A/N: So, a story I've been thinking about publishing for a while now. It's basically a "What If" story on the idea of Bree Tanner being in Jasper's newborn army instead of Riley's and her being able to eventually join the Cullen family (I didn't like that she died in Eclipse). It will be completely written in Bree's POV, unless in a future chapter I simply CAN'T write it in her POV. The story WILL take place before, through, and maybe a little after the Twilight books, so I will be adding dates to the chapters (I will be referring to the Official Twilight Guide for those). Also, the story WILL be based on the books, NOT the movies (with the exception of the Cullen crest because I really liked that). So, I hope you guys like it!

Disclaimer: All of the characters belong to Stephenie Meyer

Jasper's Newborn Army

March 16, 1938 Chapter 1: Stranger

I walked through the dark and empty street as I hummed softly to myself. The sound of nearby drunken men filled my ears, but I ignored it and focused instead on the sound of my feet moving against the dirt path on which I walked on. I stared ahead of me while I continued walking forward in no particular direction. I didn't want to attract any attention to myself, so I tried to stay as casual as any girl my age would in a town like this. If I seemed like I knew where I was going, no one would bother me. If I was too attentive or cautious…someone was bound to notice and stop me.

A quick movement on the corner of my right eye caught my attention, but once I had turned my head, no one was there. I shrugged it off, thinking it was probably an animal looking for food and turned back to look in front of me. I walked a couple more feet when again; a movement in the corner of my eye stopped me. I turned once again; not expecting to find anything out of the ordinary, but I was caught off guard as I turned to face what I was sure was the most beautiful woman I had seen in my life. She stayed hidden in the shadows of the bar beside her; however, I could tell that she had a slight olive tone to her skin…a color you just didn't see from people in the South.

"M-may I help you?" I asked her, my eyebrows angled at a frown as they showed my confusion.

She laughed…a beautiful sound that despite the hot and humid March night air, gave me goose bumps and made the hair at the back of my neck stand up.

"You look like you could work," she replied as she inched forward towards me; a small smile at the corner of her mouth.

"I'm sorr-" I began, but stopped mid-sentence as she moved far enough away from the shadow of the bar so that I could look into her eyes. I felt my heart begin to accelerate as she smiled at me, her terrifying blood-red eyes amused. I moved one step back away from her and a sudden and unexplained pain spread from the left side of my neck…

A/N: So, sorry the first chapter's so small, but future chapters will be much longer, I promise! There will be romance, and drama, and action in the future (I mean...she's going to be in a newborn army...there has to be fights) so, if you guys liked it and want me to continue, review and I'll update the next chapter as soon as possible. Thank you for reading!