Fairy's Facebook

~One Sick Girl and Two Daddies~

Hey, everybody. I'm back with the promised new chapter. I'm sorry for the update, but I've lost the motivation and inspiration. I mean, for this chapter, I had to be sick to have the spare will to plan the events and all. Then randomness just kicked in, so yeah, this story is filled with randomness as my head begin to lose its sanity. Plus, right now it's midnight, and so it may not be functioning as bright as I want it to be. But leave reviews anyway, please~ Now, I'd like to thank my loyal, waiting readers, reviewers, favers and followers, such as 4-Sweet-Lianna and BlackCatNeko999 and HappyPlue as well as LuvsManga, and along with ScarletRockstar and xxHoshinoSoraxx and DiamondAnime and Hydro-Exceed. Also, I had not forgotten to present my thanks to Irisgarden799 and JaffreyTTK and Miyu-chin or to Sovereign64 and Lightningblade49 and kova555. And my final thanks are presented to FTknowitall and agarfinkel as well as Oceana and A fairyninjapirate.

Natsu Dragneel to Lucy Heartfilia: Lucy, why didn't you go on the job with us? :C

April 25 X784 at 1:15PM

Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Happy Exceed, Wendy Marvell and 2 others like this.

Lucy Heartfilia: Srry minna. I think I'm kinda sick.

Erza Scarlet: You seem fine yesterday, why so sudden?

Natsu Dragneel likes this.

Lucy Heartfilia: Am I supposed to know why and when? 0.0 i woke up today, very dizzy and tired. And now I'm sneezing and everything, and freezing even under blankets.

Happy Exceed: Her age finally got the better of her, sigh.

No one likes this.

Carla Exceed: That is just plain mean!111111111111

Wendy Marvell, Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia likes this.

Happy Exceed: But it's truth right? She's like what? 25, after the Tenrou incident? In cat years, 25×6, that's like… *scratch head*um, well, I'm only like 6!

Gray Fullbuster: Da heck? Why does she have the tenrou ages added, and you don't?

Erza Scarlet, Carla Exceed and 1739 others like this.

Happy Exceed: cause me a cat! Cats have to stay young and slim to climb and fly! :3 We awesome like that!

Lucy Heartfilia: You may as well add two red retarted ears behind that face.

Carla Exceed, Gajeel Redfox and 10 others like this.

Happy Exceed: Like that? ∑:3) Ha, beat that, Lucy!

Wendy Marvell, Natsu Dragneel and 2058 others like this.

Natsu Dragneel: You actually did it! Cool sign!

Pantherlily Exceed, Queen Shagotte, Empire Extalia and Carla Exceed likes that.

Queen Shagotte: I will put that into consideration as our symbol when we form our own governments. Good work, Happy.

Happy Exceed: *bow* Thank you, your majesty.

Erza Scarlet: But still, Happy, theres no denying you disrespected lucy. Ought to apologize.

Natsu Dragneel: T-take her advice, and today we wont get murdered.

No one likes this.

Happy Exceed: Why, lucy will murder me?

Lucy Heartfilia: I wont murder happy, Im too tired to even get out of my house.

Natsu Dragneel: No, I'm worried bout erza, you are no threat compared to her.

Lucy Heartfilia: X(

Happy Exceed: fine, srry, lucy. And natsu, you don't need to?

Natsu Dragneel: Y? I didn't say anything mean!

Lucy Heartfilia: Uggg…whatever, I don't even think I should be on my phone anymore. My head feels like splitting. I'm going to bed.

Erza Scarlet: Good idea, rest well.

Levy McGarden and Wendy Marvel likes this.

Jude Heartfilia: Lucy, you're sick? Should I come over and visit you?

Lucy Heartfilia: Father? I didn't know you have a facebook account…

Jude Heartfilia: I made one so I can watch over you and ensure that you're safe.

Makarov Dreyer: ! Creepy!

No one, Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser likes this.

Natsu Dragneel: Aint he the bastard that asked phantom lord to attack us?

Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster and 29689 others like this.

Gajeel Redfox: …

Juvia Lockser likes this.

Makarov Dreyer: C'mon, children. Respect, please~ It's all well, I mean, that's the past, and we got two wonderful new members. Plus, deeply loathed rival is now down.

Jude Heartfilia: Yeah…and their failure caused you to kidnapped my daughter from me.

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Lucy Heartfilia: Father!

Erza Scarlet, Natsu Dragneel and 294890596869 others like this.

Jude Heartfilia: Whoa! Please, everyone. I only have one wife and one child, my beloved Layla Heartfilia, may God bless her and my daughter Lucy. I'm not anyone else's father!

Happy Exceed: Natsu may be an exception, teehee! :D

Jude Heartfilia: What? :0

Happy Exceed: Or Leo, he liiiiiiikes her! _

Jude Heartfilia: Lucy Heartfilia! How many guys do you have after you? 0.0 I'm deeply outraged.

Lucy Heartfilia: Father, don't listen to the blue cat, its not even a human, thus it can't think like a human! It's just a perverted cat!

Carla Exceed likes this.

Happy Exceed: Carla T︷T Lucy's insulting us not being able to think normally! And you liked that? Traitor! You're such a mean luc(k)y star.

Queen Shagotte, Pantherlily Exceed, Samuel Exceed and Empire Extalia likes this.

Jude Heartfilia: O-okay then ._.I see their mind do work a bit differently. I don't get anything.

Lucy Heartfilia: you're not supposed to, he's apparently babbling nonsense

Makarov Dreyer: Mr. Heartfilia, I disagree with your previous comments of how Lucy was abducted here. Was it not Phantom Lord that had done so, and you its backstage instructor? Was it not you who kidnapped Lucy from us?

Natsu Dragneel, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet, Mirajane Strauss, Lisanna Strauss, Elfman Strauss, Laxus Dreyer, Happy Exceed, Leo Spirit, Macao Conbolt and 5299874 others like this.

Lucy Heartfilia: That's right, father, you instructed phantom lord to attack us. FT did not kidnap me! I was the one that willingly joined the guild!

Jude Heartfilia: It's alright, Lucy dear. Now that Daddy is here, you really can stop forcing yourself to say these lies on Facebook.

No one likes this.

Lucy Heartfilia: Did you forget the whole episode of me coming home and all! 0.0

Natsu Dragneel, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster and 1949 others like this.

Jude Heartfilia: Quiet, Lucy. Daddy will deal with this.

Makarov Dreyer: Mr. Heartfilia, do let the child speak as she wishes.

Lucy Heartfilia, Erza Scarlet and Leo Spirit like this.

Jude Heartfilia: Quiet, you white haired midget witch!

Lucy Heartfilia: Father!

Natsu Dragneel: …

Erza Scarlet: Oh dear…

Levy McGarden: The plot is very interesting, btw anyone want popcorn?

Gajeel Redfox: Me!

Carla Exceed, Laxus Dreyer, Team Rajinshu and Mirajane Strauss like this.

Happy Exceed: nah, fish is better!

Erza Scarlet: …anyway, back to the story?

Makarov Dreyer: … who… whooooo….

Jude Heartfilia: What? I don't get this all randomness anymore.

Lisanna Strauss: Mr, You're totally gonna get it.

Jude Heartfilia: Eh, what?


Jude Heartfilia: That is certainly the most random insult I've ever heard, like two letters made sense in that entire sentence. A-and aren't the bald halfling?

Mirajane Strauss: Master! Please calm down, don't go giant size in the guild right now! I know you want to prove him wrong and all….but -.- don't do it here!

Elfman Strauss, Levy McGarden, Nab Lasoro, Macao Conbolt, Wakaba Mine and 2208405 others like this.

Erza Scarlet: Mira! Are you not at the guild! Stop Master! Why are you still on your phone?

Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Carla Exceed, Wendy Marvell, Juvia Lockser and 192 others like this.

Mirajane Strauss: Because its more interesting this way! XD*makes peace sign* Gotta let you all who aint here know whats happening.

Natsu Dragneel: Is this the hell of the point? Mira, stop Master before he tears off the roof!

Mirajane Strauss: Aye sir!

Carla Exeed: Oof…that just reminded me someone very…gross.

Happy Exceed: *wails and goes to cry in a corner as a ball*

Mirajane Strauss: Master, get a hold of yourself now, or I'd be very angry! :(

Makarov Dreyer: se-sumimasen...

Mirajane Strauss, Elfman Strauss, Erza Scarlet, Natsu Dragneel, Wendy Marvell, Lucy Heartfilia and 109 others like this.

Jude Heartfilia: He's still checking his phone as he goes on a rampage and calms down as soon as a lady asked him to, I'm worried for my little girl's future with this kind of guildmaster.

No one like this.

Makarov Dreyer: WHAT DID U JUST SAY?!

No one like this.

Lucy Heartfilia: Enough, alright? I'm already considering going to the hospital to be physically checked, with this banana play, you want me to be mentally checked too?

Makarov Dreyer: Sorry, Lucy. I should have been aware that you'd be stressed even more if I fought with your father...

Jude Heartfilia and Lucy Heartfilia like this.

Lucy Heartfilia: Father, you too!

Jude Heartfilia: O-okay...

Makarov Dreyer and Lucy Heartfilia likes this.

Lucy Heartfilia: And father, I told you already that I joined the guild willingly. Nobody forced me to do anything, and this is where I will stay, you hear?

Jude Heartfilia: Actually, Lucy, if you really want to stay here, it's fine. But promise daddy you'd call me seven times a week and write a letter twice a week. K? Remember to come home twice a month and during holidays and birthday parties and events. If you'd agree to this compromise of mine...Then I guess I'll have let you stay.

Lucy Hearfilia: I think I've dizzier than ever, but whatever, fine.

Jude Heartfilia: Our family takes gravely of contracts and deals, if you are to agree to this as you are sick, to prevent future excuses of how you were sick and all...everyone here must be witnesses.

Makarov Dreyer, Erza Scarlet, Natsu Dragneel, Levy McGarden, Laxus Dreyer, Gray Fullbuster and 104 others like this.

Lucy Heartfilia: Alright, a lot of people seems to want me to do this anyway. Okay father, I agree.

Natsu Dragneel: Hurray, Lucy's daddy allowed at last! This calls for a celebration!

Makarov Dreyer, Lucy Heartfilia, Levy McGarden, Gray Fullbuster, Laxus Dreyer, Mirajane Strauss and 2093 others like this.

Makarov Dreyer: Mr. Heartfilia, please, do join us and let the past slide.

Jude Heartfilia: Well...I suppose so. But over FB?

Erza Scarlet: I will send you our Guild's address, mister. If that is to bring you convience. Would you like a coupon of train ride? I happen to have one, and I can call the station and have them attend to your cares on your way here.

Jude Heartfilia: No need, thank you, Miss Scarlet. I will have my own means of transportation. But I do thank your hospitality.

Natsu Dragneel: *scratch head* how come now I can't understand a single word?

Happy Exceed, Gajeel Redfox and 10 others like this.

Jude Heartfilia: ...

Lucy Heartfilia: Father! I know what you are thinking! Don't you dare!

Jude Heartfilia to Lucy Heartfilia: o-okay.

Natsu Dragneel: What, Luce? I don't get this.

Happy Exceed: Bout you becoming his son in law with that dumb and slow brain! XD

Carla Exceed, Gray Fullbuster, Lucy Heartfilia and 108 others like this.

Natsu Dragneel: Why, you little blue knot of fur! Darn! Get over here!

Happy Exceed: No! You violent person! Plus see, Lucy liiiiiiiiiiiikes you~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r comment, aye! She's defending you!

Lucy Heartfilia: Happy!

Natsu Dragneel, Leo Spirit and 12 others like this.

Happy Exceed: Lucy's dad, don't be surprised if Natsu ended up as your son in law! *blows raspberry at the pink dragon.*

Juvia Lockser, Gray Fullbuster, Makarov Dreyer, Igneel Flames and 1939 others like this.

Jude Heartfilia: Lucy!111111

Lucy Heartfilia: I told you to stop listening to that blue cat! He's perverted

Happy Exceed: Natsu and Lucy sitting in a tree~~~


First comes love~

Hehe, Shall I continue?

No one likes this.

Natsu Dragneel: Say another word, I dare you.

Leo Spirit, Lucy Heartfilia and Lisanna Strauss likes this.

Happy Exceed: +h3n (0me5 marr!ag3 ~

Lucy Heartfilia: Happy Exceed!

Natsu Dragneel: I will burn you into a red dog, you hear?

Lisanna Strauss, Carla Exceed and 50 others like this.

Happy Exceed: I didn't say a word back there. -.- And Natsu, catch me if you can! But even if you do so, don't worry, I will still be at yourNaLu wedding. Cause, I'm your best pal, aye sir!

*continue singing the truth*+h3n (0m3s a 6a6 y !n a 6a6y ( arriage!

Juvia Lockser, No one and 10294859 others like this.

Happy Exceed logged off.

Natsu Dragneel: That little b- thing! I'm gonna kill him!

Lucy Heartfilia and 20 others like this.

Natsu Dragneel logged off.

Lucy Heartfilia: Me 2!

Jude Heartfilia: Lucy,you're sick, you must rest!

Lucy Heartfilia: I'm feeling all better, cause the blood of justice flows within, father. And for now I must go murder that little rotten pussy tongue! Plus, I don't think I feel ill anymore! See you later, Dad!

Lucy Heartfilia logged off.

Jude Heartfilia: ...I'm glad you're happy here.

Makarov Dreyer, Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Carla Exceed, Laxus Dreyer, Mirajane Strauss and 10249 others like this.

Makarov Dreyer: Mr. Heartfilia, who said being parents were easy? But despite their own difficulties, they'd always wish their children are safe and happy. Don't worry, Lucy will be safe with us. Don't you worry. This old man swears upon his life to protect each and every individual that entrust Fairy Tail to offer them a wonderful home.

Shagotte Exceed, Empire Extalia, Igneel Flame, Ultear Milkovich and 89403839 others like this.

Jude Heartfilia: Yeah...as long as my child is happy, that's all I can ask for.

Makarov Dreyer: same here. Even if Lucy, my child gave me some grandbabies... hehe.

Jude Heartfilia: Wait, WHAT?

Gray Fullbuster: *is currently the narrator* Ahem, and so begins round two of the daddies' war.

*Groan* It's like 11:30PM right now for me. But I'm feeling pretty bad for not updating for several months, so I wanna quench you readers' angers at my delay. So here's a 2500+ word chapter. Did I repent myself? Please forgive me! *supper cute doggy face inserted here.*But seriously, I'm starting to grow very dangerously bored of FanFiction. Anyone know how to cure this laziness? But anyway, here it is! I know that for Happy's song, I could have used the At sign, but unfortunately, Fanfiction cannot register it. Everytime I save, it's gone. And I wasted a good five minute of my life. -.-

And since the night's messing with my mind, if I'd forgotten to include my thanks toward your support in that little author note's of mine at the beginning of the story, please excuse me. You can PM me, and I'll make sure I put you on for the next chapter like a VIP, or if you for any reason, does not wish me to acknowledge to you so personally, as I can in some ways understand, please tell me that too! ^^

Now, please ignored this pissed girl's midnight ramble and leave a review, it'd make my day- or night, whatever, you know what I mean. :[ The goal is 38 reviews, please!