Alex rolled off Olivia, her chest heaving and lay on her side of the bed, staring sightlessly at the wall.

"Hey!" Olivia's voice cracked; she was still coming down from a mind-blowing climax. She slid an arm under Alex, and pulled her firmly to her. "Just where do you think you're going?"

Alex's heart soared. She had only been with Olivia for just over three weeks, but she was learning that the sexy brunette was a cuddler. None of Alex's previous lovers had wanted to cuddle after sex. One of them - Alex remembered the cold Naomi with sudden bitterness - wouldn't even stay the night; without fail, she would shower and go, leaving Alex feeling cold and empty. And used.

But Olivia was different. So different. So loving. She would pull Alex back into her arms, and they would snuggle. They always kissed. Sometimes they talked. Often, they would take just a short break and the lovemaking would start up again. But when it was all over, Olivia would wrap herself firmly around Alex and hold her tenderly all night.

Alex had never experienced such joy. But still, she couldn't quite relax. She didn't want Olivia to feel any kind of obligation to her. So she always moved away afterward, turning her back to her lover. And, without fail, Olivia would reclaim her, and Alex's heart would fill.

"That was amazing," Olivia whispered. "You were amazing."

Alex smiled. She reached out and touched Olivia's face softly. The brunette had such beautiful skin, soft, warm, inviting. And the post-sex flush to her cheeks was irresistible.

Olivia leant forward and kissed Alex gently. The kiss was tender and loving, and had very little to do with sex but everything to do with love. "I mean it," Olivia said, her voice husky. "I don't think you have any idea how precious you are. And I don't know who hurt you, or why. But I won't. I swear I'll never hurt you."

Alex opened her mouth to protest, but Olivia laid a gentle finger over her lips to stall her. "You don't have to tell me," she said softly. "But I would really like it if you could learn to trust me."

"I do trust you," Alex's voice wavered with emotion. She couldn't understand how, after such a short time, Olivia could read her so easily.

Olivia traced Alex's lips with her finger. "God, you're beautiful," she said.

Alex's eyes filled with tears, and she blinked them away furiously.

Olivia took her face softly in both hands. She leant forward and kissed her again. "Is it too much?" she asked. "Am I coming on too strong? I don't always have to stay the night afterward, not if you don't want me to. I know we've barely been apart since we got together."

"I love that you stay," Alex tried to keep her voice even. She screwed up her courage. "I can't imagine ever wanting you to leave."

It was Olivia's turn to blink away tears. "This is different, isn't it?" she asked quietly. "I feel different with you."

Alex nodded. "I do too," she whispered.

"I'm falling in love with you," Olivia looked scared as she spoke. "Oh shit, I wasn't going to say that. Not yet. I'm sorry. I should ..."

"I love you too," Alex interrupted.

Olivia's beautiful brown eyes widened. "Did you ... did you just?"

Alex smiled. "I did. I do."

"All I want is to make you happy," Olivia said.

"Just hold me," Alex asked.
