"All your love has made me late getting back." Stiles grinned at Derek, looking at the clock and seeing his lunch hour was nearly up.

"Don't go back, you'll be in trouble already for leaving." Derek let his fingers trace Stiles' stomach, looking into his eyes all the while.

Stiles pushed him away, "You know I don't want to, but I'm already close to failing this class." He jumped up from the rumpled sheets and grabbed some fresh clothes, keeping his eyes away from Derek the entire time; he was still laid out on the bed, naked, waiting for more. "Get dressed!" Stiles had to close his eyes when he finally turned around, his crotch twitching at the sight of Derek, gloriously and unabashedly naked.

"I'll drive you." Stiles still had his eyes closed, not knowing what Derek was doing until he felt strong, hard arms wrapped around him, and something even harder grazing against his crotch.

"I have a car..." Stiles muttered, letting Derek plant soft kisses on his neck.

"Mines faster. This way we get -" He glanced at the clock, "- twenty minutes? We can do a lot in twenty minutes."

"Come on." Stiles grinned, putting his hands on his chest – heart rate rising – and giving him a light shove. Derek dressed quickly, grabbing his car keys from their fallen position and slipping into his shoes before leading Stiles downstairs by his hand.

The Camaro was faster than the jeep after all, and Derek had always been a fan of making out in a car like a naughty teenager. Stiles put it down to some nostalgia or... something. Who even knew? All he knew was that it was hot.

The feeling of Derek's hand kneading his thigh through the denim all the way to school had made Stiles painfully hard again, his dick jumping when Derek traced his fingers just a little further up, or turned to give him a wide grin.

"Park over there," Stiles panted when the school came into view, pointing over to the furthest back area of the parking lot, where trees grew overhead, their leaves hanging low and grazing over the Camaro as Derek pulled in. The inside of the car was darker due to the shade, and the light rain outside would keep away any wondering students. "Twenty minutes?" Stiles asked, his voice shaky as he shrugged out of the hoody and started unbuttoning his plaid shirt.

"Let me." Derek's fingers closed over his own, stopping him in his tracks. Before Stiles could even begin to think of working out the logistics of how one had sex in a car Derek was straddling him, leaning down under his seat to adjust how far from the dashboard the seat was, before turning the dial at the side of the chair so that possibly the most comfortable car seat in history reclined.

"You've done this before?" Stiles asked, his question met with dead silence as Derek instead focused on – painfully slowly – undoing three buttons of Stiles' shirt.

"You still owe me for this morning." Derek said quietly, his fingers grazing the pink nub of Stiles' left nipple. Their crotches were rubbing together, creating such an amazing friction Stiles thought he might blow again right there.

"Then let me repay you." Stiles shifted his weight, sighing when Derek did the same to the other side so they could spin around; there really was no way Stiles would have been able to shift Derek's hulking muscles on his own.

"Come on!" Derek growled, his face twisted in pleasure as Stiles ran his hands up and down over the bulge in his jeans, his other hand delving under Derek's shirt, running his fingers through the hair that led from his navel down to his crotch, exploring every single one of his abs.

"Now look who's impatient." Stiles said, letting their lips touch. He had planned on a slow, passionate kiss, but Derek was having none of it. He grabbed the back of Stiles' neck and pushed him down onto his lips so that tongues and teeth and lips clashed in a fury, the other hand running down to the small of Stiles' back and pressing him down so his whole body was against Derek's.

"Get this off," Stiles mumbled, pulling the black fabric from Derek's body while Derek undid Stiles' buttons with no sign of the luxury he had been exhibiting a few minutes earlier. As soon as their torsos were exposed they pressed onto each other again, Derek's hands grabbing onto Stiles' ass with such force that it almost hurt, Stiles arching his back and writhing against Derek, drawing moans from the both of them. "And these." His fingers fumbled on Derek's fly before he finally got it open. Stiles yelped when Derek literally lifted him up by his ass so he could wiggle out of his jeans, Stiles only supported by Derek's hands and his feet braced against the back seat behind Derek.

"Now you, come on we're running out of time." Derek said, moaning in surprise and pleasure when Stiles stood up as best he could and unfastened his fly, his body leant over Derek so the man could kiss at his chest while he shrugged out of the annoying denim.

"Fuck." The feeling of their dicks rubbing together, only contained by their underwear, made Stiles cry out, his lips attacking Derek's before they moved down to his neck, giving him those quickly healing love-bites that he loved, moving down his chest and letting his tongue play with Derek's nipples.

Every kiss took Stiles lower down his body, while Derek shifted himself upwards so his head was thrown over the back of the reclined seat, supporting himself with his feet on the dashboard, his legs spread to make a perfect place for Stiles to get to work.

Stiles kissed down Derek's treasure-trail, burrowing under the boxer-briefs to get to his dick, but finding the position of Derek's legs didn't really allow him to take them off.

"Here." Derek panted, tearing the fabric apart and tossing them aside. The groan that went out at the feeling of his cock finally being released made Stiles grin, while another groan went out from Stiles as his own cock was released, boxers thrown unceremoniously behind him. He was half kneeling, half crouching, between Derek's legs, tracing his tongue over the engorged head of his cock, tasting pre-cum and sweat and lust. "Fuck off, Stiles." Derek moaned.

"A taste of your own medicine." Stiles said wickedly, licking over the slit for just a second before he started kissing his abs instead, Derek's cock jutting up under his chin.

"Come on!" Derek insisted once more, grabbing hold of Stiles head and trying to guide him towards his cock.

"No, no," Stiles grinned up at him, "how about this instead? Shift up." Derek's heart rate increased, wriggling upwards in the seat and bending his knees, feet still on the dashboard.

"Oh – fuck!" Derek tried and failed to contain his moan as Stiles' tongue licked his hole, running circles around the furled muscle as Derek writhed above him. He rubbed his hands over the outside of Derek's thighs while he licked and gently explored the hole with his tongue. Derek couldn't contain his groans of pleasure when Stiles took his cock with one hand, his tongue still in his ass, and started moaning himself as he pumped his own length. "Where did – oh god." Derek's question fell flat, his pleasure destroying his ability to speak.

"I used to watch a lot of porn." Stiles laughed, coming off his ass and shifting up a little so he could take his cock into his mouth. In one fell swoop he managed to encase almost all of Derek's girth, though it was slightly difficult, he thought wryly, with the amount of dick he was working with.

"Oh fuck – don't stop." Derek made sure he had his hands on Stiles' shoulders, gently kneading and massaging the muscles, though his ulterior motive was to make sure Stiles didn't try and pay him back for earlier by coming off his dick. Stiles' elbows were bent to allow him to snake his arms around Derek's thighs and reach his hole, rubbing two fingers around the sphincter as he continued to suck. He knew how much Derek loved having a finger inside of him, but he still hadn't been allowed to fuck him.

Derek was soon thrusting his ass back and forth, and with Stiles unable to stop the thrusts due to his fingers prying apart Derek's hole, he gently pushed a digit inside instead; Derek's thrusts stopped – the pleasure that overcame him seemed to have destroyed his motor skills as well as his speech, which was an almost unintelligible babble of expletives and cries for more.

"Want another one?" Stiles mumbled as he tried to come off his cock to speak, his face pressed back down just seconds after he spoke by Derek's strong fingers on his shoulders. Derek couldn't bring himself to say yes, he just grabbed onto Stiles hand and pressed down. Of course, Stiles got the message, drawing out another long, deep moan as he inserted a second finger and pushed forward until he found his prostate.

"Fuck!" Derek moaned, his eyes widening when a third finger was added just a few seconds later. All the while Stiles was licking and sucking at his cock, tasting pre-cum as he traced his tongue over the slit, hollowing his cheeks and letting his tongue go wild as he bobbed back and forth on Derek's growth, gently playing with Derek's balls with the fingers that weren't embedded in his ass.

"Stiles – Stiles!" Derek shouted, every muscle in his body clenching as the orgasm overcame him. Stiles came off his cock and started pumping back and forth, his fingers leaving his ass and pumping his own cock so fast it was a blur, bringing them both to orgasm as Stiles' face and chest were coated with spurt after spurt of Derek's thick, white juices, while the carpet and leather of the chair were covered in Stiles'.

When Derek finally let his body drop the sweat coating his back made a squeaky sound against the chair, drawing a grin from Stiles before he straddled him, kissing and biting at his lips with a haste he had never felt.

"You're late." Derek grinned, pointing to the digital clock on the dashboard.

"How can I go like this?" Stiles said, gesturing to the white mess on his chest. Derek had kissed and licked most of it off his face, but he knew he would smell like sex.

"Skip it and come to the beach with me." Derek countered.

"Sandy beach sex? Won't that be a little irritating?" Stiles leaned in to smell Derek as he spoke, feeling like he was almost a wolf himself.

Derek laughed, "It just means we get to clean each other off in the shower. Or the sea. We can have sex in both."

"If we can have sex in both you're on." Stiles kissed his way down Derek's chest until the position of his body made it too difficult to go any further, grinning as he was flipped over and Derek shifted back to his seat, collecting clothes and throwing Stiles' at him before he slipped into his own and started up the car.