Blanket Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the characters listed below. They all are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am in no way affiliated with Takahashi, or VIZ Productions. I also do not own Scooby Doo and am not affiliated with Hanna Barbera in any way.

This starts about five months after my previous fan fiction, A Future Push of the Past, which can be found in my profile.

Important recap: Inuyasha and Kagome are newly mated with unknown help from their future selves. Their future selves have been leaving hints for Kagome's mother to ease her into the knowledge that they are still around.

The Great Mom Detective

Chapter 1

Kagome fidgeted with the necklace that served as her image charm as she stood at the base of the shrine steps with Inuyasha. He had a comforting arm across her shoulders. She leaned into him and continued to stare up the steps.

"It's been so long, Inuyasha… I know we've been sneaking around helping our younger-selves and getting pictures and stuff, but to actually see Mama, Souta, and Ji-chan again… I…I don't know if I'm ready…" she trailed off still looking up at the daunting prospect of returning home.

Inuyasha hugged her closer with his arm around her shoulders. "Kagome, you know we can wait if you want. The well just closed a couple days ago. Your family don't even know you're missing yet. You know I used to keep you away weeks at a time."

"Do you think we left enough clues for Mama to find? Did she find them all? Did she even put them all together? Oh, Kami… I…I don't want to scare her… Maybe we should call…"

Inuyasha smirked as he got an idea, "Oi, Bitch. I've got an idea for a great clue and it will have your mom calling us. Want me to set it up?"

Kagome looked up at his face and giggled at his classic smirk. "You think it'll work? And no just coming out and telling her. If we do that, we might as well do it now…"

He reached down and kissed her, his shoulder-length black hair brushing the sides of her face. He pulled away with another smirk, "Trust me, koi. If she don't call in a week from when I set it up, I'll let you make me do something embarrassing… But not in front of the bastard…"

Inuyasha noticed that she got an evil little grin on her face. 'At least she isn't worried about meeting her mother again anymore,' he thought proudly. Then he heard her suggestion for him losing his bet.

Still giving him her mischievous look she asked, "Will you talk like Scooby-Doo for a whole day? And no image charms!"

"Keh!" He glared at her. At his glare, she burst into giggles. He grumped, "Just 'cause I know I'm right, I'll agree...but only in the house!"

Her look turned sultry. "I think I can come up with something to keep us in the house," she replied in a husky voice.

"Kami, what you do to me, Bitch."

"Your bitch," she replied as she leaned up to kiss him again. When she pulled away she took his hand and they started walking back to their car. "Ok, I guess I can let you get on with your little evil plan."

"Oi! You don't even know what it is, much less if it's evil or not."

"I know you, remember, Mate?" Their conversation continued in playful tones while they got into the car and drove away. All the while, Inuyasha was thinking of how to execute his idea with enough success to keep from losing the bet. Kagome had been trying to get him to imitate that fucking cartoon dog for about 50 years now. He'd be damned if he'd lose to those terms!

A Few Days Ago

Akina Higurashi gave Kagome a hug before she allowed her daughter to travel down the well again. Kagome had collected her medical supplies, junk food, and school books and had stuffed them into the well-used yellow backpack she always traveled with. Akina would usually send Kagome off with a smile and a wave, but something was telling her to be a little clingy that particular morning.

"You have everything you need, dear? Did you two get enough breakfast?" she asked, hoping that Kagome and the sweet, stand-offish hanyou would choose to stay a few moments longer.

"Oh, Mama," Kagome laughed, "We have everything and the others are waiting on us. We think we're very close to Naraku and we don't want to lose our chance." Kagome had begun to fidget with the hem of her T-shirt. The last few times Kagome had been home this past month, she had switched from her school uniform to pants and loose shirts.

The young man with the adorable dog ears approached then, probably with the intent to hurry them along. Before he could open his mouth though, Akina also gave him a quick hug.

"I know you take care of my daughter, but I want you to take care of yourself too. You've become like family to us and we don't want anything to happen to you." When she pulled away, she couldn't help but notice that his cheeks were bright red and that Kagome was beaming at him. Kagome had told her some stories of his past and Akina knew that kind words were still foreign to him.

"Well then, dears, off you go. Save the world and for the love of the Kamis, be careful!" She watched as Inuyasha picked up Kagome's backpack and hefted it over his shoulder. He muttered something to her daughter and she saw his hand move towards her covered stomach. Kagome intercepted his hand and held it in her own, then shot Akina a forced smile before they turned and headed towards the well house.

That was the last bit of proof that Akina needed. She had noticed that her daughter hadn't been alone on this side of the well for months now. It was obvious that they finally admitted their feelings to one another. When you add that to her daughter's change in appetite, morning routines, and bigger clothing along with the slightly awed look she caught on Inuyasha's face when he didn't think anyone was watching, it could only mean one thing. She was going to be a grandmother.

She was going to talk to her daughter about getting on some form of birth control, but by the time she observed the two of them together and noticed some minor changes in Kagome, she suspected that it was too late. She was going to have to talk to her about prenatal care instead.

As her daughter and future son-in-law (even if he didn't realize that part yet) was about to jump in the well, she said in a volume she was sure Inuyasha would hear and Kagome wouldn't, "Inuyasha, you take care of my grandbaby also."

She saw his ears perk straight up and he jerked his head up to look right at her. He told Kagome something and she nodded then jumped in the well with a flash of blue light. He straightened his posture and brushed his robes down in a nervous manner then headed towards her. Akina wasn't actually planning on having this conversation now; she just wanted to let him know that she knew.

Inuyasha walked up to her and stopped in front of her looking down a little bit, "You know?"

Akina smiled, "Well, I do now, dear. I had my suspicions for awhile though. I am a little disappointed neither of you decided to tell me though."

Inuyasha's head had slowly risen while she was talking and he was looking at her in a slight state of shock, "You…you're not mad? That your daughter is with me? A…a filthy hanyou? That…that I pupped her?"

She blinked in surprise, "Whoever said you were filthy? Nonsense. I'm not upset that she's with you, Inuyasha. I think you two make a wonderful couple. I am a little upset that she's in this condition while she's still so young and also unmarried. You will correct that little oversight, won't you dear?" she gave him an evil little smile that suddenly reminded him of an older Kagome.

Akina sighed then, "I'm partly to blame too you know. I've known how she's felt about you for a long time now and could have insisted she start taking birth control. Teenagers will be teenagers, and Kagome is a passionate one. I just thought she would come to me when you two started to become closer."

Inuyasha was studying her, "And you're ok with her traveling to your past to battle Naraku while you know she's pupped?"

"She's a strong girl, Inuyasha, and I know that you and your friends look out for her. Besides, I don't think being a few months along will greatly hinder any of you. Once she's further along, that may change. Now, son, don't you think you need to get back to my daughter?"

Akina was suddenly enveloped in red fire-rat fur as Inuyasha gave her a rare hug. "Thank you," she heard muttered against her hair from the gruff young man embracing her.

Before she could react, he was gone and she just saw a flash of red and white as he leapt into the well followed by another flash of blue light.

Akina smiled softly as she thought about being a grandmother. She thought she was too young, but she did hope her grandchild would have its father's ears. She went to check the mail before starting on her chores for the day. Mixed among the normal bills and junk mail she saw an envelope that held a card addressed to her. There also wasn't a postmark, so someone had hand delivered it.

Her curiosity got the best of her, so when she brought the mail inside, she immediately sat down and opened the card. It was a Thank You card that was decorated with a couple stylized dogs. She hadn't given anyone a gift recently, so why would she be getting a Thank You card? She opened it up and read the handwritten message inside, 'Thank you and your daughter very much for the kind words when I needed them the most. You probably helped me more than you think you did. Thank you.' It was only signed with an 'I.'

'Ok, that is some very suspicious timing. If I didn't know better, I would think that Inuyasha put this in the mailbox…' She put the card aside so she could think about it later. And try to figure out who would send that card that had an 'I' for an initial…

When supper was over that night, she sent Souta and her father to bed. That card was just the latest in a series of semi-strange happenings. Just one or two oddities wouldn't raise any flags, but there were enough to start to be suspicious. Tonight she decided to try to figure out what was going on once and for all. She sat down at the kitchen table with a pad of paper and began jotting notes.
