Finn sat in the bathroom, legs crossed, glasses on, hair messy, and a giant vein sticking out of his neck. He was having a stare down with the tiny plastic toilet in front of him. He never thought in a million years that a piece of plastic would cause his so much stress. Not counting positive pregnancy tests in his sophomore year of college. He sighed again, opening the Potty Training 101 book and scanning its content.

Mercedes had left for the day to have a girl's day out with her mom, leaving Finn and their son. Usually, this wouldn't be an issue, but Mercedes had been on Finn's case about potty training their son for quite some time.

"Ty! Get in here!" Finn yelled, slamming the book shut. He heard the pitter-patter of his son's tiny feet as he ran closer to the bathroom. Finn snapped his head toward the door when he heard his son's quiet "Hmm?" from the doorway. He pointed to the potty and huffed. "Pee."

Ty frowned innocently and tilted his head. Finn's eyes visibly softened, seeing himself. He shook his head and stood up from the cold tiles. "I need you to pee," he said slowly.

"Daddy, I can't just go," Ty huffed, his brown eyes confused as ever. "Can I go finish watching TV now?" Finn rubbed his temples and gently took his son's hand, leading him into the bathroom.

"No. Pee, and then you can." Finn knew this was a terrible idea, but he had taught Ty needed to do and was at his wits end. He shut the bathroom door and slid down waiting for his son to use the bathroom.

Hearing shuffling through the door, Finn smiled to himself thinking he had made some sort of progress.

"Daddy, what are cone-doms?" Ty called out as he held an unopened box of condoms. Finn quickly shuffled to his knees and pressed his ear to the door.

"Ty, put those down and please pee," he stressed.

Putting the box away with a shrug, the three year old sat on his water chair, waiting for something to happen. "I don't get this," he whined, beginning to sound like his father. He got up and moved to sit on the edge of the bathtub, his feet dangling off and his head hung low.

"If you don't pee. Mommy and I won't have another baby."

"How does that work?"

Finn sighed, shutting his eyes briefly. "It doesn't matter cause it's not gonna happen if you don't pee." He suddenly stood up and let himself into the bathroom. "Change of plans. Let's go to the store," he smiled. "Go get your shoes, buddy." Ty gave his dad a toothy grin and clapped before carefully sliding off the edge of the bathtub.

"Chug, chug, chug!"

Finn and Ty were both standing in kitchen to see who could drink the most apple juice without getting sick. Finn thought it was a fool-proof plan to get their son to use the bathroom with him or Mercedes assistance. So far Ty had managed to gulp down a hefty portion, knowing it was his favorite, and was working to finish the entire jug. His curls bounced as he let out a small burp and a giggle following it.

"What do we say?" Finn warned.

Ty opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by the door slamming itself shut. "What the hell is going on in here?" Mercedes yelled, taking in the sight in front of her: their son struggling to hold a half empty jug of apple juice bigger than him and her husband with messy hair and a shocked expression. Mercedes tossed the shopping bags on the couch before walking into the kitchen to investigate. "Explain."

"Daddy wants me to pee so you can have another me?" Ty answered with wide eyes, still holding his jug of juice.

Mercedes' gasped as her mouth formed a small 'o'. "Tyler, put that down and go to your room. Now," she said in a stern voice. Ty handed the jug of sadly and ran to his room. Finn sighed, setting the jug down and stood in front of Mercedes.

"Can I explain before you make up this insane scenario in your head?"

"I'm listening," she said, crossing her arms tightly.

"First of all none of this is his fault. And second," he sighed before continuing. "Well, Ty wasn't going to the bathroom and locking him in there wasn't doing any good so-"

"You locked our son in the bathroom, Finn?" She yelled, cutting him off.

"Let me finish, Mercedes, please?"

"Fine," she sighed.

"And I was past frustrated because I read that dumb book thirty times and it doesn't tell you how to make your kid pee. So I knew apple juice was his favorite so we had a contest to see who could drink the most without getting sick," he finished, adding the last part quietly. Mercedes stood standing and staring up at Finn who was wearing a guilty look on his face. "Please don't be mad."

Mercedes shut her eyes and took a deep breath through her nose. "What part of you thought that this was a good idea?"

"I didn't even wanna do this in the first place, Mercedes! You're good with stuff like this. That's why I married you!"

"You married me because you think I can potty train our son?" She asked, growing angrier by the second.

Finn shook his head and pushed his glasses that were sliding down his face. "N-no. I married you because I love you and I know you'll be the perfect mom and wife," he said as she uncrossed her arms. "And you are, Mercedes. Do you know how many times I've read those damn instructions on that stupid potty training toilet? Enough to know that I'll never potty train our son. I mean now it just feels like that dumb book is mocking me. I can't even teach our son to use the restroom-"

"Hey," Mercedes softly cut off Finn for the third time that day and firmly grabbed his shoulders. "You're a wonderful husband and even a better dad. I know you can teach our son to do this because you're smart and I believe in you. A book isn't gonna tell us how to raise our child. We have to make mistakes and grow from them. Together."

Finn wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. "Together?"

"Together," Mercedes sighed as she hugged him, her head resting on his chest.

"I love you so much," Finn said, his chin resting on the top of her head.

"I love you too," she said while she tightened her grip around his shoulders. "Now, what is it with this 'having another me' business? What exactly are you teaching our so-?"

"Shh, Merce, don't ruin it."

Mercedes bruised it off with a head shake, but planned to question him about the matter later. With their eyes both shut, they were both content and relaxed more hearing their son enter the room.

"Mommy, daddy! I did it!" Ty cried out.

Finn pulled away, his hands residing on Mercedes' waist, to look at Ty. "No way!"

Ty nodded furiously with a bright smile before gesturing them to follow him into the bathroom.

"Looks like you did it, babe," Mercedes grinned, leaning up to place a kiss on Finn's lips. He returned the kiss, wrapping his arms back around her waist, pulling her back to him.

"Come on, guys!" Ty yelled from the bathroom, his voice echoing down the hall. Mercedes pulled away with a giggle and lightly patted his chest.

"You heard the boy, let's go!" She playfully ordered.

Finn bowed, stepping aside to let her walk in front of him. "After you, malady."

They made their way to the bathroom where their son was proudly pointing to the plastic water chair that was indeed full. Finn bent down to Ty's level and reached out for him. "You did it, buddy! I'm so proud of you."

"Mhmm! And we did it together," he nodded happily.

"That's right, Ty. Together."

Mercedes sent Finn a knowing smile as she placed a kiss on the top of his head and rubbed his shoulders. "Together."