A/N: Thank you to Pan's Box for reviewing. I apologize for taking so long to upload. Between work and Easter, I have been swamped. I haven't decided if this is going to be the last chapter or not. Please, let me know your opinion if I should continue or not. Thank you and enjoy this chapter.

Daphne knocked on her mother's bedroom door before flipping her golden blonde hair. She heard a soft "come in." Daphne quickly turned the golden doorknob.

Her mother, wearing a white cotton nightgown, was sitting on her grace. She had a fox like face lined with wrinkles. Her once deep blue eyes almost seemed gray. She looked outside the large window as if she was expecting someone to apparate in the untended garden. Daphne took a seat on the edge of the king sized bed. "Tracey Davis's and Blaise Zabini's wedding is today. Are you sure you don't to go? Everyone will be there," Daphne said like a parent trying to coax a child to go to school.

"No, thank you," she responded quietly.

"Okay, mom," Daphne replied before giving her mother a hug. She left the room and closed the door behind her. She met Astoria, wearing her bridesmaid dress, in the hall way.

Astoria asked, "Is she coming to the wedding?"

"Nope," Daphne replied as she pressed her hands to her hips.

"Shame," Astoria replied as she glanced at her reflection in the mirror in a silver ornate frame. She examined her frame before returning her attention to Daphne. "Sadly, it is not surprising." Daphne nudged her sister out of the way of the mirror. She examined her flawless makeup and smiled in self-satisfaction at her appearance.

"I can't wait Theodore Nott's speech. He is so excited," Daphne gushed. "I suppose we should get going." The wedding was held at Tracey's house. The foyer was large enough to fit forty people, but not a soul was lingering near the staircase. They journeyed upstairs to join Pansy, Milicent, and Daphne. Tracey loudly squealed. The little bride, in her beaded corset and poofy skirt, hugged the sisters.

"Tracey, you look fantastic!" Daphne said. "You look like a princess."

"Thank you," she said. "Just wait until you see the garden. It was going to be absolutely magical."

Pansy shrugged. "Come on, let's get your hair done," Milicent said as she pushed the bride inside her bedroom. She handed her a smile and instructed Tracey to drink the vial. Fifteen minutes passed and the bride's stringy black hair became fuller and thicker. Milicent pulled her hair to the side.

"A side pony tail. That way I can show off my gorgeous new hair and wear my veil," Tracey said. Milicent arranged the bride's hair that cascaded over her shoulder in waves. She picked up the bouquet off the dresser as the veil was placed on her head.

The girls marched down the stairs and met the groomsmen at the door that led into the garden. Astoria smiled at Draco. Pansy rolled her eyes when she noticed her ex-boyfriend mouth the words "You look lovely" at Astoria. Suddenly, two violins could be heard. Daphne and Theodore started the procession, followed by Draco and Astoria, then Pansy and Milicent walked single file down the aisle. Then, the bride made her grand entrance. Blaise smiled when he saw his bride.

The ceremony was sweet and full of passion. Every guest took to their feet and clapped wildly. The happily skipped down the aisle. Daphne hugged Theodore and said, "What a beautiful wedding." The white chairs, with navy blue bows, was slowly abandoned by guests. Two huge pillars stood where the couple was recently married.

"You're next," Draco said as he nudged Theodore Nott.

Pansy sighed before joining the wedding party. She couldn't remember feeling as left out. She looked around for Milicent who was chatting with wedding guests. She spotted Goyle, still sitting in the chair, and sat down beside him.

She asked, "How do you do it?"

"What?" he replied. Although he had been Draco's lackey throughout Hogwarts, Pansy never seemed to give him a second thought. He couldn't remember having a substantial conversation with her.

"Be the odd man out," Pansy replied as she looked over at the four in deep conversation.

Goyle shrugged. "I didn't think of it like that. I'm in a different place in life. One day, I will have a girlfriend and be in their conversation."

Pansy rolled her eyes and replied, "Whatever." Instead of leaving Goyle's side, she had no idea where to go and stayed by him.

The reception was held in the Davis Family ballroom. Tracey's mother and father kept their romance alive by playing old music while dancing across the magnificent marble floor. Chairs and small tables were arranged in the back half of the ballroom, and the front was for dancing. A giant chandelier hung magnificently in the center of the room. The bride and groom's rectangular table was in front of the guest's table and covered in a white table cloth. Two giant goblets with sapphire stones marked their station as king and queen of the festivities. Beside them, Milicent and Theodore Nott sat. They began their speeches once the tables were filled. Pansy was completely bored by Milicent and Theodore's speeches. She rolled her eyes and stared at her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend. She noticed their attention was divided by the speeches and each other. She scoffed. She didn't understand what Draco saw in Astoria Greengrass.

After the speeches and a fancy wedding meal, a small band composed of a violinist, pianist, and a cellist began to play in the front corner of the ballroom. The bride and groom took to the dance floor like it was their destiny to dance. Pansy waited patiently in her seat for Astoria to leave Draco's side. Finally, Astoria abandoned her seat and Pansy approached Draco like a tiger stalking its prey. "Care to dance, Malfoy?" she asked.

He answered, "No thanks."

"Come on," she insisted, "It's the gentlemanly thing to do."

The two began to dance like thirteen year olds that had conflicting emotions about the opposite gender. Pansy sighed and asked, "How's your relationship with Miss Greengrass?"

"Pansy, I've known you since we were seven. You don't have to make small talk. What do you really want to know?" he inquired.

She said calmly and tactfully,"It's quite simple actually. I want to know why you gave up a very long and committed relationship with me for her. What does she have that I don't?" She began to feel as if she was losing her composure; however, Draco's steel grey eyes refused to meet her gaze.

" 'Stori understands me. I can have a genuine conversation with her. She doesn't feel the need to interrogate me or pander to me, and I love to be with her. I just really love being with her," he replied with a small smile that crept upon his face. Pansy had never seen him so happy.

"Do you love her?"

Astoria spotted them from across the room. She gracefully approached the swaying dance partners. She placed her left hand on her hip before tapping Pansy on her shoulder. Pansy turned around.

"If you are finished trying to win back MY boyfriend, I'd like to dance with Mr. Malfoy now," Astoria growled like a dog protecting its food. Draco smirked before snaking his arm around Astoria's tiny waist.

"I will go after he answers my question," Pansy replied as she glared at the tiny woman attached to Draco Malfoy.

"Trust me, you already know the answer to that," he replied.

Pansy left slowly as the couple began to dance with one another, "May I inquire what that was about?" Astoria asked.

"Why are you jealous?"

She scoffed and replied, "No, I just don't trust her."

"If you must know, she wanted to know why I left her for you and if I loved you," he said as he imagined the gears in Astoria's head abruptly turning. A glisten in her green eyes nearly blinded him.

She replied coyly, "What did you say?"

He pressed his head to hers and replied, "You were there for that answer."

"Well, your answer doesn't satisfy me," she replied with a soft laugh.

"Of course, I do," he answered before gently kissing her.

"Come on. Let's raid a bottle of firewhiskey from the kitchen," Astoria insisted as she took Draco's hand. The world seemed at peace now that Tracey and Blaise were married. Daphne and Theodore Nott were snogging in an abandoned corner of the house. Adrian Pucey was complimenting Milicent as if she were a strange exotic woman. Pansy, contemplating her life decisions, was watching the crowd as Gregory Goyle tried to cheer her up. Just for one night, their world was at peace.