The day came when their game of pretend had to come to an end.

It was New Year's, a time where surprisingly Reborn never got many assignments. Instead of believing it was because of some kind of 'Christmas spirit', he blamed it on the parties and new alliances that would appear around this time of the year, and the hypocrite fools that most Mafia bosses were.

Whatever; it gave him the perfect excuse to come back.

"Ebown!" The child's voice was the first thing he heard as he slid open the crystal doors to avoid unwanted attention. He smiled at the toddler, who was trying to stand up gripping tightly the bars of the table. He patted the brunet's head fondly, allowing Leon to go down with the baby while he looked into the hallway.

"Reborn! Wait just a second, I'm almost done!" He heard her voice coming from the second floor, and he chuckled. He went back to Tsuna, who was busy bouncing a ball-Leon, and with ease he retrieved the pet after a particularly harsh bounce. "Tsuna, what did I say about hitting Leon too hard?"

"Not to…"

Leon gave his master a grateful look, before going back to his chameleon form and approaching Tsuna, who looked at him a bit apprehensively. "Sowy." The pet licked him, making him giggle. Feeling a presence behind him, Reborn turned around, and suddenly both were gaping at the other.

Nana was wearing a knee length brown skirt with a cream colored pullover, that complimented her figure perfectly; Reborn had forego his usual attire to wear a pair of expensive looking jeans and a simple shirt, in an attempt to not stand out as much. Nana laughed first, looking at him appreciatively. "That look suits you. It makes you look younger."

"Umph. I am young." He answered, moving to take the baby before he fell again.

"Really? How old are you?" She asked slyly. He smirked but didn't answer that. "Look, I'll tell you mine and you tell me yours; I am twenty-four."

"Sure. Well, I'm old enough to drink." He said, not daring to call her on her lie. "Let's go, then."

It was easy to get infected with the happy atmosphere everywhere they looked. Couples and families surrounded them as they spent the day in the fair. Before they knew it, the night have fallen and everyone was hurrying to the shrine where the main attraction of the night was just starting.

Nana observed the fireworks entranced. It had been her dream, ever since she had been a little child, to one day go to the festival in her hometown and watch them together with the person she loved.

She had moved to Namimori. And Iemitsu had been too busy to make enough time in the months they were dating. But now, seeing the red and green sparkles next to the boy he loved the most and the elegant man who had spent so much time caring for her, noticing her…

It felt like a dream come true.

Sitting in a nearby bench, she unconsciously let her head fall to her companion's shoulder. A hand curled around hers, and in that moment, duty and responsibility fled from her mind. She turned at the same time he did, and she could feel his breath so close, so close… in that moment her heart flipped and sped up, as if she was the heroine of a movie. She closed her eyes and their lips touched for the first time.

It wasn't a passionate kiss at first; it was slow and so, so soft. Forgetting about the world, she let her hands travel to the back of his neck, and a second later he put his arms around her waist, pressing her close to him. Time seemed to slow down as they continued, for years until they finally broke up to breathe again.

Suddenly realizing what had happened she gasped, at the same time that he rested his forehead against her. Diverting her gaze, she loosened her arms, before whispering. "Reborn… this can't go on."

The man sighed, closing his eyes. He hadn't wanted this to end, but he had destroyed it in one rash movement. Yet as he tried to pull away, she grasped the sleeves of his shirt, and suddenly lifted her head. Her eyes were shining with melancholy but, above all, determination. "I'm going to divorce Iemitsu."

For once, anyone could have been able to read the surprise in his face. Even if they rarely mentioned it, he knew what a big step this would be for Nana… and he also knew what could it cost her. She continued. "I know… I can't ask for you to be by my side. But I need to do this."

He gritted his teeth; what was he hesitating for now? He was already too far in to pull out… but even then, he could not let that beautiful, strong woman make the same mistakes.

"If you still want me by your side, I will stay. I will cut the ties with my life until now and stay with you." He put a finger on her lips, to prevent her from speaking. "But I won't lie to you anymore. Are you sure you want to know?"


"Even if it destroys everything you believed in? And if you will most likely regret that choice?"

She would have thought he was joking had she not known him as well as she did. And he was being deadly serious about it; she took a few moments to think, but in the end there had only been one answer. "Yes."

Reborn took her home then, lost in his memories, and she followed without a word, feeling a shiver down her smile. Together they sat at the kitchen table with a coffee pot prepared in front of them.

He looked at the dark brew for a while, collecting his thoughts. "Promise me that you will listen until the end. Then you can do whatever you want, and I won't stop you. Nor will I let anyone else harm you."

"I promise."

"Do you remember three years ago, the day Tsuna was born?" She nodded; how could she forget? "It wasn't a burglar. It was an assassin, and you were his target."


"Me, and your husband as well. We have many powerful enemies. Around that time there was a leak in information in the organization Iemitsu works for, and someone discovered the relation between you two. As soon as… his boss heard, he contracted my services to come and protect you. I barely made it in time."

"Are you… federal agents or something like that?" She asked, even if she already knew that wasn't the truth. But the alternative was so much worse.

"No. Nana, I am a hitman. An assassin. Normally, I only take jobs from… the Italian Mob."

"Mafia!?" She shouted. She stood up, ready to take her baby and run away. But his shoulders had slumped and he was looking at her with this melancholic look in his eyes; at the very least, she needed to know his motive. Now she understood why he made her promise.

"Mostly. I did a few deals with business men in the past, but it is easier to watch your back when you create a reputation in the underworld."

"And… and Iemitsu? Is he… like you?"

"No. I am a freelancer. He is part of a famiglia. However, the Vongola is probably the best choice for someone of his morals."

"Morals!? You are criminals! You are… killers!"

"Yes and no. In Iemitsu's defense I'll say that from what I heard he owes his life to the Capo of the Vongola, who adopted him in a difficult moment. We may not have absolution but Nono… he is different. He is trying to change things… at the very least, he is a man of honor, and that is something difficult to find this days."

"You speak fondly of him."

"I owe him many things as well." He smirked ruefully. "The mafia is not the best place for a fifteen year old brat with more pride than brains. He was the first one to try and knock some sense into me."

She kept quiet for a while, trying to find something in his gaze; he stood impassively, looking steadily at her. Finally she asked, "how many?"

"Would it make a difference?"

"No, but…"

"I lost count at thirty-five. But I never kill any other than my targets."

She massaged her temple, with a chocked laugh. Then she stood up and went to the sink with the used cups, needing something to occupy her hands. She heard him stand but he didn't try to approach her, and Nana felt grateful that he understood. "I need… time to think about it."

He nodded, even if she couldn't see him. "… Call me if you want." Once more, he left the house not knowing if he would be allowed to come back. But this time, he would not fight it.

"What's with the long face, kora?" The blond shouted over his ninth beer, nudging the hitman with his elbow. The other growled, reminding himself that maiming the nuisance wasn't worth Lal's wrath.

"I don't know what the hell are you talking about." He deadpanned, clicking his tongue at the poor wine of the Italian bar. In the rare occasions when the rogue man did convince him to 'go out for a drink' he irremediably ended up lamenting ever agreeing.

"Don't give me that, kora! I have enough moping around with the boss tooo have you at it too." Colonello was already slurring in his speech, which was never a good thing; on the other hand, it had reached the point where he in the morning he wouldn't even remember why was he in the counter (since Reborn was not about to give him a ride either way).

"What's wrong with the moron?" He asked, slightly curious. Luckily, his partner was more than happy to share.

"Problemss with his wife, it seems. Called to say he was going and she told him to get lost. Dunno." Reborn masked his elation quickly; that Nana had decided to leave Iemitsu was something that was bound to happen, but it didn't mean that he was forgiven as well. Oblivious to his plight, Colonello continued. "Man, what's wrong with her, korra? Can't she see how much Iemitsu lovves her? She shhouldn't be so stingy."

Colonello was startled out of his drunken stupor by a green gun between his eyebrows. He looked at Reborn, confused, and the other barked, "don't talk about what you don't know, Colonello."

Reborn scowled as he removed the gun and, finishing the glass in one go, moved to leave the place. He had wasted enough time doing nothing.

"What'ss wrong with him, kora?" The CEDEF officer murmured, before calling the barmaid once again.

He stood by her side the whole time the other was in the house. He never talked as accusations were thrown around.

"How could you do this to me, Nana! And with Reborn!" Iemitsu spat angrily from his side of the room.

"Do you expect me to say that I'm sorry?" Nana stood his ground with her hands on her hips, and only Reborn noticed the way her lip trembled as she continued to argue. "I can't believe you are so selfish!"

"Do you think he is some kind of hero? If only you knew what he does for a living you'd come crying back to me!" He said as the senses left him; the man in the fedora dared to lure her with his lies when he was the one who loved her the most.

"I know. I know everything. You thought I wouldn't have liked to know that you are in the Mafia?! We could have been killed! And you didn't care!" She said, with tears welling up in her eyes.

"I gave you everything you wanted!" He argued back, waving a hand at the room.

"I don't need your money or your presents! All I ever wanted was for someone to see me! He did!"

"Yes, I can imagine how much he has seen." The blond sneered, looking at her as if she was filthy. Reborn was already halfway across the room when the sound of something hitting flesh stopped him. Nana raised her hand again at a dumbfounded Iemitsu, tears falling freely now down her cheeks. "Leave this house."

"Honey, I'm sorry, I…" He said, pressing his hand against the soft spot in his cheek.

"Leave!" She shouted, shaking her head. In that moment, a cry startled the three occupants of the room; their shouts had woken the toddler upstairs. With one last hurt look, Nana hurried away. Iemitsu tried to stop her, but a hand kept him in place.

"You've done enough here." The hitman said calmly.

"This is not the last you two will hear of me." He growled, slamming the door shut after him. Only when he heard the sound of an engine speeding away, Reborn allowed himself to relax.

A few days later, the papers of the divorce arrived, signed. And along with them came a formal notice that Iemitsu Vongola Sawada would be fighting for his son's custody.

An irate hitman was stomping down the corridors of the great Vongola mansion, ignoring servants and underlings on his way to the boss' office. The ninth cloud guardian glared at him with distaste, but the raven head ignored him, slamming open the door to the office. There stood Timoteo, sitting beside the desk with a stern look on his face, but Reborn barely registered it as he stared at the other occupant of the room.

The tension escalated quickly as both men released their killing aura; it got to the point where Reborn's hand twitched to his back-up gun, but a sign from the ageing man made them stop. "Reborn, I trust your trip went well?"

Reborn grunted in agreement, and the other man snapped. "He is a traitor to the Famiglia! We should not even bother listening to him, Ti… Nono!"

"Watch your tongue, Sawada. I am not the one who has betrayed his family."

"Why you…!" The blond lunged towards the hitman, who caught his fist with ease, twisting it around. That didn't stop the advisor for long, hitting Reborn in the gut with his elbow; caught by surprise, the hitman let go. He dodged Iemitsu's next punch and immediately retaliated with a round kick, but the voice of the leader stopped them. "That'll be enough."

"Reborn, I am disappointed in you." He added. Any other time, the dark haired man would have apologized or tried to change the other man's mind. Not this time. "I am not ashamed of anything I have done."

Timoteo slammed his palms against the desk. "You were having an affair with another man's wife! That kind of behavior is not accepted in the Famiglia."

Iemitsu smirked, thinking that they had pinned the hitman into a corner; but to his chagrin, he answered calmly, with the same murderous tone of before.

"I am not part of your Family, Nono. Nor will I be part of the Mafia for much longer. And, an affair?" He scoffed. "I was there when she needed someone. You on the other hand," he turned to the blond with an angry scowl, "you condemned her to a miserable life. She broke a little more every time you rejected her. You treated her as if she was a doll you could keep safely tucked away in your toybox, but that is not how it works."

"What would you know about love? You are using her as well! Do you think you'll be able to forgive yourself that way?" He stopped when the hitman glared at him murderously, and unconsciously took a step away, his hand moving towards the gun in its holster just in case.

"Tell me Iemitsu, do you know when is your wife's birthday?"

"What the-?"

"Better yet, do you know what is her favorite food?"


"Do you know that she hates roses?"

"Don't dare to pin this on me, you bastard! I don't even know why are we having this conversation. Marry her and destroy your career if you like." He snapped. It was not his fault that work took so much of his time; he didn't need someone who couldn't accept that.

Reborn gritted his teeth, and decided to stop delaying for that moron's sake. "Leave Tsunayoshi out of your petty revenge. Don't you dare take him away from Nana or I swear to God that I will hunt you down and kill you."

"Reborn." Timoteo interrupted, and both men turned to him. "You know about Tsunayoshi's inheritance as well as we do. He needs the Famiglia's protection. If Nana refuses to stay with Iemitsu, we have the right to adopt him."

A red haze clouded his thoughts, and the next thing he knew, gun-Leon was pointed to Nono's head. Immediately, he felt the external advisor training his glock on him as well, but the leader made no move, knowing that even then, Reborn would not shoot him.

"And what? You will separate him from the only person he knows and seclude him in a room? Will he try to get to know him or his job is going to be too much again? There are already three other heirs to be the Decimo. Don't bring him into our war." He sounded almost defeated, but the two Skies knew better; his resolve was still burning brightly.

"Tsuna was born in Japan; wouldn't Primo choose a peaceful life for him?" He added softly.

Nono crossed his fingers and rested his elbows in the desk, studying both men with a calculating gaze. True, Tsunayoshi was different from him and his sons; his blood was pure Vongola, undiluted by the sins of the previous bosses. His uncanny resemblance to Giotto was proof of that. Because of that, he was already secretly making plans to pass on the title to him.

But that being the case, it might be counterproductive to introduce him to the Mafia so young and carrying such a grudge. As much as he loathed admitting it, Iemitsu had proved time and again that he was not parent material. He knew as well that his own sons, especially Enrico and Massimo, wouldn't take kindly if a new competitor for the title of Decimo appeared, even if he was a three years old; life would not be easy for him. If it was Reborn however, he would no doubt shape the boy into someone worthy by the time he reached the majority of age. He nodded to himself.

"What is your goal, Reborn?" Vongola Nono asked.

"I am going to leave the Mafia. If Nana accepts me, I'll move with them."

"Ha! Do you think it's going to be that easy? You have too many enemies for that!" Iemitsu sneered, but Reborn didn't pay him any attention, instead focusing on the old man. He sensed that he would not win completely, but for now it would be enough.

"Vongola won't give you or Nana any protection if you choose this path." Reborn smirked, lowering his arm but still keeping his guard up. "I can deal with that."

Nono studied him for a few more seconds. "Very well. I will allow Tsunayoshi to stay with his mother for now. However he won't be relieved from his position of possible heir. Should there be no other suitable candidates, he will become Vongola Decimo." Reborn growled quietly, but nodded his acceptance. He would just need to protect them himself if it came to that.

"Wait a minute, Nono! I don't agree with this!" Iemitsu said.

"Are you questioning my orders?" Nono admonished him. Not interested in the following discussion, Reborn excused himself with a curt nod and turned around to leave without another word.

There was only one thing left to do in Italy; it was time for 'Reborn' to disappear. And he knew just the person to make that happen.

"Daddy, daddy, look!" The nearly five years old bounced down the stairs; knowing that the boy was incredibly clumsy, the man hurried to the bottom. Tsuna was almost down when he tripped over his own feet, but he was already there to catch the child in the air. The man used the inertia to put the child over his shoulder and carry him around. The boy laughed. "Put me down, dad!"

"Umm~ Is someone talking? Where are they?" the adult said turning around. The child giggled. "I'm here!" He said, patting the other in the back. Smiling, the man put him down, ruffling his hair. The boy began bouncing again, before showing him a rumpled piece of paper. "Look! It's us!"

"You are getting better." The adult said appreciatively, leaning back to admire the boy's drawing before taking him by the shoulders, "why don't you show it to your mother?"

He watched the boy skip happily to his mother, and only when he was out of sight did he allow himself to grimace in pain. With a grunt, he touched his left shoulder to see if the bandages were still clean and in place. It had been a long time since the last assassin had found his location, and because of that he had gotten too careless. He had barely been able to get between her and the killer when the bullet came…

Nana appeared on the doorway, looking at him sadly. "Does it still hurt?"

"It is just a flesh wound. I've had worse." She approached him and traced the bullet wound with her fingers. He put his hand under her chin, to look at her in the eyes. "Hey, it's fine. I won't die that easily."

She chuckled weakly. "I know, I'm just worried about the shirts."

"Would you prefer it if I take them off?" He asked seductively, his lips almost touching hers. She laughed and leaned in, but just as their lips touched… a crash in the kitchen startled them, and a young voice started crying. She smiled apologetically before hurrying to the other room. "Don't cry Tsu-kun, mama is here." The man shook his head, before joining them.

As he crossed the doorway, he could only stare at the bloodied floor, and woman and child lying there, unmoving. His breath stopped, and for once fear gripped his heart as his thoughts swirled without order. He felt a part of him die, until one emotion raised above all the others; revenge.

"Reborn? Reborn! What is wrong? Oh God, you are so pale!" He blinked and the scene disappeared; the kitchen was once again spotless and Nana was there, pushing him into a chair with Tsuna standing behind her.

What had just happened?

'You can't protect them forever, you know? Sooner or later you will turn around and be a second too late.'

"What did you say?" The dark haired man whispered. Nana stopped in her ministrations to put a hand in his forehead. "Are you sure you are fine? No one said anything." The man looked at her a bit panicked, before composing himself. "I am fine."

The same voice chuckled. 'You cannot hide it from me. That is the fear that keeps you awake at night, isn't it?'

Just as the voice finished speaking, the phone started ringing in the other room. Feeling a dark premonition, he stood slowly. "I'll take it."

Cautiously, he picked it up; the voice at the other side of the line was smooth and dangerous; just as he had been in the past. "Mister Reborn, I have a job for you."

"I retired." He said, exchanging a grave look with Nana. Understanding lighting her features, she quickly ushered Tsuna away, going further into the house where there were no windows.

The voice sounded smug. "I am sure we can reach an agreement. I need only the strongest; one last job, and I will give you everything you wish for."

"Really? And what would that be?" The ex-hitman said, sarcasm dripping from his every word.

"Safety for your family."

"That is impossible." Reborn snapped.

"Is it? Surely someone who was once so close to Vongola Nono knows that there are great powers in this world that cannot be explained." Reborn bit his lip; he had sworn that he would never again return to that dark place. But it had been close, too close… it would only take one moment, and it would be over. In his head he could hear it again, the terrified screams of their last moments.

"What would I need to do?"

"I'll contact you soon with the next instructions."

"Wait, I haven't agreed yet. First, I want to know your name."

There was a moment of silence before they answered. "I'll call again tomorrow. Please do make up your mind before then, or I might not be able to meet my end of the bargain. As for my name… you may call me Checkerface."

And the other person hung up. Angrily, Reborn threw the phone across the room. Years of experience told him one thing; they could not run away from this one.

For the course of eight months, Reborn responded to the man's callings and, true to the voice's promise, not one assassin stepped anywhere near the house. The raven head still didn't trusted him, but as time went on he decided to ignore his gut feeling and finish the job. After all, he was always careful. Nothing would happen.

That morning, he rolled around to kiss the woman in the forehead. She furrowed her brows, knowing what that meant. "Another mission?"

"He said it would be the last." He got up and looked for a new suit. She looked at him reproachfully, still in bed. He sighed.

"I won't let anyone put you in danger. You know it, Nana."

Nana looked away; he hated it, hated that first Iemitsu and then Reborn had dragged her into this dark world, that he had to put himself in danger so often, and she hated that she could forgive him so easily. She heard her lover walking towards the bedroom door, and called after him. "Please, be safe."

He nodded, and left. They didn't say goodbye.

Grim, the hitman walked to the meeting point, this time in a cliff. When he arrived, the rest were already there. Lal Mirch glared at him with distaste, still not having forgiven him for causing the rift between her boss and his wife. Reborn ignored her, as always, and Luce soon was by his side, trying to calm everyone; she was truly a big Sky to fit all this unruly Weathers.

They waited for nearly two hours, and Viper was already complaining about losing money when they heard him approaching. As one, every member went for their weapons, still wary around the contractor they had never seen face to face.

However, instead of Checkerface, a bright light engulfed them, paralyzing them. After a while, Reborn fell to his knees, clutching his chest like the others; only Luce was still standing. From the corner of his eye he could see a green and yellow blur running towards the Rain woman, but his senses where leaving him.

Just before he could completely lose consciousness, the pain stopped.

When the light dimmed, he felt dizzy and disoriented; he tried to stand only to fall again, and only then did he notice just how far the sky was, how big everything seemed. He looked around at his partners and he gasped; not wanting to believe, he fearfully looked down at his hands.

A baby's hands.

'All of you have been deemed worthy; from now on, you are the Arcobaleno. It is your duty to defend those pacifiers at any cost. With them comes the blessing of immortality… and don't try to escape your fate. This is your destiny.'

With that, that damned voice disappeared, leaving only seven one-year-olds and a terminally ill Sky. Almost as if was through a filter, Reborn heard Skull whimpering in terror, could hear Lal shouting at Colonello for interfering. Luce was only looking at them with tears in her eyes, as Fon turned his back to them and Viper balled her hands into fists until her knuckles turned white.

He didn't move or say a word. He just stood there, impassively, before pulling the wing of the fedora down and wordlessly leaving the clearing.

The best hitman in the world did most definitely not cry.

The letter arrived three days later, and as soon as she saw her name on the envelope she knew what was inside. She left the rest of the stack on the table, opening it with trembling hands.

Dear Nana,

I have always lived my life so there wouldn't be any regrets the day of my death. But if you are reading this, it means that I have many things to regret. I regret abandoning you like this after promising that I would support you. I regret not being able to see Tsuna grow up, and the capable mother that you are.

But I will never regret meeting you. I won't regret protecting you.

If you are reading this, it means that I won't be able to return; whether I am dead or just too deep into this mess, I don't know so I'll tell you this: Live your life, Nana. Cry if you want, get angry with me if you want, but live. If you find another man that makes you happy, don't throw it away; don't wait for me. In return I'll promise you that, even if I am now in the deepest of Hells, I will do everything in my power to go back to you… to win you back one more time.

"Mom? Where hurts?" The woman turned around with tears in her eyes and hugged her child tightly, feeling as if she would drown. Stupid, stupid men. "Of course I will wait, idiot."

Once again, thanks for reading, and special thanks to all of you who reviewed, favorited and followed this story on the first chapter!