**author's note: Thanks for all of the kind encouragement to continue this fic, and sorry it took so long for this chapter! I went and gave myself an ulcer, and simply haven't felt quite as frisky with the writing as I normally do. I think that was reflected in this chapter being a little less intense than intended, but I'm still happy with it :). Nothing like two overexcited boys goin' at it ;)**

Chapter 5

They walked quickly and in silence towards Bruce's quarters, making sure to keep a reasonable distance between them to avoid arousing suspicion. Thankfully, they met no resistance other than a few Shield agents whom they knew no better than to exchange quick pleasantries with. After what felt like ages, they finally reached Bruce's quarters. Bruce turned around with his back to the door, his eyes full of apprehension.

"You know you can always say no, right? I mean, we don't have to do anything, even once we're in there."

Steve rewarded him with a small lopsided smile, before he placed his hands on either side of Bruce's doorframe and leaned in.

"If it's all the same to you, I'd very much appreciate you opening the door so we can go inside before I have to tear it off of its hinges." He growled quietly.

Bruce's eyes widened and he smiled broadly before punching in his code, causing the door to slide open with an almost inaudible "whoosh".

Steve stepped inside the threshold and looked around for the first time at Bruce Banner's bedroom. There were clothes neatly folded in a pile in the corner, the bed was made, and everything seemed orderly as he would have expected with the notable exception of Bruce's desk, which was piled high with a ragged array of scraps of paper, photos, candy wrappers, and god only knows what else.

Steve turned to face a nervous looking Bruce and cocked his eyebrow, inclining his head towards the desk. Bruce's face tinted red slightly and he shrugged, running a hand through his hair self-consciously.

Both men stood awkwardly apart for a few seconds, both feeling a bit lost in how to deal with this moment now that it was upon them. Steve opened his mouth to say something and took a hesitant step forward, but then closed it again, at a loss for words. That one step was seemingly all Bruce needed in the way of encouragement, taking the few short steps to close the gap between them, their bodies now mere inches apart.

They stared steadily into each other's eyes for a moment, both seeming to search for something, their breathing heavier than usual with the weight of the tension in the room. Slowly, Steve's hand reached out, his fingers brushing tentatively against Bruce's bicep as his eyes tracked the movement. Bruce let out a quiet moan at the contact and Steve's hand curled possessively around his arm, pulling him in so their bodies were flush with one another, and leaned down to roughly claim his lips.

They both groaned at the intensity of the sudden contact, pressing greedily into each other's bodies, Steve's large hands still wrapped around Bruce's biceps holding him firmly in place, while Bruce's hands were well occupied, tracking the movement of the sculpted muscles in Steve's back.

Bruce slowly started to take steps backwards towards the bed, guiding the larger man until the back of his own knees hit the edge and he tugged him forwards, sending them both tumbling onto the mattress. The sudden shift brought their clothed erections into contact for the first time, and Bruce bucked upwards, grinding himself against the obvious bulge in Steve's pants. Steve let out a low, throaty moan and canted his hips forward in response, breaking their kiss to favour him with another lopsided grin before starting to rock his hips at a torturously slow, but firm pace.

Bruce's head lolled backwards against the pillow, his eyes screwed shut and his mind reeling from the sensation. Any part of his brain that had been unsure before was no longer able to form coherent thoughts when the captain leaned down to lightly nip and kiss the exposed neck before him, humming contentedly low in his throat, seemingly pleased with the reaction his actions were soliciting.

The Hulk, however, was not terribly keen on Banner giving up control so easily, and had started to push insistently at him, under his skin. Bruce could feel him rising from inside; not angry, but lustful, and made the call that he should give him what he wants before the situation got out of his control.

With a low growl, Bruce wrapped his legs around Steve's slender waist and flipped them over. He registered the surprised look in the other man's eyes turning dark and needful as his hand snaked down between their bodies and deftly undid and discarded of Steve's belt, before roughly pulling the man's pants and underwear down just far enough, his hand finally finding its target.

Bruce looked up steadily at the captain as he gave a few firm strokes to his hard cock, already slick with leaking precum. He could've sworn he saw a slightly vulnerable look somewhere in Steve's eyes, before they fluttered shut and his hips jerked upwards into his hand.


He knew that super-stamina or not, Steve wasn't going to last very long, and with how excited he was, neither was he. Placing one hand on Steve's hip to steady himself, he placed his throbbing erection alongside Steve's and wrapped his hand around both of them, stroking them slowly as he felt the heat pool quickly inside of his stomach, watching Steve moan and writhe beneath him only fuelling the fire. He wanted this to last, but picked up the pace despite himself, watching the other man's hips rock upwards and jerk erratically, his breath catching as warm, sticky cum spilled over his hand and onto his over sensitized cock, finally pushing him over the edge, giving one last thrust before spilling his seed all over his hand and Steve's stomach before allowing his body to slump against the larger one below him.

It was several second before either of them spoke.

"We should probably get cleaned up." Bruce said, making no move to get up.

"Hmm", came the answer from above him, and he looked up to see Steve smiling contentedly, his eyes still closed.

Bruce smiled and chuckled lightly, before peeling himself off of the captain to get a damp towel. By the time he made it back, Steve's eyes were open and looking keenly at him. He leaned down and tenderly wiped all vestiges of their affair from Steve's stomach and groin, before retreating to the bathroom again. When he came back, Steve was still wearing that same guarded expression, watching him expectantly for some sign of what to do.

Bruce lay back down on the bed and placed his hand softly against Steve's chest, feeling the steadiness of his heartbeat, and smiled gently at him. Steve seemed to understand the unspoken sign and closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around the smaller man in what Bruce thought was a sweetly innocent gesture, like a child hugging it's teddy bear.

"Night' Steve." Bruce whispered before turned off the lights.

"Hm mmm." Steve replied.

Within minutes, both had drifted off to sleep; blissfully unaware of what the next day was to bring.