Chapter 1




Humming in spite of myself, I couldn't believe that the Halloween night James and I had been planning for months was finally here. Lily didn't know of course; it was all part of James' and my perfect planning. We were all going to shock her when about ten Order of the Phoenix members and friends walked in the door. Remus and Peter would both be there of course although Remus is going to have to leave halfway through because of his furry little problem. As I pulled into the Potter's gravel driveway, I parked my motorbike next to Remus' jeep, surprised to see he had beat me here. Godric's Hollow's coldesack where James, Lily, and Harry lived was as peaceful as ever, birds tweeting and chirping, leaves fluttering in a slight breeze. It was a perfect October day in 1981. I walked to the front door, breathing in deeply the fresh air. When no one answered my knocks and doorbell ringing, I banged the front door open and yelled, "Honey! I'm home!"

James voice came back at me through the hallway, "Shut up Sirius!" Yes, everything was perfectly normal meaning Lily will not suspect a thing.

I placed the pumpkin pie I had brought onto the spotless kitchen counter and walked to Harry's room. Lily, James, and Remus were all talking and did not acknoledge me. "Hello people! Padfoot has arrived!" Again, they ignored me. I ignored them back. Nothing had changed and I doubt it ever will.

"Oh hullo Sirius. Didn't see you there," said Remus suddenly glancing in my direction.

"Thanks guys," I rolled my eyes.

"You're welcome Pad," James gave his cheekish smile. I turned to Lily who had Harry in her arms.

"Can I hold him?"

"Ha! Not in a million years Sirius!" laughed James, slapping me on the back.

"He's not that irresponsible," said Remus.

"Nevertheless, NO," replied James.

I rolled my eyes again then changed the subject, "I brought pie."

"You don't trust my cooking?" asked Lily, raising an eyebrow.

"I trust it completely as long as all you're doing is icing me a beer," I said.

Lily placed the now sleeping Harry into his crib and scowled at me, "Then you'll be happy to hear that Remus brought dinner."

"Oh I'm overyjoyed!" I exclaimed, a broad grin filling my face, much to Lily's annoyment.

"Sirius, when are you going to settle down, get your own house instead of switching off between Remus, Peter, and I everynight, marry a cute girl and have some kids?" James asked, not smiling.

"Now why would I do that? I've got everything I need here in this room," I said, arms open wide.

"The achohal's downstairs," pointed out Lily.

"Never mind then," I said, still grinning like some idiot.

Just then the doorbell rang sending an echo of rings throughout the house. Lily stared from James to me and back again.

"You guys planned a party tonight, didn't you?"



"It was Sirius' idea!"


"James was all for it!"


"Dang it."

"James, I think we might want to start running."

"Sirius, you read my mind."

Prongs and Padfoot sprinted out of the room, Lily close on their heels.

Next Chapter Preview: What happens when an univited and completely unexpected guest turns up on their doorstep and tells them that Voldemort is going to be arriving any minute?

A-N:I know the chapters are short but that means more quicker! Please comment and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading! :)