Hey...MoNoChRoMaDdIcT~ here...

You all hate me right?

I haven't uploaded a REAL chapter in over a year!

Len should stab me with scissors!


I could say.

"It's writers block!" OR "My computer sucks!" there is also "I've been pretty busy with school"

But the thing is...those are all excuses...that no one wants to hear



I love this story and I mean to update as much as possible

But it's still gonna be a while before another chapter

I can't promise when. And I'm sorry if with this you thought it was an update.


I'm really trying and I really appreciate all the support you guys have given me. ^^ Thankyuuu soooo much for that.

Like I said previously. I will NEVER give up a story.

So even though its taking me A HECK OF A LONG TIME to get this one written. I Am still going to stick to it and write!

That is a PROMISE!

Hate me if you want...

So once again SORRY!

And I will

Update a Chapter again!

(No review replies this time, I'm on a mobile device. Sorry!)
