"Armor Schneider… that's it?!" she yelled incredulously before gritting her teeth and flipping the mobile suit to its feet avoiding the downward thrust of the GINN's sword. Glancing behind the suit her eyes widened in fear at the sight of her friends. 'What are they doing here!'

Narrowing her eyes she faced the suit again and pulled out the Anti-Armor knives and charged the enemy strafing to the right to dodge the shots being fired by the GINN. "Stop it!" She shouted stabbing the joints of the two arms of the mobile suit. Everything was still for a minute before the pilot ejected from the suit.

"Get away from the suit!" Ramius shouted in panic, right before the suit self-destructed causing Kira to recoil violently and the mechanic to smash her head on the bulkhead rendering her unconscious.

"Kira are you alright?" Adam's worried voice came over the radio.

"I'm alright, but Miss Ramius smashed her head on the bulkhead and is unconscious." She reported as the stood the suit back up, checking the surrounding area she sighed in relief as she saw he friends cautiously come out of their hidey-hole.



With Jaden


Jaden in the Heroic Gundam stood between Kasumi and Ning in the Origin Unit 1, and two other GiNN's who were eying the units dangerously. "Kasumi, are you and your aunt alright in there?" Jaden asked on the Comm.

"Yeah...but the unit we're in isn't ready for combat." Kasumi replied, "We can move a bit and evade, but we're not much else useful."

"Don't worry, just stay behind me." Jaden said, as he began looking through the weapons of his Mobile Suit.

'Hmm, this is obviously a Close Combat Gundam.' he thought, 'Beam Sabers, Beam Daggers, the only ranged weapon on this thing now is the head Vulcans...well, at least I don't have to worry about damaging the colony too badly...but those GiNN's probably aren't going to hesitate though.'

That was when the enemy mobile suits moved in, with one drawing their sword and flanking left, while the other fired its rifle at the Heroic. Jaden rose the Gundam's arms to deflect the rounds shot at him, as they impacted harmlessly off of the Gundam's Superior Armor. The Second GiNN tried to attack Kasumi with a charge, but Jaden picked out the two Beam Daggers his unit had, and tossed one at the GiNN. His aim was true, as it struck the GiNN right into the head.

The first GiNN, seeing its comrade was in trouble, ditched its rifle and drew its sword, charging forward. However Jaden quickly turned around and charged at the GiNN with his second Beam Dagger in hand. The GiNN rose its own sword to parry his dagger, however when Jaden struck, he aimed for the left arm, and sliced it off.

This caught the GiNN pilot off guard, however he continued his attack as he rose his GiNN blade with his right arm, and tried a downward swipe. However the armor of the Heroic proved to strong as the blade did little if no damage. On instinct, Jaden turned around, and with both hands grasping the dagger, he stabbed the GiNN into the cockpit.

The GiNN twitched a few times, before the Omni-eye deactivated, and the GiNN slumped to the ground defeated. Jaden deactivated his Beam Saber, and was taking deep breaths as he looked at the downed machine.

'I...I killed him...' he thought. 'I...I didn't want to, I...'

However, that was when the sounds of battle entered his ears, and he looked on the screen as two more GiNN's and a CGUE DEEP Arms appeared. However, shortly after they arrived, two more Gundam's appeared chasing after them.

'Two more?' Jaden thought, as the newcomers fought.



With Amuro


Amuro growled as he fired his head vulcans at the DEEP arms forcing the unit to turn and face him as he attacked with a beam saber "Dammit!" He shouted as the suit dodged "Why the hell are you attacking inside Heliopolis? Why not wait till they left!?"

"No use complaining about it now Amuro!" Takeshi said, as the Evolve Gundam dodged a few rounds shot at it. "But we have some more company!"

Amuro looked, and saw four G-Weapons up ahead "The Akula, Unit 1, and Strike!" He said, "But...what's that fourth unit? I've never seen it before..."

In the DEEP Arms, Shiho was cursing up a storm upon seeing the four Gundam Units "Oh come on!" She shouted, "Four more units? That makes the grand total at 14 units here!"

"Shiho, we need to get out of here!" Matthew said on the comm, "We're barely managing to fight off two, how are we supposed to win against seven of these things?"

The pilot sighed "Your right, everyone, fall back!" She said, and with that the three ZAFT Machines retreated.

In the Evolve, Takeshi sighed in relief seeing the three machines withdraw 'Thank god that's over with,' he thought as he looked at the five machines ahead of him 'So, we still have the Strike, Akula, Unit 1, and Heroic, huh?' he thought, 'at least we were a little lucky, what would be better is if we found some of the Astray's as well.'

He then turned on the Comm. "Amuro, is Unit 3 still in the warehouse?" He asked.

"No, we moved Unit 3 onto the Archangel earlier today," Amuro said, "We finished it a bit early, so assuming ZAFT didn't find out about the ship as well, it should still be there."

Takeshi nodded as he then turned to an open comm "This is Takeshi Yamato to the pilots of the Strike, Heroic, Origin 1, and Akula, please Identify yourselves." he said.

"Takeshi?" Kira asked in shock making Takashi blink in shock as he heard his sister's voice "What the hell is going on, first Ryu's going all super-soldier now you're showing up in a Mobile Suit? What the Fuck?"

"Today's just getting weirder and weirder by the minute..." Adam commented with a sigh.

Takeshi sighed, "Alright, everyone. Find a place to land at the park, I'll explain what I can there." He said, and the others all agreed as they made their way towards the nearby park.



With Mu


Mu cursed as he dodged the shots from a White CGUE he faced, which he had no doubt in his mind that Rau Le Cruset was piloting. "This day just keeps getting better and better." He muttered sarcastically firing at the white CGUE Rau was piloting.

With Rau, movement on his sensors indicated contacts leaving the colony, and he saw three G-Weapons, two GiNN's and Shiho's DEEP Arms leave the colony 'Wait, was there an extra G-Weapon?' Rau asked as he activated the Comm while still fighting Mu. "Athrun, are you there? Report." He said.

"We're here sir, but Intel royally screwed up today." Athrun said, "The E.A has way more G-Weapons than we thought, they have 15 G-Weapons in total."

Rau's eyes widened, and he was so shocked he almost didn't dodge Mu's attack. 15 G-Weapons? How could their Intel be that off?

"What's worse, is that we didn't destroy the ones we couldn't capture," Shiho added, "The E.A still has Seven Machines in their control, and we lost Gene and Denim."

Rau cursed "Damn, alright, return to the Vesalius, I'll have to see this for myself." He said as he moved towards the colony, with Mu's Zero following closely, determined not to lose his nemesis.



With Cornelia


"Shit!" Cornelia cursed as she dodged a Rocket Anchor fired at her from Victor's Mobile Suit "Alright, now this is getting annoying!"

Victor was about to pursue the Zero, however beam shots above him warned him off as several Heliopolis Militia units attacked from above, along with the two E.A Mobile Suits.

He growled "Buzz off you pests!" He shouted, as he prepared to engage them...

(Begin Playing: Gundam Unicorn OST 2 Track 4 'MAD-NUG')

"VICTOR!" A voice practically roared through the channels, and Victor turned around fast enough to see a Black and Green Mobile Suit charge at him "You dare show your face here!?"

Cornelia gasped as she saw the newcomer collide with Victor's GuAIZ football tackling him into a cluster of debris before breaking away "It can't be..." She whispered "He's actually here... Ryu Hisanaga is here!?"

"HISANAGA!" Victor roared as he recovered his suit and squared off against the Rage "I've been wondering where you've been hiding since Endymion!"

"You never should have come Victor," Ryu's cold voice said as he held his beam submachine gun with his shield hand and a heat shotel in the other "Because I'm going to kill you."

Victor's cruel laugh echoed through the channels as the Proto-GuAIZ's beam claws came to life "You're going to kill me?" He asked mockingly "Don't make me laugh you're just a pest!"

Cornelia, like every other pilot in the area couldn't look away as the two titans in warfare squared off once again in battle. 'This is insane...' She thought, a bead of sweat trickling down her face, her Newtype senses going haywire. 'It's like a hand is crushing my very being, these two... what are they?'

Onboard the Siegfried, Char was also affected by the massive amount of Newtype Pressure the two warriors emitted, however for the sake of his crew he managed to compose himself. 'So Ryu Hisanaga is still alive...' he thought, before a small grin appeared 'This...could work to my advantage.'

Back to the fight, Victor's GuAIZ's Beam Sabers collided with the Rage's Beam Sabers emanating from his shield. He kicked the Rage away, but Ryu recovered quickly as he took out his SMG and opened fire, forcing Victor to evade.

However, Victor returned the favor, firing his own beam rifle, causing Ryu to deflect the shots off of his shield. Ryu then switched tactics as he moved in with his heat shotel in hand.

Dean Van Garret watched the battle ensue, as did the rest of the Heliopolis Militia and E.A Mobile Suits. Heck, even the ZAFT forces have stopped fighting to watch the two legends of warfare fight. "Whoa..." Hikari said, "I've never seen a battle so...so intense!"

"And you will never see another battle like this one," Sayla informed as the Rage knocked aside the beam saber and shoulder checked the red unit before opening up with his head vulcans. "Those two are in a league of their own... Ryu Hisanaga, the Dragon of Endymion and the first Coordinator Ace in the EA, and Victor Amsel, the Butcher of Ontario and the only person able to go one on one with the Ryu and inflict damage on him..."

Victor used some debris to block a series of shots from the Rage before returning fire himself that the Rage dodged before its powerful boosters closed the distance in frightening speed and managed to cut off a vernier, an acceptable price for Victor considering Ryu was aiming to cut him in half.

"The man who was able to kill more of ZAFT than the Cyclops system," Cornelia whispered "Mu said he was something else... but this doesn't cover it, all of us were never able to land the slightest blow on Victor, but he just managed it only minutes into the battle..."

"Watch it, Victor's going into the Colony!" Sleggar shouted in warning "You guys follow them, I'll take care of the ZAFT forces here!"

"Right!" Dean said, "Hikari, your with me! Everyone else, stay out here and keep ZAFT out!"

"Sayla, Cornelia, you go with them!" Sleggar said, "They'll need all the help they can get!"

"Understood," Sayla said, as the Guncannon and Moebius Zero moved to follow the Silver Frame and Raiden.



Inside the Colony


The seven Gundam Units had finally parked near the Heliopolis Park, where everyone exited their machines. Kira carried the unconscious Murrue Ramius over her shoulder descending down the zip line.

Once she reached the ground, the others all approached her. "Is everyone alright?" Takeshi asked.

"Yeah, but Miss Ramius here took a bad knock in the head, knocked her out." Kira said, and Amuro nodded as he took Murrue from her, and lied her down on top of a nearby bench.

"Kira! Takeshi!" A voice called out, and the group all turned to see Linda and the others running towards them, along with two Morgenroete Engineers, who Amuro recognized as Hayato and Kai.

"Linda?" Takeshi asked, surprised "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you all be in the shelters?"

"They were all filled," Kai said, scoffing "Lousy luck if you ask me..."

"We saw that battle out there," Mir said, "What the heck are you guys doing in Mobile Suits?"

Takeshi sighed a bit "Well, I said I'd explain everything, so I will." he said. "You see, Morgenroete cut a deal with the Earth Alliance, which pretty much entails that they will work together to develop Prototype Mobile Suits for both us, and the alliance."

Everyone looked at Takeshi in shock "What?" Adam asked, "But that's violating the treaty!"

"Not exactly," Amuro said, "Morgenroete is an independent company of Orb, and the Treaty doesn't apply for them. We wanted it to be a mutually beneficial project for us, so that Orb will have Mobile Suits to defend itself should they be attacked, and the alliance will have their own so they can fight ZAFT on more equal terms. Mitsubishi Corps from Japan also pitched in, to improve their already existing Raiden's."

"We thought the Treaty would actually protect the G-Project until after the E.A left." Takeshi said, with a sigh. "We didn't think ZAFT would be stupid enough to attack Heliopolis."

Amuro then glanced up at the Heroic and Evolve "But what has me confused are those two machines, as well as those other two I saw earlier." he said, "I thought Orb was only making the Astray Series."

Takeshi sighed "Well, my unit is the ARC-X100 Evolve," he said, "It's...sorta the project I've been working on these past few months."

"Wait it's an ARC too?" Jaden asked "The units me and Ryu got in had similar lettering in it as well."

Takashi nodded, "Yeah, the Advance Reactor Core." he explained, "It's a new engine unit some guys from Terminal developed. We were given its schematics, and we used it on four machines to test its abilities. The ARC-X001 Rage, the ARC-X002 Heroic, ARC-X003 Monster, and the ARC-X100 Evolve. To be short, the ARC Drive is the most advance engine unit ever developed, surpassing even the Minovsky Fusion Reactor, it literally has an infinite energy supply."

Everyone, even Amuro, looked shocked at that revelation. The Minovsky Fusion Reactor was considered the most important energy source in the earth sphere, since Minovsky reactor uses a different type of neutron than regular nuclear reactors, Helium-3, it makes them immune to the effects of the N-Jammer's used by ZAFT, that was the E.A's saving grace during the April Fool's Crisis, for when the N-Jammers spread throughout the world, they began using Minovsky Reactors to power cities, bases, and warships. If the ARC could really surpass the power of the Minovsky Reactor...

"The ARC-equipped suits were going to be delivered to Terminal for further testing, but ZAFT attacked." Takeshi said, "I know Ryu's probably in the Rage, and Jaden here has the Heroic...do you know what happened to the Monster?"

Jaden lowered his head a bit "I think ZAFT has it," he said, "Whoever did killed Uncle Phil..."

"Phil's...oh no..." Ning said, and some of the others looked at Jaden with some sympothy.

"Ah Frak...today's just getting better and better." Takeshi said sarcastically, before he sighed "Alright, enough of this, right now we need to focus on getting out of Heliopolis. Ning, where are the Striker Packs to the Strike?"

"On the Archangel, but there might be one or two left in the warehouse."Ning said, and Takeshi nodded.

"Alright, Ning, you take Sai and go to the warehouse, try to find us a Striker Pack so we can repower the Strike." He said, and Ning nodded as she took Sai to hotwire a car to use.

Takeshi then turned to the others "Adam, Jaden, Kira, you think you can try and complete the O.S's of your units?" he asked, "ZAFT might come back, and I'd rather have your units up to date rather than in incomplete O.S's."

The three nodded "Got it, we'll do it." Kira said, as the three headed for their machines. Takeshi then turned to the others "The rest of you, try to find some medical equipment and some food, we're gonna need it."

They others nodded as they all separated. However Amuro stopped Hayato "Hayato, do you know where Fraw is?" he asked.

"I don't know," Hayato said, "I...I think she left to her house, see if her parents are alright."

Amuro sighed, but nodded "Alright, I'll go check on her, make sure she's safe." he said as he approached the Origin 2 "Takeshi, I'll be back soon."

"Right, don't take too long." Takeshi said, as Amuro rose into the Origin 2's Cockpit.



On the Archangel


"Ma'am, Ma'am, are you alright?"

That was the voice Ensign Natarle Bagiruel heard, as she began to get feeling back into her body. She groaned a bit as her eyes opened "W-What...?" She asked, and she came face to face with one of the G-Weapon pilots, James Swanson.

"Good, you're alright." James said, "Can you move?"

"Yeah..." Natarle said, before getting a good look at her surroundings and gasped. The hallway was practically destroyed, debris was everywhere, and she could see several bodies floating around. "W-What happened?"

"ZAFT must have planted bombs around the Archangel hanger, and detonated them." James said, "Come on, we need to find a way out of here."

Natarle nodded, as the two moved through the corridors to find a way to the Archangel, while trying to ignore the floating bodies around them. They soon arrived at the destroyed command room, where they found more debris and bodies.

"Dammit...are...are we all that survived?" Natarle asked. James was about to answer, however they began to hear banging from a nearby doorway. James drew his side arm and rose it at the door.

The door then was bashed open, and out came a man wearing an alliance uniform with a flashlight. He saw the two and smiled "Ensign Bagiruel, Lieutenant Swanson! Thank god you're alive!" he said.



With Amuro


Amuro piloted the Origin Gundam as it walked down the streets of Heliopolis. He looked through the cameras, and took note of how abandoned the once thriving colony was now. Cars were left abandoned, buildings trashed from stray weapons fire...it was a sight Amuro hoped Orb would be spared from in the war.

He continued to look for Fraw Bow, but he had a good idea where she'd be. Her parents owned a clinic on Heliopolis, and even lived there. If she was anywhere, it was probably there.

The Origin walked down the street the clinic was at. No sooner than he turned, he saw a sight he had hoped not to see.

Amuro was hopping those ZAFT pilots he killed were burning in hell right now, as he saw the damage sustained too the clinic. The Bow family clinic, for whatever it had once represented, was no more; what remained was a pile of smoking ruin, complimented by a fire or two, while bits and pieces of it laid all around the surrounding neighborhood. The concussion wave had also damaged surrounding buildings as well, but looking at the crater where the clinic had once been, it was pretty obvious that a Machine Gun round from a GiNN assault rifle had struck dead center into the building, rendering its destruction along with those who had occupied it.

The Junior Lieutenant shook his head at the latter thought while gritting his teeth together; there was no way he was going to dismiss Frawfor dead like that, not when he had been talking to her just over an hour ago. She deserved better than to die like this, as a random casualty of a war she had held no part of.

For once, his thoughts proved true as a familiar image came through to his main monitor as he scanned the blast zone, which he quickly magnified.

"Fraw!" Amuro shouted, eyes widening in worry. She was lying amidst some debris in the clinic ruins, several cuts and bruises were on her body along with indications of further injuries from the resulting explosion.

Immediately, Amuro had the Gundam kneel down and moved away as much debris he could with the Gundam's hands before opening the hatch and going out on foot. He then rushed into the ruined clinic and ran towards her. He slid to her side. He then picked her up, and checked her pulse. He sighed in relief seeing she was still alive, but barley. He then began to call out her name, and lightly shaking her to wake her up "Come on Fraw, don't die on me!" Amuro kept going as he kept up the effort.

"...A-Amuro..." a single word slipped from her lips in a murmur, right before her eyes opened marginally. Amuro visibly breathed a sigh of relief as this happened, just as Fraw began to come back to entirely.

"Fraw...thank god your alive." he said, "Can you walk?"

"Yeah...I think so..." Fraw said, as Amuro helped her back onto her feet, as she took in the devastation around her.

"Your clinic got hit by a stray shot," Amuro explained hurriedly "Come on, we have to get out of here!"

"Not without my mom and dad!" Fraw replied in equal fashion. At that she, came out of Amuro's hold and began walking dazedly toward the ruin. "Mom! Dad!" she called out in desperation over and over, wandering aimlessly through the debris. Tears began to well up in her eyes with each passing moment of silence. "Come on! Answer me!"

After several moments of moving around and calling out in dwindling hope and growing anxiety, Fraw's eyes caught something in the debris: her mother's form laid out with a medical cabinet collapsed over her lower torso. "Mom!" Fraw yelled as she rushed to her side, grabbed hold of the cabinet and began to push up.

At first Amuro moved to help her, but when he moved closer he took in the angle of the cabinet and realized something. His eyes widened as he tried to stop Fraw "Fraw, don't...!"

His warning came too late. As soon as Fraw had pushed the cabinet onto its side, she came to see the horrid truth: all that remained of her mother was the waist and up, her lower body having been blown away from the explosion. Fraw gaped in horror, as she felt her tears flow out increasingly while she remained still, as if her brain was unable to respond. Her legs gave out from under her, causing her to fall on her knees, her eyes never leaving her mother's face.

"Fraw!Fraw!" Amuro called out to her repeatedly, rushing over to her side and kneeling next to her. He didn't need to look at her face to see the frozen horror and desperation that was strung across it, eyes welled with tears and her mouth hung open, unable to mutter a sound. He reached out to her and shook her. "Fraw, we have to get out of here! There's no time...!"

"They...no...it can't be..." Fraw murmured under breath, her eyes becoming flushed as her tears fell upon her cheeks. "...this...this...Amuro...they..."

And then, the world around Fraw Bow shattered with a crash. Reaching back and clutching onto his Morgenroete Uniform, Fraw let out a pain filled scream as she buried her face into Amuro's chest. Moving on an accord of their own, her arms reached around Amuro's body and to his back, where they gripped into his uniform and pushed him forward against her, all the while Fraw cried in anguish.

At first Amuro was completely caught off guard by the sudden contact, however Amuro could practically feel the pain and anguish rolling off of her body. However Amuro could only do what he could think of, and gave Fraw a tight but comforting hug. For several minutes, they remained like that, until Amuro knew they had to leave.

"Fraw, listen to me... Listen to me!" Amuro stated, getting Fraw to stop sobbing, at least for a moment. "I'm not going to leave you here! You understand?" Upon that proclamation, Fraw looked up at him with pain filled eyes, causing Amuro to nearly wince before continuing. "Takeshi and some of his friends are near a park, we're going to try and contact the Archangel, White Base or the Amaterasu to get out of here, but we have to go now!""

"But..." Fraw murmured, looking away a little.

"No buts! I'm not about to leave you in a war zone!" Amuro stated with finality, getting Fraw back to her feet again. "I know it hurts to lose family because of war, my dad died at Endymion and my mother died in the April Fool Crisis. But you have to remember you still have Me, and Hayato! I promise you none of us will abandon you! Do you understand?"

Though Fraw didn't respond verbally, she nodded a bit as she managed to wipe the tears away. She then began walking towards the Origin, with Amuro right beside her.





"Only a handful of us were onboard the Archangel when the attack happened," Romero Pal explained, as he, Natarle, James, and a few other E.A Officers were on the bridge of the Archangel. "But, most of the survivors are Factory Workers."

"What is the current Situation outside?" Natarle asked, "Is ZAFT still around?"

"We don't know," Romeo answered, "We have our hands full confirming things around here. A few Morgenroete Workers however showed up, and helped us out. But they loaded up this massive device onto the Archange's port hanger bay, they said it had something to do with the G-Project."

"If it does, then as long as ZAFT doesn't have it, its good." James said, "I also saw in the hanger one of the G-Weapons was already inside, correct?"

"Yes sir, the RGX-78-3 Origin Unit 3," Romeo answered, "We also have your Cosmograsper onboard the Starbord Hanger Bay as well."

James smiled a bit "That's good," he said, as Natarle began restoring power to the bridge. The front display then began to show the condition of the ship.

"Well, the Archangel certainly quite the ship," she commented, "Its barley taken any damage, not even a Pegasus-class would have survived that explosion. ZAFT is going to have to try harder if they want to sink this ship."

"Yes, but we're not much use here now," Romero said, "And the harbor is blocked with debris. We're trapped down here."

Natarle sighed as she activated the comms, and growled seeing they were still unresponcive "Comm's are still Jammed, meaning ZAFT is still probably around the colony."

"The Archangel was probably just a secondary target for ZAFT," James said, "Their true goal must have been the G-Weapons."

"Damnit!" Natarle cursed, "We have no idea what is going on outside! We don't even know if the other G-Weapons are still active."

"...ike...att...gre...gun..." A garbled message on the Comm said, causing the others eyes to widen "...nyone?...this...Gunda...Strike...earing me?..."

"The Strike?" Romero asked, "That means some of the G-Weapons..."

"We have to help them!" Natarle said as she sat in the Commander's chair, "We have to launch the ship!"

"Launch the ship? Are you crazy?" Romero asked, "We don't have enough men to launch!"

"We won't know until we try," Jame said with a shrug, before turning to the others. "Well, what are you waiting for?" He said, grinning "Do what the lady says!"

The others quickly nodded as they began manning their stations.

"ZAFT is still out there! We are in no position to-" Romero said, before James glared at him "Are you just gonna whine all day, or are you going to help us launch this ship?"

"Prepare to fire the main cannons as we activate the ship," Natarle ordered, "You can do that, can't you chief petty officer?"

Romero looked at Natarle and James, before sighing and sitting down at the controls. "I'm going down to the hanger and get my Cosmograsper ready to fly," James said, "I have a feeling we might need it."

Natarle nodded "Alright, go ahead." She said, as James gave off a quick salute and left.



With the others


Murrue Ramius groaned as her eyes opened up. She instantly took notice that someone had bandaged her gunshot wound, and she was lying down flat on a bench.

"Ah, good. You're awake." A voice said, and Murrue looked to see a young boy standing next to her. "Don't try to move or anything, you took one hell of a hit during the battle."

"Who..." Murrue began to say before she hissed in pain.

"Hey, take it easy!" The boy said, "My name's Takeshi Yamato, you've already met my sister Kira in the strike. I'm with the G-Project development team." He then handed her a bottle of water "Here, drink this." he said.

Murrue accepted the drink and began taking small sips "Where is Ning?" she asked.

"Off to find a Striker Pack for the Strike, for more power." Takeshi explained, "And Amuro left to find anyone else who couldn't get to a shelter."

Murrue blinked as she then looked to the side, and recognized the Origin Unit 1, Akula and Strike in sitting positions, however there were two other units sitting around as well that she had never seen before. There were several civilians surrounding them, she recognized three of them, one being the girl she had in the Strike with her, another was with Ning in the Origin-1, and the last was the boy in the Akula.

However much she was worried about civilians with military secrets, her eyes instantly went to the two unknown. Takeshi saw this, and answered her unasked question "Those other units are the X002 Heroic and X100 Evolve," he said, "They were units we built to help develop the G-Weapons and Orb's Astray's. Don't worry about the civilians, their just making sure the Gundam's are fully functioning should ZAFT come back, which they will."

Murrue was still uncomfortable with letting civilians around Military-Grade hardware, but she knew that they had bigger issues to deal with, and the G-Project wasn't as big as a secret anymore now that ZAFT knew about it. "Have you been able to contact anyone outside the colony? Or the Archangel?" She asked.

Takeshi sighed "No, too much N-Jammer interference mixed in with Minovsky Particles." He said, "hopefully, we might be able to punch through the interference once we get a striker pack on the Strike."

Murrue nodded, as she managed to sit back up. At that time, the Origin Unit 2 arrived. The Gundam kneeled down, and Junior Lieutenant Amuro Ray stepped out, carrying a woman just as old as he was.

Once they reached the ground, Amuro let the girl go as he approached Murrue and Takeshi. "Lieutenant Ramius, good to see you're awake." She said.

Murrue smiled a bit and nodded "Good to see you too Amuro." She said, before she sighed "So give it to me straight, how many G-Weapons did we lose?"

"ZAFT managed to capture the Ghost, Shadow, Duel, Aegis, Archer, Buster, and Blitz, along with one of the Orb-Built Mobile Suits, the X003 Monster." Takeshi answered, with a sigh. "Luckily, we managed to secure the Strike, Akula, Origin Unit 1, Origin Unit 2, the Evolve, Heroic and Rage."

"The Origin Unit 3 is unaccounted for, since it was already onboard the Archangel," Amuro said, "It could be destroyed or captured as far as we know."

"The situation is bad, but it honestly could have been worse." Takeshi said with a nod, "We managed to maintain control of at least some of the G-Weapons. Now we just need to get out of here."

"Right." Murrue said, and then at that moment a large truck drove up next to them, and out of the driver's seat came Ning and Sai.

"Miss Ramius, good to see your alive," Ning said, "Luckily, there was still one Striker Pack left, fully powered too."

"Great!" Takeshi said, "Kira! Get the Strike attached to the Pack! And hurry it up!"

"Right!" Kira called out as she powered up the Strike, and moved it to get the pack on. However before anyone could do anything, there was a massive explosion from above.



With Mu


"God dammit!" Mu cursed as he lost his last Gunbarrel to the elusive Duelist as the two darted through the tunnels of Heliopolis, they burst through an opening and entered the main proper of the colony, both eyes were drawn to the park area where a large group of Mobile Suits were gathered "The G-weapons!" Mu said in obvious relief "But some of them... are they ORB's?" However before either of them could act a new pair exploded through one of the tunnel walls revealing the Proto-GuAIZ and the Rage as they pair continued to duke it out, Mu couldn't help but grin as he recognized the movements of the Rage and opened the squad's channel "Ain't you a sight for sore eyes Dragon!"

"Same to you Hawk," Ryu said, although his voice was cold, but Mu knew it was because of his opponent "Good to see you managed to keep yourself in one piece, although I kinda wish I did a better job of hiding myself from the EA..."

"Sorry 'bout that," Mu apologised as Rau moved over alongside Victor while Mu did the same with Ryu, as the Heliopolis Militia, Cornelius's Zero and Sayla's Guncannon formed up behind them. "But I can honestly say I'm glad you didn't, you're about the only person who can reliably take him on."

On the ground with the others, everyone watched in shock as the two ZAFT machines faced the two Moebius Zero's, the Rage, the Heliopolis Units, and the Guncannon. However Jaden was hit by a massive wave of seemingly killer intent that was practically rolling off of the Rage and the GuAIZ pilot. 'Wha...what the hell is this...' he thought, as he suddenly found it hard to breath. 'I...I never felt anything like this before!'

He was not alone, as several of the others could feel it just as well. 'Ryu...' Kira thought, 'Why...why are you so mad? Who is in that ZAFT suit that's angering yo so much?'

Meanwhile, Rau was mentally cursing up a storm 'Damn, I never though the E.A could make this many machines, however some of them seem to be Orb's...' he thought.

However, before either side could do anything, a second explosion sounded in the colony, and everyone's eyes turned to see a single massive ship fly out from inside the colony.

'And we failed to destroy the Earth Forces new ship...' He thought.

"Rau, as much as I hate to admit it, we should withdraw." Victor said, "We don't have the firepower with us to deal with all of these G-Weapons and that battleship, and with Hisanaga here..."

He hated to admit it too, but Rau nodded in agreement "Yes, your right." He said, before turning on the open comm. "You win this round, Dragon of Endymion, but our little war has just begun." And with that he withdrew.

Victor stayed for a moment longer, and grinned "I'll be seeing you soon, Hisanaga," he sneered, "And I'll take your Mobile Suit's head as my prize!" And with that, he withdrew as well.

Ryu snarled as he watched them leave before letting out a sigh and looking down to the gathered mobile suits "Ah man, my girlfriends's going to have my balls for this..." He groaned rubbing his eyes "All of my dirty little secrets coming out in a single day."

Mu blinked and looked over to his old wingmate "You have a girlfriend now?" Mu asked in shock "Ryu Hisanaga, the guy who essentially created the Super Ace ranking has now been pussy whipped by two woman!"

"Laugh it up Mu," Ryu said with an eye roll "Laugh it up."

A few minutes later after the archangel landed on the surface of Heliopolis, the mobile suits on the ground landed into the Archangel's hanger bay, along with the E.A and Militia units.

Ryu heaved a sigh as he set the Rage down on the Archangel palming his eyes to wipe away the strain he was feeling 'I was hoping that they would find out about my past in a better fashion' Ryu thought to himself as he put the Rage into standby "Let's just hope they took it well." He added in a mutter as he disembarked his mobile suit.

He was soon joined by the others and quietly eyed the group that came out to meet them, he quickly recognized three of them from the transport terminal and smiled at the sight of a stocky black haired mechanic who was with them. Said mechanic looked in Ryu's direction and his eyes widened in shock, but he then grinned a bit as Ryu smiled back with a nod.

Natarle and several of the crew members ran toward her.

"Lieutenant Ramius!" Ensign Badgiruel called as she and members of the Archangel's surviving crew ran towards the people and the mobile suits.

"Ensign Badgiruel,"

Badgiruel saluted her superior. "I'm relieved to see that you're alright,"

Murrue returned her salute. "You as well. I'm pleased to see that you were able to protect the Archangel. I was beginning to have my doubts it survived."

Natarle nodded "Yes, thankfully most of the damage to the Archangel wasn't too sever, and she's still spaceworthy." She said before looking at the G-Weapons. "By the way, what are with the extra 3 G-Weapons?" She asked, noticing the Rage, Hero, and Evolve. "I was only aware of the Astray's and our own 12 units."

"Their the Hero, Rage and Evolve," Takeshi explained, "Their part of Orb's G-Project as well."

"And you are?" Natarle asked.

"Takeshi Yamato, I was part of the G-Project, and I helped design the Evolve." He explained, "It was used as the test-bed for the development of the Hero, Rage and Monster, as well as your G-Weapons and the Astray Series."

"Wow. Now this is a surprise," Mu said, as he approached the group, along with Sayla, Cornelia, and the Heliopolis Militia pilots. Kasumi however recognized one of the pilots, and her eyes widened.

"H-Hikari O'Nee-chan?" She said, and Hikari looked and her eyes widened upon seeing her little sister standing there "Kasumi? What are you doing here?" She asked, "I-You should be in a shelter!"

"The ones close to us were all filled," Kasumi said, "And, long story short, I eventually ended up in the cockpit of one of those Mobile Suits."

Hikari sighed "Well, as long as your safe..." she said, as Mu, Sayla and Cornelia approached the other E.A officers.

"I'm Lieutenant Mu La Flaga of the 7th Orbital Fleet," he said as he saluted.

"Lieutenant Cornelia Fredricks, of the 7th as well." Cornelia said, saluting.

"Lieutenant Sayla Mass, 7th Orbital Fleet." Sayla said.

Murrue and the other E.A soldiers saluted in return "Second Lieutenant Murrue Ramius of Sector 2, 5th Special Division." She said.

"Ensign Natarle Badgiruel, of the same division!"

Mu nodded "Anyways, I need to speak with the highest ranking officer," he said, "Where is the Captain?"

"KIA." A voice said, and the others turned to see James approach them. "He as well as the other G-Weapon pilots were killed when ZAFT attacked, as far as I know, Miss Ramius should be the highest ranking individual here, aside from you and me, Lieutenant."

"No not the captain..." Murrue said in shock her eyes widening.

"Well, this is gone completely FUBAR," Ryu groaned getting everyone's attention "Not only did ZAFT's attack escape your notice but your captain id dead too, I would ask if this day could get any worse, but God would take that as a challenge..."

"Who're you?" James asked cautiously "You seem familiar."

Ryu snorted exchanging glances with Mu "Ryu Hisanaga, former Lieutenant in the EA's Zero Battalion," He said with a half-ass salute "I was piloting the Rage during the attack." At his declaration half of the guns held by the survivors pointed at Ryu who looked at them with a bored expression "Do you really think that's a good idea?" He asked sarcastically "Killing an ORB citizen and a Terminal Agent? Not to mention one of the people who pulled your asses out of the fire?"

"Lower those guns boys," Mu ordered, as he walked towards Ryu "Trust me, you shoot at him, you'll only make him angry."

Ryu Snorted, "Yeah, you would know." He said with a grin as the two approached one another, and clapped their hands together "Great to see you again hawk."

"Same to you Dragon," Mu said, "Never doubted for a minute you survived Endymion,"

Ryu winced slightly "Sorry I never contacted you," He apologized "I needed to keep off the radar."

Mu nodded in understanding "Good thing you didn't," He informed "They were watching me like those commando fangirls did after graduation."

Ryu shuddered "I will never sleep in the same room as you again Hawk," He said his eyes darting around "Those girls were crazy! Then Yuna showed up... and things went south from there..."

"Uhh...Ryu?" Kira said, "Who's this?"

"Ah, right." Ryu said "Kira, Jaden, everyone, I'd like you to meet my good friend, Mu La Flagga, the Hawk of Endymion, he was my old wingman back in the day." He then quickly introuduced Mu too Kira, Jaden and the others in return.

"Pleasure to meet you all," Mu said, "A friend of Ryu's is a friend of mine in my books." He then eyed Kira for a moment and grinned "Ahh, and you must be Ryu's new girlfriend, am I right?"

Kira blushed before looking at Ryu who winced his expression heavy "I'll explain later," He whispered to her "In private." Kira nodded trusting her boyfriend as Mu seemed to realize that Ryu hadn't exactly told Kira about his last girlfriend and sent an apologetic look to his former wingmate who shrugged it off "Lieutenant Ramius," Ryu said getting Murrue's attention where she was discussing something with Natarle "Would you please be able to allocate us some rooms?" He asked politely "My friends are exhausted and I'm sure they have some questions for me that I would rather answer in privacy."

"You're a traitor," Natarle shouted in protest "The only place you'll be going is the brig!"

"That's enough Ensign!" Murrue barked out as many of the mechanical crew moved in around the civilians and Ryu "In case you haven't noticed if we tried that than we'd have mutiny on our hands, not to mention that Mr. Hisanaga is now an Agent of Terminal, meaning we can no longer prosecute him due to the treaty signed with Terminal."

Natarle looked like she was about to protest, but a sharp glare from both Mu and Murrue forced her to back off. Murrue turned back to Ryu and nodded "Of course," she said, and she ordered some of the mechanics to show them to the quarters.

A few minutes later, Ryu and the other civilians were now inside one of the unused quarters of the Archangel, "Well, I promised you all an explanation, so now that things have calmed down a bit...here it is." Ryu began as he sighed, "Everything you've heard about me so far...is true, I'm the same Ryu Hisanaga who became known as the Dragon of Endymion. One of the few E.A Aces who were coordinators."

He was met with silence from the others, until Jaden spoke up first "Why didn't you tell us this Ryu?" He asked, causing him to sigh.

"I wanted to forget..." He admitted palming his eyes "I wanted to leave it behind me, move beyond being a soldier... but I guess my past isn't ready to let go of me just yet..."

Kira looked at her boyfriend and reach over grabbing his hand and squeezed it making him smile at her "The reason I had left so suddenly was Mu had sent an emergency broadcast over our old squad channel," He continued "The reason was... the man who was responsible for the death of my family... he's here..."

"The pilot of that red Zaft mobile suit?" Adam asked, and Ryu nodded. "Yes," he said. "His name's Victor Amsel, the Butcher of Ontario...during the invasion of North America, he approved of D-Type weapon on Ontario, my home. By the time Me and the others arrived...it was too late." He then closed his eyes "I couldn't...I couldn't even find the bodies of my brother and sister..."

The others gave Ryu a sympathetic look, especially Jaden, who knows very well how hard it is to loose a sibling to war.

Kira meanwhile was feeling both sad and angry. She was sad upon hearing Ryu's tragic past, however she was also furious at Victor for tearing apart Ryu's family. "Ryu..." Kira whispered as she moved to hug the pilot who smiled gratefully at the brunette "I can understand why you didn't say anything, it must have been painful to bear all of that on your own... but you'll never be alone while I'm here..."

"Thank you Kira," Ryu whispered into her ear as he held her gently "Thank you..."

"Your our friend Ryu," Jaden said, and the others nodded "We all are, and we understand what you did. Just don't try to go out on your own again, 'cause the next time we see that bastard, we'll take him down together."

"I'm...not to sure about that last part," Ryu said, "Believe me when I say Victor isn't ZAFT's number 2 top ace for nothing, he's one of the few people who could actually fight me on equal terms, the others being Andrew Waltfield, Rau Le Cruset, and Char Aznable...I don't want to risk loosing any of you to that bastard."

"Your not going to loose any of us Ryu," Kira said, "We simply want to help you however we can."

Ryu smiled and nodded "Just... be careful alright, if you were to face Char or Andy, you'd end up alright," He informed "They'd be more inclined to take you prisoner than outright kill you, but Victor and Rau, those two are ruthless and heartless to their enemies, and sometimes their allies, although Rau makes it seem like he's not." He rubbed his eyes and nodded again at seemingly nothing "Just be careful, and try not to get trapped in a one on one situation against them, your suits may be more powerful then their's, but your all rooks, they have the experience and the know how to crush you, hell I remember Char crushing a Moebius between his thighs once..."

The others just stared at Ryu blankly for a moment as he raised his hands for defense "Hey, I'm just telling you what I heard!" He said, before he sighed "Anyways, its best if we all get some rest now while we can."

The other nodded as they prepared themselves for bed, meanwhile Ryu Kira slid into one of the beds cuddling up to one another "I'm sorry I never told you Kira," He whispered softly "I... I just wanted to be normal I suppose."

Kira smiled at her boyfriends and kissed him gently "You are normal Ryu," She assured him with conviction "And I know you didn't want to hurt me by hiding it, although I will admit I did nearly have a heart attack when you leapt over the railing and into the firefight." Ryu chuckled as he kissed her deeply earning a soft moan as their tongues wrapped around each other "Keep that up and we'll keep everyone awake..."

Ryu grinned as he hit a button causing a privacy screen to fall into place "A nice little secret of the EA that I've always enjoyed, even their bunks are soundproofed." He informed getting a giggle from Kira.



In Moregenroete


A small team of Morgenroete Engineers were scavenging through the debris of Morgenroete, searching for anything salvagable before ZAFT can get their hands on it.

The team then found a large door, big enough to fit a Mobile Suit inside "Alright, let's see if we have anything worth while in here!" The leader shouted, as the men began working on opening the door.

Soon, they managed to slide the door open, revealing the dark inside of the room. They activated their flash lights to see what was inside. However when the lights fell upon a large humanoid face, the eyes of the engineers widened in shock. "Unbelievable..." the leader whispered.

117Jorn: CLIFFHANGER! Hahaha, I'm so evil. What did they find? You'll have to wait for the next chapter too find out! Special thanks to Dragonknightryu, Patriot-112 and Takeshi Yamato for helping me make this chapter.