A/N: This will be based up to season 4 (not including spoilers or deleted scenes), after that it will only say that everyone all died, except Merlin. Why he didn't, will be explained later in the story. This is set after the Harry Potter 7th book, without the 19-year flash-forward. Also, I hope no one minds that I set the series now in 2012 because I wouldn't know how to write when it was really set in the 1990's.

Disclaimer: No one will let me buy Harry Potter or Merlin. Maybe I can buy Colin Morgan (comment from QuillSilver:That's illegal...)…He's AWESOME! (By the way I will not do that! He is awesome though.)

All this translates from H2OSorceress speak to English: I don't own Merlin or Harry Potter. I want to, but I don't. Colin Morgan is AWESOME!

Prologue-The New Professor

If anyone were to look upon the road between Hogsmeade and Hogwarts on the evening of September, they would see an elderly man with the stereotypical long white hair and beard of a wizard walking along. He had mysterious, mischievous, and kind cobalt blue eyes. This man was wearing a long, loose-fitting red robe and holding a twisted wooden staff.

Every once in a while he stopped and rubbed his back, as if he were not used to the aching of age. If one were to listen closely, they would just about make out his muttering to himself as he strode along the gravel trail to the castle above.

Thud. Thud. Thud. His staff hit the gravel with each step. He walked with more agility than most his age. Then again, those of his age were all dead but for him. As of then at least, only time can tell the future. Destiny or not.

He had lost, not just many close to him, but all. Yet, he still held on to hope, as so many do during trying times. The hope was of many different destinies, and some worked out, while others didn't. He himself had a new destiny to complete, though perhaps his former one would be revived soon. The elderly sorcerer's destiny was now to protect the young Harry Potter and the rest of the wizarding world from an un-known rising evil.

"Bloody aging spell!" he murmured to himself. "How Gaius was ever felt like this and was able to walk around all day, seeing patients is beyond me. I'll have to use an ache-soothing spell..."

He groaned and grunted with each quick step he took. He was a rather peculiar old man, with the wit of a sharp-tongued youngster.

"Oh yes, that's it! Leddfu poen*! " It didn't work. The sorcerer tried four more times before it succeeded.

"I've always been rubbish at healing spells..." he thought, sighing.

The old man had finally arrived at the grand doors of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Knocker, knocker, knocker, where is the bloody knocker? There's no knocker! How impolite! People now a days!" He took his staff in hand to replace his need of a knocker. The ear-shattering thump echoed down the cavernous halls inside the majestic castle.

"That should do it!" he muttered to himself. He waited a moment for the door to open. The man could have let himself in, the school's magical protection was nothing compared to his power (not that he'd ever say so; he was, as an old mentor once said, too modest), but that was rude. Then the door creaked opened. The sorcerer thanked the caretaker of the school, Argus Filch, for letting him in.

The elderly gentleman was not really supposed to be here, but at the same time, he was. This world believed him gone and buried, but he was far from death.

The new headmistress, Professor McGonagall finished her 'Welcome Back' speech with a moment of silence to remember those who had died in the war. Harry remembered all the sacrifices he and the others had made to stop Voldemort.

The Golden Trio were of age and therefore weren't exactly supposed to be at school, but Hermione and Professor McGonagall had both agreed on the decision of the seventh years coming back and completing their final year. It was optional, but most had appeared anyway.

When Ron heard of the repeat year, he demanded, "Why do I have to go? It's not that important!" Which got him promptly whacked hard by his mother and slapped across the face by his girlfriend. Harry wasn't so sure about going back to Hogwarts after all that had happened; he wanted to be helping to destroy the leftovers of the death eaters' movement, but he agreed anyway.

Hogwarts needed a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, even though there was less of a need for one since Voldemort's death. All of the usual asked were too busy searching for the remnants of Voldemort's movement. Only one who had been asked had not answered, the last time Harry had checked, so there was some hope.

The students and teachers alike dug into the feast. It was nice to see everyone, despite many missing faces. "Maybe, just maybe," Harry thought,"this year will go by and no one will die."

"What was with the sorting hat, 'slyest foe you'll ever meet'? We already faced down Voldemort, didn't we?" Harry just shrugged at Ron's question. Hermione opened her mouth to answer when a thunderous noise stopped her.

A rapping was heard from outside and reverberated around the room.

McGonagall stood up and motioned to Filch to see whom it was. The strict caretaker left the room, his cat, Mrs. Norris, on his heels

"I believe," announced McGonagall, "That this is our new Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Though I don't know his name, he supposedly excels at his subject." Murmurs broke out in the hall.

"Hope this one isn't another Lockhart." Ron muttered with a pointed look at his girlfriend, causing her to blush.

Filch and his demon cat pulled open the door, and in ambled the old man who had walked down the Hogwarts road. He smiled a somewhat goofy smile and walked straight up to the teachers' table.

"Hello. My name is Dragoon. I believe you asked me to be the new DADA teacher? Well, here I am."

A long time ago in a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rested on this old man's young shoulders. His name? Merlin.

Now he is once again under the guise of the Great Dragoon, though this time; he needs to not save just a single person, nor a single civilization. The whole world as we know was in his hands.

Everyone had different thoughts on the year ahead, but they were all wrong except for one thing. This year at Hogwarts was going to be one of a kind.

A/N: *Soothe pain in Welsh

I apologize if anyone is very OOC in this chapter. I think Merlin is slightly OOC. I was trying to make seem to have gone senile in all this time alone. Don't worry though he is trying to make that be believed too. He is just his normal adorable self on the inside. I don't know how often I'll update, but I will finish it even if it takes me five years, which it won't. Just wondering, if anyone does review (insert puppy dog face here) could you tell me if you want longer chapters, and how many chapters until Merlin's identity is revealed?