Disclaimer- I don't own Kensi, Deeks, NCISLA or anything else in association with them. So yeah, if only I did….

I heard a quick rap on my door, and shouted for the person to come in. I heard the door creak open, and a blonde shaggy haired, blue eyed man peak from behind the door frame.

"Are you decent?" He called.

"Even if I wasn't, you'd still come in." I laughed as I rounded the corner to the front foyer of my condo.

"It was just common courtesy" He laughed along with me and stepped into the house, looking quite attractive in his tailored green shirt and light green tie, with black dress pants.

"Since when do you do common courtesy Deeks?" I questioned.

"It's a new day Kens, I've changed." He told me.

"Deeks, it's night time." I smirked.

"Well it's a new day in China or somewhere." He chuckled.

"Fair enough." I decided, as I went back into the bathroom to finish clipping up my hair, and dabbing on lip stick.

"C'mon Kens, I thought that if I came a little late, that you would at least be ready!" He called, and I heard the couch make a sound that showed that he was sitting on it.

I chose to ignore him, and instead I emerged from my bathroom and posed with a silly laugh. I saw his head slowly turn around, and he did a double take.

"What do you think?" I asked as I did a little pirouette to make my deep red dress twirl at my heels. It was a simple dress really, but I thought it was perfect for my 'date' with Deeks. Now, I know what you're thinking, since when are Deeks and I in a relationship. But we aren't really. We were joking the other day about our old case. You know the one, the Justin and Melissa uncover op. After that funny chat, we thought it would be a kick if we went out all dressed up. It's kind of nice to get all dressed up to go out with Deeks. Sometimes I swear he just thinks I'm one of the guys! It's nice to have him checking me out-within reason of course.

"Wow Kens, you do clean up well!" He nodded appreciatively.

"I know." I winked at him.

"Ready to go, Melissa?" He put his arms around my shoulders and walked us out my door.

"Deeks…" I looked up at him and lowered my lids, not in a sexual way, but in a 'back off, don't get too close' kind of way.

"I'm kidding Kensi, now come on, we're taking my car."

I tried to argue with him so he would choose my car, but he just wouldn't budge. Claiming it was 'unsafe' to drive in heels. Right, like I haven't done it before. He definitely just likes to be in charge, it's cute really, but I still like my car better.

We drove for quite a while, well it was only 45 minutes, but when you have a chatty Deeks in the drivers side, it seems like forever. We finally arrived at a cute little country club, that Deeks' buddy from the LAPD told him about. He got out the car first, and came around to my door to open it.

"Wow Deeks, such a gentleman." I rolled my eyes and took the hand he offered and got out the car. I immediately dropped his hand and we just simultaneously walked beside each other and went inside the restaurant.

It was a quaint little place, and there were mainly older couples, with a few young ones. Now if this was a real date I would have said 'like us' but as we both decided, this was a friend thing. A little friendly reminder of a funny little undercover marriage op.

"Table for two?" The blonde hostess asked.

"Yes." I said.

"Right this way." She brought us to a little booth, with big bouquet of flowers in the middle of it.

He pulled out my chair and I sat down and scooted myself in. He then took the seat across from me, but he didn't quite look at me. I mean, how could he with this massive bunch of flowers in the way. So I took them off the table and placed them beside my chair. He gave me a little smirk, and mumbled something about not being romantic. Before I could mock him, a pretty redhead with hunter green eyes, came up to our table with a smile on her face. She first looked at me, then at Deeks. Her eyes stayed on Deeks when she said,

"Hi, I'm Rhiannon, I'll be your waitress for the evening, can I start you two off with a drink?" She was completely facing Deeks, and I don't know why, but it kind of annoyed me.

Deeks ordered himself a beer, took one look at me, and ordered the same thing for me. I smiled slightly. It's nice to know he knew what I wanted.

"Great, I'll be back in a few minutes." She promised Deeks as she turned and strutted away.

"Well she seems nice." He looked at me and smiled smugly.

"Oh yeah, very courteous." I rolled my eyes and we just waited in silence as Rhiannon came back with our drinks.

"Are you ready to order?"

"Yes, I'll have the sirloin steak with mashed potatoes." He blinked his brilliant blue eyes at her, and smiled his dashing smile.

"Wonderful, and for yourself?" She turned slowly and asked me.

"I'm sure my husband can tell you what I'd like." I snapped and stared at Deeks. He looked unfazed and ordered me the burger with fries. How original. I thought.

"Jheez Kensi, I didn't think that this was a date." He cocked his eyebrow to me.

"It isn't, but if this was, I wouldn't want some 20 year old waitress, hitting on my husband, now would I?" I shrugged my shoulders, and the thick strap of my dress fell slightly, revealing just the top of my nude strapless bra. Deeks leaned over the table and fixed it, without looking at me.

"Thanks." I mumbled awkwardly.


We sat in silence, just looking around the restaurant. It was a wooden building, with a classy, yet fun feel to it. The part where people ate, was very nice and humble, but when I looked over Deeks' shoulder, I noticed a large space with a massive DJ table. I smiled slightly, Deeks must know how much I love to dance.

"You know Kens, I'm not sure if I already told you this but, you look really pretty." He broke the silence and looked at me.

"Thanks Deeks, you look pretty good too." I smiled warmly at him.

"So what do you say, after dinner, want to hit up the dance floor?" He must of seen me eyeing it.

"Don't have to ask me twice." I chuckled softly.

I don't even know what we started to talk about, but before we knew it, our food had arrived, and we ate in silence. We finished our meals at about the same time. Rhiannon brought our cheque, and told us to have a nice night. Deeks and I fought over who would pay, he won of course, saying that his duty as a husband was to pay for dinner. We left the money on the table, popped the mints we received into our mouths, and walked to the dance floor, where many coupled were already there getting their groove on. I didn't know much of the music, but we started slowly swaying to an old country song.

"Don't worry, after 11:00, when it's mostly young couples, they start with the real music." A girl came up behind us, with her hunk of a husband, and informed us.

"Oh great, thanks!" I smiled at her.

"I'm Cassidy, and this is my fiancé Richard." She let go of Richard to shake both Deeks' and my hand.

"Hi! I'm…" I stopped dead. I could feel Deeks look at me like I was a lunatic, but something stopped me. I was literally frozen because, coming onto the dance floor was a couple who I had NO interest in ever seeing again. It couldn't be thought right? I mean, they didn't even live around here. No it wasn't them. But she looked up, locked eyes with me, and I saw her smile grow bigger by the second. Maybe if I pretend I didn't see her, maybe I could…..

"Oh my GOSH! Justin! Melissa!"

A/N Hi everyone! St it's been along time since I've written a story, but this idea has been squirming in my head for THE longest time. I really hope you guys like it, I'm still not sure if I do, but please let me know by reviewing! Thanks!
