1) Geez, has it really been a month? Well, I feel like a bad person... *Stands in Bad Writer's Corner of DOOM* Anywho, I'm sorry for the late update. On top of my school, work, and sudden obsession with my new Megatron ficlet, I found a huge plot hole in this story while I was looking over my primary plot outline. What does this mean? It means I had to spend a lot of my freetime overhauling the outline of this fic, and for those of you who don't know, I spend at least two months working the kinks out of fic before I actually start writing and publishing them. hence, the month-long wait. On the bright side, though, this means that Sunstreaker will be appearing a lot earlier than projected. Rather than waiting another ten or so chapters, you will be meeting him in about two or three (exciting, right?) So... yeah. :)

2) I didn't edit this... Like at all. Once again, I shall sulk in the Bad Writer's Corner of DOOM... I just didn't feel like rereading it for some reason...

3) Nothing else, really... Go check out my Megatron story if you haven't already. It's edgy (to me) and I'm rather proud of it. Go look and drop me a review! You will not regret it

Chapter 6


4,577 words

"-Not only irresponsible, but extremely dangerous."


"And aside from that, you could have brought the Decepticons to our location, even given them the opportunity to set a trap for us! Would you have been so easy-going if a 'con had a gun pressed against your helm while telling you just what he was going to do to your teammates?"

"I go' no idea."

"See, that is why you two need to process before you act. Honestly, you two could be offline right now because of your stupidity!"

"Yup. Got'cha."

"Jazz, are you even listening to me?!"

"Hones'ly, Spot, no. I can't feel Sky…"

"Skyshock is fine. She is merely offline at the moment."

"I know, bu' I can't feel her. It jus' feels weird."

Hot Spot sighed as he looked at the seeker in front of him, a mech who was only a few orns away from being classified as an adult. It was ironic that he still didn't act like one, if his and Skyshock's stunt was anything to go by. The femme was still in the medbay, recovering from the shot to her wing, while he scolded Jazz. In honesty, Hot Spot kind of wished Prowl was here. The copbot was far better at dishing out lectures and punishment, but alas, the Autobot SiC was still at the meeting point in border-town Praxis-Protihex, waiting for the Autobots that had taken up on his first meeting-place offer. In fact, the mech should be heading back about now.

"Well, I guess you can go. Primus knows you won't listen while trying to hear your leader through your bond," the Protectobot leader said on a sigh. Jazz grinned as he leapt to his pedes and dashed out of the room. Hot Spot only sighed and shook his helm with a small smile. His team was the same way. When one of them was hurt, they only focused on that bond, waiting in fear and anxiety for the other mech to register. It was the same with all gesalts, he supposed. They all worried about the others, even if only on a small level. Hot Spot smiled as he sat back in his chair. He certainly had a strange team, a strange family. Once again, though, all gesalts seemed to be made up of strange mechs, though he was lucky not to have the same jokers that other leaders had to deal with, like Silverbolt. Then again, trying to control Blades was hard enough. Maybe he had not been given such pranksters because Primus knew he would have enough trouble dealing with his psychopathic younger sibling.

/I heard that, slagger. If you're going to insult me, have the decency to block the bond. Fragger./ Hot Spot grinned at Blades' pouty message and prodded him through their gesalt bond, sending his brotherly love along with a sense of teasing. They may be weird, but he couldn't ask for a better gesalt.

"-Don't quite know how it happened, but then he was mad, which made me scared, because Blades is very scary when he's mad, but you already know that because you make him mad all the time, which you should stop doing. They really care about us, but I guess I can understand because you always did like bending rules—though most of the time, you actually break them—but I know you're a free spark, cuz I've known you for so long, and I saw that every klik of every breem of every joor of every cycle, and…"

Blaster stared in utter fascination as the soon-to-be adult chattered endlessly to the femme on the table beside him. The words were meaningless for the most part and came out in a never-ending stream with a speed that would make Blur envious. First Aid had first let the youngling in a few breems ago when he had claimed to have had a bad dream about Skyshock getting hurt. Of course, the youngling had tried Skyshock's room first, and she hadn't been there, so he thought First Aid would know. It was that moment when the youngling saw past First Aid and into the medbay where Skyshock currently recharged. Doorwings rose in horror, and the smaller Praxian burst into the room and scurried over to his long-time best friend's side without even asking. First Aid took it in stride, giving only a long-suffering sigh before moving back to Skyshock's injured wing to complete his work.

That was when Blaster woke up. At first, he had thought the prattling mech was Prowl, seeing as the youngling looked almost identical to him, but then he saw how different the paint job was… and Prowl didn't speak that much. Blaster took time to survey his surroundings at that point, gazing in confusion at the unfamiliar medbay, then he caught sight of First Aid, who was fussing over what appeared to be a… seeker?

"First Aid?" the cassette deck murmured, mildly irritated that his voice would not rise above a whisper. His vocal processors simply wouldn't allow it. Luckily, the soft-spoken medic easily heard him and turned to face him.

"Ah, I see you have decided to rejoin the living, Blaster," the medic stated as he moved back to his side, poking and prodding the red mech's chest plating to check the new welds.

"Yeah… who's tha'?" Blaster questioned as he gazed over at the bot on the berth across from his. First Aid glanced over at the unconscious bot before looking back down at Blaster.

"That is Bluestreak. He's a survivor of the attack on Praxus, and the femme on the berth is Skyshock. She was injured during a… well, an unplanned trip to Iacon," First Aid responded.

"She?" Blaster repeated dumbly, looking confused and curious at the same time.

"Yes. Her age places her birth after the genocide, but before the ejection of the Allspark."

"An' she's a seekess?"

"Yes, she is a seekess."

"An' 'er trine is…?"

First Aid was about to answer his question, but said question was answered by a door slamming open and a silver mech rushing up to Skyshock's berth.

"Sky? Skyshock?" the seeker mech murmured in a nervous voice as he shifted from pede to pede while staring down at his leader.

"Jazz, she is in recharge," First Aid called out, causing Jazz to snap his helm in the medic's direction as if he had not realized that they were present in the room before. The silver mech whined at that statement and raised his visor as he looked back at his leader, glancing only fleetingly at the now-silent Bluestreak, whose hand was tangled in the femme's sensory wires.

"Skyshock," he murmured, ignoring First Aid's medical observation and Bluestreak's presence completely as he turned his attention to the task of waking his leader.

"Jazz…?" Blaster repeated slowly, giving First Aid a look that questioned his sanity. The medic sighed as he looked back down at the cassette.

"Yes. Jazz died while on the mission to retrieve the Allspark. We have proof that the mech you see over there is Jazz's spark replaced by Primus," First Aid explained lowly, not wanting Jazz to enter their conversation while he was fretting over his leader. In reality, First Aid was kind of curious if Jazz's presence would somehow affect her healing rate. There had been no apparent changes with Bluestreak's presence, but Bluestreak did not hold the same type of sparkbond with her as Jazz did.

"So this mech don' know meh at all?" Blaster asked with a frown, easily recognizing some of the features the new bot held that would distinguish him as Jazz, the Autobot TiC: the visor, wing-shaped horns, and paint job in particular. First Aid shook his helm.

"No, but his personality remains. His preferences and ideals are no different from that of the last Jazz," the medic stated with a friendly smile.

"So if I wanted t' be frien's wit' 'im…"

"He would likely be open to it," First Aid finished for him. Blaster grinned at this, happy that even if his friend died on another planet, he could still uphold that friendship with this new mech. He dropped into thought as First Aid moved back to stand beside the femme. "Jazz, why don't you go keep Blaster company while I attend to Skyshock? I need to give her one last full-systems scan before letting her leave. Blue, why don't you go to the rec room and refuel? Sky should be online by the time you get back."

"I… I guess so..." Jazz responded hesitantly as he left his leader's side to stand by the tape deck. Bluestreak glanced down at Skyshock one last time before scurrying out the door. Blaster grinned at the retreating mech before looking up at Jazz, but that grin quickly became a scowl when he realized that Jazz wasn't even looking at him. His blue optics were focused solely on his trine leader.

"Yo, mech," Blaster called to the mech standing at his side. Jazz jolted a bit before hesitantly turning his optics to the mech that requested his attention.

"'Sup?" Jazz responded absently, attention still on his bond with Skyshock. Blaster fought back a grimace, never one to be ignored, then he grinned. A klik later, an electronic melody filled the room from Blaster's external speakers. Jazz jolted and looked at Blaster with wide optics as he listened to the upbeat music.

"It's called 'Sky Break' by Songstress. We used ta dance t' this song all the time at the Helix Twis' Club," Blaster stated. Jazz frowned as he offlined his optics, allowing the beat to wash over him. His frown slowly turned to a grin as he started bobbing his helm in time with the beat.

"Tha' was where I met tha' psycho femme tha' thought she loved meh," Jazz noted as the distant memory of a yellow and orange femme flitted through his processor. Pombase had been her name, and she had followed him for a few cycles without his knowledge before she had built up the courage to approach him and proclaim her undying love for him. Needless to say, he had turned her down, gently at first, before fleeing the scene and moving to a new housing unit after procuring a restraining order against the persistent femme.

"Now, how is it tha' you c'n r'member tha' crazy glitch, but ya can't r'member meh?" Blaster asked with a grin. Jazz returned the grin with his own wry one.

"Guess she left mo'e of a 'mpression," the seeker responded lightly. Blaster snorted.

"I doubt anybot left mo'e of a 'mpression than meh. B'lieve meh, mech," Blaster claimed. Jazz was about to reply when First Aid let out a wordless sound of anger, followed quickly by an angered shout of "Jazz, get over here!"

"I didn't do it," the seeker defended immediately as he moved to First Aid's side, not even completely sure what had the medic so infuriated. First Aid rarely raised his voice, so the mech was fairly certain that whatever it was was bad.

"So you didn't know that Skyshock had a sparkling in her hold?" the medic demanded. Jazz winced.

"Okay… maybe I ain't as innocent as I thought…"

"Explain. I want to know where the sparkling came from, and it better be the truth, mechling," the medic said firmly. "And Hot Spot is on his way."

"Frag. Well, first off, it ain't what ya think," Jazz began hesitantly.

"Oh, really? Explain."

"Well, when we wen' back ta Protihex, 'e kinda jus'… appeared, an' Sky refused ta let 'im stay on the ground, so she put 'im in 'er hold."

"I see. Well, I need to get him out, and her sparkling protocols have been activated by the presence of a sparkling in her hold. Seeing as her frame was damaged in a way that left her no means of escape, protective protocols have come online, which means that she isn't going to open her chassis unless she's online."

"So…?" Jazz prompted tentatively, not really sure he liked where this was going. His first thoughts were of First Aid sending him outside while brandishing a prytool of some sort. Then his processor supplied him with the image of First Aid grinning over her rather intently as he attempted to yank open her chest plating.

"So, I will need you to hold open her chest plating while I get the sparkling from her hold," First Aid stated, pulling the younger mech from his thoughts. Jazz frowned, giving his trine leader an uneasy look.

"I don't think tha's a good idea, 'Aid," he said slowly. First Aid frowned at this.

"Why?" he responded with a frown. Jazz gave his leader a pained look.

"Cuz she's the leader…" he replied, as if that explained everything.

"Yes, well, your leader has hidden a sparkling in her hold, and I have no way of knowing if there is anything wrong with that sparkling, and on top of that, if he appeared in Protihex, he's probably another dead bot come back to life," First Aid stated. Jazz grimaced as he moved to his leader's side.

"Well… lemme see if I c'n get her to cooperate through the bond, cuz I don' think she'd 'ppreciate wakin' up to you pullin' 'er new third fr'm 'er hold," Jazz relented, grimacing as he strode to his leader's side.

/Sky… Skyshock?/

There was no reply, which gained another pained look from the second. He vented heavily as he hopped up onto the berth where she lay and hesitantly leaned over her chest plating. He poked at the nearly invisible seam that held the armored plating closed, as if that would make her chest plates open easily.

/Sky?/ he repeated. He waited for a reply, and when he didn't receive one, he flooded the bond with energy and worry. Skyshock's bond flared momentarily, but it was enough for Jazz to get his intention across. Skyshock gave a mental groan as she allowed the miniscule latches on her chest plating to unhook, and she had just opened her sparkling hold when she dropped back offline again. Jazz vented a sigh of relief as he reached into his leader's hold awkwardly. He was careful not to let his hand brush anything (Primus forbid), and he pointedly avoided looking at her bright spark as he pulled out a snoozing Aerobatix by his scruff bar.

"'Ey, Aero," he cooed. The purple winged mechling lazily onlined his optics and looked up at his second. The mechlet gave the elder a languid smile before chirping at him. Jazz grinned down at him as he held the little mech against his chassis, just over his spark. Aero, for his part, purred contentedly as he cuddled up to his trinemate's chest plating, more than ready to fall back offline for a few kliks.

"A youngling of his age should be able to stay awake," First Aid said with a concerned frown as he peered down at the snoozing seekling.

"Not a seeklet, though," Jazz responded. "When me 'n Sky was younglin's, I always felt tired whenevuh she fell offline. It's part of the bond. Aero's too young to counteract it an' stay awake."

"'Aero?'" First Aid repeated as he moved forward to examine the sparkling further. Jazz nodded as he watched the medibot scan his third.

"Yeah. Aerobatix. We figured 'e needed a name, since we didn' really know what 'is was," Jazz claimed with a shrug.

"Well, if you will give me a klik, I can run his spark signature through the systems," First Aid said as he ran a deep scan over the mechling's helm, taking in data of his processor structure. He could scan the mechling's processor development later. "Turn him so that he faces me," the medibot ordered gently. Jazz silently obeyed, grinning when Aero gave a weak whine of disapproval. The little mechling's red optics onlined, and Jazz laughed out loud when Aero gave First Aid a rather irritably put-out glare. Aero squeaked at the sound of his second's laughter and twisted in Jazz's hands in an attempt to look up at him.

"Jass?" Aerobatix squeaked, gaining a smile and an affectionate nudge through their bond in response. First Aid, noticing the youngest mech's waning attention span, swiftly took his scans, logging the spark signature and superficial frame measurements once he finished.

"Wha'choo lookin' at, li'l mech?" Jazz asked in a playful voice as he held Aero up to his helm.

"Jass!" Aero chirped.

"Me?" Jazz questioned. "You lookin' at meh?" Aero let out a peal of giggles when Jazz blew warm air onto his frame from the two vents hidden beneath his cheek plates.

"Jazz, I'm running the spark signature as we speak. I should have some answers in a few kliks," First Aid stated as he moved toward the large computer monitor at the front of the bay. Jazz didn't even look up at him as he responded with an easy, "Whateva."

"Jass, Jass, Jass!" Aerobatix chirped, optics dimming slightly as he fought against the recharge that wanted to offline his systems. He didn't feel like recharging; he wanted to play!

"Cute li'l slagger, ain' 'e?" Blaster called out, gaining both Jazz's and Aero's attention. The sparkling, for his part, looked rather confused by this new mech. He had been there all along, or had he just appeared? Aero couldn't remember seeing him there, so that meant he just appeared, right?

"Yep," Jazz agreed with a grin as he walked over to Blaster's berth, putting an extra bounce in his steps to make his third giggle and shriek. "Blastuh, meet Aerobatix, mah younges' trine mate, an' Aero, meet Blastuh, a random mech we found."

"B'ass!" Aero repeated joyfully. Blaster grinned at the mechling.

"'Ey there, li'l mech," Blaster greeted.

"Sky?" said mechling questioned, looking up at Jazz quizzically.

"Nope. You're stuck with meh fo' now," Jazz responded. Aero looked confused by that statement. Obviously, Jazz didn't understand that Aero wanted his leader to hold him right that moment. Aero's little face screwed up in distress at that thought. Did Jazz not understand him like a second was supposed to? He was prepping up for the first tantrum he had ever thrown when a feeling of deep contentment and love floated through the bond from his mech trinemate.

"Jass…" he purred as he went limp against the mech's chest plating. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to stay with Jazz for a few more moments. The silver mech in question chuckled at the little one, amused by how easily he was swayed.

"Fraggin' Primus-forsaken seeker trine!" First Aid suddenly burst out suddenly, shoving himself away from the computer furiously as he turned to glare at Jazz. "Of all the mechs!" Jazz blinked at him in confusion, then glanced down at a startled Aero before returning his bemused gaze back to the usually gentle medic.

"Who—" Jazz's question was cut off by the hiss of the medbay doors opening. Jazz grimaced as he turned to face Hot Spot… only it wasn't Hot Spot that had just entered the medbay.

"Decepticons!" the familiar blue femme cried as she pulled out her gun. Jazz acted swiftly. Aerobatix was placed in his sparkling hold before he even thought about it, and his gun was in his hand as he rushed over to stand in front of his injured leader.

"No!" First Aid shouted as he jumped in between the two opposing bots, but Chromia had already squeezed off a shot, which flew past the two defending mechs and slammed into one of the two monitors that was hooked into Skyshock's systems.

"Sky!" Jazz cried out, horror and fear for his leader's safety shooting through his systems. Skyshock, no longer held under by the forced stasis that the now destroyed monitor had regulated, jolted online from the fear flowing through the bond and quickly assessed the situation. In her recharge-hazed state, her processor couldn't connect the dots quite like they should, and a klik later, she was on her pedes in front of Jazz, gun primed. She raised her gun to defend them from the attacking femmes when a familiar curt voice broke through the tense medbay.

"Cease fire!" Prowl snapped furiously as he shoved past Chromia to enter the 'bay. His cold, blue optics flicked around the scene, and he scowled when they landed on Skyshock, whose wing was leaking slightly due to broken welds. She was swayed slightly on her pedes, and her optics were extremely dim. "First Aid, attend to Skyshock," he ordered brusquely. First Aid nodded and started leading a compliant Skyshock back to her berth while Prowl turned to address an irate-looking rosy pink femme. "Elita, you will control your subordinates, or they will spend the duration of this trip in the brig. I will not have infighting when I am in command. We are not Decepticons."

"She has red optics! They attacked us in Iacon!" Chromia shouted.

"You liar!" Jazz snapped, taking a threatening step forward. "You shot at us while we were leaving the library! We didn't do nothing to you!"

"Your femme did this to Firestar!" Chromia retorted, yanking the orange femme forward to reveal her recently patched chest plating.

"She punched Sky first! It was self-defense!"

"You slaggin'—"

"Jazz?" Skyshock's panicky shout cut off Chromia's colorful response, and all attention turned to the seekess, who was fighting First Aid's hands as she tried to sit up. "Jazz, where's Aero? Aero's not in my hold," she asked in a frightened voice. Jazz's attention turned to focus solely on the bond and his leader.

"He's fine, Sky. He's with me. Calm down, swee'spark," he crooned as he moved to her side. He pulled a pouty Aerobatix from his hold and held him out to his leader, who scooped up the sparkling and held him to her chest plating with a sigh of relief. Aero, for his part, was delighted to be cuddled by his leader again and made his delight known through a low purr that rolled from his chest as he nuzzled the warm plating he was held against.

"A sparkling…?" Elita breathed at the same time Chromia murmured, "Jazz?"

"First Aid, once you finish with Skyshock, perform basic system checkups on the femmes. You may schedule more in-depth scans and maintenance checkups later. Elita, I will brief you once First Aid is finished with you, and you may brief your femmes as you see necessary. First Aid… please explain the sparkling…" Prowl ordered, hesitating a bit on the last sentence, not quite sure if he really wanted the answer. The last time Skyshock came in contact with an errant youngling in Protihex, it turned out to be his best friend brought back. He shuddered to think of who this new sparkling was.

"Well… that's actually a rather interesting bit of data, Prowl… As it turns out, the sparkling is—"

"First Aid, I'm back! I ran into Hot Spot on the way here, and he said that he was headed this way, too, so I asked him I could walk with him, and he told me I could, and…" Bluestreak trailed off as he came into view, optics widening at the sight of the five femmes in the medbay. Hot Spot, who had been walking behind him with a small amused smile, frowned as he came to a stop in the medbay entrance.

"I suppose this means somebot answered your summonings, Prowl?" the Protectibot leader questioned. The SiC nodded evenly.

"Hot Spot, meet Elita-One, leader of the fembot unit. Elita-One, meet Hot Spot, leader of the Protectibot unit." Hot Spot raised his spark signature in greeting, an action that was mirrored by Elita, but his attention then turned to the bots that were located further in the room.

"How is Skyshock recovering, First Aid?" the leader questioned as he moved past the crowd, a hesitant Bluestreak trailing after him.

"She would be far better off if she would stop making sudden movements," the medibot grumbled. "I replaced the broken optic, and repaired the minor abrasions and dents. Her wing was shot straight through, so that will take a bit more time to heal. For the moment and probably for the rest of the orn, she'll be grounded."

"Frag," was Hot Spot's response.

"My processes exactly. We'll have to find a way to simulate flight for her to stave off the skylust, assuming the rumors about seekers are true," First Aid noted as he glanced over at the bots crowding the entrance to the medbay.

"Am I in trouble?" Skyshock asked slowly as she forced her optics online to look up at the mech that was her recognized authority. Hot Spot gave her that gentle, forgiving smile that she secretly adored. It was the smile of an opiluk, a smile that she had yearned for for vorns until she was found by First Aid.

"I think you have dealt with enough for now. Your wing is severely damaged," he stated.

"I know, but I had to protect Jazz… some femme attacked us… she called us decepticons…" Skyshock looked up at Hot Spot with optics that were hazy with painkillers, yet still filled with fear and worry. "Are all Autobots gonna hate me 'cuz of my optics?"

"I… I cannot say, Sky. Rest for now. Jazz is going to tell me about the little mech you two found."

"Aero?" she asked lazily, glancing down at the sparkling that had dropped into recharge on her chest plating, unable to stay awake due to the sedatives that were flowing through his leader's systems. She gave a languid smile as she returned her military reds back to Hot Spot. "'E's mah third, 'Spot. I got a trine…" With that said, Skyshock's optics offlined. There was silence in the medbay was the bots watched the injured femme recharge, a single hand covering the sparkling on her chest plating. Bluestreak, who had been hanging back by Prowl, took that moment to scurry up to his best friend's side and take ahold of three of her sensory wires.

"I don't understand," Elita stated, finally breaking the silence.

"We found Skyshock and Bluestreak here a few vorns ago. Sky shot a Decepticon that planned on killing First Aid, our medic," Hot Spot stated, gesturing over at the red and white visored medibot that was working intently on Skyshock's wing. "She was injured in the process, and we brought her back here after retrieving her friend, Bluestreak." The doorwinger jolted when his name was mentioned the second time and pointedly ignored the stares her received. His fluttering doorwings showed his nerves at being stared at, though.

"It is a long story from there, one that would be better suited for a conference room rather than a medbay," Prowl interjected.

"Yes. Now, 'Aid, I am certain you called me here because of that sparkling, so perhaps you can appease my curiosity. Is Aero another reinstated mech, or is he actually femme-sparked?" Hot Spot questioned, ignoring the confused looks the femmes were passing around. First Aid seemed to wilt a bit at this question.

"Well, on the bright side, the mech appears to be one that had offlined a long time ago, long before the war even began…" First Aid began with a grimace.

"But the bad news…?" Hot Spot prodded.

"Well… let's just say that Optimus doesn't have to worry too much about sparking an heir to the primeship… Aerobatix appears to hold the reinstated spark of Vector Prime."

Bee4ever: Glad you like it :)

Suki-Angel91494: Lol. Nope. Mirage ain't dead. Heck, he was in the last chapter. Well, the one before last. ;) Thank you for the compliments, though. The reunion here isn't too intense, but it will be once Skyshot is lucid and stuffs. ;D

HanamiKaze: I can't believe the last time I updated this was just before Christmas… *Stands in the Bad Writer Corner of DOOM*

Lovely Rain Dancer: Eh heh heh… I think "mistake" might be an understatement. Next few chapters will be pretty interesting in how the femmes all deal with each other… Let the angst begin.

Angel897: Not too intense with this chapter. Next chapter will cover more deeply how the trine interactions with the femmes are tense and stuffs… ;)

Dracomancer6491: Lol. Jazz has a harder time than Sky does. She gets to snooze through the whole thing. XD

Kagekitsonegal: Ah, but Prowl has a battle computer that can trump even Jazx. *Watches as impenetrable forcefield drops over Kagekitsonegal, compliments of Trailbreaker* See? I have found that challenging Prowl is unwise. Right, Sides?

And yeah… Chromia's being a bit of a glitch, but can ya blame her?

Ninja-of-twilight: Sunny won't be in for a few more chapters. I want to finish cementing the current relationships I have before I throw Sunny into the mix. It won't be long, though. I believe I have him slated to come in in two more chapters… I think? I'd have to go back over my outline. :)

Sunstreaker's Squishy: I never said he was a seeker before he died, though… Jazz wasn't a seeker in his previous life. But I knew none of y'all would be able to guess Vector. I chose him on purpose, though. ;) And hey! You have a pic of Sunny as your profile picture now! Bravo! XD

Thebookfan09: Eh…. Not really fireworks, but something like it, right? Next chapter should go into the developing relationship between Sky and the femmes. It will be… angsty, to say the least. And I never forgot about my Megatron story. I just had to figure out how to properly start it. Once I got the first couple of paragraphs down, the rest of the story id a piece of oil cake. ;D

Met will be in the next chapter. Promise ;)

Not too much of a stunner, no? I mean y'all already knew who it wasn't, so figuring out who Aero was couldn't have been that hard ;)

NarnianOpal: I think I fixed the mistake. I'll have to go back again and make sure. Haven't looked at this fic in forever =_=;

Chistarpax: Lol. Not too much trouble yet. Next chapter will talk more about the situation though, and it won't be as hectic.

Luna Uchiha666: Eh heh… yeah… the next chapter will be interesting just for that reason. Seekers have to be free. They have to fly… or else madness sets in…

MaKayla McKinzie: Nope. Primus, no. That would mean that Sunny died, which means that Sideswipe would die, by extension. Nope, Sunstreaker is very much alive. Besides, he would be tainted by the feelings through the bond, and I'm not gonna have my OC flirt with a youngling. Awkward…

Mrs. Knockout: Hey, hey! :D How's life? ;)

Ya know, I was really close to making Ironhide the third, as well as Starscream, but (1) the third movie hasn't and likely will not happen, and (2) I need both of them for the plot later. You'll understand once Metroplex and the surviving Autobots make it to Earth *nod nod*

It's the opposite for me. I can only ever see Prowl as the hardaft Second in Command that takes no slag from anybot and glitches when illogical things happen.

And thank you! I always told myself that if I had a mech seeker main character OC, I would name him Aerobatix. It's only a cover name in this one, but still. I love my Aero :3

Trapezoidal: Thank you! Aero was actually created when I was in the eighth grade, shortly after TF:2007 Bayverse came out. *Sigh* He was my first Transformers OC. He was a Gary-Stu, but I revamped his personality and made him into the bot he is today. Needless to say, he holds a special place in my heart.

Flamingfoxviper: Lol. I think all seekers are weird and funny… especially when I'm writing them. XD

PaDiYaFLAME: Glad you like it! :D

Sooo... How many were surprised by Aero's identity? Everyone? Yup, Vector Prime had red optics and purple armor in his days. In case you didn't know, Vector Prime was featured in one of my other one-shots "Need You Now", and I kind of fell in love with his character a bit. He is rumored to be able to travel across time, and it is said that he moonlights as the famous barowner Maccada, who has never been seen before, but has the greatest known high grade brew in the galaxy. He serves everyone, not caring if they are Autobot or Decepticon, and it was said that Maccadam's Oil House was the only place that 'Bots and 'Cons alike would put down their rifles and get along. Then he disappeared and Maccadam's was destroyed by a Decepticon raid on Iacon. Sad day, right? :\

And... this chapter bugged me for some reason. Felt like I was searching for an apple in an orange tree, if you catch my meaning. next one shall be fabulous, though, and should come fairly soon, I hope. All my teachers bar one give me droves of homework, so I dunno how soon "soon" is. :\

Review, my friends!