"You are!"


"You are!"


"You are!"


"Oh I give up." Spike accepted bitterly, why did he even bother to try and get through to that owl, he will never know.

"Hoot." Owlowiscious continued.

"Will you cut it out?" Spike pleaded with the bird, but he could see that even if the bird had the emotional range of a plate, it was taking great pleasure in irritating Spike to no end.

The little green dragon left the bird there, now plain irritated with how much of a waste of time it had been trying to engage in conversation with him. Still their relationship had improved considerably after the affair when the owl first showed up, and Spike knew that no matter what feats the little bird was capable of performing, it could never replicate his vital skills of the sacred magic fire breath, or at least, he hoped the owl wasn't capable of that.

But even if it was, their humble master wouldn't think any less of Spike, though he had to admit, there were times when she would write up a Friendship Report and he would send it off, then she would worry about any typos she had made and he would have to send off another one, it could really stretch him thin with the constant worrying she was so very well known for.

Come to think of it, Spike hadn't seen much of his master as of late, nothing to bother about, and he only really noticed when she was absent because he would get a very noticeable hunger from all the gemstones she wasn't gifting him, and he wasn't eating. Simply the though of not eating was enough for his stomach to rumble, and so spike decided a meal was in order, and he sought out his cache of shiny treats, but was overcome with disappointment when he discovered he only had one big red ruby left, something he was saving for a special occasion, but the mere sight of it was making his stomach growl fiercely and he decided that that special occasion would have to be this very moment.

"Hoot." Owlowiscious rudely interrupted him, as he was about to down the ruby in one.

Spike managed to stifle the groan and he turned to the owl. "What is it now?"

"Hoot." The owl simply uttered, Spike reminding himself that it would be some miracle if it said anything else, but he understood what he was trying to say.

"Why not, I've earned it, haven't I?" He defended himself from the owl's disapproving hoots.

"Hoot." It went on.

"Well that's for future Spike to worry about." Spike replied, though bitterly reminded himself of the last time he relied on Future Spike to handle his hunger.

"Hoot." Owlowiscious persisted.

"If it stops me from having to listen to you, I think I'll take my chances." Spike said, and was just about to eat the ruby, when a familiar snapped him out of it.

"Spike? Spike!" The usual anxious voice of his master called out to him from somewhere in the library.

"Coming Twi!" He called back, and laid the ruby back down, scolding Owlowiscious for interrupting him and made his way downstairs to deal with whatever problem she no doubt had for him to worry about, doing his best to ignore the growing hunger in his stomach.