On the way to The Lima Bean I called my dad and told him Blaine didn't have anywhere to go for Christmas and could he come home with me? "Where are his parents?" he asked.

"Dad, they've gone to Greece for a winter vacation." I told him.

"And went without him?" he asked, shocked.

"Really dad, they aren't much as parents go. They pay Blaine's way but not much more than that. They are pretty cold people to everyone as far as I can tell and they don't accept Blaine because he's gay." I explained. I couldn't imagine how much that hurt Blaine, I was even more appreciative of my dad when I thought of poor Blaine and his so-called family.

"Of course he can come! The more the merrier! I'll have Carole spruce up the guest room right away. When will you boys be home? Anything special we need to do for Blaine? Any food restrictions or anything like that?" he asked.

Leave it to my dad to remember to ask something like that. "No, nothing special that I can think of. I guess we'll be there in about an hour. See ya then!" I ended the call as I drove into the Lima Bean parking lot.

I saw Blaine's SUV in the back of the parking lot so I knew he was still here. I parked and got out of my car heading towards the door when I heard Blaine's car door open. He had been waiting in his car for me to show up? I turned towards his car and picked up my pace a bit. There he was, dreamy as ever, standing next to his car with his hands in his pockets looking nervous. I guess he wasn't sure of my reaction to his gift, but I was here, wasn't I? Now I understood why he was waiting in his car and I appreciated the privacy it gave us. I covered the last few feet and threw my arms around him. I felt his arms come up around me and hold me tight. It felt so very wonderful. After a moment we both let go and I stepped back and took the big bow out of my pocket and placed it on his head. He looked so confused it was just cute. "Well, looky here," I said as I wiggled my eyebrows trying to look like I was picking him up in a bar, "someone left a Christmas gift behind. Maybe I'll just have to take it home for Christmas and keep it for myself." I said smugly.

He still looked unsure of himself, so very un-Blaine like! "Are you sure it's ok?"

I took the bow off his head and then cupped his cheek with my hand and said seriously "Best Christmas gift ever. I love you too."

I could see the tension melt away from his features as a grin spread across his face. He leaned in and oh so very gently brushed his lips against mine. Forget about Brittany and Karofsky, this was my first kiss and it was sweet and loving and wonderful and everything a first kiss should be. And my second and my third and... for about 10 minutes we just stood in the cold parking lot kissing. Lips lightly brushing against lips, nibbling and nipping, hands roaming through hair. Well, his hands roaming through my hair any way. I'd have to convince Blaine to go without the gel so I could run my fingers through his hair. But for now I settled for running my hands up and down his back which brought his chest closer to mine. I was new to kissing someone I loved and thoroughly enjoying all the sensations. I thought I was in heaven, nothing could be better. Suddenly I felt Blaine's tongue run across my bottom lip. Oh wow, I couldn't help the gasp of pleasure that escaped my lips. That gasp parted my lips and now Blaine's tongue was exploring my mouth. I was wrong before, it could get better, this was better. Now I had to be somewhere beyond heaven. Out on the street a car horn honked and startled us, breaking us apart. We were both breathing pretty fast. I leaned my forehead against Blaine's just enjoying the nearness of him. We held each other like that for a few minutes waiting for our breathing to return to normal.

Finally Blaine spoke, "You sure you've never done this before? You are a really good kisser."

I felt the heat explode in my blushing cheeks. "Brittany" I said.

"Excuse me?"

I tried to explain, "When my dad got along so well with Finn I felt like I was being muscled out so I tried my hand at being straight."

Blaine looked shocked "You did what?!"

"For about 3 days I dressed like a farm hand and I had a date with a girl from Glee club. I arranged for my dad to walk in on us making out." Blaine's eyes bugged out when I said that. "It was awful. I felt grungy and sloppy in the clothes. And kissing a girl was, well, rather gross. It was boring at best. I closed my eyes and imagined I was kissing, uh.." I couldn't tell Blaine I had imagined Finn! ".. a boy but her lip gloss tasted like root beer. No guy's lips would taste like that and it ruined the image in my mind. My dad came in and was cool with it but then just left us alone. What was I supposed to do with Brittany now? I didn't want to be a bad date and take her home since my mission was accomplished so I let her teach me how to kiss."

"Remind me to send this Brittany a case of lip gloss. What did your dad think when you stopped being straight? I think my dad would prefer I pretend to be straight and live that lie forever than be who I really am." he admitted.

I was so lucky. "Later, when I was hurt he was doing something with Finn again he bailed on Finn to talk to me. He told me to be who I am and that he loved me."

Blaine looked sad, "You are one lucky guy."

I grinned, "I know, I got you for Christmas!"

"You did, but I got you too so we're both lucky there. But seriously Kurt, your dad is amazing. I wish my dad was like that." he admitted.

"So, come and meet my amazing dad! Let's go." I said. I leaned in to gently kiss him one more time before we had to drive our cars to my house. I didn't know how long it would be before we were alone again and could kiss. "Oh, I guess I owe you this." I said as I reached into my pocket and brought out one of the two coupons I stashed in there. I gave him the coupon for 10 minutes of kissing. He laughed and took the paper from me while trying to see what the other coupon was for. I hesitated but then I gave him that coupon too. He took it and read it.

Then he looked right into my eyes, I swear I could see into his soul when he said, "I love you." I think I floated all the way home.

The house was all lit up for Christmas. Dad had impressed his new wife by stringing up hundreds of Christmas lights on the house and trees and even the bushes. It looked very festive. Once Blaine and I got in the house we were bombarded by people! Everyone wanted to hug me and ask how school was and they all wanted to meet the mysterious last minute Christmas guest. The house smelled great. Carole was fixing a nice welcome home from school dinner for me. I think the last time someone else cooked a meal in this house for me was my aunt when she stayed with us for a few months after my mom died. She helped up get back on our feet. It felt nice to have someone else cooking for me for a change.

After a round of hugs I introduced Blaine to everyone. He was very polite and engaging with my family and they loved him. Good, I planned to be bringing him home with me for a very long time, maybe even a lifetime. We all talked and caught up on each other's lives over a very delicious lasagna dinner. I even learned some things about Blaine that I didn't know. Like his dad was a banker, his mom was a lawyer, he had an older brother but didn't seem to want to talk about him, Dalton wasn't the first private school he went to but the other one didn't have the zero tolerance on bullying and he had problems at that school too, and he could play the guitar a bit. After dessert, Carole shoo-ed us all out of the kitchen saying she'd clean up by herself tonight. But reminded us it was only for tonight! She wanted 'her boys' as she called us to go watch tv.

Dad took his usual spot in the big recliner and Fin took the chair facing the tv. That left the couch for me and Blaine. Where should I sit? Take one end and hope Blaine sits near me but not too close? I hadn't told my dad that Blaine was my new boyfriend, just that he was also gay. Sit in the middle so when Carole came to join us I'd still be next to Blaine? The middle seemed the safest bet and I sat. Blaine took one end and I noticed he was also looking uncomfortable. We were a new couple not even used to each other so how do we act in front of others, and my family at that!? There was a good movie on tv and eventually we got into the show and relaxed. The next movie was a musical and Blaine and I kept leaning into each other to quietly critique the voices and choreography and soon we were sitting very close. No one in the room seemed to care so I took it a step further and took Blaine's hand in mine and we watched the movie holding hands. This did get noticed. Finn was oblivious as he was busy texting. Carole saw our hands and just smiled and watched the show. I was nervous about my dad. He was really great about the concept of me being gay but seeing me actually with a boyfriend and doing something about being gay was different. I kept watch out of the corner of my eye waiting for him to notice. When he did his eyes got big and his whole body tensed up, then his expression was unreadable. Good poker face, dad, what are you thinking? Was my boyfriend about to be booted out into the cold? Slowly his tense posture relaxed and he got into the movie again. After the movie he and Carole headed up to bed.

"Don't stay up too late, guys." my dad said. And then to my embarrassment he turned to me and Blaine and added, "And no hanky-panky or middle of the night wanderings or I'll have to get out my power saw to make sure it doesn't happen again. You guys are too young for that kind of stuff."

I'm sure my face was scarlet. "DAAAAAAD!"

"Sorry, Kurt, but I would've said it if Finn had brought home his girlfriend to stay for Christmas so it's only fair to warn you two just the same way." he said. Sometimes being treated equal sucked equally too! At this exchange Finn had looked up just in time to see us let go of each other's hands. He looked uncomfortable and decided to finish his texting in his bedroom.

Once they were gone I looked at Blaine. "Sorry about my dad." I apologized.

Blaine scooted over next to me. "Don't be sorry. I think he did awesome. Yes, it bothered him because he doesn't really understand but he treated us like any teenage couple. First, I'd never be allowed to bring you into the house as my boyfriend – sorry but it's true – and even if I did and you tried to hold my hand in front of my dad? My dad has a power saw too and he'd use it. Your family is great, I love 'em. And... they were nice enough to give us some privacy..." he said as he leaned in to kiss me. I turned my body and tilted my head just in time for those gorgeous lips to join with mine in a sultry dance together. Hands were roaming across chests and shoulders. Too soon I started to feel uncomfortable myself. I was enjoying myself, don't get me wrong about that, but it was getting too intense for me. Just then Blaine pulled back and stroked my cheek, "I think we'd better get to bed." he said. I froze and my eyes got wide, had he said what I think he just said?! He had seen my reaction. "No, no, Kurt, no, that isn't what I meant! You're not ready, I'm not ready, it's too soon! I just meant that maybe we should say good night and go to our respective rooms and get some sleep." he said as he leaned in to give me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Oh, ok. Sorry I freaked. But, like you said, I'm not ready for anything like that." I tried to laugh it off. The thought of doing what I thought he was asking of me scared me to death. How would I ever be ready? Would I ever be ready? I felt like such a baby.

Blaine shrugged it off too. "Hey, no hurry. I'm not ready either. We can just enjoy the stuff we are ready for." We both got up off the couch. "Good night, boyfriend." he said. "Love you." and kissed me one more time before turning towards the guest bedroom.

I stood there like a love struck teenager for a moment. No, not like a love struck teenager, I was a love struck teenager! Then I quietly called out "Love you too." after his retreating form.

The next few days were a jumble of activity. Shopping for last minute gifts and groceries. Carole and I made up menus for the next week including the actual Christmas Eve and Christmas day dinners incorporating traditions from both sides of the family. So we had my traditional cornbread stuffing AND Finns favorite dressing, more leftovers for all of us. Carole was glad to turn the kitchen over to me for some meals as she'd been the only cook in her family for a very long time too. She raved over my chicken stix, so simple and melt in your mouth tasty. We wrapped presents and watched Christmas programs and even played a few games of Farkle. The Hummels and Hudsons were becoming one family and Blaine fit in there just right. I went to sleep on Christmas Eve thinking that Santa had already come, I had gotten the best gifts already and so had my dad. We were a big happy family, I had a boyfriend and dad had a wife. It wasn't visions of sugar plums dancing in my head but my dreams did include dancing with someone and kissing him too.

I was slowly coming awake. It was Christmas and I had a boyfriend. I felt so warm and happy I just couldn't help the grin that slowly spread across my sleepy face. Then I became aware that my left arm was stuck to the bed, trapped. I opened my eyes to the most amazing sight I had ever seen in my life. Blaine, my Blaine – and I savored that thought for a moment – was sleeping in my bed next to me and using my arm for a pillow. And he had that big gold loopy bow tied to his head like a headband! I bit my lip to keep from laughing and waking him. I'd never seen him asleep before. I could look all I wanted without feeling self-conscious like when he was awake. His face was relaxed in sleep. His long lashes spread out across his cheeks looking even longer than usual. I missed seeing his gorgeous eyes though. His lips were looking so very tempting. They are perfectly formed and oh so soft and very talented as I now knew. I couldn't help it, I had to lean over and kiss him awake. When my lips touched his he jumped just slightly as he awoke but it only took a second for him to remember where he was and realize what was happening and kiss me back. Gentle, romantic caressing of lips, what a great way to start the day.

"G'morning" he mumbled in his sleepy voice. Very sexy.

I tweaked the bow adorning the side of his head. "Care to explain?" I asked.

He grinned, "Obviously, I'm a Christmas gift and since Santa left me in your bed I must be your Christmas gift."

"Oh, I don't think I've been good enough in my whole life to deserve that sort of gift, there must be some strings attached. Something I have to do to earn the gift, don't you think?" I asked.

Blaine frowned, "Nope, this boyfriend is all yours." Boyfriend, Blaine said he was my boyfriend again. My heart swelled and my eyes teared up. I don't think I'll ever take that for granted. I have a boyfriend.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. Thisclose. "Our first Christmas together" I said with a sigh, "but I'm pretty sure there are some strings attached. Like... " I grabbed the bow off his head and wound it around my own. "... I have to be your boyfriend in return? Kiss you back? Take you out on dates? Love you back? Spend my life being happy with you?" I asked.

"Ok, you got me, there are strings attached. Priceless, wonderful strings of love. The tie that binds us together. I love you, Kurt." he said, his eyes shining.

"Love you too, Blaine. I always will." We snuggled and kissed for a few minutes before Blaine had to sneak back down to the guest room. We didn't want my dad to have to get out his power saw, it would ruin Christmas and a few other precious things! And we had our whole lives ahead of us to share morning snuggles and kisses and holidays and every thing and every day, forever. When I got up later I carefully tucked the bow away in a drawer. I planned to tie it around our first little bundle of joy someday.

Chicken Stix

cut boneless breast of chicken in strips – experiment on size to see what you like best

coat in flour

coat in beaten eggs

coat in a mixture of half bread crumbs and half sesame seeds – I like to mash mine flat in the mixture for crispier stix, others like them thicker and juicier

fry in vegetable oil until golden brown and lightly salt

Simple and scrumptious!