Well it's time for the last chapter of Pokemon Hoenn Adventure! This chapter is going to be pretty short, but thanks to the battle with Brian, chapter 57 completely makes up for it. So for the last time in this story, let's go!

P.S: Chapter 1 of Sinnoh will be posted tomorrow, which is my biggest gift to you all!

Owen's team

Sceptile, level 54, Pound, Leaf Blade, Solarbeam, Quick Attack

Owen walked out of Professor. Oak's lab where he went to see all of his Pokemon. Quinn had been working with Professor. Oak for a few weeks now and all of her Pokemon along with Owen's seemed to enjoy her help around the lab. Sceptile enjoyed staying around his trainer in the new region. His trainer's family and old Pokemon were extremely welcoming and happily greeted him with open arms. As they walked down the dirt road, someone called out Owen's name.

"Owen! Wait up!" Owen and Sceptile turned to see Burt running towards the two of them. "How'd the Ever Grande Conference go?" Sceptile hung his head in shame before Owen could answer.

"Top 16, Sceptile here put up one hell of a fight!" Owen exclaimed. Sceptile nodded and confidently stood by his trainer.

"I bet he couldn't beat my starter from the region I just went to." Owen seemed more agitated by the statement than Sceptile and he turned red with anger.

"Oh yeah? Let's have a one on one battle!" Owen decreed. Burt sweat dropped before agreeing to battle. "Sceptile, let's show Burt that you're stronger than his Pokemon!" Owen cheered as Sceptile stepped forward while sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"Go, Empoleon!" A large penguin stood across from Sceptile. It had a yellow face with three prongs sticking upwards, a white belly, and small brown feet. Sceptile looked at the strange Pokemon before he prepared for battle. "You can have the first move," Burt told Owen.

"That's fine by me! Sceptile, use Leaf Blade!" Sceptile ran forwards and slashed the bulky water type Pokemon with his signature attack. Empoleon seemed to take a normal amount of damage, confusing both Owen and Sceptile.

"Empoleon, use Drill Peck!" Empoleon began to spin like a torpedo and the big penguin sped over towards Sceptile. The Hoenn Pokemon was hit by the super effective and powerful attack, causing him to drop to one knee in pain.

"Sceptile, use Solarbeam!" Owen commanded.

"Empoleon, let's end this now. Dodge and use Drill Peck once more!" Burt yelled. Empoleon managed to avoid the insanely powerful attack, and then it hurled itself into Sceptile beak first. The grass type Pokemon was down for the count and Empoleon was congratulated by its trainer.

"That thing's strong." Burt nodded.

"We made it all the way to the top 4 before we lost, right Empoleon?" The powerful water penguin nodded.

"Why didn't Empoleon take more damage from Leaf Blade?"

"She's part steel type." Owen nodded. "Hey! Maybe you should go to the Sinnoh league!" Owen shook his head and helped Sceptile up to his feet.

"Eh, I'm not sure. I'll think about it," Owen told Burt as he walked home. He looked at Sceptile who seemed happy to finally be done with constant battling and he began to wonder to himself, "Maybe I should go."

Well that's all I've got. Thanks to everyone that read and reviewed! Hopefully for Sinnoh we could get up to 300 reviews! Without you guys and girls, none of this would be possible so make sure to pat yourselves on the back. For the last time in Hoenn, peace out.

And make sure to have a very merry Christmas!