Terra bit her thumb a moment trying to calm herself before she responded to the woman, "That's none of your business." She didn't like how this woman wanted control of everything, but she didn't know what was really going on around her. Everyone around her seemed to be more informed about what was supposed to happen to her and this just made her nerves fray.

The woman grinned like she knew what was going on in Terra's mind. The woman had no hesitation when she spoke, "You're wrong. It is my business. You may be the only one that can stop these dragons. But you'll understand that soon enough."

"So what's the part you're not telling me?" Terra huffed again as she was trying not to just punch the woman in the face and leave. She was way older than Terra, but that didn't mean she couldn't take a hit. By the looks of the woman and how she stood, Terra had a feeling she could handle a lot more trouble and that made her hold her temper.

The woman seemed to ponder a moment before responding, almost like she was unsure if she should reveal the information, "Dragons aren't just coming back, they're coming back to life. They weren't gone somewhere for all these years. They were dead, killed off centuries ago by my predecessors. Now something's happening to bring them back to life. And I need you to help me stop it."

"Do you know how crazy this sounds?" Terra tried not to balk at the information she had just been given. Get, Terra spit on the ground in her mind's floor, this has to be some kind of curse she had brought on herself. She had already been dealing with undead people and mages, why did it have to be dragons as well?

The woman was a bit surprised because of how Terra had reacted, guess she figured Terra would have just left after that line, "Ha. A few years ago, I said almost the same thing to a colleague of mine. Well, it turned out he was right and I was wrong."

"What makes you think dragons are coming back to life?" Terra tried hard not to just slip to the ground and throw a tantrum. She felt like a petulant child, but she was really getting tired of fixing all these messes. These people had caused all these problems before she had even been on this land and yet they expected her to fix it.

"I know they are. I've visited their ancient burial mounds and found them empty. And I've figured out where the next one will come back to life. We're going out there, and you're going to kill that dragon. If we succeed, I'll tell you anything you want to know," the woman's comment felt extremely unreasonable. Here put your life on the line to prove to me you are what you are then I will let you know the information about this mess.

This woman was far more informed than some of the others that had been asking her for favours, "How did you figure all this out?" Terra felt like some of this was stuff one didn't learn in books or lore.

"You should know. You got the map for me. The dragonstone you got for Farengar, remember," the woman's tone from this comment made it seem like this explained everything.

Terra shook her head because that didn't really answer anything, but she might as well humor her, "Right. You were at Dragonsreach when I gave it to him."

"So you were paying attention. I arranged to have Farengar recover the dragonstone for me. It's what I do. I make things happen from behind the scenes. After all, here you are," either this woman was making assumptions that she was just some dumb barbarian or just weak minded. Everything she was saying was true, but all of it was only half of the information.

"The dragonstone was some kind of map?" Terra just had to feed her lines to make her keep talking.

"Yes. A map of ancient dragon burial sites. I've looked at which ones are now empty. The pattern is pretty clear. It seems to be spreading from the southeast, starting from the Jeralls near Riften. The one near Kynsgrove is next if the pattern holds," the woman had marked the patterns on the map. She pointed each of them out as she explained what she had witnessed. She had done a lot of work to check all of the places out and gathered more information then Terra had seen the Greybeards had done. Terra was beginning to see why this woman had spat with those men.

"So where are we headed?" Terra was guessing from the pattern she had outlined, but she wanted to confirm that she understood the explanation.

"Kynsgrove. There's an ancient dragon burial near there. If we can get there before it happens, maybe we'll learn how to stop it," the confirmation was direct and that made Terra at least feel a little comfortable about what they were doing. The woman was sure of her evidence and at least with that Terra would go with her and see what is going on.

Terra chuckled, this was at least something she could easily do. Dragon killing had become something of a necessity for villages and travellers to be at least a little safer, the world was super dangerous with thieves, bandits, assassins, civil unrest, wars and gods, " Let's go kill a dragon."

"I need to get into my travelling gear. Give me a minute and I'll be ready." the woman nodded with a grin. The woman was pleased with the response that Terra had given her. She gathered the map up and left.

Terra took a breath and sat in the chair in the room. She needed to take a breather. This woman hadn't given Terra enough for her to trust the woman, but she could at least get a confirmation on the woman's theory about the dragons. At the very least they could at least discover where the dragons were coming from.