A/N: Here we are at the end of a long journey. I hope you all enjoyed the story. I am very proud of it and I'm so humbled and grateful for all the support I've gotten. Smuffly, Kayla, SomebodyWhoCares, noaccounter, and Leslie Emm, your comments have warmed my heart. I hope you enjoy the ending of this part in Don and Savannah's lives.

Characters: Det. Don Flack Jr/OC – Savannah 'Anna' Patia Cormier, Danny/Lindsay, Stella Bonasera, Mac Taylor, and other members of CSI NY.

Set: This is canon up until after episode 6.08 'Cuckoo's Nest.' After that, it's AU.

Rating: M

Warnings: Mild swearing.

Disclaimer: I do not in any way own CSI NY or affiliates. I'm using the characters to no profit. I do not own the song or song lyrics at the beginning of each chapter that inspire me. But I wish that there were a few clones of Don Flack…mmmm….Oh, but I do own Savannah Cormier.

On the Mend – Chapter 31 – Epilogue

And now I can live again
I have been chosen to run with the wind
I can go higher
I know I will soar
I'm taller I'm stronger I'm better than before

Guy Sebastian – Taller, Stronger, Better

"Hey Jess. I know I haven't been by in a month. But we thought that the timing was right for Savannah to come see you."

The graveyard was touched by the glowing fingers of morning light, Don Flack bundled up in a leather jacket and overcoat in deference to the winter snow, his beanie in his hands. He placed the bouquet of begonias on his ex-love's tombstone and reverently traced over the words. He then kissed his fingers and pressed it to her picture, protected from the elements by toughened glass. "I know you've been watching over me. I still miss you, but not as much as I used to, and I know you can understand that because I've found love again."

Don turned back, smiling at Savannah in her purple coat and his Yankees cap, her cheeks flushed from the cold but her eyes sparkling with encouragement. He then looked back, smiling. "She's wonderful. But I have to thank you because you made this guy, a player, actually commit to something and it's been a great set up to what I have with Anna. I've moved on. It's been a hard road but I think I'm better for it."

He lingered just a little more, imagining the savvy Jess smirking at him. Knowing. "I don't know when I'll see you again. I think I might just be a bit busy. I'll always remember you though, and that's a promise, because I know Anna is going to make me stick to it," he concluded and rose, heading back to the spot where his curly haired love stood. "Your turn."

Savannah inclined her head, slowly treading across the crunching snow until she knelt before the elegant white marker. "Hi Jess. I'm Anna. Before I go on, I just wanted you to know that I've been taking good care of him like he's been taking good care of me." She let a few moments of silence go by as she, too, traced over the inscribed words. "I wish I could have met you in person. I think we would have been really good friends if you were still alive, and we would have the best ladies night when you were off from work." Savannah rose and whispered, "Merry Christmas, Jess. I hope wherever you are that you're smiling."

As Savannah walked back to Don who had that special look of affection he reserved just for her. "So, we got the least happy part of the day over. Where to next detective?" she asked with a smile.

"Well," murmured Don, threading his arms around her waist and pressing her up against his chest. "We do have to go visit the Brents to give Callum his present. And then we'll quickly meet with all our friends throughout the day, and then to my parents place for dinner tonight. My brother is going to be there so you'll actually be able to meet him for the first time," outlined the tall man, his eyes on hers.

"And let's not forget my Christmas present to you later."

Don frowned. "You already got me something. I thought that the Xbox was a bit extravagant of you, but who am I to refuse such awesomeness?"

"And like the tickets to see Maroon 5 and the amethyst earrings weren't?" Savannah razzed playfully. She then lifted an eyebrow in that mischievous way of hers. "No sugar…I'm talking about the little Xmas present I happened to find at Victoria's Secret the other day."

Don's breath hitched and his eyes darkened. "You are going to be the death of me woman," he murmured.

"But what a way to go!" she replied, standing on her tiptoes and pressing a passionate kiss to his lips, scorching in comparison to the freezing air. "It's an incentive to keep you nice all through today – just in case you get fed up with the traffic jams and the constant barrage of Christmas carols and the like."

"Good incentive. You know just what to do to keep me sustained," Don murmured, kissing her again. He pulled back and said, "I love you."

"I love you too Don. Now c'mon. We've got a day of Christmas well wishing to get through."

"You are such a slave driver."

"You love it. You're practically a glutton."

Laughing, Don replied, "Yes, yes I am."

And they walked out of the graveyard without a look back.

A/N: What did you think? Again, I appreciate any feedback. You have been wonderful over the past few months. The sequel has been plotted and the first chapter has almost been finished. So I'll probably have it out in the next week (with luck!).

Thank you all once again :D