Chapter 11: Not Exactly

3rd person POV

Yasmin and the girls had woken up early the next morning. "Come on we have to go now, if we don't the others will give us the third degree." Jade said as she pulled Sasha away from the mirror.

"Aw come on two more minutes and I'll be done." Sasha whined.

"Come now or have no food till lunch." Yasmin threatened with an eyebrow raised.

"Coming." Sasha said as she spun on her heel and pulled the girls behind her and the tiptoed down the creaky stairs skipping over the ones that would creak no matter how lightly you stepped while Yasmin just got fed up with how long it was taking and climbed over the railing, followed by Chloe as the jumped from the top of the stairs to the rail at the bottom before slipping silently off onto the floor.

Once Sasha and Jade got to where they were Jade sneered slightly, "Show offs."

"You could have done it too, I know you can." Yasmin said offhandedly as they walked into the dining room to get breakfast. They each grabbed an apple and bottled water as they turned to leave.

"Leaving so soon Nina?" a male voice asked and they span around revealing Jerome already dressed and standing in the kitchen eating a stack of pancakes.

"Jerome, you scared me." Yasmin said before turning to the other, "Go on I'll meet you girls there." She said and they nodded before disappearing silently out of the door. "What are you doing up so early, you're always like the last one up." She asked him

"So you noticed and here I thought you were only paying attention to the Americans." He said and sounded slightly angry.

"Jerome, why do you sound mad?" she asked him as she walked into the kitchen and stood at the doorway as she stared at him.

He put the fork down and looked at her sincerely, which confused her even more than before. "You really don't see what's happening do you?" he asked

"What in the world are you talking about?" she asked him

"Nina they're taking you away from us. I know you've missed them it's obvious since the day they got here, but ever since they got here you been distant and the more they're here; the more they pull you away from us. Why do you think Amber wasn't as upset as you missing walking with her as she normally would be huh? It's because she's trying, so hard that I didn't even know she could work this hard, at anything. Yet here she is trying to let you be happy while she's hurting and don't even get me started on Patricia, she's nearly killed them every day they've been here. You don't even realize how much you mean to everyone in this house do you?" he said and she paused, so shocked to hear such sincerity come from him.

Suddenly Yasmin's phone started ringing and she saw a text from Jade,

Come on Pretty Princess, we're waiting –J

Yasmin looked up at Jerome to see him waiting expectantly she heaved a sigh

On my way –Y

"Jerome I'm sorry, I, I have to go." Yasmin said and turned and all but ran from the house before he could stop her. Once it was certain that she was gone Amber and Patricia appeared from the shadows,

"Impressive Jerome, bringing me into it, if anything was going to make her think they were a bad influence, guilt trip her with thinking she's letting down her best friend." Amber said with a malicious tone Jerome had never heard the generally ditzy girl speak with.

"Are you guys sure this is a good idea?" he asked them as he turned to the two glaring girls.

"What are you talking about you were like the second person on board for this besides me?" Patricia asked

"But shouldn't we let her be happy?" he asked

"Please don't let her get in your head thinking nothing's wrong. Do you want us to lose Nina?" Patricia spat

"No but, they were kinda there first." He reasoned

"And she left them didn't she?" Amber asked

"I don't know." He said honestly

"Whatever, I'll give it to you though Clarke you're a great actor." Patricia said as she walked over and took some of his pancakes.

"Yeah…." He said as he looked down, suddenly questioning this whole plan he'd been so for.

"Yas come here we have decide what song we're doing." Jade called as Yasmin walked in.

"Do we have songs I mean we can't do the ones we've done before that have been like copyrighted and patented or whatever as ours." Yasmin said and they nodded and Chloe got really excited.

"New song?" Chloe asked wide eyed.

"New song." Sasha confirmed.

"So what kind of song are we doing?" Yasmin asked

"Slow song?" Chloe suggested

The three other girls shook their heads and Sasha said, "No way we aren't exactly the slow song type anyways."

"Nope we aren't, don't think we ever were." Jade said smiling slightly

"Plus we don't know how much time we'll have and slow songs can get boring, we have to keep their attention." Yasmin said

"Ya, it's like all about me, me, me, me, me." Jade said as she placed a hand on her hip and the other over her heart as she struck a pose.

"Oh my god, no, no way I don't even want to think about that evil she devil girl." Yasmin said with wide eyes as she shook her head furiously towards Jade.

"Meredith was quiet the she devil wasn't she?" Sasha laughed as she sat on the edge of the stage before swinging her arm out and swiping Jade's extended leg out from under her and Jade fell to the stage with a thud but she was laughing none the less. Seconds later the other three girls had busted out laughing and minutes later once they had finally calmed themselves Jade pushed herself into a sitting position.

"If I get a nasty bruise on my back, you will have started war." Jade threatened halfheartedly

"You don't mean that." Sasha said as she waved a hand at her friend

"You say that now." Jade warned and Sasha's normally tan and brown skin paled ever so slightly once she realized that there was a possibility of Jade waging World War Bratz against her.

"Sorry." Sasha grumbled as she scratched the back of her head.

"Wimp." Yasmin snorted, unable to stop herself. Sasha stuck her tongue out at her friend she was still so glad to have back again. "Ooh, real mature Bunny Boo, real mature." She mocked but stuck her tongue out as well.

"I could say the same Pretty Princess." Sasha smirked when Yasmin realized she had ended up doing the same thing.

"Shush you." Yasmin said with a smile on her face at their childish ways.

As Sasha opened her mouth to retaliate Jade interrupted, "As much as I like us being back to where we were before we were separated can we please get back to work?" she asked

"Don't you remember our big blow out before we got our awesome song that started it all?" Yasmin said with a victorious smirk on her face when Jade opened her mouth with a comeback before shutting it when she realized that Yasmin was right.

"That's not the point." Jade said finally

"Oh, oh but it is, and you know it, just admit defeat." Yasmin teased her brilliant friend.

"It's not I'm was 'defeated' and, well so there." Jade said quickly

"Now who's arguing?" Sasha said smiling

Yasmin and Jade laughed, "Alright, so back to work." Yasmin said

"So no slow songs, what about a fast song?" Chloe asked and Jade laughed

"Well if it's not going to be a slow song of course it will be a fast song but what kind?" Sasha said laughing lightly,

"What about a danceable song?" Jade asked

"Or a song about a boy?" Chloe suggested

"Alright, all in favor for a song about a boy?" Sasha asked and she and Chloe raised their hands.

"In favor for danceable?" Yasmin asked as she and Jade raised their hands, "Alright so we toss a coin, heads we do danceable, tails we do a song about a boy." She said as she took the quarter from Jade and flipped it in the air.

"Heads," Sasha said, "So we do danceable,"

"So do we have to start from scratch?" Yasmin asked

"Not exactly." A male voice said and the three girls on stage got happy smiles on their faces. Raising an eyebrow Yasmin turned and once her eyes locked on the boy and the books she had been holding in her hands tumbled to the ground as she looked at him with wide eyes. She couldn't believe it.

Yasmin looked at him wide eyed, "Oh my god."

AN: Hey guys, I am sooo sorry that I haven't updated in forever. My computer's virus protection ran out and my dad told me not to get on the internet at all and he would freak if he knew I was using my internet right now. But, because I love everyone who reads and enjoys my stories I am willing to risk it to update these stories.

Hugs and Kisses - Madame Magic