Her name was Jane Crocker and she had always liked adventure.

Until the present day at least.

She had just moved into that neighborhood, right before the start of the school year. She thought it would be fun, meeting new people and places.

As she sat inside the bathroom stall, at the end of her first week of school, crying her eyes out, she realized she was dead wrong.

It was her junior year and everyone in her class already knew each other. Cliques and gangs made up her classes. Being the new girl was the worst possible thing.

When this girl (Meenah something) had knocked her tray to the ground during lunch, Jane broke down and hid herself in the less used bathroom she knew of.

She'd never seen anyone use these lavatories (the sole window was missing it's glass, making the tiny room as chilly as outside), which just made it more surprising when the door slammed open.

Jane let out a loud squeak. The footsteps outside stopped.

"Sorry about that." She heard. The voice seemed unfamiliar and it was certainly none of the girls that had teased her previously.

Jane realized she couldn't stay in the bathroom all day so she opened the door a sliver. Not recognizing the girl with blonde hair, she stepped outside.

"Oh hey!" said the girl, giving Jane a bright smile "You just transferred here right? I'm Roxy."

"Hi Roxy." Muttered Jane.

"Hey, why aren't you eating lunch?" asked Roxy, sitting on the sink counter and swinging her legs. She was beaming at Jane, the warmest smile she had seen all week.

"I could ask you the same question." Said Jane, half-hiding behind the stall door "What are you doing here anyway?"

Roxy's smile faltered for a split second.

"I like the fresh air."

"The fresh air."

"Yup. Your turn. Why are you hiding in the bathroom instead of noming food."

Jane wanted to protest she wasn't hiding but she didn't.

"I forgot to bring lunch. Or any money."

Roxy struck her palm with her fist.

"Hey, I have an extra lunch, you can have it."

Jane's eyebrows shot up.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, my mom always packs me lunch, even though I just eat in the cafeteria. Hey, you can sit with me and my homies!"

"I don't know if I can-"

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!"

Roxy jumped off the counter and grabbed Jane's wrist, dragging her out of the bathroom and heading towards the cafeteria.

Jane could feel a smile trying to break out.

"This is Dirk, if he doesn't respond he's not ignoring you, he's just being Dirk, and this is Jake, he's a doofus-"


"He likes skulls and shit, and I'm Roxy."

"We've met." Says Jane, giggling.

Dirk flashes her a quick smirk. Jake is still fuming at Roxy.

Jane looks down at the PB&J and carton of chocolate milk in front of her.

"Thanks for giving me your lunch Roxy, that was terribly nice of you."

"Hey, not like I was gonna eat it. Usually I throw it away."

"Doesn't your mother get upset."

"I don't know."

Jane opened her mouth to ask but Roxy was already prattling on about how the upcoming math test was so soon. Jane took a bite out of the sandwich and smiled.

School would surely be better down.

After lunch, Jane and Roxy headed for English class. Jane sat down next to Roxy.

It was comforting.

She watched her during class, the way her eyes glazed over when she wasn't paying attention, the way she bit her lip while taking notes, the slow rise of her chest as she breathed-

"Ms. Crocker, are you paying attention?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Well then, care to explain what was the author's intent with this paragraph?"


Jane sat outside, under the big oak that shaded over the school. The breeze made her hair flutter.

It was starting to get colder.

She closed her eyes and sighed. It had been a rough week. Hopefully it wouldn't be so bad now that she found her spot in the class.

"Hey little lady, what are we doing here?"

As if on cue, Roxy walked over to her and sat down.

"Waiting for my dad."

Jane smilled slightly, looking over Roxy's features. Roxy beamed at her.

"What were you daydreaming about in English?"

Heat spread through Jane's face as she tried to find the words to respond.

"I wasn't daydreaming, I was just distracted!" she barked. Roxy leaned away from her, eyebrows almost reaching her hairline.

"Gee, sorry."

She smirked and quirked a brow.

"But just so you know, no one is that distracted without thinking of anything."

She elbowed Jane in the ribs.

"Come on, feel free to share."

Jane was turning more scarlet by every second.

"Well, what were you doing in the bathroom?"

Roxy's smile disappeared.

"I was getting fresh air."

"No one goes to a bathroom to get fresh air."

"Good point."

Roxy sighed and brushed back her bangs.

"If you don't prod me about the bathroom, I won't prod you about the daydreaming. Or why you were in the bathroom."

"It's a deal."

Dad's car turned around the corner and Jane got up.

"Would you like my dad to drive you home?"

Roxy shook her head.

"My mom will be here any minute now."

Jane smiled and skipped away, waving at Roxy. She climbed into Dad's car, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Who's your friend?" he asked.

"That's Roxy! She-" Jane stopped herself from confessing about the bullying "She showed me around the school a bit more and we have a few classes together."

Dad seemed pensive.

"She has a sad look to her."

"Dad, what are you talking about." Huffed Jane "She's almost the happiest person I've met."

He shrugged and started to drive. As they passed by the oak, Jane inspected Roxy, who was looking far away to nothing in particular.

Perhaps Dad wasn't entirely wrong.

The day after, Jane didn't see Roxy, not until the very end, after she left Math. Roxy had missed the classes they had together and when Jane noticed a flash of distinctive blond she had to investigate.

She had spent her day with Dirk and Jake, who were unaware of Roxy's whereabouts too (or they were just good at lying), but now that she treaded along the empty hallway, she felt very lonesome, the same as when one of her classmates made her trip in Science class on her fourth day of school.

She had never been to this part of the school before.

It was a long hallway that ended with huge double doors (there were no other exits) and a few of the light fixtures were non-functional.

It was a sinister atmosphere.

She could see light bellow the double doors.

She creeped towards them, light on her feet. She tapped once, twice, three times on the wood and as no one answered, she opened the doors.

Inside, Roxy was sitting on a table, looking towards the big windows.

It was getting late, the sun was setting.

Roxy's hair seemed almost pink bathed in the sunlight. The already short skirt she wore was riding up, exposing the edge of her stockings. She raised her arm, a small bottle in hand.

"Hey Janey."

"How did you know it was me?"

Roxy chuckled deeply.

"You're not exactly stealthy.

Jane would never stop being surprised at how easily Roxy made her blush. She walked over to Roxy, carefully taking each step.

"What are you drinking?"


"Oh. Just vodka?"

"Pretty much."

Jane took a seat next to her.


"I just felt like it. It's not a lot, look it's tiny."

"Is this why you skipped class?"

Roxy looked at Jane, she really looked at her, searching her eyes for something she didn't seem to find. Her expression relaxed.

"School just really fucking sucks sometimes."

"I see."

Roxy cocked her head to the side, a lazy smile spreading through her face.

"You're not actually drunk are you?" asked Jane, eyebrows furrowed. Roxy shook her head.

"I'm glad you're here. No one ever bothered to try and find me before."


"Isn't your dad waiting for you?"

"He's busy at work, I'm walking home."

Roxy got up and walked around. Jane decided to actually look at the room they were in. It was large with complicated looking tables and high seats.

"What kind of room is this?"

"It's the old art room." Answered Roxy. She crossed her fingers behind her head "When the new wing was built, better art rooms were made so this one fell in disuse. This was before I got here though."


"Jane, come here."

Jane got up and paced towards Roxy, who was standing in the middle of the room, right below the main light.

"I'm glad you came to this school."


She grabbed Jane's hands. Jane felt heat build up on her cheeks again.

"What are you doing…"

"There's something special about you Jane."


"I really feel like I could trust you and it's been a while since I felt that way towards someone."

Roxy looked away.

"I must sound ridiculous; I've known you for two days."

"No, it's fine."


Roxy's lips brushed against Jane's and it was all cherry lipgloss with a hint of alcohol and wispy blonde hair and sweet perfume and they parted far too soon.

"I'm sorry." Muttered Roxy. Jane shook her head.

"It's fine. Everything's fine."

Roxy looked to the ground and back up at Jane.

"I should walk you home." She said, as if they hadn't just kissed and her hand was not on Jane's hip "You still don't know the area very well right? Can't let a lady walk alone and lost when it's already dark."

Jane smiled warmly and nodded.

"I'd be happy to let you walk me home."

They left the school holding hands.