"The Fate of Two Worlds"

Well, here is the final chapter. About a year ago, I didn't think I would be able to finish this or even think about making a prequel or sequel to this. I'm so happy that everyone has liked this story and now I can start with the next part of this series. Please enjoy and review!

"That's impossible! How did you digivolve without your Crests?" Apocalymon demanded.

"Nothing's impossible. At least not when you got your friends helping you." Matt declared.

"You said it, Matt. Now, time to fight." Tai pumped his fist in the air.

"Yeah!" we all cheered throwing our own fists in the air.

All of us were either picked up by our digimon or we mounted them as they started flying off towards Apocalymon.

UlforceVeedramon cradled me in his left arm as Wizardmon and Kaitoumon flanked him.

"They're doomed. So you wanna fight?" Apocalymon asked.

He used Death Claw, but Zudomon used his Vulcan's Hammer to break the blades that held the attack in them.

"All right, your hammer nailed it." Joe smiled.

"We can help out too, right, Lillymon?" Mimi asked.

"Hang on." Lillymon winked.

"On hang to what?" Mimi asked, then yelped as she was thrown.

Kaitoumon flew over and caught her, smirking down at her as she looked up at him.

"Need a hand?" he asked.

"My hero." Mimi laughed as he winked.

Lillymon used her Flower Cannon on another one of Apocalymon's blades, then she flew over to Kaitoumon, taking Mimi's hand and started flying off again.

"Next time, Lillymon, can you use someone else as a boomerang?" Mimi asked.

"Sorry, but at least Kaitoumon caught you." Lilymon smiled at the hybrid.

Zudomon destroyed another blade as the others all flew around, watching for any opening.

"Tai, now's your chance to go for his body!" Joe called.

"All right." Tai called.

"Joe, Mimi, look out behind you!" Sora cried.

A blade was heading straight for them, but MagnaAngemon used his Gate of Destiny while Angewomon used her Celestial Arrow and Wizardmon used his Electro Squall, destroying the large blade.

"Don't worry about it, guys. We're here to protect you." TK smiled.

"We'll go for the other claws too." Kari said.

"Thanks, Kari." Mimi called.

"We owe ya one." Joe said.

"Matt, this is better than any video game." Tai said.

"I'll say." Matt smiled up at him.

"You boys are crazy." I commented.

WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon and UlforceVeedramon were heading towards Apocalymon who used his Death Claw yet again, but Lillymon and Kaitoumon took it out.

Garudamon then flew in with Sora on her back.

"Hey, why should you guys have all the fun? Save some for me and Izzy." Sora joked.

"We'll distract Apocalymon while Matt, Tai and Daisuke focus on straight on attacking." Izzy called from MegaKabuterimon's back.

"Watch our backs." Matt called.

"Let's end this." Apocalymon said as he used his Virus Grenades.

Tiny grenades came out from his body, heading towards us, but UlforceVeedramon swung his cape around, blocking the attack with ease.

"OK, now that is cool." I grinned.

"Little help, Garudamon?" Ulforceveedramon asked.

"Gladly. MegaKabuterimon, protect Sora." Garudamon called.

"Right." MegaKabuterimon nodded as Sora jumped onto his back with Izzy.

Garudamon then used her Wing Blade, the flames leading off the heat seeking grenades which annoyed Apocalymon.

"Thanks guys." Sora said as she jumped back onto Garudamon's shoulder.

Apocalymon then used Giga Cannon.

"My turn." MegaKabuterimon said.

He used Horn Buster, stopping the attack and destroying more of Apocalymon's blades which was really annoying him from the way he was gritting his teeth.

"Attack!" Tai cried.

"Now!" Matt yelled.

"Go!" I called.

MetalGarurumon used his Metal Wolf Claw as WarGreymon used Terra Force and finally UlforceVeedramon used his Dragon Impulse X, all three attacks merging together into a large purple dragon that began taking apart Apocalymon.

He yelled as he disintegrated and formed into a blackened cube that was glowing a light purple color, still pulsing with energy.

"We did it." Matt cheered.

"We destroyed all of his claws." Joe said.

"Still think you're so tough?" Tai taunted.

Apocalymon then laughed which put me on edge and I grabbed UlforceVeedramon's arm in worry.

"Is that your best shot?" Apocalymon asked.

"You know you're beaten. Take it like a mon." Matt said.

Smoke started coming off of Apocalymon, curling around us and gave off waves of darkness.

"You think so? I may be beaten, but I won't go down that easily. I'll take both worlds with me." Apocalymon threatened.

"What?" Tai yelped.

"You still haven't seen my ultimate attack. Total Annihilation!" Apocalymon yelled.

Purple bolts of lightning crackled and there was an explosion as everyone stared in horror.

Sharing a look, everyone nodded as we stood together, staring at the lights and felt our powers surging through us.

Their thoughts were all echoing in my mind, and I could tell we were all thinking the same thing.

That we wouldn't give, we will beat Apocalymon, we won't let him destroy our worlds and will fight to the very end and will never give up because…

"We're the Digidestinds!" we all cried in sync.

One by one, our digivices glowed and whined as they shot out lights, caging Apocalymon inside, not allowing the large sphere out.

We watched as the sphere exploded, the lights fading away far from us.

"What was that?" Zudomon asked.

"I'm not sure." WarGreymon said.

"What happened to the explosion?" TK asked.

"It was completely contained by the power of our digivices." Izzy said.

"Then it's over. We actually won." Tai smiled.

"Looks that way." Matt said.

"Excuse me while I throw up." Joe groaned as he walked off to the side in a daze.

"I guess we saved the world." Sora smiled with her hands on her hips.

I giggled as I hugged UlforceVeedramon around his neck as he hugged me back gently.

"Hey!" Ogremon called as he ran over with the other digimon.

"You did it." Elecmon said while Andromon was holding him and smiled.

"You were amazing. Remind me to call you the next time I have trouble with my land lord." Ogremon said.

"It was nothing." Mimi turned to them happily.

"Thanks for everything." Andromon said.

"Well, I did have some help, you know." Izzy blushed from the praise as we all laughed.

From the distance, we saw something heading towards us and saw that it was a Mekanorimon with Gennai piloting it.

"Sorry I'm late, forgot to set my alarm. Is it over?" Gennai asked as Centarumon stepped up beside him.

"Yeah." We all nodded.

"So what's gonna happen to the Digital World now?" TK asked.

"See for yourselves. Look down." Centarumon said.

Curious, we did as he said and watched as the darkness began to fade away under us to reveal a familiar sight.

"It's File Island." Tai said.

"The ancient prophecy said that after the great darkness is over, the first thing to be reborn is the island and with that island come the lands and the seas." Centarumon explained.

"But what does that mean?" Mimi asked.

"It means that the Digital World will start over from the beginning." Centarumon said.

"What's happening down there?" Izzy asked.

"The Digital World is being reborn as are all the digimon from the past. We're going to need a lot of diapers." Gennai said.

"Huh?" we asked in confusion.

"All right, let's go." Tai smiled.

"Right." we agreed.

All of us were then transported to a part of the Digital World that made us all smile happily.

"It's the Primary Village." Sora exclaimed.

Toys were hung in the trees and the tall colorful block towers were around us, creating shade from the bright sun.

"And everything's back to normal." Elecmon said.

"Looks like it's starting to rain." Joe said as he spotted something falling from the sky.

"It's digi eggs." I smiled.

"Come on." TK grabbed my hand making me look at him.

TK grinned and then started pulling me along with him, the two of us laughing as Patamon and V-Mon followed after us, giggling.

"Hey, those eggs are my responsibility." Elecmon said as he chased after us.

"Are you gonna count them all?" TK asked.

"Are you kidding? You never count a digi egg before they hatch." Elecmon reprimanded as the colorful eggs rained down around us.

"What are you doing?" Kari asked as she walked over to us.

"Helping these digi eggs hatch." Patamon chirped.

"I haven't seen so many digi eggs since I was a young one." Wizardmon said.

"Don't start crying." Kaitoumon groaned as Gatomon laughed at them.

"You were crying before." She teased him.

"I was very emotional." Kaitoumon yelled as she and Wizardmon laughed and he just blushed.

"Are you gonna hatch them all?" Kari asked as she picked up a white and orange egg.

"What do you suggest, we make an omelet?" Elecmon joked.

V-Mon was holding a blue and pink digi egg, showing it off to Patamon who giggled.

"Of course we're going to hatch them all. The future of the Digital World depends on it." Elecmon said proudly.

"Yay." Kari smiled.

"They're all really cute. You should've seen them the last time we were here." I said.

"You can help us hatch them. Just rub them gently." Patamon told Kari.

"This is fun." Kari smiled as she rubbed them.

"By this time, all of our digimon friends will be reborn again." V-Mon said.

"And we'll live peacefully this time." Gatomon's tail curled happily.

"TK, Kari, Daisuke! We're gonna be taking a picture. Come on." Izzy called us over.

Laughing, we all ran over and got into position as Andromon stood in front of us, going to take the picture since he had a camera or something inside of his head.

"All right, we're ready." Tai said.

"Say cheese." Andromon said.

Kari then gasped as she looked down at the egg that was twitching in her hands.

"What's wrong?" TK asked.

The egg then exploded as pink smoke surrounded us making us all gasp as the picture was taken.

"What is it?" Gatomon asked as the smoke faded away.

"Look, it hatched." Electmon said.

"It's so cute." Patamon said.

"It's a Botamon." Wizardmon said.

Everyone then laughed and cooed over the baby as Kari hugged him.

"Well, I'm outta here." Ogremon said as he wore a cape and hat.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Mimi asked.

"It's time to hit the road. Take a hike. Make like a tree and leave." He said.

"But Ogremon, why not stay here with us?" Palmon asked.

"Look, I'm a Virus type digimon. You guys are Data and Vaccine types. If I hang around here too long, I'll get sick to my stomach. Catch ya later." Ogremon called as he walked off.

As he walked off, he then vanished into thin air.

"He vanished." Biyomon gasped.

"He just can't face the fact that he likes us." Gomamon said.

"I've never heard of a Virus giving someone the cold shoulder." Tentomon said.

"Don't say that. Do you remember the day that Agumon first digivolved into SkullGreymon? I said it was the wrong thing to do, but the truth is, when it comes to digivolving, there's no right or wrong. A digimon's destiny cannot be changed. That day was a real eye opener for me. Of course, I haven't been able to open them ever since." Gennai said.

"Well, if that's the case, then next time I'll just digivolve myself into the next Dark Master." Agumon huffed.

This made the Rookies cry out in mock-fear and then we all just laughed at this, enjoying the relief of our worlds now being safe.

(Later on…)

"This sure brings back a lot of memories. This is the exact spot we spent our first night here in the Digital World." Sora said.

We were at the lake, looking out towards the island where the trolley car was where we had slept in and had first camped out.

Man, was it really so long ago that it happened?

"That's right. This is where Gabumon first digivolved into Garurumon and fought Seadramon." Izzy remembered.

"Yeah and this is the place where I fainted for the first time. Well, the first time in the Digital World." Joe chuckled.

"Boy, it sure is great strolling down memory lane, isn't it?" he asked as he picked Gomamon out of the water.

"Hey, do you think when we all get back we'll be some kind of heroes? And win a whole bunch of awards like an Emmy or something?" Joe asked in excitement.

"Joe." Gomamon whined.

Everyone was looking pretty depressed since we would be going home now and won't be able to be with our digimon for a while.

The thought of never seeing V-Mon again or even Kaitoumon and WIzardmon was tearing my heart out.

"Sorry. Oh, don't mind me. Open mouth, insert foot. We can still come back, right?" Joe asked.

"Joe." Gomamon whined again.

"Oh, I forgot. Faux pas. Time passes differently here than in our world. You guys will probably be long gone. Whoops, there goes the other foot." Joe chuckled.

"Hey, you know, we still got a lot of summer left. I was thinking. Maybe we can stay here until our vacations over." Matt suggested as he laid down.

"Yeah!" Tai sat up happily.

"If Matt's staying, then I'm staying too." TK declared.

"Me too." Kari said.

"You'll have to pry me away." I stated.

"Is that Ok, Tai?" Kari asked.

"Sure." Tai nodded.

"I'm staying too." Mimi spoke up.

"Me too." Sora agreed.

"We might as well. We've got plenty of time. Since an entire day in the Digital World is equal to just one minute in the real world and we've got four weeks left of summer vacation…" Izzy trailed off.

"We can stay here in the Digital World up to…let's see, carry the four; divide by three…a really, really long time." Joe smiled.

"To be precise, it's 40320 days. That's about a 110 years." Izzy informed.

"All right. We're staying!" Tai cheered.

"Yeah!" we all jumped up happily.

"Hey, look." Agumon said.

The sun was being eclipsed which was a surprise and then Gennai and Centaurumon joined us.

"It's an eclipse." Izzy said.

"Yes it is and there's something very important you should know about it, children." Gennai said.

"I know. You're not supposed to look directly into it" Mimi said.

"True, that's not all. This eclipse could cost you your lives." Gennai said.

"You mean it's not an ordinary eclipse?" Izzy asked.

"The shadow is the gate that connects your world to the Digital World. I'm afraid the eclipse will only last for two more hours." Centarumon said.

"That's not a problem. We'll just wait until it opens up again." Matt said.

"Yeah, after all, we still have over a hundred years of summer vacation left." Mimi said.

"Actually, when Apocalymon appeared, the flow of time here and in your world became synchronized." Gennai explained.

"So, then we still have four weeks left, right?" Mimi asked nervously.

"That's plenty of time to have fun." Matt said.

"Well, actually, you only have the two hours because once the portal is closed, it's closed forever." Gennai said.

This made my throat close up and tears started to prickle when it made me realize that this truly was the last time I would see my digimon friends again.

"But…" Matt trailed off sadly.

"I'm sorry. It's time to say goodbye." Gennai said.

(Later on…)

V-Mon and I were in the forest, sitting by some flowers as we held hands while Kaitoumon sat in a tree.

Wizardmon was off with Kari and Gatomon, wanting to say goodbye to my sister.

"So I guess this is our last time together." V-Mon sighed as his ears dropped.

"No, it can't be. I know we'll see each other again." I shook my head.

"Keep hoping, Princess." Kaitoumon said.

"Dai, I want you to know, that I really love you. I hope we all see each other again too." V-Mon sniffled with tears in his eyes.

Running my hand through my hair, my hand touched my orange ascot in my hair and I pulled it out as I thought of something.

My hair fell down over my shoulders and I smiled as I then tore it in half making Kaitoumon and V-Mon look at me curiously.

"Here, this is my promise that we'll always be friends and I'll come back one day." I said.

They looked at me, then both smiled as they accepted the ascots, V-Mon tying his half around his neck while Kaitoumon used his half to tie around his right wrist.

"I love you both. Remember that always." I said.

"I know. I love you too." V-Mon sniffled.

"Ah, great. You're making me cry yet again." Kaitoumon groaned as he wiped at his gold eyes as tears started to fall.

"Baby." V-Mon joked as Kaitoumon gently whacked him over the head.

"You two are great friends. I've never met anyone who forgave me for my sins as easily as you did. So I guess…I love you guys two." Kaitoumon smiled softly.

And that broke the dam.

Tears started falling down my face as I sobbed and V-Mon clung to me while Kaitoumon gathered us up in his arms, the three of us hugging.

"I don't want to leave. You helped me grow up so much. I wouldn't be the person I was today without you." I sobbed.

"And I wouldn't have so many friends or be so strong without you." V-Mon wailed.

"I already said I loved you. What else do you want?" Kaitoumon sobbed.

Sobs and wails filled the air as we held each other, my shirt getting soaked from all the crying as Matt's harmonica was heard.

Soon, we managed to pull ourselves together and we then left to go find the others to go home.

"Have you all finished saying your goodbyes?" Gennai asked us all.

"You can take this cable car home on one condition; you have to promise to bring it back to San Francisco where I borrowed it from." Gennai said.

Mimi was sobbing because she couldn't find Palmon anywhere and didn't get to say goodbye.

"Well, uh…" Tai trailed off sadly as Mimi sobbed louder.

She was gripping my shoulders painfully and I patted her hands to comfort her since I was sad to leave too, even after the time I had with Kaitoumon and V-Mon.

"Can't we have a little more time, please Gennai, do something." Sora asked.

"I'm sorry, Sora. The gate won't wait any longer. What's the problem?" Gennai asked.

"Palmon seems to have disappeared." Agumon said.

"Why would she run away? Why?" Mimi wailed.

"I'm sorry, Mimi, we can't wait for Palmon any longer." Sora said.

"It's time. Get on the cable car everyone." Gennai said from looking at the eclipse.

"Let's go." Tai said.

One by one, we all got on, but I had to drag Mimi on board while the digimon watched us sadly.

Mimi curled up in a corner crying while we all opened the windows, looking out at our friends.

"Well guys, this is it. What can I say?" Tai asked.

"Try goodbye." Agumon said softly.

Gatomon blew Kari's whistle that she had given her loudly and it seemed to make the cable car come to life and we all started waving and crying out our farewells to them.

"Don't let anyone push you around!"

"Dress warmly!"

"I love you!"


"Mimi!" Palmon cried as she ran out of the forest and was running along the lake as the car moved.

"Mimi, look." Sora smiled.

Mimi stopped sobbing into her hands and came over to look out the window.

"Palmon!" she cried.

"Mimi, I'm sorry!" Palmon cried.

"It's OK, don't worry about it. Goodbye, Palmon and thanks for everything. I love you!" Mimi waved to Palmon.

"Goodbye, Mimi!" Palmon called, but she tripped.

V-Mon ran over and helped her up as the group of digimon started running after us, waving goodbye as we all called out to them as the car took to the sky.

So, our adventures in the Digital World is over now, but I know that gates won't be closed forever.

I've seen the future.

Kari and I were both holding V-Mon and Gatomon when we were older, so I knew the gate would open again.

We would all be reunited together and one day, maybe our two worlds will become one and we'll be together forever.

V-Mon, Kaitoumon…I'll see you both again one day, just wait for me.

Looking over to Kari, we smiled at each other as we held hands and our eyes glowed gold and pink, showing us that our powers were still inside of us.

"We'll be back." Kari said.

"One day." I whispered as I lay my head on her shoulder.

The end.