Snow White and Loki

Summery- Two kingdoms, Asguard and Biancaneve, are allies. When the King of Biancaneve has a daughter, named Snow White, Loki of Asguard grew very fond of the young princess and my possibly become her future husband to unite the two kingdoms. But plans are thwarted when the evil Ravenna, takes over the castle. Will Loki save Snow White this time, or will Ravenna have her heart?- Sorry, this is my very first story, please be nice :) I DO NOT OWN SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN NOR THOR.[though, I would like to own Loki ;) ]


Once upon a time, as many of these stories go, there were two neighboring kingdoms. The one was Biancaneve, ruled by the fair King Magnus and his beloved wife Queen Maybelle. They were happily married yet they had no child. In the other kingdom of Asguard, King Odin, a much older ruler than King Magnus, ruled and had two sons, Thor age 14 and Loki age 12. Whenever the two royals met, the Queen would flourish her adoration on the two motherless boys, but this did nothing to ease the emptiness of a womb.

But one spring day, all the kingdom rejoiced to hear that the Queen was finally with child. Both Kings saw this as an opportunity; if it may be a boy, all the sons shall grow up to be good friends, or even better, if the child is to be a daughter, then one of Odin's sons will marry the princess. King Magnus had made sure that his lovely wife would have no harm come to her, not even a prick on her finger. As the Christmas season came by, King Odin and his sons were invited to celebrate Christmas as well as the up-coming arrival of the baby. As they all were walking in the garden, the Queen spotted a red rose blossoming against the white winter. She went up to the rose to admire it, when three drops of blood fell to the ground.

"My Queen!" King Magnus hurried over to her. "Are you all right?"

She smiled as she said, "Our child shall be a daughter, with hair as black as a raven's wing, lips as red as those blood drops and skin white as snow." She looked at the rose and continued, "And she will have all the strength and defiance of that red rose against the winter. I am sure of it."

"And she shall be as fair of a queen as her mother."

A week from Christmas, Loki and Thor were playing in the snow, when Loki asked, "Who do you think will marry the princess?"

"What makes you so sure it will be a princess?" Thor asked back.

"The Queen seems so sure."

"Well, she could be wrong. I heard Mother had said that you would be a girl, but she was wrong." Thor teased, making Loki throw a snowball at him. "Besides, who would want to marry a baby anyhow?"

"She wouldn't be a baby when she is married. Mother was only 17 when she married Father and he was 37 at the time."

"Still, I wouldn't want to settle down with anyone I didn't know. Especially if I don't know if they will be pretty. I mean, who would want to wake up looking at an ugly mug every morning?"

"Then you don't know what true beauty is."

Thor's only reply to that was, "Aren't you cold? You are so strange when it comes to winter."

Then, they saw both Kings racing through the halls, as if there was a fire. The boys followed, hearing as they got closer, the cries of the Queen.

"Father, what is wrong?"

Odin pulled his sons aside, placing hands on their shoulders, "Boys, the Queen is giving birth, and is having a difficult time. This is the moment where we shall learn if this baby shall be a friend, or a wife."

For one long hour they waited, hearing the Queen's cried through the door, until finally her cries were replaced with the cries of an infant child. King Magnus had sighed a sigh or relief, especially when the nurse came out with a smile on her face. "Your Majesty, your Queen has given birth to the most beautiful baby to ever been born. A strong baby girl."

The King had tears of joy in his eyes. "Strong. My baby is strong and beautiful. May I see her?"

The nurse lead him in, and the boys went to follow, but Odin lead them away, prompting Loki to ask, "Aren't we going to see the princess too, Father?"

"Yes, but let the family be. There is something I wish to speak to you two." Odin had them sit on a windowseat as he stood in front of them. "Now, the princess may be just a mere baby, but one day, she shall be a wife for either one of you. A benefit for me that I have two sons; for one of you shall rule my kingdom, while the other marries the princess. But you must understand, whoever is to marry the princess, it does not mean that I am banishing you, rather, I give one of you the great responsibilty to keep the alliance of our two kingdoms strong. Either way, you both will have a great responsibility to have, but only one of you will marry the princess. Just remember that."

The boys nodded and Odin brought them both in for a hug. Taking their hands, he lead them into the bed-chamber to see the Queen sitting up smiling as the King held a bundle in his arms. "Ah, boys, come and meet my dear daughter."

Odin nudged them forward the King who unveiled to them the most beautiful baby ever seen. She was just as the Queen said she would be; the little tuff of hair was as black as a raven's wing, her lips and cheeks were as red as blood and her skin was white as snow.

"She's cute." commented Thor.

"She's beautiful." complemented Loki.

"Now, a name that would fit her best, no other shall do her justice." said the Queen taking back her daughter.

"How about Thordina?" asked Thor.

The Queen laughed. "Thank you, but no. Something that fitted her beauty."

"Little Red?" suggested King Magnus.

"Or Raven's Wing?" King Odin added in.

The Queen laughed at their suggestions, then turned to Loki. "Do you have a name idea for the princess?"

Loki looked at her, what stood out to him wasn't her hair, her lips or green eyes, but rather what it was against.

"Snow White."

The Queen smiled and kissed his forehead and said, "And so she shall be named Snow White."

Both kingdoms had celebrated the birth of the young princess at her baptismal party, and everyone had come to give the princess a gift. Odin had given her a golden miniature of the Mjolnir, a sacred treasure of Asguard. Thor gave the princess a silver figuren with a golden saddle. But the princess was more interested in the gift Loki gave to her; a wooden heart shaped necklace with integrate designs that he carved himself.

"This will always protect you; always keep you close to me, as I will be close to you. Forever." whispered Loki.

Well...what do you think? Please remember that this is my very first fanfic, so please review and give me your honest opinion. I'll have chapter 1 up soon.