Sorry about the wait :/ been super busy. Anyway hope you guys like the chapter^_^

Disclaimer: -_- 'I may steal Kubo's story' *arrested the next day and stoned at a sacrifical altar* moral of the story- don't steal stories! hahaha anyway i obviously don't own the two smexy bastards

Chapter 3

I was dreaming. I was in a meadow, beautiful red peonies and exotic wild cosmos were swaying gently with the soft breeze. In front of me stood a large blue panther with bright blue eyes and a regal posture. It was looking at me, through me, into my soul. It was almost comforting to me, but as I looked down I noticed thorns tangled around its feet. The beast was trapped, yet it acted as though it knew the danger was there and intentionally ignored it. The panther took a step, right onto the barbed vines. No, watch out!

"Ichigo…Ichigo!" I jerked my head up and realized I had dozed off in the middle of my Calculus class. There was a line of drool trailing down my chin and I quickly wiped it off. Awkward… I looked up at the girl who had spoken my name. Rukia Kuchiki was smirking at me with her infamous devilish grin, so I gave her the bird. She giggled.

"Ichigo pay attention! I'm not giving you my notes again." Well fuck you then. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Rukia was one of my best friends, but she could be a stuck-up bitch sometimes. She was impish, with black shoulder-length hair and dark violet eyes. She was incredibly smart and was working to become a Neurosurgeon. We had two classes together: Calculus 2 and Microbiology.

I looked up at the board to see what we were learning. We were learning about derivatives which were easy as pie, so fuck it. I put my head back on the desk, and I heard the gremlin sigh. I needed sleep badly. I was moving into my apartment tomorrow and had spent the last few nights packing all of my belongings. I had also saved all my wages in order to buy new furniture for my new home; all of it was arriving at the place tomorrow, so I was going to have a long day.

When class ended I left in a hurry, waving goodbye to Rukia on my way out. I hurried through the halls, blindly passing other students. I had my headphones in and I was listening to Metallica's The Four Horseman as I walked out of the school. I listened to Metallica religiously.

I reached the vet clinic and got ready for work. For five hours I helped Yoruichi examine pets, administer shots, perform surgery, and bandage wounds. I cleaned out cages, fed the patients and filled their water bowls, and I made sure to spend time with as many of them as I could. It was almost closing time, I was in the back with Yor, when the front door opened.

"Ichigo, be a good little bitch and go see who that is." Yor could be such a dick sometimes. I sighed and went to check out who just walked in. When I walked through the door to the front of the clinic I stopped and gaped. In front of me was a man I thought I would never see again. Grimmjow was sitting in one of the plastic chairs reserved for pet owners. He was slouched in the chair with his legs hanging open comfortably. He was holding a kitten in his arms; it looked to be a blue-gray Russian Blue, only a week old at most. Grimmjow was scratching behind the cats ears, and when I walked in he looked up. A look of surprise flashed through his eyes and then he grinned.

"Well, well, well this is quite the surprise. Long time no see Ichigo." Yeah… it's only been four days. "May I help you?" I ignored Grimmjow's comment and got straight to business. I was tired as hell and I wanted to go home, even if that meant being an ass to the hottest guy on earth.

"I found this fella near the station. I want you to do a check up, administer shots, and whatever bull shit you guys do, so that I can take him home." Grimmjow handed me the kitten gingerly, and I cuddled him to my chest. He was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. "Have you named him yet?" I asked curiously.

"Azaya" Grimmjow smiled at the kitten affectionately. "OK, well we need to keep him here overnight, so come by tomorrow afternoon to get him." I said and I brought the kitten to the back.

"Yor, I got a kitten here. It needs a check-up and shots." Yoruichi looked up at me from her desk. "We'll start tomorrow. For now, leave him in one of the overnight pens. Then you can go home." Once I had the kitten bottle fed and comfortably situated in his cage, I went back to the front of the store, ready to leave. However, when I got there I was surprised to see Grimmjow still there.

"Umm, you can leave ya know?" I said.

He was looking at me curiously and I wanted to hide, suddenly very aware of my appearance. I was wearing dark blue scrubs, not the most striking outfit in the world, and my hair was messy from a long days work. I became extremely self conscious as he stared at me with those gorgeous eyes.

"Hey Ichigo, question?" I swallowed. My heart started beating faster in my chest for no reason other than his sexy voice and my palms became sweaty with perspiration. This man was lethal. He affected me just by saying my name, and it scared the shit out of me. "What?"

"Wanna go grab a bite to eat with me?" he grinned at me. "Uhhh…" I was unprepared for that, but before I could even answer he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. "Wait Grimmjow I…"

"Oh, come on Ichi pull that sick out yer ass and come with me. Besides you probably haven't eaten yet, right?" he had a point, I was hungry…

"Fine" I sighed and walked with him to his car; he was still holding my hand. When we got to his truck, Grimmjow opened the door for me. Don't read into it, he's just being polite. Calm down. My heart was hammering out of my chest and I was blushing furiously. Grimmjow got in the truck and pulled out of the parking lot.

"Where do ya wanna go?" he asked.

"I don't know…" I actually hadn't really thought of it.

"Let's go for burgers, yeah?" I nodded at him and we sat in comfortable silence. It was weird really, I barely knew the guy but I felt like I had known him for years and I felt strangely safe with him. We arrived at a small diner and I got out of the car.

The diner was like one of those old, American roadside restaurants, with flickering neon lights and a rusty, metallic exterior, so you can imagine that my expectations were a little low. When we walked in, we were seated by a woman who looked to be in her late twenties. She was staring at Grimmjow as we sat down, and I resisted the urge to scowl.

"What can I get for you?" she asked flirtatiously to my companion. Grimmjow looked at her, winked, and said, "Sweet tea for me and a bacon cheeseburger. Ichigo?" I looked at the menu briefly before ordering a traditional cheeseburger with water. The waitress left, swinging her hips in a teasing way, and I threw up a little in my mouth. Some women need to learn when to quit. I sighed, and Grimmjow looked at me curiously.

"So Ichigo, tell me about yourself." Grimmjow looked at my expectantly. "What do you want to know?"

He smirked, "tell me 'bout the shit ya like, hobbies, goals, ya know that kinda thing."

OK…I took a breath and launched into it. "OK, my goal is to become a vet, hobbies include school, work, and studying, and I like reading, music, and martial arts."

Grimmjow smirked at me, "Come on, yer gonna have ta do better than that Ichi." I rolled my eyes.

Right then, the waitress came with our drinks, "your food will be ready shortly" she smiled shyly down at Grimmjow. "Thanks sweetie," he said with a wink, and she walked away dazed.

"So, do you flirt with every woman you meet?" I asked scathingly. Oops! I sounded like a jealous bitch! I felt my face heating up from embarrassment, while I grabbed my drink and gulped it down, making sure to look anywhere except straight ahead.

I could feel Grimmjow staring at me, and I could hear the mirth in his voice when he said, "Awww, are ya jealous that the waitress is takin' away yer quality time with me?" I scowled and looked up into his eyes.

"Like hell! I couldn't give a damn!" we glared at each other for what felt like forever (which turned out to be around a minute) before Grimmjow's full, perfect lips curved up into a grin. "Let's play a game" he suggested.

"What?" I asked suspiciously.

"I ask a question and then you ask one and we both answer them, 'kay?" I nodded, deciding it wouldn't hurt to let him know a little about me in exchange for knowledge about him.

"I'll start then" Grimmjow said. "What's yer favorite animal and why?"

"Eagles: they are free, powerful, and beautiful. Also, dogs because they are loyal and loving."

Grimmjow smirked at me. "I prefer the panthers and tigers myself. They're totally badass" I rolled my eyes.

"Favorite song?" he looked thoughtful for a second. "The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars, you?" I thought about it. "I guess it's a tie between Scars by Papa Roach and Wherever I May Roam by Metallica"

We went back and forth like this, asking each other simple questions. The food came, and as we ate I learned so many things about Grimmjow: his favorite color was blue, his favorite food was rare-cooked steak and apple pie, he loved American football and hockey, he loved to swim, and he's never had an honest relationship in all his 23 years of living. I choked on my burger when he told me the last one.

"What? You mean you've never been with anyone?" I gawked as he chuckled. "I fuck chicks, yeah, but I've never cared about anyone in that way." I felt an annoyingly painful throb in my chest. There goes my hopes of ever having a relationship with the guy.

"What about you Ichi? Any girlfriends?" I blushed and shook my head. There was no way in hell I was telling him that I 'walked on the opposite side of the street' as him.

"I, ahh… don't really, date much." I felt incredibly awkward after saying that, but I'm not given any time to regret it before Grimmjow burst out laughing.

"What the fucks so funny, asshole?" the blue-haired bastard was clutching at his sides, trying to regain the ability to breath.

"Hahahaha, you're a Virgin? Holy shit that's hilarious!" I gritted my teeth and kicked him under the table. "Fuck off asshole."

He continued eating, and at one point we got into an argument about the best book/movie series ever created.

"Ichi! You can't be serious, The Lord of the Rings trumps the Harry Potter series in every fuckin' way. The movies are better, graphics are awesome, and just the plot in general is BETTER!"

I gritted my teeth, "No fuckin way! OK the LOTR movies are awesome, but NOTHING compares to the exhilarating feeling you get while watching Harry kick major death eater ass!"

"Uhhh, yeah, watching Aragorn and Legolas fucking up hundreds of Uruk-hai is soooo much better, like an intense high or something!" Grimmjow and I were yelling and everyone in the diner was staring.

"It's not all about bloodshed and ass-kicking Grimmjow, sometimes you need the emotional aspects."

"OH MY GOD! What about the Lord of the Rings is not emotional!?" we continued like that, arguing about the two best series of all time before Star Wars was brought up.

"Anakin is obviously the greatest character because, even though he became a total dick, he redeemed himself at the end. Defying the Emperor and the dark side of the force is no easy feat!" I explained to Grimmjow, who refused to believe that Anakin was better than Obi Wan Kenobi.

"Yes, but Ben was still the biggest, coolest badass in the fucking universe, other than Yoda and Chewy maybe." I rolled my eyes and laughed because, honestly, I hadn't had this much fun in a long time.

"Heh, I bet Yoda got laid before he was 19." Grimmjow snickered at me, and I kicked him under the table again.

We finished eating and left the diner. I was still surly about Grimmjow's comment, and Grimmjow was trying to loosen me up. "Come on Ichi, I'm sorry ok? But you have to admit it was funny." I scowled at him. "Or not." He said with a teasing grin. I sighed because honestly I couldn't stay mad at him.

"I've got an idea! Im gonna make it my mission to get ya laid!" Oh shit. This was not going to end well. "No thanks Grimmjow, that's not necessary."

"Oh, yes it is Ichi, ya gotta lose the big V. yer 19 for god's sake"

We argued about it the whole ride home and by the time he dropped me off at my house I still hadn't convinced him. "This is non-negotiable Ichigo, now gimme yer number."

"No can do Grimmjow." I turned to go into my house "thanks for the ride and dinner."

Before I made it five steps Grimmjow had jumped out of his car, ran after me, and snatched my phone out of my back pocket. He played with me phone before handing it back to me.

"There now ya got my number and I texted myself so I've got yers too." I growled in frustration.

As ecstatic as I was about having this gorgeous mans number, I knew that he would be bugging me constantly about getting laid, which wouldn't happen. At least not how he expected it to. Then, with a final wave, Grimmjow got into his car and sped off with his music blaring incredibly loud, the bass vibrating the whole car. I stared after him and then went inside. I had a long day tomorrow.

Fun stuff. i seriously enjoyed wrighting the part about LOTR, HP, and star wars! NERD MOMENT lol anyway hope you enjoyed and please R&R! I will love you forever