Author's Note: (Please read! It's actually important this time!)

*pokes head out from under desk* Etto…tadaima! Okay, it has been one year, two months, and 25 days since I last updated. I am aware of that. You might suspect this note to say that I'm discontinuing this story, but if you are, KEEP DREAMING. Today is December 28, 2013 and I'm starting this up again. Since I never wrote a holiday fanfic this year…this is my little present.
Six months after I had stopped updating I decided I would restart this story. I began drafting up a little plan (later, I lost the draft XD ) but then when I didn't start rewriting, I told myself I would wait until my other series, Broken, was done before I rewrote. (I have not updated that in a while either, but that's not a linear story, more like a series of skirmishes and one-shots) BUT in October, I took a look and shrieked, "It's been a year since I updated MM!" I planned to get at least one chapter out by November, but that did not happen. Despite this, I seriously began rewriting. In November, I entered a thing that was to write fifty-thousand words by the end of the month. I completed that using this story (however, about thirty-two thousand of those words were useless and yucky bits of story that I will not use) And since then I've been sweeping up and preparing to update again.
So here I am! THIS STORY LIVES ON! …But you're probably all wondering how I could come back to a story and then have even less chapters than before. Well, the initial four chapters that I wrote were underdeveloped and icky, so I took them out (I still have copies though so I can look back on how it started ^-^)
I can tell you this, dear readers: this story is back, and it is back for good. I've made a lot of changes, which I hope are for the better.
Thank you
so much to all of the followers who have spent this long thinking this story was never going to be updated again…thank you thank you thank you. I won't let you down. At the end of this first chapter I'll reply to all of your wonderful reviews.
Oh, and if you're a new reader, then hello! Welcome to my story!
Extremely long rant over! Read on!
Thanks so much for the love and loyalty guys. This is for you.

Misunderstandings of Monarchy

Part I—Blood and Fire

"Kris! Hey Kris!"

Kris Harper whirled around, her duel pigtails soaring. Three girls of about the same age as her trotted over, with bright smiles and rosy cheeks from the November air.

"Where've you been?" Sage, the local seamstress's daughter, inquired.

Kris laughed lightly, trying to hide her apprehension at answering questions. "You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."

"Oh, Kris, it's just wonderful," began Marble, the scatterbrained niece of a carpenter, "for the festival next week, my uncle and brothers are going to be organizing a parade of their carriages—they're even building some to look like chariots!"

"That's great. Though perhaps you get a tad overexcited by building projects," Kris pointed out, though her thoughts took a turn.

The festival. Of course. It was all her sister had been going on about; the noise, the unruly citizens, the overall fact that an autumnal festival was unnecessary and a waste of time and patience. On her part of course. Kris really didn't mind it. In fact, she loved festivals and wanted to do everything in her power to be part of them.

Marble nudged her. "You alright?"

Kris nodded. "My sister-in-law has been fretting about the festival as of late."

Tanzanite tilted her head curiously. "Oh! What's she doing for it?"

Kris nearly flinched, unsure how to answer. "Er…she's on the organizing committee I suppose. I tend to keep away from her."

The girls nodded. They had heard many accounts of the notorious sister-in-law, yet they had never thought to ask a name.

Maybe that was the fault. Maybe that was why Kris had been able to be so comfortable around her three friends thus far in their relationship; because those three girls wouldn't ever interrogate her. Despite curiosity, they were polite.

Tanzanite glanced up at the sky, its burning orange colour reflecting interestingly off her wide violet eyes. "Perhaps we should pay a visit to the bakery?" she offered, "I'm rather in the mood for sourdough."

Marble sighed. "Sorry. Gotta help work on those carriages. Sage and I were just dropping by."

Sage nodded in agreement. "I have to be home for supper. Have fun, you both."

As Kris waved, Tanzanite linked arms with her and they headed towards the bakery. Tanzanite's smile was suspiciously sneaky, as if it had something to do with the bakery.

"What's with that look?" Kris questioned.

"Oh, nothing." Her slightly devious expression told otherwise, but they stepped within bounds of the bakery regardless, the scent of fresh bread filling their noses. The woman behind the counter, Platinum, smiled at them, as she did to everyone. She never quite said much, but today she spoke.

"Miss Tanzanite," she addressed the younger girl politely, "Cheren wants to ask a few questions, but he's too shy to say so."

"I am not!" shouted the mentioned boy's voice from within the kitchen, and Cheren flew out. "Ma, you're embarrassing me!"

Tanzanite giggled. Cheren wiped his flour-coated hands and made his way over. "Well I had a few questions about the geography of Unova," he said. "I have a map, but it's not very helpful."

"Alright." Tanzanite was a Unova native, but her family had immigrated to Johto because they did not agree with democracy. Every now and then, words she would say might have a slight accent still.

Suddenly, the kitchen doors swung open violently and a brutish voice shouted out, "Cheren's got a girlfriend over in Unova!"

"I do not!" the younger boy yelled back.

"A right bird, she is! Voice like bells."

Platinum swatted at her older son's head as he swung by, grinning like a little kid. "Well, now it's really clear who the more mature sibling is, Gold."

Gold shrugged, not caring. As Tanzanite and Cheren conversed like old chums, he turned to Kris and flashed his usual, charming smile. "If it ain't Krissy the serious gal. So, how're you doing?"

And as usual, Kris was less than charmed. "Irritated. Though that's to be expected when you're here."

Gold put a hand over his heart dramatically, feigning hurt. "That burns, Krissy."

"Who gave you permission to call me 'Krissy'?"

"My, aren't you a prickly maidy today." When he moved his hand, it left a floury print behind. Kris rolled her eyes and grabbed a cloth to wipe it.

"Is this a sign that you're finally falling for me?"

"In your dreams, bread boy." She stuck her tongue out. "You just shouldn't be running around with powder all over yourself."

Gold smirked and quirked his eyebrows up and down. Kris ignored him and glanced at the window. The last amber streaks of daylight were melting into the deep purple of night. Twilight. She'd always gone back before then. Which meant she was late today. Blinking a few times, she wondered how she wasn't as panicked as she should have been.

"I should get going," she said, then turned to her friend. "Tanzanite, you'll have to have the sourdough without me. I'm going to be late."

Late for what, Tanzanite didn't ask. She was rather absorbed in her conversation with Cheren, but waved to Kris. Unfortunately, Gold did ask.

"Oi, Cinderella! Where 'ya going? It's not midnight yet!"

"My pumpkin will spoil if I stay any longer talking to you."

The pigtailed girl shoved open the bakery doors quickly and burst into the dusk. Taking a gulp of the stale autumn air, she started off walking. But if she wasn't apprehensive earlier, she was becoming steadily so. Her sister-in-law would have a fit if she really was late. Her brother probably wouldn't mind—he was late most of the time anyways—but if his wife was upset, he quietly went along with it.

Kris cursed as she reached the centre of town and darted through the winding, wide streets. Definitely late. All traces that a sun existed were gone; the sky was a deep navy, the pearly moon illuminating its velvety surface. But even the man in the moon ducked behind a dark cloud, as if it were also afraid of the oncoming rage of Kris's sister-in-law. She probably looked strange, in her tattered dress headed towards the more posh area. She sprinted until the long walls, the foreboding gates, were just metres ahead. She didn't head for the intricate gate at the front; who would with the guards and the spikes topping its prongs?

Instead, Kris ducked to the left and ran up a side street until she came across a side gate that no one would notice unless they looked very hard behind the explosion of brush before it. She tugged on its restraints, expecting the tight locks to be undone so that she could get in.

Her heart stopped when they didn't budge.

Were they rusted shut? No, they appeared to be fine. Just locked. In that case, Kris was absolutely doomed. If she couldn't get in, she would have to sit out there until someone found her. And people would notice her absence within the walls. She let out a frustrated whine and slumped against the small gate, hidden by brush.

From inside the walls, out of a bush, and arm reached out with a key and unlocked the tight padlock, the gate swinging open. Kris gasped audibly and leapt inside, almost as if it would close if she waited for too long. She grasped the wrist of the arm, knowing the only person who would hide in those bushes. "Thank you, Copper," she whispered.

"You owe me so much," he replied, muffled by the leaves. Kris's laughter was slightly hysterical with relief. Copper was a young guard she had befriended long before, and he'd always thought that stealth gave people an edge, hiding instead of attacking up front. So he tended to hide in strange spots, bushes and brush amongst his favourites. She dropped his grasp and quickly trotted across the grounds, unspotted in the dark.

When she reached the side of the glorious building, where a tall oak tree shook hands with the ivy clinging to the brick walls, she scaled the ivy up to the open window. That window had been open all afternoon. She knew because she had been the one to leave it that way.

A figure leapt up as soon as Kris's feet touched the floor of the room and she clamped the window shut. She was startled for a moment, but then calmed; it would only be Blue waiting up for her like usual.

But the figure was too tall to be Blue. And in the light of the few lamps that had been lit, Kris lost her ability to breathe, watching her brother's sharp jade eyes flash a thousand shades of wrath.


"Save it," her brother interrupted abruptly. "You're lucky nobody noticed your absence except me."

"Am…am I late?" she asked pathetically, feeling much like the White Rabbit, tense with the guilt of tardiness.

"No," Green answered. Even one word from him was sharper than any blade. "Thankfully dinner was postponed. The chef accidentally put in rosemary and Grandfather had a fit. Lorelei has observed that you've been gone all day, but assumed you were studying, so you better get down there and conjure something charming to discuss or she'll blow a fuse."

Dimly, Kris that there wasn't a single tone of endearment when Green said his wife's name.

Without another word, he left the room. Immediately upon his exit, Blue flew in, a panicked mess.

"Oh, oh, I really had no idea he would even come up here and I tried to stop him from coming in and when you didn't come back before dark, I was worried someone might notice the open side gate so I told Copper to wait there, and I told Green that you would be very focused on your studies when he came up but he wouldn't listen…" Blue puffed out her cheeks. "I'm the worst."

Kris enveloped her in a hug. "No you're not. You're my best friend, and nothing my grumpy brother says while he's in one of his moods can change that. He's just been sour because Lorelei has been."

Blue groaned. "Don't get me started on how the witch has been micromanaging. It's just a crummy festival, and she's said so herself."

Kris snickered. "Lorelei likes to take care of the little things so people don't realize that she can't handle anything bigger. And to make herself seem like a decent person for organizing the affairs of commoners."

"If only people knew what you do."

"Oh, bother, don't say anything about my exploits any further," Kris sighed. "I'll just get changed and join my monstrosity of a family in a moment."

Blue nodded. "I'll leave you to it."

Blue quit the room, and after the pigtailed girl changed attire, she sat on the edge of her bed for a long while and let the silence wash over her. She stared at the amulet in her hands. Each region had a special amulet that the royals wore. Johto's had fire agate as a gem. She liked the way it was orange, but had other swirling colours. Somehow, it always made her think of a dragon's eye, despite that dragons were make-believe. She wore it constantly on a chain around her neck, because it tended to distract her.

She composed her thoughts for what she hoped was an appropriate amount of time. Then, very reluctantly, she exited the door of her quarters. Very reluctantly.

Because once she stepped through those doors, she could no longer be "Kris Harper". She could no longer throw on a tattered dress that her trusty lady-in-waiting gave to her and climb down the ivy and escape through the side gate. She could no longer flee into the city of Goldenrod, the city that glowed even with clouds overhead. Instead, she would have to save returning that dream world for another day.

Because once she stepped out of a place where she could be left alone, she had to become Crystal Oak, princess of Johto.

Responses to reviews:

Thank you for your interest in my story. Levines' stories are great, she does so well with fairytales, though I've found that this story has strayed from that a bit. I hope that you'll still enjoy it.

Well…I hope that this beginning is just as good as the other one. And don't worry, there will be lots of shipping in the new version as well :) Hm…and maybe I'll add twists?

I think it probably was going to turn into one of those melodramatic things, but then again I really had no plan for it now. Now, it's actually got more elements of war…ish. Then again, there are still some parts that I'm not sure about. But I won't disappoint you!

I hope to see an update soon too XD considering that was September of 2012. But this time around I'll get it right

I hope you'll continue to like this even though it is a princess story, since I'll be adding lots of other new characters who aren't royalty. I'm really sorry for making everyone wait

Super Serious Gal 3
Well I can at least hope this will be interesting. I don't have much confidence, but if you really like the old chapters that means a lot.
Mark of Athena was great, as was House of Hades! Gaaahh…a year has passed *sob* well at least I'm updating now

There will definitely be relationships developing in this, but I think that it starts a bit slow…whoops.
And yes, King Ruby and Queen Sapphire will most definitely make an appearance! Thank you for following.
And Silver will also show up, as well as Gold's sweet, angst-ish side XD

They should have eloped. Unfortunately, this story is a little bit different.
Yes, Silver will actually make an appearance in this one instead of just awkwardly being in a picture (I kept the song, too, so it'll be in a future chapter!)
And I actually do tell how she ended up there eventually.
Thank you much for reviewing.

Thank you for reviewing, and I'm glad you liked my old chapters and I can only hope you'll like these ones.

Vy! You reviewed! AND GUESS WHAT?! I FIXED THE STORY! Er, it's probably OOC, but this is what I've been working on all November. Surprise! There are many things I haven't mentioned about what the story will be like, though. And Tanzanite and Poppy are here as well :)

I'm also glad you found my story! But I let you down by not updating…I'm very sorry. Thank you for your interest…and I don't think that Lance will actually make an appearance…is that bad?

Thank you for reviewing. And yes he is her prince charming! Unfortunately in this new story…she has to learn that all over again. But poor Crystal may be just a little bit more stubborn this time.
Lance may not be in this story since other things will be happening with Red and Yellow.
Lorelei is just as frustrating as before and…no, no he doesn't realize it yet XD

I'm so sorry for not updating in so long! I did now, but I'm sorry for before! And thank you, I really hope I won't disappoint; I really hope that I'll be able to live up to the faith that everyone has given to me and write a good story.

Thank you so much for reviewing and being awesome. I have written more and I really hope you like it.

Er…I don't think there were…why? Oh. Yeah, I definitely got that wrong XD but in the future chapters I won't include a picture anyways.

Shea Yuu
Thank you very much! I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to do.

Yes! Here! ^-^

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long, but I vowed not to discontinue it. It means a lot that you would call it a favourite of yours, and I'm sorry if it's a bit different, but I have continued it!

I'm really glad you liked it! I hope I can live up to those four little chapters I wrote before. The Mangaquest will be a bit more complicated this time around, though ;D Thank you for reviewing


I'm sorry for the wait, but I've updated! I hope you like it!

I'm glad that you liked it. I'm finally updating it!

*shriek* SIX MONTHS?! I distinctly remember seeing this review and immediately thinking "I have to update!" I'm so so SO very sorry that this has taken me so terribly long!

Vi ChaN91312
I completely agree…which is why I changed it :) It's a bit different now and yes I plan to continue this. I'm really glad you want to read the rest of it, thank you so very much!

I just adore these shippings and I really wanted to incorporate them, and there will be more coming in later on. Well his father is Dia, so he must be a baker! I can just imagine him all covered in flour like a little kid trying to bake cookies XD Thank you so much for your kind words about my story, and I hope you continue to like it!

Well I do include Blue in the new version, but I'm not sure if I'm going to show her nearly enough. Sorry. But I've updated!

Dia Newman
Thank you for reviewing; I've updated

Well I hope it can be completed now! :)

xX Shining Diamond Xx
I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED UNTIL NOW! Thank you so much for following me! And I see you're a Gakuen Alice fan! XD I just had to include Mr. Bear. Thank you so much. You don't know how much it means to me to have someone so enthusiastic about my crazy writing, so thank you thank you thank you!

Thank you so much; you're just incredibly awesome! I'm sorry for making you wait so long, but I have at long last updated, and I promise drama! :D

You guys are all AMAZING. I literally would not have done this if not for your enthusiasm and persistence. It means so, so much to me that you've enjoyed my story so much thus far. I'm so incredibly sorry it has taken me this long, but thank you all you wonderful people! I hope this won't disappoint!

P.S. I do not own Pokemon or anything else.