Chapter One: Out of My Element

Bella POV

Edward and I had been in a rut for the last six months, ever since his parents marriage started to have problems. I loved the boy dearly, but there was no spark anymore. We'd been together since the summer before sophomore year, and as senior year approached, I missed that spark we had so long ago. There were days where he would take me far away from town, and set off illegal fireworks for me. He was romantic and spontaneous, now he was just a dating dud. Now instead of fireworks, I had dinner and a movie for our dates.

Our sex life had greatly declined as well. There were days, when no one was home, we'd spend the entire day in bed together. Now, we'd have sex in the back of his car, because we both felt we had too. I wasn't in the relationship for the sex, but it did add to our relationship. He'd been my first, and I was his. I felt lucky to have lost my virginity to the man I was in love with, rather than some football player because he was hot, like Jessica had. I missed the closeness that came with sleeping together as well. Before, we could barely keep our hands off of each other, and now I was lucky if he'd brush his hand on my butt while putting his arms around my waist.

The fact that his parents marriage seemed to be coming to an end didn't help at all. He told me everything he knew about love, he learned from his parents. He told me they'd had his sister, and my best friend, Alice, early. They were only twenty-one when they had her, and twenty-two when they had Edward. But they made it work through those tough times because they loved each other. That's how they made it nineteen years without any problems. But, Esme had decided to stay home with Alice when she was born instead of relying on her mother, and didn't end up following her dream of being a high class interior designer. Carlisle had recently given her a chance to fulfill her dream by sending her back to school, and giving her the money to start a small business.

Well, Carlisle's sweetness and willing to give did more harm then good. They'd managed to make it through while she was in school for it. But, when her business began taking off nine months ago, their relationship did the opposite of 'boom!' She was so wrapped up in her work, she forgot about her husband. It broke my heart to watch Carlisle sitting at the couch in the morning, a book on his chest, fast asleep after waiting up all night for her to come home. My father, who'd known the Cullen's since he moved back to Forks fourteen years ago, accused Esme of having an affair. But, Carlisle was trusting and didn't question her about where she was when she didn't come home. I didn't want to be the one to destroy him in telling him it was probably true.

Alice, who was two years older than Edward and I, spent most of these problematic months in Seattle at school. But being three hours away didn't hide her from the fact of her parents marriage problems. There were countless nights I'd be laying beside Edward while he was on the phone with Alice, trying to make sense of it all. She was trying to be strong for her little brother, and her father, but I could tell how much this was killing her. Her and her mother were best friends when Alice was younger, and even now and she didn't want to believe her mother was spending entire nights at the office or with clients. She too was trusting in her mother, that or she was just that naive.

"Did Edward do anything special tonight?" Alice asked after we'd come home from our night out.

"Not really...I mean he took me to a nicer restaurant than usual. But it was the same as every night." I told her as we walked into her kitchen. Even though Alice was Edwards sister, I could still talk to her about everything. Even my sex life with her brother...we just left out the details.

"You've been dating for two years today...and he does...nothing?" She asked, clearly discussed with her younger brother. Alice was taking Carlisle and Esme's problems as bad as Edward was, but she wasn't letting it interfere with her personal life.

"No. It's fine though. I mean, I expected it."

"But Bella, this is big! The longest relationship I had only lasted seven months." She said, referring to Sam, the man she swore she'd marry one day. "Two years is a long time."

"Maybe, but it's just time." I answered, shrugging my shoulder as we sat down in the kitchen. "Besides, Edward and I haven't had much of a relationship in months. It wasn't surprising."

"Bells, you need to talk to him about this. It isn't fair to you if he keeps stringing you along."

"You think he's stringing me along?"

"Well, I don't think he's doing it on purpose...but yeah he is." She told me and my stomach began to turn. "I'm not saying he doesn't love you, or is using you. But you gotta do something."

"He's just so caught up on what's going on with your folks. I'm afraid he's lost hope in love or something."

"Not Edward. He's been looking for his 'princess' since he was five." She told me, laughing. He had been forced to watch Cinderella with Alice when he was little, and told everyone he was going to marry a girl like Cinderella.

"Yeah...I just think he believed in that because of your parents." I sighed.

"Bella?" Alice asked in almost a whisper. "My parents are going to get through this...right?" She asked. I wanted to promise her it would, but I had no clue. I always thought my parents would grow old together. But one day, my mother took me for ice creme and we didn't go home after that. She told me her and dad had just fallen out of love, and as an eight year old, I believed her. But as I grew older, I found her old love letters to her now husband, Phil, dated back to when I was just seven. My mom walked out on my dad for another man.

"I hope so, Alice." I sighed, touching my hand to hers. "People go through rough patches. I mean, they've been married for twenty years."

"It's only a number. I mean look at Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes...perfect couple right?" She asked, as I nodded my head. Alice was big on celebrity metaphors. "WRONG! They file for divorce."

"Some people aren't meant to last forever, Alice." I whispered as she looked away. "But, some are. Look at the Cosby's! They've been married for almost fifty years and are still going strong."

"I guess...but..."

"Your parents might be the Cosby's...they just have to get over this little hump." I told her, and her face eased up a bit.

"Bella's right, sweetie." Carlisle said as he came into the kitchen, scarring both of us. "Marriages aren't perfect. And they take work. Things are going to work out." He said, grabbing a bottle of Whisky from the cabinet. Carlisle wasn't an alcoholic...but he was beginning to drink more and more and it scarred all three of us that he'd end up drinking himself into a coma.

"Daddy, I think you should skip the whisky tonight." Alice said.

"Alice, darling, it just helps calm my nerves." He said, kissing the top of her head. "I'm fine." He lied. He wasn't fine and he was drinking to help him think he was fine. Alice wanted to have faith in her father, but her faith in him might kill him.

"When's Mom going to be home?" She asked as she followed him into the kitchen.

"Probably not too late. She has a deadline earlier than she's used she needs to extra time at the office. You two go to bed. It's almost one in the morning." She urged and Alice and I reluctantly did as we were told. We talked in her room for a bit longer, and then I retreated to Edward's room. He had long since passed out, so I changed into a pair of PJ's I kept here, and tried to snuggle close to him.

It was a sleepless night for some reason. I just couldn't shake the thought of Edward and I possibly breaking up. Sure, we were in a long running rut, but I knew it was a stage and it was a pass. Edward really was the guy I wanted to be with, weather we were just seeing a movie, or taking a weekend trip down to Portland for a book festival.

I woke up long before he did and couldn't go back to sleep. I pulled on one of his sweatshirts and made my way downstairs, making the breakfast. Esme was the only one out of them who could cook, and I prayed if she were to leave, they'd hire a private chef. I wasn't always going to be around to cook for them like I've been doing. I looked into Carlisle and Esme's room, the sheets were rumpled so I knew someone had slept in there, even if they were alone. My heart broke when I saw Carlisle, the TV on mute, and an empty bottle of whisky on the coffee table, asleep on the couch.

It wasn't fair to him for Esme to keep stringing him around. I knew they didn't want to end the marriage because of Edward and Alice, but they would be happier than now. Even Carlisle would be happier, not having to worry about when she was coming home. It would put his mind at peace on where they stood. I tried making it to the kitchen without waking him up, but klumsy me tripped over the end table, knocking over a picture frame.

"Bella?" I heard Carlisle's scratchy voice as from behind me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." I said, picking up the picture frame, silently thanking god it wasn't cracked.

"It's all right. Any longer and my back would be sore for a week." He tried to laugh, but I could see the hurt in his eyes. "This couch really wasn't made for sleeping on."

"Then why don't you wait in your bedroom?" I asked, sitting on the coffee table in front of him.

"I want to make sure Esme makes it home safely."

"Carlisle...the sheets were rumpled. She was in there." I said, and he tilted his head down to look at the floor.

"She...she doesn't want me to sleep in the same bed as her." He whispered and my body filled with anger. She was the one making problems for them, she should be the one sleeping on the couch. "She kind of kicked me out of the bedroom."

"Well, that's absurd. You're husband and wife...and she shouldn't be doing that." I told him, and I saw a slight smile. "Carlisle, you deserve better than this." I told him. The Cullen's were more than just my boyfriends family, they were my family as well and it killed me to watch them all in pain. Especially Carlisle who was always so happy and positive about life before Esme started acting weird.

"Marriages are full of hard times. Esme and I...we'll make it though this." I could see that the glimmer he usually had in his eyes, even after the problems erupted, was gone completely. "I know Esme hasn't been the best wife these last few months but...I know her. I know the good in her." He said before I heard the water running in the bathroom.

"I'm going to make breakfast." I stated, standing up and heading to the kitchen. "Anything special?"

"Hmmm...I could really go for those chocolate chip pancakes you make." He told me as he got up and followed me. "I think I'll help."

" Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked since the last time he 'helped' me make something, the pan caught fire.

"Hey...I've been doing better!"

"That was only a week ago, Carlisle!" I laughed as I got the eggs out of the fridge. "Here, crack these in a bowel."

"Gee, thanks." He remarked sarcastically. Carlisle was doing just fine thus far, he could really crack those eggs, and measure chocolate chips. I got out the electric mixer from the cabinet and plugged it in. "May I have the honors?" He asked, holding out his hand.

"Sure," I said, handing him the mixer. "Just make sure not to..." I began to instruct before he turned the mixer on full blast, milk, eggs, and flour going everywhere. The counter, the walls, ourselves. "Turn it on too high."

"Oh god! I'm really sorry Bella!" He said, trying to hide his laughter. I had to laugh too, I'd never seen their kitchen such a mess before. Esme took pride in her kitchen and it was always spick and span.

"Don't worry about it." I said, beginning to break out in laughter. My laughter quickly spread to Carlisle, and for the first time in months, I saw that gorgeous smile he had. "I haven't seen your smile in so long." I told him without thinking.

"Yeah, well...sometimes it's good to smile." He said, and I realized how close were standing.

"What's going on?" Edward asked as he came into the kitchen. He was freshly showered and shaven, wearing the cologne I'd given him for Christmas that made me go crazy. Even something like this, that made Carlisle laugh, didn't even give Edward the want to smile just a little.

"Your dad here tried helping me make pancakes." I laughed, grabbing a paper towel to wipe my forehead of the mixture. "It's didn't work."

"I can see that." He said, grabbing a banana. "You guys go clean up...I got it in here." He said as he kicked us out and began wiping the counters. I walked upstairs into Edward's room to grab a towel and change of clothes before making my way down to the bathroom to shower. I opened the door, stupidly, without knocking and came face to face with a naked Carlisle.

"Oh! Oh my god!" I screeched as he wrapped a towel around himself. "I am so so SO sorry!" I yelled before running out of the room and back to Edward's room. This day just wasn't my day for luck. I waited until I saw Carlisle's bedroom door closed before leaving the room to take my shower. Carlisle and I didn't speak, and didn't even look at each other for the rest of the day, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

I stayed clear of the Cullen's house for the rest of the weekend, too embarrassed to show my face to Carlisle. I knew I began to stare once I saw him, and I knew he knew that. I could barely think about it without turning a bright shade of red. But, I couldn't avoid them forever, and when Alice asked me to join her for a girls night before she left for school, I had to suck it up and go to their house.

Edward was out with Emmett again and it seemed he put more of an effort with his friendship with Emmett than he did for our relationship. I tried not to let it get to me, just wanting to have a fun night with Alice, but when I pulled into their driveway and saw his car wasn't there, my heart began to hurt. I didn't want him ditching his best friend, but he didn't even split his time equally.

"Hey!" Alice greeted before I even got out of my truck. I grabbed my things from the back seat and got out of the car, only to trip on the step leading up to their porch. My face grew hot with embarrassment as Alice rushed over to my side.

"Are...are you okay?" She asked, trying to stifle her laugh. I was klumsy, and nine times out of ten I only ended up with a bruise.

"Yeah, I'm good." I said, getting up off my knees, and began picking the things I dropped up off the ground. But, as I picked up my bag, and a shooting pain went all the way up my arm, I knew this was the one time I wasn't okay. "Ouch!" I exclaimed, dropping the bag.

"What's wrong?" Alice asked, picking everything up and leading me into the house.

"It's nothing, really." I lied to her, rubbing my wrist, trying to make the pain go away.

"Bella! Your wrist is swelling up!" Alice pointed out, and rushed over to me. "I'm gonna go get my dad."

"No!" I screeched before she could move. I did not want to deal with this matter with him after what happened Saturday morning.

"Bells, your wrist could be broken." She said as she walked out of the room. She came back with Carlisle only a minute later, and I knew my face was growing redder and redder as he got closer to me. He sat down in front of me, and gently grabbed my wrist. He twisted and turned it, making me wince with every move.

"It's not broken, just a sprain. Alice, will you go get me some ice?" He asked and she sped off into the kitchen. "It should heal fairly quickly." He said, a chuckle in his voice.

"Thanks." I mumbled, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Bella, this is silly. What happened Saturday is nothing." He said, and I looked up and saw the glimmer in his eyes starting to form again. Alice came back in with the ice, and Carlisle sent her to the store to get me some Percocet. Leaving us alone."Please, I don't like it when we don't speak." Ummm, what?

"What?" I asked as he placed the ice on my swollen wrist.

"Over these last few have seemed to keep each of us from going crazy. I know Edward isn't being the best boyfriend lately...but I don't know where he would be if you weren't around. And Alice, she loves you and I'm so grateful she has a friend like you."

"That's why you have friends, isn't it?" I asked as he looked up from what he was doing, and into my eyes. "To help them through the good and the bad?"

"Yeah, that's what...that's what friends are there for." He whispered and when I looked into his eyes, I began feeling something more for him, other than he's my boyfriends father. I felt my heartbeat to pick up and my hands began sweating. He lifted his hand up to my cheek, and I bit my lip in anticipation. He inched his way closer until he was only inches away from my lips. Unfortunately, the front door swung open as Alice came back into the house. We jumped apart and he began searching in his bag for something to wrap my wrist in.

"Here's the painkillers." Alice said, handing Carlisle the bag. "They said no charge for repeat customers." She laughed as she sat down on the couch. My heart rate began to slow as the moment passed, but I found myself wanting him to finish what he started.