Author's note. Written by me and Mrs Bumblebee.

Sorry for the delay, hope everyone enjoys this chapter which contains a revelation about McLeach.

Enjoy and please review.

"Perfect," McLeach said with a smirk, carefully locking the door as he called to Joanna. "Let's get going Joanna, I want to get everything we need and get back here sharpish. And we'd better be discreet, we don't want word getting to the Rangers that I'm still alive."

Joanna hissed in agreement as she followed her master out to the truck to leave with him.

"Right," McLeach said as he pressed a button to open the wide, tall door to his hideout. "Let's get cracking."

Joanna neatly jumped into the cab as he also climbed in, starting the monster of a truck up and driving it out of his base. Pausing, he pressed a remote control to close the door behind him, he didn't want the sand getting in...or a certain boy getting out.

Now satisfied he and his trusty lizard rode off to gather supplies.

"Where should we go first girl," Mcleach questioned Joanna.

She considered before indicating the sky, her signal that meant they should go for water first. He did have a large tank full of water but in this environment, it never hurt to stock up on more. Nodding, he said.

"Right, we'll go for water first, then some food."

Joanna hissed again in agreement before she made herself comfortable in the passenger seat to enjoy the ride for water.

Soon they arrived and McLeach climbed out to fill up his water tank. Joanna watched him lazily from the passenger, happy just to relax while her master did the work. McLeach glanced back at her, shaking his head with a small smile, lazy lizard that she was. But he didn't really care, he didn't need her help for this.

Half an hour later McLeach came up on the stream he used to get his water.

"Here we are," He announced as he killed the truck and climbed out.

Joanna lifted her head, glancing around in case there was any trouble. There didn't seem to be any so she rested her head again. McLeach was pleased to be out and about, doing his usual thing rather than having to think about the kid. He still had no idea what was going to happen, he was basically making things up as he went. Once they got enough supplies, he'd bunker down in the base and think things through. It was the only way he'd sort out this mess at this rate.

While McLeach started the water pump up before he grabbed the long hose and pulled it over to the stream where he put the tip down into cool water. He watched as the powerful pump started to suck up the fresh spring water and pulled up out of the stream and sprained it back out into the water tank on the back if his truck.

"Perfect," he said, watching the fresh water be pumped up. There didn't seem to be any critters about so no opportunities for hunting. Ah well, it didn't matter, he'd be back to that soon enough. Supplies always came before hunting, without food or water, he couldn't hunt properly. He had lived out in the bush long enough to know how to gather wild food in an emergency but he still preferred to be stocked up. You never knew when you might be cooped up within your own base and unable to search for wild food.

Now with the water tank full McLeach put the hose away and climbed back into his truck.

'Down to go gather some food," He stated out loud to Joanna.

She nodded eagerly, making a hissing noise that indicated how pleased she was with this prospect. McLeach laughed before starting up the engine and roaring away. He put the radio on to listen to the local channels, making sure that he wasn't suspected of being alive. The area he was going to was busier than you'd think a poacher like him would go to but that made it easier to blend into the crowd.

McLeach sighed as he relax in his seat as he drove across an old dirt road leading to the area he and Joanna were heading.

There was some music playing and he only half listened to it as it played, some punk rock group by the sound of it. Joanna was also relaxing again, content to save her energy until they reached their destination. However, the song soon ended and the radio host spoke in a serious, calm voice that meant he wasn't about to stop firing off pop cultural references.

"In breaking news, Annie Fairwinds makes a heartfelt plea for her missing son."

"Huh, Annie?" McLeach repeated dumbly.

"Annie Fairwinds is here with us today wanting to ask for any help anyone may have to find her son," The Host explained and a couple seconds passed before a soft woman's voice came across the radio.

"My...My name is Annie Fairwinds. My son Cody Fairwinds went missing after he left to go play outside one evening. I fear...he got hurt or...attacked by a wild animal or worse..." Annie said before she started to sniffle softly as she struggled to keep herself under control and not to cry.

McLeach mouth was hanging even more as he gaped at the radio, so much so that the truck almost went off road until he jerked the steering wheel and brought it under control. Joanna hissed in alarm, what was wrong with her master? His face had gone rather white as the woman continued.

"Some of you may know...a couple of weeks ago he was kidnapped by a poacher...I thought I would die then and now I've lost him again. If anyone has any information, please, call i-in..."

She couldn't contain herself and started to cry as the radio host comforted her, stating the number to call if there was any information about the missing boy.

Cody has blond hair, brown eyes, and was last seen wearing a red shirt, and tan shorts. If you seen or heard anything about young Cody please call in. Every little detail helps," The host explained before McLeach reached over and turned the radio off.

"Annie," McLeach repeated, slumping in his seat as Joanna stared worriedly at him.

How long had it been since he'd last seen his...wife, back in that town. Was it eight years or more? It didn't mention her being married but she had a son...

Joanna whined worriedly up at her master and cautious crawled over to him and nuzzled up under his arm. McLeach looked down at her and sighed as he pet his head.

How long has it been since he faked his death to keep her in the dark of his true self.

He'd tried having a normal life, had married a really nice girl who he'd loved but he hadn't been able to resist going back to his old ways. However, he hadn't wanted to live a double life, always sneaking out and trying to deceive her...and if he ever got caught, he didn't want her to have to suffer the shame and the pain of that. He'd reasoned that she was better off without him; she could live a happy normal life without him tying her down.

But it seemed that a part of him had tied her down after all.

"What have I done?" he hissed angrily at himself as his mind started to wonder back to Cody who he left back in the bunker.

He couldn't believe he hadn't recognised his own son, hadn't considered the possibility that he might have left Annie pregnant when he left. He hadn't kept any kind of tab on her, it had been too painful to do so and plus, he didn't want to risk anyone finding out that he was still alive. He'd moved far away from where they'd lived together but somehow, she'd moved to the same area that he was in. He simply could not believe how events had transpired.

Now what was he going to do. Knowing Cody was his own flesh and blood and Annie's son he really couldn't hurt the kid any more. He couldn't do anything to the kid but he was stuck with him now. He couldn't hurt him and he couldn't let him go now.

"Damn, damn, damn," he cursed as Joanna looked even more alarmed, she had no idea why this was happening.

"Why did he have to be mine?" he growled. "Why couldn't he be someone else's kid?"

This really confused Joanna. What and who was her master talking about. She whined again to get his attention and once he looked at her she cocked her to the side, wanting to know what was wrong.

"Awww, Joanna, it's a long story," he sighed and as they drove along, he explained about his part.

"So basically...the kid's my boy," he finally finished as she looked at him in shock. "I know, hard to believe huh?"

Joanna flicked her tongue a couple times, letting everything she had just heard and learned sink it and but it was still so hard to believe.

The boy was just so...different from her master, always wanting to save creatures while her master just wanted to get rich. She supposed he must have taken after his mother, she couldn't really see anything of her master in the boy. But she understood now why he was so stressed out, what on earth where they going to do with his offspring.

"What am I supposed to do...or damn well say?" McLeach grumbled. "Tell him I'm his dad? Yeah, that'll go down well."

Joanna's eyes widened as her imagination went wild at the thought of her master telling the boy who he was. Yeah not a very good idea right now.

"No, can't be done," he said finally. "No way, that boy would go crazy and then where would we be?"

Joanna whined softly in worry for her master. She knew he was going to have his work cut out for him.

"Pft," McLeach grumbled. "Knew that boy would be more trouble than he's worth, moment I clapped eyes on him. Darn it."

Joanna couldn't say anything, just nuzzled him as they drove on. Soon, they drove into a wide gorge where McLeach planned to leave his truck and go into town to collect stuff. He paused for a few minutes, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel before finally opening the door and getting out.

Joanna went to climb out with him but Mcleach stopped her.

"Sorry girl but you stay here and guard the truck. I need time alone," McLeach said.

Normally, she'd be annoyed at being left behind but she recognised that her master really did need some alone time. Whenever anything happened, he needed space to brood over it, there was no point in forcing her presence on him. So she nuzzled him again before settling down, indicating that she would do as he asked.

He grunted, showing that he appreciated this before stalking off, hands in pockets.

Mcleach sighed as he let his mind wonder and thought hard on what he should do but it was all so confusing and so sudden he was without ideas.

He supposed he'd just have to muddle along, try to think of a solution. Yeah, delaying things until he came up with a plan seemed the only thing he could do and in the meantime, he'd just have to keep the boy and...bugger it, he didn't even know what to do with the boy.

Mcleach growled angrily and punched a nearby tree, ignoring the pain he felt in his fist.

"Damn, damn, damn," he cursed, wishing he could just get rid of the boy but he couldn't kill Annie's son and he couldn't just abandon him in the wild. All he could do was keep him and he had no idea how he was meant to act towards his own son, a boy who'd almost killed him...after he'd tried to kill him.

Another thing that was eating at him was...what was Annie going to think when she found out who kidnapped her son. Would she hate and be disgusted with him or would she welcome him with open arms just to have her husband back.

Who could tell, she clearly loved that brat so she probably wouldn't be happy about what he'd done. Unless there was some way he could give the boy back without making her hate him. But how could he do that?

"Huh?" he exclaimed as he suddenly found himself entering the town, he'd walked all the way over.

First things first thought, he need to get his supplies and get out of the town as fast as he could so there was less chance of being recognised.

He headed quickly to the hardware store, there were a few things he wanted to stock up on. He preferred to build and fix his own things but he still needed certain parts in order to do that. The store man was a withered old thing, drinking a beer and watching a flickering TV screen but didn't seem to be bothered about it. He barely seemed to notice as McLeach chose what he needed and came over to pay.

The man managed to add everything up, take the money and give McLeach change all while still watching his show.

His next stop was a clothes store. He was in need of some new clothes since the ones he had on now were all he had to wear in the bunker. He got himself a couple new shirts, pants, boots, a belt, and even an new hunters hat.

He smiled, admiring it before suddenly remembering that the kid didn't have anything. He grumbled before realising he'd need to get the kid something but he didn't want to buy kid clothes in case someone started asking questions. So he bought some cheap clothes that he'd convert for the boy later and left the store, he was going to buy some booze.

A few hours later McLeach was fished with his shopping and started to head back to his truck with his arm load of stuff.

He almost had too much to carry but he managed, some of it was clung over his back, making it easier. When he arrived at his truck, he found Joanna dozing in the sun and he kicked at the wheel, saying.

"Up with you, lazy lizard."

She shifted and blinked open her eyes, gazing at him sleepily.

"Open up the truck," McLeach demanded and quickly Joanna scrambled to her feet and opened the door for him.

"That's better," McLeach mumbled as he dumped all of his shopping into the back. Grabbing the hat, he said with a slight smirk.

"What do you think?"

She bobbed her head up and down, indicating her approval, making him laugh.

McLeach scratched her head fondly before he climbed into the truck.

"Ready to do rustle up some food girl?" McLeach asked her and Joanna hissed happily with an eager nod.

She bounced up and down, making him laugh as he started up the truck and they headed home. But what they didn't know was that the sleeping pill was wearing off and back home, Cody was starting to wake up. He lifted his head out of the pillow and blinked sleepily, his head a little fuzzy but not as bad as it was before.

"Wh..what happened?" he groaned groggily as he slowly sat up, holding his head as he started to feel very light headed.

He rubbed at his head, it didn't feel so bad now and his arm didn't hurt but he didn't understand how he'd fallen into such a strong sleep. Were those pills drowsy one or something? And speaking of which, where had McLeach and Joanna gotten to. He slowly sat up and got out of bed, deciding to see what was happening.

Back with Joanna and Mcleach they had just found a spot to set up and Mcleach pulled out his gun to get ready to start shooting at a herd of water buffalo. The meat would be perfect for them to eat. He was aiming to take down two large ones.

"We'll have a good old fashioned barbecue for dinner," he laughed as Joanna sniggered, she enjoyed a nice piece of meat almost as much as eggs.

Taking careful aim, he fired and brought down a large one before swinging his rifle round as the herd began to stampede and panic.

He fired two more times and with each shot he took down another buffalo. Satisfied with his kills McLeach relaxed and lifted his gun to the sky to wait for the herd to move on. He then went to get his truck and drive it over to the kills.

"What yah think Joanna, buffalo steaks tonight?" he asked as she chuckled and nodded with a hiss.

Chuckling himself, he began to heave the heavy carcasses onto the truck. As well as steak, he'd also be able to cure a lot of the meat and store it for later use. In any case, they most definitely would not be going hungry tonight.

"Let's see we can have ribs, sirloin, steals, rump roast, and even liked feet and ears. How's all the sound girl?" McLeach stated and looked down at Joanna and chuckled when he saw her mouth literally watering.

She was jumping up and down on the spot, that all sounded too good to be true. It had been a while since they'd indulged in some good red meat and she just couldn't wait. McLeach grinned before idly thinking that the meat would probably do the kid some good, get some iron into his blood.

Now with all of the kills loaded up he looked around and spotted a couple ostriches off in the distant and usually where those huge birds there were huge eggs.

"What do you say to a couple of ostrich eggs?" he asked Joanna who eagerly nodded her agreement, drools dripping from her mouth.

"Alright, let's go see what they have to give us," McLeach said as he and Joanna climb back into the truck.

Joanna nodded eagerly, ostrich eggs were the best, they were so delicious and BIG. She could happily polish off a whole egg and actually feel full afterwards. She really hoped that this pair had some eggs; she would die of disappointment if not.

Quietly McLeach drive the truck up closer to the small herd of birds and once he was close enough he honked his horn loudly which startled the birds and sent ten running in all directions.

"Yeah, run," he laughed, jumping out of his truck.

McLeach walked to where the ostrich where standing and sitting around and found at least three nests filled with thirteen or fifteen eggs each.

"We hit the jack pot," McLeach sneered and rubbed his hands together in joy to their lucky find.

"Yeh, yeh," Joanna agreed, she'd come scuttling over to see if there were any eggs.

McLeach reached back into his truck and pulled out an old bag before he went to each nest and pick out five eggs from each nest, leaving enough eggs to keep the parents happy and not really notice the loss. Usually ostriches laid more eggs to replace eggs they may loss.

Joanna whined about not taking the others but McLeach was firm on this. No point in wiping out the whole nest when fifteen eggs would easily do them. He made sure the eggs were safe and then carefully placed them in a box in his truck, he didn't want to risk smashing such giant eggs. Now, it was time to go home before the meat spoiled.

Mcleach climb into his truck and started up the engine with a loud roar.

Back in the compound Cody had just finished looking around and found he was all alone there. No McLeach and no Joanna.

He wondered if there was any chance he could escape, now was surely a good opportunity. But he still didn't feel great and wasn't sure if he could make it across the desert. But he had to have a go at it, he couldn't bare his mom suffering because he'd been kidnapped again.

"I gotta try," he murmured.

Weakly Cody stumbled around a bit more until he found the hall way that led into the garage where Mcleach kept his truck.

He saw that it was gone but this didn't really surprise him. McLeach would be an idiot to walk anywhere when he had his truck to get him quickly across the wide open plain. Cody unsteadily walked over to the door built into the taller one which McLeach could open to allow his truck in and out.

Cody grabbed the handle and turned it but it didn't open. Cody tried again and still it wouldn't open.

"Come on," he groaned, he couldn't fail now that he was so close. If it was locked, he'd need to find another way to open it but how.

But as hard as he pushed he just couldn't get the door to budge. Sighing in defeat and his injury started to weaken him, making his legs wobble.

"Damn," he groaned, burying his head in his knees as he sat down. Now what was he going to do, McLeach had probably taken the key with him.

Back with McLeach he and Joanna were just getting back. He stopped the truck and smiled to see everything was still the same how he left it.

"Home sweet home," He sighed before he climbed out of the truck to open the garage.

"Huh?" Cody said as he heard something behind him and the door was suddenly opened, causing him to fall backwards into the sand.

"What the?" McLeach exclaimed in complete surprise as Cody gazed up at him.

"What the heck are you doing here?"McLeach shouted and walked straight towards Cody who was scrabbling to try to get up and run but the sand underneath him was making it difficult.

"Um...I...uh," Cody stammered, trying to think of a good reason and failing to do so.

He almost made it to his feet but managed to trip and then collapse in a heap in the sand.

McLeach growled at himself at how the kid was awake and he wanted to so badly punish the kid for trying to escape but then he remembered he couldn't, not while he was still hurt.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood," he growled down at the scared kid, promising that he would punish the brat once he was better.

"Now get up and help me," he added with a bark and Cody scrambled again to stand.

"W...with what?" Cody whimpered.

"No questions," McLeach snarled back over his shoulder and walked back to the truck.

Cody slowly stood before following cautiously. He was in more trouble and ever and McLeach seemed to have a real hair trigger temper today. He wondered what he had in the truck that he had to help with.

"You haven't captured any animals, have you?" he asked.

"No, I ain't captured any," McLeach chuckled grimly.

"But I did get us something to eat," McLeach added as he led Cody to the back of the truck to show him the kills.

"Oh!" Cody said in shock, seeing the large, bloody carcasses. " shot them?"

"Yep," McLeach said with a chuckle. "That I did."

"Bu...but why?" Cody whimpered as he backed away from the bloody bodies.

"Cause I need to eat, that's why," McLeach said impatiently. "Or are you telling me you're some kind of vegetarian?"

Cody whimpered and shook his head. He did eat meat but he never did like the thought of an innocent animal being killed to feed him but he knew it was fact of life.

"I didn't think so," McLeach said before saying. "If you're going to be a baby about it, go and grab the other things. I'll deal with these steaks."

Cody winced before going to do as he was told. He was too weak to try and run, McLeach would easily catch him.

Joanna crawled out of the truck and hissed softly when she saw Cody helping.

He jumped a little at seeing her as she hissed and stuck her tongue out several times at him. He scowled and continued lifting stuff out before then taking it inside. He tried to avoid looking at the bloody carcasses of the buffalo, he hated seeing dead creatures.

Seeing he wasn't going to run Joanna decided to help him with the rest.

She expertly grabbed a few things with her tail and swaggered inside with them. Cody stared in amazement at this before continuing to carry stuff in. It took a little while; McLeach had carried the large carcasses deep into his lair to do goodness knows with them. Probably cut them up and preserve or cook them; you couldn't leave raw meat lying around very long in this part of the world.

But what Cody didn't know is McLeach had built a huge walk in meat locker and with the three buffaloes will fill it up quick.

"Last one in," McLeach grunted as he hauled the final carcass into his walk in locker. It had taken quite a while to get the money to build this but once he had it, he knew it had been money well spent. It easily preserved meat so easily that he'd ended up saving a lot of money just by having it. This meat was not going to be spoiling in this locker.

Cody stayed in the garage to wait for McLeach to come back, knowing if he tried to run his lizard Joanna would easily stop him like she always did.

He sighed and scratched at his head. He wasn't recovered but he was getting there. What would McLeach do to him once he was well again? Hurt him, lock him up, what? The unknown was really starting to freak him out a bit.

To be continued….

Author's note. How does dinner go between McLeach and Cody? Find out next time, until then.