You guys, I am so sorry for leaving you hanging. I've been super busy and I couldn't sleep tonight so I cranked out this chapter at five in the morning. But I think it will make you all very happy :) Review please!

A couple months later I'm standing in front of my mirror, just barely five months pregnant. I furrow my eyebrows and lift my shirt up, studying the small but noticeable bump that's getting harder and harder to hide before turning to look at Jade, who's sitting on my bed staring at me.

"I don't think I can hide it anymore." I say, biting my lip nervously as I look down at her. "People are going to start noticing soon, if they haven't already. I can barely fit in my jeans anymore."

She nods and stands up, looking down at my stomach for a minute before heading over to my closet and starting to pull clothes out.

"What are you doing?" I ask in confusion, watching her throw random clothes onto my bed.

"Sorting your clothes into what you can probably still wear while you're pregnant and what might be uncomfortable." She says and shrugs as if it's no big deal.

"Ok." I nod and sit down on my bed, putting my hands on my stomach. "But I'll definitely need new jeans."

She pokes her head around the corner and smiles at me. "We'll go shopping later today and get you new jeans and a few shirts."

I smile and lightly rub my stomach, my hand stilling when I feel a little bump against it. I wait for a minute and it happens again and I grin when I realize it was a kick, laughing a little.

Jade steps out of the closet and raises an eyebrow at me, amused. "What's so funny?"

I look up and smile hugely. "Come here, hurry." She walks over to me quickly and sits down, and I take one of her hands and put it on the spot where mine was. She looks up at me in confusion and I shake my head slightly, waiting. I put my hand over hers and lightly press down, feeling a harder kick and grinning as she gasps and smiles at me.

"Tori, that's amazing!" She says, laughing a little just like I did and keeping her hand pressed against my stomach. "What does that feel like?"

"It feels like exactly what you feel but on the inside, if that makes any sense." I try to explain and she smiles and nods, looking back down at my stomach.

"It's like now it's real and there's actually a little person in there." She says in amazement, looking back up at me and smiling, and I get a little lost in her blue eyes and before I know it my lips are pressed against hers and she's not pulling away but kissing me back gently.

I slowly pull away after a few more seconds and bite my lip nervously as I look at her. "Jade…I'm so sorry, I don't know what got into me…"

She rolls her eyes and laughs a little. "Tori, I kissed you back, didn't I? Obviously I was ok with it." She smiles slightly and takes my hand, keeping her other one on my stomach. "I want to take you out on a date though, before we jump into anything."

I blush a little and nod, smiling. "I'd like that a lot."

She stands up and smiles, leaning back down to kiss my forehead before heading to the door, pausing when she gets to it. "Be ready at seven, ok?" She grins and walks out and I shake my head, flopping back onto my bed and smiling, because what the hell would I do without her?