A/N: thank you for all the reviews! this chapter is a little m-ish but tastefully so.

It was the strangest thing. I felt her mind and then I felt a skip a strange pulse and her mind was then mine. I could feel hope and adoration from her, then shock as she began to feel my own hopes and adoration. She deepened our kiss and I felt a delicious tingle running down my spine. I tangled my fingers in her auburn hair. I gently pulled away. "Derna, not here…not like this dearest." I purred into her ear. She looked down at me with those green eyes, and lifted herself up. I took her by the hand and lead her to the ladder. "Go up, I'll come up shortly. I wish to get us some drinks." Her shy smile made my heart skip, and I watched her climb up to the loft with a smile.

I took off my shirt and ran to the bathroom. I lifted my arms looking for what in my memory was the Vorta's secondary bonding tool. I could see two egg sides swellings where I remember the pouches to be, they were there. I would be able to make her genetically compatible with me, completely bonded one to another, if only they would appear. I pushed at the swelling, pulled at the skin. It seemed like I should see them, but I was not.

I grunted in frustration, and left the bathroom. I had Bajoran Spring wine, so I poured two glasses. With great care not to spill I climbed up the ladder. There was the most glorious sight I'd ever seen. Derna was laying across the bed on her stomach, completely naked. I set the glasses at the bedside and walked around to be near to her. My fingers traced a light line down the smooth freckled skin of her back, feathering kisses as I went. My mind was filled with her desire for me, and some primal urge to grunt began to fill me. I stood and she looked at me over her shoulder. My thumbs went to the seam of my pants and I pulled them down. I suddenly felt, strangely self-conscious. What if…I didn't look like a bajoran man. I did not feel fear or disgust from her as she appraised my body, and I calmed.


Solok opened the door, behind him stood a violet eyed Reldai, with a male vorta behind her. "My daughter is in danger." He said calmly.

Odo, who was leaning against the wall holding his chin frowned, "What?"

Solok motioned for the Vulcan priestess to enter, her eyes made her look Vorta, "When they mate the first time with a partner, they attach to that partner with these." He pointed at the Vorta's side, a small tentacle left it's pouch, the end was flat and the bottom of it contained thousands of cilia fibers. "They make their mates theirs on a very permanent basis, taking from their genetics, and giving of their genetics. This assures birthing compatibility and monogamy."

Odo, "That makes sense, that is why the Vorta were so easily cloned…"

"The science of it is fascinating, but we do not have time to speculate on it now." Solok ripped the sheet off the prone Vorta, the protruding of his tentacles were small but they could see movement under his skin. "We need to make him unable to reach my daughter."

"Would it be so bad to have a vorta for a son-in-law, Solok?" Odo said smiling.

Solok shot a look at the changeling, "If it were her choice I would support her, but there is not logic in allowing an accident to ruin my daughter, and your Vorta's life." Solok rifled through the medical supplies and found a skin burn patches. "These might work if we can adhere them."

"Why don't we just break the meld?" Odo said moving toward T'Lyn.

"No. She is not merely melded to him, she is deep within his mind creating a reality. To force her out, might cause Weyoun grave damage. Her neurology being half Vulcan, may endure it, but his would not." He pressed the pads against the swelling of the skin and pushed. He looked the other Reldia and the vorta, "Leave us."

The vorta took the Vulcan woman's hand and pulled her away.


I grabbed his glass of wine and handed it to Derna, she took a sip and then offered him a sip. I had thought he would be terribly romantic, but found after a single sip of the wine I did not thirst for the beverage. "Do not be afraid, Derna. Whatever might happen as we join, know that you are mine and I will protect you, and let no harm come to you, from anyone, not even me."

She rolled over on her back under me and I sat up on my knees to look at her, she was…stunning. She was a goddess. She had ample bosom, and her slender form begged me for my touch. I could feel her mind, could feel her smiling at me, in awe of me being in awe of her. I didn't remember Vorta women being quiet so lovely. She took my hands in hers, guiding them to touch her. I needed very little encouragement, for when my hands touched her soft skin they stroked and pet at her of their own accord. My sides began to ache, to pulse under my skin, and I groaned. Why wouldn't they come out and claim her?


Solok was pushing down as safely as he could as to not cause Weyoun injury. "Odo some help." He said calmly fighting against the persistence of the Vorta's mating glands. Odo made his arm liquid and wrap around the Vorta's chest. He grunted, "There."

Solok looked at Odo, as if to say, he should have done that in the first place.


I was losing patience with myself, perhaps that was a genetic shackle that had not yet been lifted. I abandoned the hope of it and claimed her mouth, kissing her feverishly, down her neck, over her breasts and up again. I could feel Derna's hands exploring my body, her hands running over my ridged manhood, the feel of it aroused her I could sense it in her mind. It made me giggled, it was all so unreal, eight life times later and I was about to be a real living being again, with the love of a woman at my side.

I wanted this to last all night, but there was an urgency building in the base of my spine, my sides ached do profoundly I could hardly breathe. I took myself in my hand and traced up and down the apex of her femininity. She felt so right for me, so ready to accept me, I was about to take her when I stopped. I had been so wrapped up in my own sensations it had not occurred to me that this might well be the first time, and there might be pain.

"What's wrong Weyoun?" she said pulling me down to kiss her, "I feel fear in your mind."

"This might hurt, Derna." I returned her kisses.

"I trust you, Weyoun. You said no matter what not to fear, and I do not."

My heart groaned, the depth of her was pure agony. I set myself to take her, and with the care of holding the shell of an egg I pressed and released the pressure into her, small careful movements, She gasped, and I help myself from movement, "Don't stop, Weyoun, please…don't stop."

I swallowed hard, and began my tentative dance again, until at last, I could feel the skin of my body pressing firmly against hers, I had claimed her. She was mine. I could feel the chant of mine build in me. I knew I wouldn't rest until I was completely fixed and completely able to make her totally mine, but I pushed the thought away and began to undulate over her, careful swirls guided totally by what I felt inside her mind, the more pleasure she received the more I gave, one feeding off the other, "My Derna, my Derna…" I panted, I could see her body begin to glisten, sweating as we intimately danced as one.

"Weyoun my love." She breathed into my neck, and then she did the most unexpected thing, she bit me, she bit me hard on the shoulder by my neck. I was so overcome I lost the pace and rhythm and began bucking hard against her, picking up her legs I wrapped them around me, "Again Derna, bite me again!" I cried out, moving my head so she could have a clear path. It was shear ecstasy, this bite. As her teeth tore at my shoulder again I screamed out, and spilled myself within her, I felt her explode around me. I sat shaking over her, and collapsed on her careful not to crush her fragile form.

She looked up at me and I could see a trace bit of my purple blood at her lips. I kissed her deeply and tried to remove myself so I could lay at her side. She refused to let me leave and pushed my weight baring arm so I fell firmly against her. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, cocooning me with her body. I have never known so much peace in all of my lives. I looked at her, touching her nose softly I whispered, "Mine."

I nibbled at her neck until she fell asleep. I nuzzled against her, placing my hand protectively over her body. I fell asleep moments later, dreaming of a better future for me, and my mate.


T'Lyn pulled back and wiped her eyes. She looked at Weyoun and then saw her father and Odo standing strangely around him. "What are you two doing?" She asked standing up.

"It is a bit difficult to explain, T'Lyn, but…"

"I know of the tentacles, for a long time it was all he could think of, he even thought about cutting his skin to help them release."

Solok nodded, "And one Reldai is already altered, mated in real life with a Vorta, it changes you , genetically, we were making sure Weyoun did not do so to you by accident."

"Ah I see."

Odo pushed everyone back, and released his grip on Weyoun. His tentacles shot out of his chest searching madly for "Derna" and then with a snap were gone.

Solok cocked his head, "I've seen weirder things."

Odo and T'Lyn looked at him.

"I have. " he said a bit self-consciously.

"Derna…" Weyoun called from the table, struggling to get up.

T'Lyn frowned, "He should not be…"

"Derna!" he sat up and turned. His eyes were blurry, as he slid off the table. He approached T'Lyn and looked at her. He looked at her eyes, and then at her ears and hair. "Where is…" he looked at Odo, "Odo, how did you get here?" he looked at himself grateful for the pants he was wearing. He backed up and looked at everyone. "Why am I here? Where is…my mate?"

Odo put his hand up, "Weyoun, be calm. You are in a facility, where we have been breaking down your conditioning, freeing you from the Dominion blocks in your mind." He pointed at T'Lyn, "She has been helping you. She is a Vulcan priestess, she gave you a life on Bajor…in your mind, she did as I asked to help you."

Weyoun stumbled backward; his mind was processing what Odo was saying. "It wasn't real?" he whimpered softly.

T'Lyn approached him, "It was real Weyoun, very much so. It existed in your mind though. Derna does not exist as such, it was me, as your helper and guide."

Ezri opened up the door, before seeing that Weyoun was awake, "Three Reldai are bound now Vorta. I am so sorry…" she paused, "Weyoun. You are awake."

Odo waved at Ezri and shook his head no.

T'Lyn knelt before Weyoun, "Let me show you, Weyoun. Let me show you why this was done."

Weyoun looked at her. Her eyes were Derna's her voice had less expression than hers but had a familiar timber. He felt he could trust her and he held up his hand to her, "Show me."

T'Lyn carefully touched his psi points. He was standing alongside of Weyoun, "This is my memory, Weyoun. That man speaking, standing next to Odo, is my father. "

A Cardassian man was standing up at a large round table, "It's been thirty years since the War ended, and there is still so little progress in the rehabilitation of your Vorta, and Jem 'Hadar. It was a part of the treaty that they be given freedom, and we've seen little progress. What's going on "founder" are you backing out of our deal? Or just trying to buy time so you can rebuild to invade."

The Klingon representative slammed the table, "It angers me to agree with this reptile, but I do. We've read all your reports, the genetics are moving ahead, but nothing has changed!"

Odo stood, "Gentlemen, I agree thing are moving slowly, much slower than I would like, but I cannot risk the lives of those people. It took thousands of years to make them what they were; I can't be expected to undo that in a mere thirty!"

The Klingon stood slamming his fist on the table, but it was the Romulan that spoke next, "Time is not a luxury I believe you have more of, Representative Odo. I believe it is my colleagues' desire, no matter how crudely they put it, that we end this now. They are clones, Odo, not real beings. The Jem hadar are little more than animals. I think it is this counsels desire to see them put down like the diseased animals they are!"

Solok stood, "If I may, I have a proposal from the Federation and the Vulcan government that might prevent this whole sale slaughter. He flipped the switch on his comm panel and fed the information to all the screens. Each representative looked, the Klingon scoffed, but shook his head yes, The Romulan rolled his eyes.

The cardassian stood, "And how much more time do you require for this supposed re-education? Another thirty years I suppose…"

Solok folded his hands in front of him, "If Odo agrees to it, we can promise at least a 23.456% result in one month. That is triple the number of rehabilitated Vorta and Jem hadar than has been produced in the past thirty years."

"And what if we just want them dead?" The Romulan said bluntly.

Solok raised an eyebrow, "Your emotional desire for revenge is noted T'van. If you care to pretend to the illusion of the treaty, I suggest we attempt this plan before Odo and his people decide that the treaty no longer needs to be honored, and does desire an attack. As you are fond of mentioning, there are enough Dominion ships and people to launch an attack on our quadrant again. So far they have wanted peace. If they are asked to exterminate two of their species, I would see it as logical recourse that they attack us."

Odo grunted, "I like this plan, Ambassador Solok, and you are providing the telepaths?"

"Vulcan is, yes, Betazed has offered empaths for after counseling, if need be." Solok sat releasing the floor.

The Klingon slammed his fist on the table, "There is no honor in executing an entire race like feed animals. Romulans wouldn't know of this, so I am for the Vulcan's plan. Give them a month, Romulan, and then if they fail you can have your dishonorable blood bath."

Solok raised his hand, "I call for a vote on the counsel."

Hands raised and were counted, the vote fell on the side of allowing Odo and his people one month for rehabilitation. Odo stood thanking the counsel for the grace time. He turned to Solok when the room had cleared.

"That was bold and generous of you and your people," Odo said looking Solok over. "Your people aren't known for their compassion, but I would say this is a very compassionate move."

"I cannot claim all of the credit for this plan, Odo. My wife, who is human, and my daughter, who is half human helped me in this dilemma. They will be traveling with me to your facility."

"You are coming youself?" Odo said crossing his arms over his chest.

"My daughter will be assisting your people, she is a Reldai, we go together as a family."

Odo nodded his head, "If this works, the Dominion will owe you Solok, not the just the Federation, but you personally. "

Solok shifted uncomfortably, "We are wasting time, Sir. We need to gather those people we need. We only have a month to save two races."

Weyoun looked at T'Lyn, "We were deceived, to be free of deception, so our races would be spared."

"It was a conspiracy of light, Weyoun."

Weyoun nodded. He had been a part of many conspiracies in his many lives, never one to save lives. "I understand and more than that…I am grateful." He turned to her, "But there is no Derna?"

"Not as such, Weyoun. But you needed to feel love, both giving and receiving of it, and I saw no other logical route to take than to attempt to give you that. She is not me, and I am not her. I am afraid you would find a Vulcan mate, unsatisfactory to your requirements."

"Perhaps.." he said looking at her. "I am ready to join the world, to help Odo save our people."

T'Lyn nodded.

Weyoun stood and walked over to Odo, he hid a grin and supplicated to him as he would have before this all happened, "Founder is wise in all things."

Odo rolled his eyes and his head fell. Before he could speak Weyoun giggled. "It was a joke, Odo. I thank you, I do understand and I am ready to be your adviser, if you will have me."

T'Lyn took her place at Solok's side. "Our work here is finished, Father, we should see to the others now. How much time do we have left?"

"Two weeks three hours forty seven mintues and sixteen seconds."

"A lot can be done in that time, " T'Lyn looked at Odo and nodded.

Weyoun ran after Solok and his daughter, "Thank you, thank you both…" he grabbed Solok in a huge, and then pulled T'Lyn in hugging her, he kissed her cheek. "Thank you."

Solok and T'Lyn looked at him, "Use your new freedom well, Weyoun." Solok said, they both raised at Ta'al, "Peace and long life."

Weyoun watched them walk away, he hoped he would see them again.

A/N: This completes this story...If you have other Vorta you'd like to see written about please don't hesitate to ask. The Vorta are going to be a size-able part of the series :) Hope you enjoyed it as I much as I enjoyed writing it!