Hi, I'm sasuhina gal. I adopted this story from ejthepinoy. I'm working on this with canislupus1999 and I changed a few things in the story. For one I fixed the spelling errors and my spelling is based on the UK dictionary so sorry if it seems different. Also I made everyone 16/17 because if you remember one chapter there was a bit of talk that seemed a little adult for 14 year olds.

The Holy Land. Princess Kim Crawford of the Kingdom of Jerusalem laid lazily on a couch. Her white and black gown was draped across her body as a servant girl fanned her with a palm tree.

"Princess?" and a middle aged man, around forty or so, walked towards her, four knights in gleaming gold coloured armour following him. He was dressed in black robes and had a crown on his head. King Atlas of Jerusalem, and the conqueror of Acre.

"Hello father." she greeted with a kiss on the cheek. The king then motioned for her to sit down.

"As you know, new soldiers are arriving from the provinces, and I need you to be there with me. You are coming of age and I need you by me to boost morale."

"Yes of course Father."

She got off the couch and followed her father, and into the streets. Peddlers showed their wares, merchants sold their goods. It was a typical day in Jerusalem. As they approached the main recruitment centre near the Dome of Rock, where five Muslims stood, blocking their path.

"My King, we need a word with you." the lead one said. He had a scarf covering his face and a white turban.

"Saladin! My old friend. How goes your war in Egypt?" asked the King.

"We near Gaza. Once we conquer it, we ride to the west to conquer North Africa." Saladin said.

"Well it was nice to see you my friend! When my new recruits are ready, I'll send them to block that Syrian Army that's trying to block you!" and the two rulers laughed. King Atlas was a strange man. He was friends with many people of different religions, and promoted religious tolerance. Many Christians disliked him, but it earned him the loyalty and praise of much of the local populace.

The Muslims left, and Kim was absently throwing an apple up and down when she threw to far in front of her. She watched as it started to fall to the ground, only for a black covered ankle to catch it and throw up to his hands.

Kim looked up, to see a teenager like her, but his face was covered by a black facemask, and wore black armour, similar to ninjas from the far away Asian country of Japan. He had two black bracers and black greaves on his wrists and ankles. He wore black gloves, and two hidden blades were seen under the bracers. His chest plate was silver and black, and it was made of steel. She was memorized by this stranger. His chocolate brown eyes peered into her soul.

"Hi, names Jack." he said casually.

"I am Princess Kim, daughter of King Atlas, and heir to the throne." she said, trying to make herself stand up straight with dignity and pride.

"Cool. Here's your apple back." and he tossed her his apple, and walked away. He passed by two soldiers, and they looked at him with interest before continuing to walk.

"Who was that Kim?" the King asked.

"That was Jack. He caught my apple." she replied, and continued to walk, her guards walking in front and behind her. They continued to the recruits, when a group of the elite Knights Templar, stopped them.

"King Atlas. Five Muslims were seen talking to you. One of them was the famed Saladin. What is an enemy of the state doing in here, the most holiest of cities?" asked the lead Templar Knight, his red cape billowing in the wind.

"If you do not remember Robert, this kingdom is allies with them. We answer to God, not the Pope." warned the King.

"Fine. But remember, you have been warned." and they left to the marketplace, where a group of recruits, dressed in leather hauberks and carrying spears were waving Jack towards them.

"Hey!" the lead one said, a pudgy African Libyan said.

"What's up?" asked Jack.

"You are new to the city. We've ever seen you here before. Want to take a seat?"


"Hey. We save those seats for Princesses, priestesses and courtesans." a Spaniard said, his Latin accent apparent.

"Listen Jerry, we never get them." a skinny red head said. Suddenly a meatball was seen splattering against his armour, and four Templar knights sniggered.

"Hey!" yelled the skinny one.

"Milton it isn't worth it. They are just going to be the shit out of us, like last time." warned the African.

"Eddie. We are soldiers to be. But you're right we aren't going to anything."

"I'll talk to them." said Jack and he vacated his seat.

As they passed through the marketplace, the Princess took a seat in a cafe, where four Templar knights were seen, throwing meatballs at group of recruits.

"Amateurs..." the Princess said aloud. She knew the lead one, a burly man named Frank, when she saw Jack walk towards them.

'It was nice knowing him.' not knowing that was what the three recruits thought.

Jack walked towards Frank.

"Hey! It isn't nice to fling food." Jack said his hands on the hilt of his katana.

"And what are you going to do about it?" he then slid out of his seat and drew his sword, a silver one decorated with jewels. He swung it around in a fancy way, trying to scare Jack away.

"I didn't come here to fight." and Jack turned.

"NO!" Frank yelled and swung his sword to catch Jack off-guard. Jack flashed his katana to meet the long sword.

"You probably, shouldn't have done that." he said, and flipped the sword, catching Frank on the side. The other three Knights drew their swords, and Jack stood still, anticipation building. Finally Frank broke the silence.

"No weapons. Just our fists." and Jack nodded, as placed his sword back in the scabbard. Frank did the same, and then attacked Jack. Jack flipped over the strike, and smashed his fist into Frank. He staggered and Jack did a spinning kick, catching Frank on the Jaw and flatting him out on the ground. Jack then twisted to the side in a side flip, and landed on the ground, dodging one of the Templar's fists.

The knight then charged the young warrior, but Jack grabbed his arms and fell to the ground, kicking him off. He landed on a pile of pig's droppings, and Jack flipped back to his feet. He dodged another strike to his face and kicked a knight in the shins. He fell to the ground, groaning in pain. The last knight then jabbed, only for Jack to block them with his bracers. The knight then punched Jack in the stomach, only for Jack to grab his arms, and he delivered three punches to the chest, and then finished it off with a punch to the face. The crowd that had gathered looked in awe, as they didn't see that Jack wore armoured gloves, and he ran, climbing a building and fleeing the scene. Five foot soldiers of the city guard then flooded into the marketplace, only to see the astonished faces of civilians and the knocked out forms of four knights, dust prints, and a Jack leaping from building to building.

Kim watched in shock as Jack did all of those cool moves, and as he leapt from building to building. Her guards, members of the Kings guard, watched in awe to. The King then walked near them, and watched the young sixteen year old leap and did back flips. She then got a better look at his weaponry. On his back was a crossbow, and a katana was on his hip. Several throwing knives were arrayed on his back as well, and leaped again, and pulled himself over the roof.

"Who is that?" asked the King.

"His name is Jack. And he is as old as me."

"Hmmm. He took down four Templar Knights like they were nothing and leaps from building to building like he has been doing it since birth. Guard!" he yelled and a foot soldier, dressed in chainmail and a carrying a spear.

"Yes Your Grace?" he asked.

"You see that boy? Get the archers to stop him and ask him to stop by the palace."

"Yes Your Grace."

Several Hours later...

The window to Kim's bedroom was open, and she laid there, sleeping on her bed. Outside the door were two guards. Someone dressed in black then slipped through the window, and he smirked as she saw the Princess in her nightgown.

"Hehehe." he laughed evilly and he sat next to the bed, and pulled up a chair. He then sat there, for what seemed like hours, until the sun rose, and sunlight peered through the window. Kim started to rise, her hands stretching over her head. She then got out of bed and started to undress. As she was about to undo the straps of her dress, she heard an unhumm.

"Well, well, well. You know, undressing in front of guys is wrong at your tender age, but if you want to continue, go ahead." and a laugh soon was heard by the Princess.

"What in God's name...Jack!" she whispered, not wanting to get caught.

"Hello Kim."

"How the hell did you get in here?" she demanded, not even stopping to see the blush on her face. Jack broke in a grin and walked toward her.

"Well, I asked nicely to visit you from your father to propose to you and you said yes in your sleep." he smirked again.

Kim blushed, but regained control of her feelings. She walked toward Jack, and appeared inches from his face. As he looked at her with his brown eyes, her with her brown eyes. Jack stared at her, and she started to lean. He then too, but then Kim pulled away and slapped him on the face. Plus he forgot he still had his facemask on.

"How did you get in?" she asked again.

"Through the window. Shouldn't leave it open."

"Ok... next time, tell me ok?"

"Next time?" Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh, never mind." she blushed deeply again and Jack looked at the wall." So since you're here, want to talk?"

"Talk about what?"

"Like where you from, what you do, and how in the hell you managed to beat up four Templar knights that were twice as old and big as you."

Jack sighed.

"Since we are probably going to be seeing each other since your father wants to know who I am as well. I am from Japan. I'm sixteen, like you, and I am part of the Iga Ninja clans. They taught me everything I knew. And that fighting style was karate and I am a master in ninjustu." he explained.

"How did you get here?"

"I was twelve. Samurai raided our village and my adopted father made me keep a promise."

"And what is that promise."

"To make sure that the Kingdom of Heaven still stands, and..."

"And what Jack?"

"To find my father. And to end him."