And if it hurts, then it must be love.

Marley gently brushed her thump over her newly placed photo underneath her whiteboard that said "I love my mom". She smiled softly and looked at their smiling faces, she would no longer need to hide the fact that the lunch lady was her mom. The smile faded and her mind flashed to her old school and the way she was treated. Was it going to be a repeat? Maybe even worse seeing as the cheerios are armed with slushies and have their own personal head bitch. She sighed and returned to putting her books in her bag, unknown to her a certain head bitch was making her way towards her. It was already past 3:30 and the kids were all making their way home which lead the halls to be empty.

"Marley." A cold tone spoke roughly behind her and her eyes shot forward. She had already used up her two pairs of extra clothes so she absolutely could not get this outfit soiled. "K-Kitty?" Marley stuttered as she slowly turned around, her eyes widened a tad bit as she looked over the uninformed cheerio. "What are you staring at?' She scowled before rolling her eyes. Kitty was wearing a school themed t-shirt and short shorts with a pair of flip flops. It actually looked pretty good on her, she almost wished she could see her in that more often. Of course the thought of that made her face go red and she quickly turned to her book bag to finish up. "Hey I was talking to you!" Kitty sneered as she quickly made her way next to the taller brunette. In defense Marley quickly turned away and braced herself in case of a wet surprise.

"Hey loser, yeah I don't have anything right now but if you want I can pencil you in for an extra dose." She smirked and Marley began to turn back and face her. Her eyes were like those of a puppy dog, scared. Something stirred within Kitty and her smirked seemed to have disappeared on its own. "Please don't." Her voice trembled and she coughed slightly to try and pull herself together. "Fine," the smaller girl spoke softly and Marley stood to her full height. To keep her ground against someone who had several inches on her, she returned to a glare that would freeze Medusa herself. Marley took a deep breath and suddenly an angry breath escaped from her lips.

"Why are you picking on me so much? So Im in some club why does that bother you so much!" Marley's voice was angry and it was obvious how badly she was struggling to keep tears at bay. "Because, that's what we do. We take out the weak and have it so only the strong survive and get out of this school. It's common order, Marley, surely even you would know that." Kitty's scowl deepened and she crossed her arms, standing her ground. "But its not right, its not right to make someone feel small just so you can cover up your insecurities." Marley bit back, this wasn't like her. She started to feel guilty and her mouth opened to apologize before Kitty cut her off. "Insecurities? How can I be insecured? Im popular, I have more friends than you ever had combined, im beautiful, how can I be anything but happy?" Kitty's face looked strong, but her voice wavered too many times for her to be telling the truth.

"Well considering you seem to have picked me as your main target. It can't be simply because im in the Glee club." Marley shrugged her shoulder and shut her locker. "Im sorry, for whatever it is that has happened to you in the past." She gave a sad smile towards the silenced girl and began to walk towards the door. "Don't you dare show pity towards me loser, I will make your life a leaving hell!" She was practically screeching, but after today she knew that this bitchyness that Kitty showed was all an act. Marley stopped at the door, ignoring her brain that screamed to leave as soon as possible. "Im not pitting you, I just find it sad." She looked at the smaller blond who seemed to be fuming; clearly this conversation is not going in the direction she wanted it to go. "Sad?" she gave a dark chuckle before making her way to the nervous girl. "Listen her you sad excuse for a girl. Im going to make this very clear, to stay at the top you need to show no mercy. Never let people know your weakness or else they will pounce and they will tear you apart.

Kitty's face was dangerously close to hers despite the height difference, she could feel her breathing hit her face. As she stared down into Kitty's eyes she found them to be cold, hard, and empty. Actually as she stared more she found something else, lust. "Remember that Marley, because I won't repeat myself to the likes of you." She growled and Marley saw the feeling of lust grow, "Understood." She said simply as Kitty kept staring into her eyes to try and be as intimidating as possible. It was a good thing no one was around or else rumors would have spreaded about them both being sexually involved. The thought again made her blush slightly and Kitty took notice, "Do I intimidate you?" Good she didn't catch on, instead she took a step forward and was now about 3 inches away from her. "No," she answered truthfully as she gazed into her eyes, they were captivating seeing them up close.

The overwhelming urge to kiss the cheerleader had become dangerous but she was fuelled by the adrenaline of facing the head bitch. "You don't have to act this way Kitty." Marley spoke softly as she shifted closer by a few centimeters. Why were they still so close? Why was Kitty still talking to her in the first place? Kitty's eyes changed to soft and vulnerable for a few seconds before going back to normal. "Yes I do Marley, I have to." Her voice was shaky and it was obvious that the walls were there, and they were very high. She would have to work but maybe just maybe she can get Kitty to drop those walls and learn what it meant to have a heart. The gap between them were slowly closing in and if either other moved another inch their lips would be touching. "Kitty," She sighed dropping her eyes to her feet before being breached by a pair of soft lips. Her insides stirred in a way she never felt before and she began to close her eyes.

Just as quickly as the kiss started it was over, leaving her very much unsatisfied as she slowly opened her eyes. "I swear to god if you ever tell anyone about this," Kitty mumbled before looking away with a crimson red blush painted all over her face. "I won't." She replied simply before reaching for the door and stopping. She could hear the sound of sobbing beside her, and she wanted nothing more than to hold the crying girl and tell her she doesn't have to pretend to be strong all the time. But she knows she can't because things take time, and so from then on swore she would take down those walls the cheerleader built. Even if it was just for her. Just for her, hm she liked the sound of that. "I promise that if you ever need a friend ill be there for you, it can be a secret too no one has to know." She didn't turn around, she didn't need to. The blond was surprised and Marley left.

"Only because you asked nicely loser."