The moment he saw the blue-eyed, black-haired man behind the counter of his favourite coffee shop, Dean knew he wanted to get to know the new guy. It wasn't that the guy was stunningly gorgeous, because he definitely was, Dean just felt an immediate attraction to the man. He looked young, probably about twenty two, which suited Dean fine, he was twenty five.

Dean stood behind the two people in line, thinking how to ask the guy at the counter on some resemblance of a date. Luck seemed to be against him though, because Gabriel, the manager, took over the counter while the dark haired man went out the back. When Dean got up to the counter he asked for his usual then added "Hey, Gabe, who was the dark haired guy just serving? I haven't seen him 'round before."

"He's my younger brother, Castiel…why? You interested?" Gabe responded, catching the look on Dean's face and knowing his ambition already, they had been friends for a few years now and Gabriel could usually tell what he was thinking, Dean often told him to stop reading his mind.

"Ha. No…maybe, shit. Do you mind if I ask him out?"

"Not at all, I'm already dating your brother, I'll get him to bring out your coffee." Gabriel winked at him.

"Thanks, Gabe."

"No problem, just don't tell me all the gory details."

"Yeah, like you don't tell me all your gory details, there are some things I don't actually need to know about my own brother." Dean told him as he moved away from the counter to find a seat in the three quarters empty coffee shop.

Dean only had three minutes to prepare before the young blue-eyed man was wandering over to his little two seater table. To Dean's surprise Castiel pulled out the opposite chair and sat down, handing over Dean's coffee "Hello, Gabriel gave me a fifteen minute break and told me to come and sit with you, apparently you want to ask me something?"

He saw Gabe watching him and grinning "Hey, um, yeah, Gabe's a good guy, I heard you're his brother, Cas?"

"Yes, I am his younger brother, Castiel, but I guess you can call me Cas. May I ask who you are?"

"Oh, sorry, I'm Dean, Dean Winchester." Dean held out his hand to Cas and the younger man shook it "I'm a friend of Gabe's."

"Nice to meet you Dean, I must admit it's good to talk to someone other than Gabriel, Lu and Balthazar, Anna, and Crowley. Okay, that actually sounds like a lot of people considering I only moved here three days ago, but you seem nice."

Dean laughed "Well I like you too." They smiled at each other and suddenly the words were spilling out of Dean's mouth before he even realised it "So, Cas, what I wanted to ask you was; do you wanna go on a date with me? And hopefully another one after that…"

Before Cas had a chance to reply there was a loud crash followed by a "Dammit!" from Gabriel. They both turned their heads to find glass and chocolate chip cookies scattered on the floor in front of the counter with Gabriel leaning over where the jar had been, a disappointed frown on his face "What a waste." He complained.

"That's what you get for eavesdropping." Dean called out to him, to which Gabriel responded by sticking his tongue out at Dean, who just laughed and looked back at Cas to see him scribbling something on a piece of paper from his notepad. Cas handed over the folded piece of paper and said "Call me any time after four thirty, I better go help Gabe before he cries over spilt cookies, thanks for the chat." Then he left the table and Dean got a really nice view of his ass as he bent over to help his brother.

Dean unfolded the note and read what Cas had written 'Looking forward to your call, Castiel Novak' and underneath was his mobile number. Suddenly Dean remembered he was supposed to be at work and he rushed out of the coffee shop, coffee in hand.


Dean ended up being twenty minutes late for work "Sorry, Bobby! Sorry I'm late!" He yelled as he dashed into the office to clock in.

"It's alright, Dean, its not a problem." Bobby told him, looking up from some paperwork "What's got you all smiley?"

"Nothing." Dean grinned.

"What's his name?" Bobby asked him knowingly.

"Why does there have to be someone for me to be happy?"

"Because, I know you, Winchester, and you don't grin like that about nothin'."

"Okay, okay, his name is Cas, he's Gabe's brother, just moved here a few days ago." Dean felt like a teenager all over again, but he didn't care, Cas was something special, he just knew it.

"You get his number?"

"Yep." Dean said brandishing the piece of paper Cas had given him.

"Good, now off you go."

Dean nodded to Bobby and exited the office, passing Crowley who was entering "Crowley."

"Dean." Crowley greeted back.

Crowley and Bobby were together, and Bobby was like a father to him, but it didn't mean Dean had to like the other man that much. Today he wasn't letting Crowley or anything get him down, and he couldn't wait for four thirty to call Cas, it had been at least six months since he last had a date and another six months on top of that since he'd had a date with a guy. Dean was excited to say the least. He turned the radio on and up loud enough so he couldn't hear Crowley's suggestive comments in the other room, then set to work on the first car of the day, and not daydreaming about a certain dark-haired, blue-eyed, angel.


Hey guys, so suddenly im writing a new fic and yeh, more destiel ^_^ lol let me know what you think of the first chapter…much love xox