
I stared in the mirror as I tightened the ace bandage. The extreme pressure on my chest renewed bruises and constricted me with excruciating pain but I had nothing else to use. My lips parted as I let out a long sigh. My name is Lovino Romano Vargas, but you might remember me as Lovina Rosalie Vargas. I am a trans*man.

The last bell rang a Gauken High school, and hundreds of bodies pushed and shoved each other as they clawed at the door to escape. Gauken High School was located in England, Greenbriar England. I had been going here since fresh man year and my experience was a little less than horrible. The school had one student from every part of the world and every person seemed to be the stereotype of their country, François who was ironically from France would always bicker with Arthur from England, the Turkish kid always bullied the boy from Greek and so on and so forth. Sadly though this means I am also a stereotypical South Italian, and the older Spanish student, Antonio liked to think of me as his little brother. This would be great considering he's a really great guy; except for I'm not exactly a cis-gendered male. I'm what is called a trans*man, born a female but identifies as male. Back in my old school I was known as a girl, called a girl, the pronouns they used referring to me were female so in eighth grade I decided I had become too depressed I begged to transfer to Gauken where I could get away and be me. When applying I accidently clicked the male box and typed my name as Lovino Romano, my grandpa whom I live with gave me a stern look and grumbled but waved it away, and have been fine ever since...sorta.

As mentioned earlier the Spanish student Antonio is very clingy and loves to hug and touch me. I've usually tried to hide myself and body and having him all over me is not very helpful. He laughs since I don't take off my shirt or I get dressed in the bathroom, little things I know he doesn't mean but hurt. At this school I am not as lonely as I was though with him around. It use to just be me and my twin brother Feliciano but he now goes to an Art school in New York and I have new friends. My group consists of Antonio and his two pervert friends Gilbert and Francis nicknamed the Bad Touch Trio and their boyfriends Roderich and Matthew. Mainly though I talk with Roderich and Matthew as Antonio molests me. I smiled a bit thinking of our little episodes in the cafeteria but as I was lost in my thoughts I didn't notice I had walked into Antonio himself.

"Oi! Watch where you're walking bastard!"

"Now Lovi no need to be mean! You'll hurt my feelings!" I rolled my eyes and pushed past him but he easily caught up. "Heading back to our room? Me too! We should walk together!"

"Whatever, just...don't touch me." He nodded with that stupid lovab- no just stupid smile of his. He obeyed my demand but walked awfully close to me. We arrived at our building, Europe. Each building was named after a continent and each person from a country in that continent was put in that building, the Europe building was enormous and it annoyed me to no end. I leapt the stairs, Antonio keeping pace and babbling about some chick that'd tried to woo him and failed, I snorted at the poor girl, she had wasted her time. EVERYONE knew the idiot was gay, undeniably Gay, with a capital G.

I unlocked the door and stepped in, kicking off my shoes and flopping into bed "I call first shower!" I weakly called out pushing myself up and grabbing my towel after a little while. As I made my way to the dresser to get pajamas I heard him snicker "Lovi why don't you just change out here and not in the bathroom where it'll be hot and humid? Are you embarrassed of your body?" I felt a bit of dysphoria strike me but pushed it away "I just don't want perverts like you starring at me." He shrugged and got up "Well I just wanted to walk with you, Francis invited me for drinks since we are all eighteen now, finally! Adios Lovi~!" He grinned and left but not before planting a firm smack on my ass earning him one square on his face. As the door clicked shut I breathed out. 'Finally free! I can change out here now!' I pulled off my clothes and ran the shower. After turning it to the appropriate temperature I hopped in, forgetting to shut the bathroom door...

Chapter one

I washed my hair massaging and scratching my scalp as let out a small moan at the feeling. I turned towards the shower head as I heard a familiar chuckle. My head whipped around and I came face to face with that damned Spaniard. With the shower curtain wrapped around me and my face an extreme red due to the heat and embarrassment. "Antonio you pervert, get out!" Much to my annoyance he just stuck his tongue out "Nice ass Lovi~" Antonio sauntered out but the last few steps were a stumble as I shoved him out. Making sure the door was securely shut I dried off and pulled on my clothes. I decided to pack that night for fear of my roommate's wandering hands.

The next morning I awoke to my alarm clock's loud buzzing screaming that class was about to start. I grumbled wondering why classes were so early in the morning. After dressing in the school uniform and everything else you should do in the morning I checked my phone. Antonio had left early to meet Gilbert for breakfast, why he thought he should call then text me to tell, I'm not sure.

Skipping breakfast I rushed into AP English, one of my most hated classes, he other student were loud and annoying. Right as I sat down my point was proven by the obnoxious America who called out "Hey Arthur! Come sit by me! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea aaaaaase? " Arthur had been dating that stupid American Alfred for months now, yet every time they saw one another Alfred saw that he must yell for his boyfriend to sit with him. The class flew by with a long discussion on lying and cheating to get to the top, the subject arose from an article and while have the class saw it unethical to cheat and lie to succeed the other side believed that you had to cheat and lie to get to the top. I could see both sides so I wasn't very much into the argument. The rest of the day flew by and since we were nearing the last month of school my teachers didn't assign much homework. Finally 6th period came, Spanish. I love the Spanish language; to me it is almost…erotic. This made it even harder to room with Antonio who would speak it every now and then, causing me to have to excuse myself and run to the bathroom. It also made Spanish class very awkward but there was no way I could pick French. Plus, to make matters worse Antonio was in that class and would make sure to sit extremely close and insist on helping with it, though since Italian was my first language Spanish did not prove very difficult. I dropped my books on the table and sat but instead of meeting the hard cold plastic I felt something warm and firm.

"My my Lovi~ you'll make me hard sitting on me like this~!"

As soon as the words were spoken I sprung up and sat on the bench, next to Antonio, I said nothing though because I had felt and now see the lump in his pants. Swallowing I looked forward at the board, we had a substitute so we had to read a page in our text book then practice dialect with the person sitting next to us. Flipping through my book I felt a hand slide towards my thigh, it was immediately removed as I glared at Antonio. I read the page ten times to avoid having to speak with Antonio. "Lovi I know you're not that slow." Groaning I turned to him.

"Lo siento Antonio. Por que?" He grinned and we kept up a conversation in Spanish till the bell, which in my case rang way too late. I sped out of the classroom to our dorm where I quickly took care of my little problem.

I sat down on my bed for lack of a better place and started my homework. I nearly jumped for joy as I got to write Lovino instead of Lovina. I had told my Grandpa I would fix the problem of applying as male but I never did and the school never really questioned why my records and given name were different so I got off pretty easy. I finished math and science and every other piece of information then it came down to English. I disliked this class even though reading and writing are some of my favorite pass times, the only thing that bothered me were our discussions. They were always extremely complex and often I could never get my whole thought out. It's was extremely frustrating and now we had to write an essay on a life changing decision, and I could only come up with one thought. It would be extremely easy to just come out and tell them but I don't want to have to deal with trans*phobic people. The assignment was due till the 2nd of October though and it was only September 21st. I decided to push it away until the last moment then write something like when I got a new dog despite the fact I'm more of a cat person.

The door made a small click as Antonio shuffled in.

"Hola Lovi~" he greeted me.

"Como esta?" Rolling my eyes I retorted with "This is England speak English dumbass." The Spaniard shrugged and made a move to hug me which I weakly avoided. Standing there awkwardly, staring at the floor my mind wandered and Antonio went to take a shower. When he got back out I was still standing there staring at the same spot on the ground.

"Lovi? You ok?" My head snapped around to look at him and nodded.

"Yeah just thinking…" This wasn't exactly true but not exactly a lie, but I was definitely alert when Antonio dropped his towel and got dressed right in front, blushing I turned and shut my eyes.

"Q-quit stripping in front of me it's inappropriate!" He chuckled and pulled his boxers on. "I have nothing to hide, plus I know you like it by the way you blush and bite your lip~" I hadn't even noticed I had been chewing on my lip the whole time "Shut up bastard!" I stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door, changing into a black tank top and my boxers. Stepping out I could see my roommate passed out on his bed so I snuck into mine, I didn't fall asleep right away I watched Antonio for a while. I had a crush on him ever since I saw him but I knew he'd never want me, he touched me and messed with me but only because he thought I was male. He'd never want me if he knew what I really was. Sighing I brushed some hair out of his face

"If only you could know, and still love me…" I snuggled into my blankets and I didn't even notice as a frown appeared on Antonio's face and he got up to look confused at me before settling back down uneasily.

A/N: Sorry I have really short chapters, I try my best…and pack means to like put something down there to make it look like you gotta…dick…in Lovino's case he's using a professional one, ;D