Chell was purple. She stood before Gordon's mirror, gazing at her half naked body; every inch of her skin was covered in deep purple bruises, save a few spots where they had begun fading to a sickly yellow. With a sigh, she unzipped her jumpsuit the rest of the way and stepped out of it, clad in nothing but a pair of white undergarments, she shivered. On a bed behind her (Gordon's bed, she thought to herself) rested some clothes, nothing very exciting, but they were clean. Blue jeans and an orange shirt, she'd asked for orange specifically. Gordon tried his best to explain that he borrowed the jeans from a girl named Alyx; his speech was so full of stammering that Chell was lucky to make any of it out. He seemed very disappointed in himself, Chell could tell he didn't like to speak very much but since she couldn't hold a conversation he had to try. Chell quite liked him; despite the hero persona he had hanging around his head like an ever present shroud of light. He didn't really seem to like being idolized, once he tried to make a joke about himself presenting speeches and how terribly that would go, the joke's delivery was horrendous but it made Chell smile.

She started re-dressing herself, wincing as she pulled the jeans over her hips, they were a little tight and pressed against a particularly large bruise just below her hip bone, it was blotched various horrible shades of purple and ached more than the rest. Chell remembered getting that one; she fell through a portal at the wrong angle and landed on a cube. Some day she was going to have to explain what went on the enrichment centre to someone, probably Gordon.
Hopefully Gordon.
After slipping the shirt over her head Chell examined the bruises on her arms, she wondered if Gordon had in fact noticed the deep purple dotting her skin. He probably hadn't and she didn't have it in her to blame him. She opened the door to the lounge and walked inside, Gordon was standing with his arms crossed, he looked up at her and smiled.
"They fit then?"
Chell nodded.
"Good, uh, let me nuh-know if you need anything else."

Chell nodded again and Gordon's eyes hardened, he made his way over to Chell and gently grasped her forearm. His hands were warm, dry and surprisingly pleasant. Chell blinked and supposed he hadn't noticed the bruises, his eyes softened behind his glasses.
"Are you alright?" He asked and Chell nodded.
"How did you guh-get these?"

With a grimace, Chell pushed Gordon away and headed to the table where her notebook was sitting, she wrote one word.
