MorMor Drabbles From Tumblr.

Warning: BDSM, Dirty talk

Part 2: Sprechen

A/N: An acquaintance helped me a bit with German grammar but I won't promise it's perfect.

"Auf die Knie, mein Haustier." Jim demanded, and Sebastian felt a shiver run up his spine. Oh fuck how he loved it when Jim spoke to him in German. He didn't have a fucking clue what he was saying but fuck it made him hot.


"Auf die Knie!" He shouted. Jim roughly grabbed Sebastian's shoulder and pushed him to his knees. A satisfied smirk played on his lips. He liked being in control, that was no secret, but he liked it even more when he knew that his demands were making his partner just as hot as he was. Jim admired the black collar around his snipers neck and pulled the leash up harshly, forcing Sebastian to look at him directly.

"Gute Haustier. So loyal." He mused. "I'm so grateful to have a pet like you. All the other ones…they were far too dull, but you…" He leaned in close and grinned, showing his lovely set of jaws. "I might just have to keep you locked away forever. My own little fuck pet. Oh you'd like that though won't you?"

When he didn't answer, Jim snarled and slapped him hard.

"Antworte mir!"

Sebastian had to blink a few times before his vision settled again. He turned back to his 'Master' and looked him dead in his dark dark eyes. He knew it pleased him when he made eye contact.

"Yessir. I'd always love a good fuck from you."

Jim grinned again and made a pleased hum. He knelt down and wrapped his hands around Sebastian's neck.

"Du machst mich wahnsinnig, Sebastian Moran." And with that he attacked his mouth with his own. Hungry, wet, sloppy kissing. He bit the sniper's tongue which earned him a startled grunt in reply. While they kissed, Jim began to press his thumbs to Sebastian's throat, gradually making it harder for him to breath. He opened his eyes and watched the air leave him. He wanted to see him struggle. He craved for it.

Even when his face turned red and his chest began to twitch, he didn't cease kissing his master. He knew what this game was. Jim wanted to see how far he could go. Sebastian didn't mind the game. He would always choose Jim over oxygen anyhow.

Finally he broke away and gasped for the breath he needed. Jim watched, fascinated, as he shook and trembled and sucked in each breath. Sebastian's eyes were dilated and watering, his face flushed, his neck was red and probably bruised, some saliva was smeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was a gorgeous sight.

It was a gorgeous thought that Sebastian would go with out air in order to please Jim. He would die for him, not that Jim would ever want that. It was beautiful, the abuse and scars that Sebastian took. And it was all for Jim Moriarty.

"Mein Schatz." He whispered, cupping Sebastian's cheek and kissing his temple gently.

"Du bist mir wichtig."


Stuff Jim said:

Auf die Knie, mein Haustier: On your knees, my pet.

Auf die Knie!: On your knees!

Gute Haustier: Good pet.

Antworte mir: Answer me!

Du machst mich wahnsinnig, Sebastian Moran: You're driving me mad, Sebastian Moran.

Mein Schatz: My love/treasure/darling/etc.

Du bist mir wichtig: You are precious to me.

A/N:'German is not my native language so I apologize if any of this is incorrect.'