AN: So I know that I already have two stories that I'm working on, but I got a PM asking me to write a genderswap Pezberry, and I said sure. i hope it's not to bad and please review and let me know whether or not to continue.

Disclaimer: Glee's not mine

"Are you sure he's going to be ok today?" I ask my dads. Again. For about the tenth time.

"Yes Rayden," my daddy, Leroy, sighs out in exasperation, and at the apologetic and sad look on my face my dad, Hiram, quickly speaks.

"Look son, I know you're worried about leaving him alone for the first time, but your Daddy knows how to take care of a baby. He'll be fine I promise."

"I know, I know. I'm just over-reacting. I'm sorry," I say quietly, rocking the sleeping baby in my arms and looking at him adoration.

"There's no need to apologize buddy. Now go upstairs and get dressed please, otherwise you're going to be late for your first day," my Dad tells me. He gently takes the baby from my arms and lightly shoves me towards the stairs.

I go up them with them with a resigned sigh, and as soon as I'm in my room I jump in the shower. After showering I look through my closet until I settle on a light green and black striped v-neck, black skinny jeans, my black combat boots, and my leather jacket. I change out my tongue ring to green and brush my semi-shaggy hair before grabbing my bag and heading back downstairs.

"No trouble today please," my Daddy says as I walk into the kitchen to see him getting a bottle ready for the baby.

"I make no promises," I tell him as I take the infant from my Dad and grab the bottle from my Daddy before sitting down to feed him. My dads just share an exasperated look but I ignore them and focus on the baby in my arms. "You're going to be a good boy for PawPaw right Monks? Daddy's sorry that he has to leave you today, but I promise I'm going to be back for lunch. Then I can tell you all about my morning," I whisper to my son as I watch him eat. I burp him at the appropriate times, and once he's finished I kiss him all over his face before handing him to my Dad and walking out to my Jeep.

"Wow I can already tell this day's going to suck," I groan out as I park in the parking lot of McKinley and see jocks tormenting kids everywhere. I take a few deep breaths before I jump out of my jeep and lock the doors. I look around and make sure that there's not any jocks around me before heading inside of the school. I put on my most intimidating face and walk towards where I remember my locker to be from registration this summer.

As I'm standing at my locker, trading out the materials I don't need at the moment, I notice three hot as fuck cheerleaders walking down the hall. There's two blondes, one tall with blue eyes and the other shorter with hazel eyes, and there's a beautiful latina girl who has her pinky linked with the taller blonde. There's something about the latina that seems to draw me in, besides the fact that she's gorgeous. I can tell that her whole persona right now is all an act, and I want to be able to break past her barriers and get to know the girl behind them. The latina and I make eye contact as they stop at the lockers across the hall from me, and the only thing that causes us to break it is the warning bell scaring the fuck out of me.

When I finally make it to my first class I notice a familiar face and I grin. I calmly take a seat in the back next to him and wait to see if he'll recognize me. It seems he doesn't, which kinda saddens me, but I think nothing of it since it's been years since we've seen eachother. Once the bell rings the teacher quiets the class and begins to call roll.

"Rayden Efran Berry?" the teacher calls out, and as soon as the name leaves her lips I see my old friend straighten in his seat, and hear his voice.

"No fucking way!"

"Ah, Mr. Puckerman, I see I have you in my class this year. Goody. Now will you quiet down and let me take roll, or is there something that you'd like to share with the class?" the teacher asks Noah dryly.

"Sorry Ms. Anderson," Noah mumbles out distractedly, looking around the room for me. I keep my head down and chuckle quietly until the teacher recalls my name.

"I'm here ma'am," I say, finally lifting my head and raising my hand. I see Noah staring intently at me from the corner of my eye before he breaks out in a huge grin and holds out his fist towards me. I look over towards him with a smirk, and making eye contact as we bump fist.

"Jewbro!" Noah exclaims once the class is over, jumping on my back.

"Get off me Noah!" I growl out playfully, trying to buck him off of me. He finally gets off, but as soon as he does he pulls me into a headlock and begins to ruffle my hair. "Bro not cool!" I shout as I try to break out of his hold. I finally manage and push him away with a laugh.

"Dude when in the hell did you get back?" Noah asks me as we finally exit the classroom and begin walking to our next class.

"At the beginning of the summer," I tell him with a grin before grabbing his schedule out of his hand. "I have spanish with you, but the rest of our classes are separate."

"Why didn't you look me up bro? We could've had a kickass time, and damn that sucks. You're in all those smart people classes right?"

"Yes Noah I'm in advanced classes, and as for why I didn't try and find you to chill this summer, it's complicated."

"What's up?" he asks, suddenly serious. This is one of the things I loved about him when we were younger, he was always a clown but loyal to a fault, and always there and serious when you needed him to be.

"I'll tell you later," I murmur to him as we walk into our spanish class. He just nods before walking over to the cheerleaders I saw this morning. My eyes immediately find the latina again as I follow Noah and take a seat beside them.

"Jewbro the Unholy Trinity. Britt, Fabray, Lopez this is Ray," Noah introduces us. I hold out my hand for them to shake and the blonde with the hazel eyes shakes it first.

"Quinn Fabray, Head Cheerio," she introduces herself.

"Rayden Berry," I say, then I shake the taller blonde's hand next.

"Hi I'm Brittany S. Pierce."

"Nice to meet you Brittany," I say with a grin before moving on to the latina. She eyes my hand for a moment before reluctantly taking it after being elbowed in the side from Brittany.

"Santana Lopez," she tells me, taking my hand in hers. As soon as our hands touch my breath catches in my throat and an electric current runs up my arm. I quickly lock eyes with Santana to see if she feels it as well, and I can tell by the surprise and curiosity in her eyes that she does.

"That's a beautiful name," I whisper out before kissing the back of her hand and releasing it. I see Noah smirking at me from the corner of my eye but ignore him and continue to watch the blush that's rising on Santana's cheeks.

"Whatever, and don't do that again Berry," she snarks after she manages to compose herself. I'm fixing to say something else, but the teacher walks in and begins class. I just shoot her a wink before facing forward and paying attention.

"Can I walk you to your next class?" I ask Santana as soon as our spanish class is over.

"No," she tells me before linking pinkies with Brittany and heading down the hall. I follow her, not because I'm creepy or anything it's just my next class is the same way, and Noah pops up beside me.

"Ouch bro," he says as he pats me on the shoulder.

"It's whatever," I say with a shrug before ducking into my class. I then grin when I see Santana sitting in the back and immediately make a beeline for her. I take the seat next to her and begin to take out the things I'm going to need for the class.

"What do you want Berry?" she asks me with an eyeroll.

"Nothing just waiting for class to start," I reply with a shrug.

"How do you know Puck," she questions with a raised brow.

"I've known Noah since we were little. We used to hang out all the time until I moved to New York when I was ten," I explain.

"New York? That's pretty awesome. What made you move back?" she asks sceptically and I smirk at her tone.

"It's complicated," I answer. She opens her mouth to say more but the bell rings and the teacher begins class. I sigh in relief cause for some reason I didn't want to have to lie to her.

"What's your next class?" she questions after the bell rings. I hand over my schedule and watch as she looks over it. "We have the last two classes together," she tells me with a small smile, and I grin at her before we walk out of the class and separate in the hallway.

"Please don't," I hear someone plead fearfully from in front of me. I scan the hallway and see two jocks surrounding a boy in a wheelchair and a flamboyantly gay boy and each holding a slushie. I lengthen my stride and step in front of the jocks, shielding the guys from harm.

"What's up?" I question casually as I eye the drinks in their hands.

"Who the hell are you?" one of the neanderthals asks me.

"I'm Rayden Berry, and you two are?"

"Azimio and Karofsky," the guy who spoke before says.

"Cool, well me and my friends have gotta go, but it's been fun talking," I say as I gently nudge the gay kid behind me to move.

"I don't care what you do, but we have unfinished business with these two," the guy named Karofsky tells me.

"No I don't think you do," I tell them with an eyebrow raise.

"Says who?" Azimio asks.

"Me," I answer with a shrug. The guys share a look before shrugging at eachother and turning back to me. They pull their arm back to slushie me, but before they can I hit the bottom of the cups and cause them to slushie themselves.

"What the fuck?" Karofsky screams out.

"You didn't really think I was just going to let you two throw that shit on me did you?" I ask incredulously. They just glare at me before wiping their eyes and heading into the nearest bathroom. I turn around with a chuckle and begin to walk away before someone shouting my name stops me.

"Thank you so much," the gay kid says as him and the wheelchair dude catch up to me.

"Not a problem," I tell them with a grin and a mock bow.

"Still thank you. I'm Artie and this is Kurt," the wheelchair kid tells me and I shake both of their outstreched hands.

"Nice to meet you, but I've gotta get to class so I'll see you two around," I say with a grin before heading to my class.

"Hey bro you're sitting with me at lunch," Noah says as he walks up to my locker after the last class before lunch.

"Sorry Noah but I've gotta get home," I tell him with a small smile.

"What? Why?" he asks with a pout.

"Stop pouting, I thought you were a badass?" I mock him.

"Fuck off. I am a badass," he tells me with another pout. I study him for a moment before letting out a sigh.

"Look come home with me. I'll explain what I couldn't earlier," I say and his face lights up. I laugh at his childishness before grabbing my bag and heading out to the parking lot. He follows me to my jeep and once inside I start it and head home.

As I pull into my driveway I take a few deep breaths before I get out and lead Noah up onto my porch. "What your fixing to see and learn doesn't leave this house," I tell him seriously.

"Don't worry bro, my lips are sealed," he tells me, playfully zipping his lips and throwing away the imaginary key. I give him a nod before opening the door and walking inside.

"Daddy I'm home," I call as I take off my jacket.

"We're in the kitchen," he calls back, and I grin at the thought of seeing my son again. I walk into the kitchen with Noah on my heels and once my Daddy sees him he grins. "Noah! It's been awhile."

"Hey Lee, and yeah it really has," Noah says, but his eyes are trained on the carseat that's sitting on the table and the baby in it. "You didn't tell me you have a brother now," Noah says to me.

"It's cause I don't," I answer him with a small smile. "This is what I'm going to explain. Noah meet Chord, my son."

So I hope it doesn't suck to badly, and please leave a review and let me know if I should continue. Also I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks for reading = )