Sequel to Hearts & Flowers

Chapter 1

Sesshomaru set down the picture of 'her', the glass cracking as he stared at it through the hands covering his eyes. Of course, the frame would have to be replaced again. The things in the human world were so frail and fragile. He knew he missed her, but she was the one who decided to leave and he was going to honor her choices. Fiddling with his tie for work fitting in this world it was almost like a game. Pretending to fit in so he could look for her. Pretending, a game of pretend. Until she came back, it was no longer fake he could feel his living beating heart, what a strange feeling.

Than she left again.

But it was okay. It was going to be okay. He had promised his daughter, Persephone, that everything would be alright. But sometimes games get boring too. "Mr. Sesshomaru, where are you off too?" One of the women from the law firm inquired. "I am going out for a walk." He sighed getting a look from one of his three secretaries. "The usual." Sesshomaru sighed unsure why every single time he had to make sure they knew who was in charge, they should've just known already by now. The law firm in the middle of this town was one of the many buildings that he owned now. He was already pouring in enough money to rule the world with an iron fist, but somehow that still felt empty to his empire, even if it was converted into a business-like empire. It was an empire nonetheless and yet it felt empty. "Sire'?" the secretary sighed obviously quickly becoming displeased with his constant leaving the office firm.

"It has nothing to do with you." Sesshomaru said back towards the secretary gave him a pained look. "I am going to visit my dear- friend." He sighed back towards the pesky overly curious mortal. "Finally! something to say to reporters that is truthful, we really are tired of the reporters who show up always asking such pesky questions. Thank goodness for that!" the woman sighed writing down some notes. Sesshomaru shot her a quick glare before leaving one of his many firms silencing the woman almost immediately.

Sesshomaru felt himself take a human pace as if to not be noticed, which was kind of hard with white hair that the humans always seem to take notice of. Sesshomaru felt like doing a thing those mortals did often, sighing. His missing daughter Persephone had quickly aged and decided to attend a college where she might be able to talk to people her age who wouldn't of realized that she doesn't exactly belong. He sighed glancing at his contraption called a 'phone' it was called a telegram, a tele-, and anything else not too long ago in his mind.

Glancing up Sesshomaru found himself at such a strange house. The house of Rin's father, the one she had thought dead for many long years only to return suddenly. He couldn't put his finger on it but there was something suspicious about him, and not just because he was the one who took Rin away when he finally found her again. Within the window she was joyously talking about some sort of fantasy in her chatter. "There was gunfire everywhere! It was so strange! There were lights everywhere and it was so deadly seeming but at the same time I was determined to get to this one cart at the northern east edge of the field." Rin instructed while eating her breakfast. "What happened after that?" her father asked. "I don't know I woke happens with all these dreams before I reach him-I mean that cart even with the slight variations." Rin sighed back as Sesshomaru felt his eyes widen.

Even in the past the other lives in which he never found her, she was trying to reach him. Running with all her might, oh the irony how she would be just sitting there when he finally reached her. A small smirk attempted to play it's way to his face. Even when she didn't know she was still trying her hardest.

"You've got to open up windows or you'll get sick again!" Rin shouted towards her father reaching for the windows to crank them open as Sesshomaru felt his feet move to merge themselves with the shadows before she noticed. "Papa, was someone just out here?" she asked glancing around outside the window pausing slowly upon the shadow were Sesshomaru was standing. "Rin, hurry up! You're going to be late for school if we don't drive at this rate." her father echoed. "I'm coming!" she laughed picking up the bag quickly.

"Master Sesshomaru, I know you're highly suspicious of anyone Rin goes with anymore, but it's her father for goodness sake let the girl have some space without coming to check on her everyday." The imp's voice echoed causing Sessomaru to give him a glare.

As suddenly there was a scream within the house.