Chapter 1

It had been three weeks since the final battle against Aizen and normality had returned to Karakura. For those who fought there was still much work to do, the paper work would always be a major obstacle to the shinigami, who wanted so badly a vacation and rest. Only when the work was completed, they could enjoy a little peace. However the powerful group of humans were having a well deserved rest.

At a restaurant in the city center, was a group of young people rather peculiar, to lunch. Two of them with a strange hair color, red. Another wore glasses and had a very serious countenance. Ahead of the latter, was a guy you could call giant. A girl with short brown hair and pretty tough but with a tough face. A boy who spent hours typing on the phone and another that was unlike other, tawdry and scandalous.

- How are you Inoue-san? - Asked Ishida with a curious look.

- Well, why do you ask? - She tried to mask the anxiety that was starting to show.

- Even though the war has ended, it still must be difficult for you to get used to the normal routine again!

- Why would be? - Asked a little incredulously. She didn´t expect for anyone to have the audacity to ask her something like that in front of everyone.

– It must have been a traumatic experience to be in captivity for days in Hueco Mundo!

The others who weren´t paying attentation to the conversation, got curious when they heard the reference to Hueco Mundo. The redhead, saw all eyes on her waiting for an answer, hesitated before answering. When her friends saw the hesitation, and a distant gaze on her face, became apprehensive and worried. Tatsuki went to speak, but before she could do anything, the redhead surprised them with a smile.

- I'm fine, thanks!

- Ah, Inoue-san is so sweet and looks beautiful with a smile! - Keigo said as he dribbled around with the head in the clouds, probably imagining indecent things.

- Keigo, you are making Inoue-san embarressed! But ... I must say that I agree with you. Inoue-san is indeed beautiful. Probably the most beautiful cherry blossom in town!

The comments made Inoue blush. However a person was already conveying an aura killer by daring them. Even Inoue could see the sparks leaping from her eyes.

- Tatsuki-chan, they're just joking! No need to be upset. - Inoue tried to calm her friend to not create more disarray.

- You are too kind to these two Orihime!

- Actually I do not care. I think it´s nice of them!

- Tatsuki is right. These two can be very dangerous when it´s about girls! - Proclaimed Ichigo.

- At least I can say I am interested in girls! I cannot can say the same thing about you. After all i never saw you close with a girl!

- You are mistaken Keigo! I remember seeing Ichigo very close to Kuchiki-san. - Said Mizuiro - By the way, where is she?

- She's in sociaty Soul! They are very busy with work. - Explained the quincy.

While her friends were talking animatedly, the redhead looked out the window engulfed in her own thoughts. Lately her sleep was very short. Nightmares stole her sleep and part of the night. Always waking up scared, her heart pounding, sweaty body and face wet with tears. Since the return from Hueco Mundo, loneliness and guilt were her greatest friends. She felt guilty for the loss of Ichigo's powers, although they have not yet disappeared. All her thoughts went out to Aizen and Hōgyoku. "If I had destroyed the Hōgyoku, he would not have used that attack." When she realized that her eyes burned by the urge to cry, got up and went to the bathroom. The others just looked at her confused and questioning.

- What is it Orihime?

There was no answer, getting quite worried about her best friend, she was going to get up and go after her, but when she saw her go to the bathroom she felted relieved. Once the young redhead returned to the table, there requests were already there. She merely sit silently and start eating, always under the watchful eye of her friends. After a delicious lunch they finally decided to leave the restaurant.

- Let's take a stroll through the park? - Asked Keigo full of energy and excitement.

- I can´t, I have to go home. I need to prepare for the festival! - Replyied Inoue with hurry.

- I, Sado-kun and Kurosaki too!

- This is unfair! Why only you were invited?

- This is obvious. We were in the winter battle! You by chance awoke and witnessed a few things.

- Ah! Ichigo is running away from us Mizuiro! Our circle of friends will break up and never return to normal.

- Do not be dramatic Keigo! You know we should not be invited just because we know what happened!

- Until tomorrow Tatsuki-chan, Mizuiro-kun and Keigo-kun! - Orihime is gone in quick steps, without giving a chance for her friends to accompany her home.

– Don´t you think she's acting weird? - The brunette asked more for herself then to the others.

- Yes! I also noticed that. Looks like she's hiding us something! - Ishida was trying to think in something that could be happening with Inoue.

- Probably it must be difficult for her to become used to the normal routine again!