Chapter 94 – Zero Hour

Tsunade sat, staring out of her window into the gray abyss that had blanketed Konoha. 3 hours ago, she'd seen the rescue squad of Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, and Sakura off, and she'd sent the summons for an appropriate retrieval team. And in the period of those three hours, the heavens above continued to rain on her parade. If there was one thing she could bet on, it was that she wasn't going to be getting any sleep until they returned, and that was likely days away.

Even the chaos downstairs, the rampaging bull charging his way through the Hokage tower, didn't break Tsunade from her stupor.


Tsunade's door flew open and a certain Hyuga patriarch barged through, dragging an entire squad of ANBU who were stupid enough to get in his way.

"Tsunade," Hiashi growled and Tsunade turned to face the raging father, catching a glimpse of the sorry heap of ANBU behind him, waving them off as they slowly peeled themselves apart. "Why wasn't I told?!"

Tsunade breathed deeply. She'd expected Hinata to be the one to deliver the news on the way out, but obviously, that hadn't happened. And now, she was left dealing with the mess of an enraged Hiashi.

"One of my daughters was TAKEN! And you sent the OTHER to go and rescue her…from OROCHIMARU!"

Hiashi rarely expressed emotions, a result of decades of being a Hyuga. But it was clear he was pissed.

"Why wasn't I at least notified of this, consulted?! I should be out there! NOT Hinata!"

Tsunade took another breath as she thought up an answer, one she hoped would work, but knew wouldn't.

"Because, Hinata has something you don't," Tsunade stated. "Both she and Hanabi are bound by the same summoning contract, and so they can be located by such. Orochimaru knows the ins and outs against Konoha. It is almost a certainty he's figured out how to hide or obscure himself from the Byakugan's gaze…traditional methods of tracking won't work."

"Who else…" Hiashi stated. "Who else is on Hinata's team? Who else did you send against Orochimaru."

"I think…you already know who," Tsunade said plainly. "By the time Jiraiya, Kakashi, or Gai return to the village, it'll have been much later than I'd have hoped. Time was not on my side, and that is why I sent Hinata. Once Jiraiya, Kakashi, and Gai return, I'll have them dispatched immediately with Shizune acting as medical back-up. But until then…it all rests in their hands."

Hiashi growled as he turned to leave the office.

"Where are you going?" Tsunade barked.

"I am NOT about to let not just ONE, but BOTH of my children fall into the hands of that treacherous snake!" Hiashi declared and Tsunade groaned. She knew Hiashi was pissed. She did not blame him. But the last thing she needed was a second emotionally unstable Hyuga rushing off after Orochimaru. And as she made a signal, Hiashi was surrounded by 6 ANBU.

"Forgive me, Hiashi," Tsunade stated. "Take Hyuga Hiashi into protective custody."

All of the sudden, after running the hardest two hours that they'd thought was possible, Naruto came to a dead halt.

"Naruto?" Sakura was the first to notice as she came to a stop, followed by Sasuke, and finally Hinata, who was running harder than the rest, fueled by a desperate drive, and nearly blinded by a sort of tunnel vision.

"What are you stopping for?" Sasuke asked.

"The lands in the northern Land of Fire," Naruto spoke. "They're not very populated."

"No, it's mostly mountainous with a few valleys and rivers winding their way through," Sakura spoke.

"Why are we stopping?" Hinata asked as she finally realized that she was the only one rushing ahead. Naruto had never seen her like this before…this brash, this brazen, and so unaware of what else was going on. Her only focus…getting to Hanabi. And it took her a few moments to regain sense of what had happened to her group.

"Just making sure…" Naruto spoke. "There are no villages between here and the Valley of the End, right?"

"No, not really," Sakura spoke. "Maybe a few outposts and homesteads, but…why? We really need to be going."

"Yeah, and I have a way to get us there quicker," Naruto stated as his chakra flared. "Sorry Kurama. I know you hate the rain and being used as a taxi, but desperate times call for desperate measures."

And on spot, Naruto's form morphed into that of the giant Kyuubi. "Get on."

And all three of them got the gist of what Naruto was getting at. Even at the speed they were traveling, to reach the Valley of the End would take a day's time. And time wasn't something they had right now. Kurama's form and speed however…that could get them to the Valley of the End in hours.

"Hinata, I'm counting on you…don't let me step on anything like this," Naruto spoke as he took off, Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata clinging onto the fur tightly, and Hinata's Byakugan guiding Naruto around any houses, buildings, and small villages along the way.

And after hours of running through the storm and night, Naruto came to a skidding halt as they entered the canyon that was better known as the Valley of the End, the northern boarder of the Land of Fire with the Land of Rice.

By now, it was dark and the rain was coming down heavy, but the four of them caught a glimpse of what this place was known for…the giant statues of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara…through the flashes of lightning coming down from the storm above.

"Let's find somewhere to rest for a while," Sasuke stated.

"Yeah, this storm's getting worse the further north we go," Sakura added as they spotted a cave carved into the cliffside not too far away.

"But…we're almost there…" Hinata protested. But even Naruto was starting to feel tired, especially after having spent hours straight in Kurama-form, running like the wind.

"Hinata…" yeah, even Naruto was getting a bit worried.

"No, we're stopping to rest," Sakura put her foot down. "We'll get going first thing in the morning, once the storm passes."

"Besides, all we know is that Orochimaru is in the Land of Rice…but we don't know where," Sasuke said. "We could afford to be crude but quick up until now. But we'll need to be quiet and precise going forward."

Hinata relented as the four of them held up for the night in the side of the cliffs, and Naruto went to work throwing up a quick sealing matrix to conceal their presence and act as a barrier. This would allow all of them to rest simultaneously…or at least try to.

No one was really getting any sleep in the traditional sense, not with the impeding confrontation with Orochimaru coming up, but that didn't mean they couldn't rest-up, something trained ninja could manage, to rest without sleeping that is.

"Hanabi-chan." Hinata though, Hinata was restless. And as she laid next to Naruto, even he realized it. At the rate she was going, she was pushing herself too much…then again, he wasn't one to speak about pushing one's self. But still, if she kept going like this, she'd eventually break, and most likely at the worst time possible.

Starting tomorrow, the snake hunt would be on, and everyone would have to be operating at 150%. Rest right now was key. And Naruto knew of only one way to do it as he wrapped his arm around Hinata to comfort her. She leaned into him, but even Naruto could feel the tenseness in Hinata. And so, before she could even react, Naruto slapped a tag on Hinata's head, and the distressed Hyuga went limp and unconscious.

"Thanks, Naruto," Sakura spoke easily. As a trained medic, she didn't have to be aware of just the team's physical state, but also their mental state. And Hinata was starting to concern her.

"What is that?" Sasuke asked, pointing to the tag on Hinata's head.

"Consciousness seal," Naruto stated. "While it was normally used to pacify prisoners, the Uzumakis also used it to induce a state of sleep and relaxation in their own. Unfortunately, it only lasts for a few hours, this one anyways, but it'll be enough to let her get some rest."

"Now get some rest yourself, Naruto," Sakura advised.


"And…" Sakura spoke carefully, not wanting to put this the wrong way. "I think its safe to say we're past midnight, so happy birthday."

"Thanks, Sakura-chan," Naruto said as he laid back into his bedding to rest and prepare for the coming day.

Anyone still asleep in Konoha was awoken by a green freight train, breaking through the gates late the following morning as Gai barged straight through, Kakashi not far behind, both amazed and appalled at Gai's speed. Still, the message they'd received the previous afternoon had proved grim, and the two jonin had sped through the night to Konoha.

Abandoning their current mission at the order of the Hokage was not something Konoha Jonin prided themselves on, but this one was different.

"I must say, Gai…your response time and haste getting here knows no bounds," Tsunade said. She had to give credit where credit was due. She thought it would take at least 2 days, or 48 hours for Gai, Kakashi, and Jiraiya to return and regroup. And here, Gai had pulled it off in less than half that time. "Now if only your 'eternal rival' could take a note of that."

"Apologies, Hokage-sama," Kakashi said, arriving on Tsunade's windowsill, winded and out of breath from his attempts to keep up with Gai. Kakashi's habitual tardiness aside, the word 'Orochimaru' was more than enough to actually get him to show up on time, or early and to keep pace with Gai of all people.

"Now, all we need is…" Tsunade was cut off by a crashing sound, waking those in Konoha who still dared to sleep at this time.

"Have no fear…Jiraiya is here!" Jiraiya posed, hoping through a second of Tsunade's windows.

"Antics aside, I have to thank the three of you for getting here so fast," Tsunade said desperately.

"What's the situation, Hime," Jiraiya asked.

Tsunade took a breath. Even she had a restless night, but that was to be expected. "The day before yesterday, Orochimaru ambushed Team Anko. Distress reached us in the form of Anko's and Hanabi's summons, yesterday late in the afternoon. From the messages received, I am afraid to say that we believe one member of Anko's Genin squad to have been killed, and the remainder taken captive by Orochimaru.

A team consisting of Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and Hyuga Hinata were dispatched yesterday afternoon in an attempt to rescue Anko and her team.

"Tsunade…you actually sent them…" Jiraiya gasped.

"I don't think I need to say that every minute in the grasp of Orochimaru is a minute too long. As we speak now, who knows what sort of sick experiments he's putting them through," Tsunade stated. "Do you doubt their abilities?" That question was specifically directed at Kakashi and Jiraiya.

"Well, no…" Jiraiya and Kakashi agreed…at least, not Sasuke's or Naruto's. And Tsunade was thinking along the same lines.

"Sakura was dispatched to serve as medical support for Anko's team…and whomever else they may come across," Tsunade stated. "Hinata…honestly I didn't want to send her, but her tracking skills are needed, and there's the fact that she and Hanabi share a summoning contract. You all know what that means…"

"Aye," Kakashi stated. "Sibling summoners can use the summoning contract to pinpoint the other's location."

"Still, to send just the four of them…into Orochimaru's stronghold…" Jiraiya said.

"That's why I need the three of you and Shizune to head out an hour ago," Tsunade stated. "They're already 18 hours ahead of you."

"Even on Gamahiro, it'll take 10 hours to reach the border," Jiraiya stated. Out of all the giant toad summons, Gamahiro was the fastest. "Tsunade, how's Hiashi handling this?"

"About as well as expected," Tsunade sighed. "He barged into my office yesterday evening…and he's being detained for his own wellbeing. If both of his daughters make it back alive, I owe him the best sake I can find. And that's just to start."

"Well, should we be going then?" Kakashi asked as the door to Tsunade's office opened and in stepped Shizune, garbed in her mission gear.

"There will be one last team following you, a medical squad," Tsunade stated. "They'll meet you at the boarder on your return journey to provide further treatment should it be beyond anything Shizune or Sakura can provide in the field. Now get going."

A few hours ago,

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura were awake as the first rays of light beamed into the valley. The storm had passed, and while they didn't get a good night's sleep, it was enough to restore some much-needed energy as Naruto peeled the seal-tag from Hinata's head and the young Hyuga began to stir.

"Feeling better, Hinata?" Sakura asked.

"Huh? Where?" Hinata asked as she took in where she was. Why was her memory completely blank after stopping last night?

"Sorry, Hinata-chan," Naruto apologized. "But you're pushing yourself too hard."

"Naruto's right," Sakura said. "We needed to knock you out as sort of a 'reset'."

"What time is it now?" Hinata asked.

"No later than 6:30 in the morning," Sakura said. "We're just getting ready to head out now."

"Once we go up that cliff, we're in the Land of Rice," Sasuke stated. "In other words, we ARE in Orochimaru's territory, enemy territory. Anyone bearing an Otogakure mark is an enemy and needs to be treated as such. But beyond that, the further we can remain undetected, the better our chances are of finding Anko and her team. We were likely able to get as close to the boarder on Naruto due to the storm's cover, but now that it's passed, we'll need to travel swiftly and quietly on food. And that's where you come in Hinata."

"Right…" Hinata stated with a determination that would rival even that of Naruto's. "Hanabi…hold strong. I'll be there, soon…Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

As the puff of smoke cleared, a human-sized tiger appeared where Hinata had summoned it.

"Are you ready, Hinata-sama?" the tiger spoke.

"I am, Hanta," Hinata replied. "Can you find Hanabi?"

"I can sense her, even from here," Hanta replied. "As such, I can deduce that she still lives. However, my senses only give me a general idea of the area she's in."

"That'll be fine," Hinata spoke. "My Byakugan can take us from there."

"Indeed," Hanta grinned. "And now, the hunt is on!"

Hanta took off, up the cliff side with Hinata, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura closely behind.

"I thought I should let you know that Jiraiya, Kakashi, Gai, and Shizune left just a few moments ago," Tsunade said while she was downstairs of the T&I Department in their holding area. It wasn't the bad holding area, just the initial holding area where they kept those accused of minor crimes, such as bulldozing one's way to the Hokage's office. "You know I'm only doing this for your own good, Hiashi? Once they've returned, you'll be free to go. I'll even overlook any charge that would be levied against you for such an act."

"If you think that'll suffice as an apology for not telling me about my daughter being taken by that bastard, or letting my other daughter go without even consoling with me in the first place, then you've got some work cut out for you," Hiashi stated as he sat calmly in the holding cell and Tsunade took a seat on the opposite side of the cage.

"No, you're right," Tsunade said. "It won't be my proudest moment, keeping the information from you like that, but what is done is done…"

"I suppose all that's left now, is to have faith in them," Hiashi replied.

"And do you?" Tsunade asked.

"Without a doubt," Hiashi replied. "If anyone can pull this off…"

"It's them," Tsunade stated. "You'll remain here for the time being…It's best neither of us does anything else stupid right now. I told Sakura to keep me in contact via Katsuyu. Once they have them, I'll let you know…and I really am sorry for this."

"Blegh!" Naruto spat as the sped through the trees in the Land of Rice. "Stupid spiders…"

"Naruto-kun…Sasuke-san," Hinata spoke, her eyes picking up something more than just spiders.

"Right…" Sasuke spoke. He sensed it too.

"Company," Naruto grinned.

Hinata had been taking the front, and so as they'd been traveling through the trees, Hinata was taking the brunt of the spider webs their pursuers were trying to tangle them in. But a Hyuga, and one with cutting wind chakra was a difficult thing to ensnare.

"They're not getting caught in our webs."

"Those Leaf flies are slick after all."

"If we don't catch them, we'll never be able to prove to Orochimaru-sama that the Fuma clan deserves a more distinguished position within Otogakure."

"Oh? So, you know where Orochimaru is?"

The three Fuma ninja flinched as they turned to come face-to-face with orange. How was the blonde there? He should be with the rest of his group?

"Oi! Sasuke, catch!" Naruto planted his foot into the stomach of one of the nin and sent him flying in the direction of the Konoha ninja, where another one, dressed in mostly black with raven-colored hair.

"Wait…did he say Sasuke? As in Uchiha Sasuke? The same Uchiha Sasuke Orochimaru-sama desires?"

"Sorry," 'Naruto' smiled before himself exploding and wiping out any further thoughts they might have had regarding delivering Sasuke as a present to Orochimaru. "Exploding Clone Jutsu!"

The one who wasn't caught up in Naruto's bomb was kicked in the stomach, sending him into a tree where Sasuke quickly proceeded to restrain him with wire.

"Now," Sasuke spoke, his Sharingan spinning to hypnotize the captured ninja. "Where is the entrance to Otogakure."

"The entrance…" the Fuma clan ninja started, but even Sasuke didn't catch until it was too late as an arrow came flying at break-neck speeds, piercing through the Fuma ninja's head, killing him, and silencing him. And now they were on guard. That arrow was fast, and backed by a significant amount of power for even Sasuke to have trouble seeing it.

But now that they were alert, spotting the arrows and dodging them was more doable, even for those without special eyes.

"Careful, those arrows are attached to a chakra thread," Hinata warned.

"We've seen something like this before…" Sakura recollected. That day…it wasn't something she wanted to remember, but it was a day she'd never forget either. Kidomaru. That spider-freak who was apart of Orochimaru's Sound-Four who'd tried to kidnap Sasuke years ago. These spiders, threads, and archery…it was similar to him. And a phantom pain tickled at her side. Kidomaru had been the one who shot her and Sasuke, bringing them closer to the verge of death than most had ever come back from.

"Yeah…I know," Sasuke growled. It wasn't like him to forget that either. "Payback time." Sure it wasn't Kidomaru, but right now, it was all the same. "Where is he?"

"Nearly 1km back, up in the trees," Hinata spoke.


1km back, and able to snipe with a bow with that much power? Sasuke swore. That arrow, it hadn't been intended for them, it was meant to silence his clanmate from divulging any secrets.

Now, dealing with a foe like this, there were a few options: Sneak behind him, match and beat his pinpoint accuracy, a massive widespread attack, or overwhelming numbers. 1 would be difficult, 2 was nearly impossible, and 3 was undesirable. Sure, their presence was already known, but a massive attack would just be drawing more spiders to the flame. But numbers…that could work.

"Naruto!" Sasuke shouted as he himself performed a Transformation Jutsu, changing into Naruto while Naruto made the signature hand seal he was known for.

"Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Hundreds of Narutos filled the trees and as Sasuke blended in with the mob, they charged at the sniper with Hinata guiding Sasuke via the wireless radio.

Sure, the sniper might be skilled, but picking off hundreds of targets in the span of maybe a minute or two? Well even that was impossible. And as the mob closed on the sniper, one particular 'Naruto' shot out of the crowd, landing a decisive kick that followed a little bit of dancing and evasion.

The ground buckled as the sniper-nin was slammed into the ground, Sasuke pinning him in place as he tried the Sharingan again. But this time, he was ready for anything the sniper-nin might try to keep them from learning Orochimaru's location…including a suicide-pill-tooth. As part of ANBU training, quickly stopping the ingestion of a suicide pill was crucial and fundamental. And before the sniper-nin could try something else, he was under the influence of the Sharringan.

"Well?" Sakura asked Sasuke as he returned to the group. That Fuma nin wouldn't be a problem for them any longer.

"The entrance is about 25km due north of here, hidden in the hollow of a tree nearby a large lake," Sasuke stated.

"Hmm…and that is the direction I from which I can sense Hanabi-sama," Hanta spoke.

"Then let's not waste anymore time," Hinata replied. Now with Hanabi so close, with the goal in sight, she didn't want to stop.

Sakura took a look around at the team. It was now early in the afternoon. But they were doing okay even Hinata. Naruto's consciousness seal had done the trick, giving Hinata what had turned out to be much needed rest.

"Give me a minute, then we'll be off," Sasuke said as he was seen scribbling something down on a piece of paper, before hiding it in the hollow of a tree trunk.

"What's that?" Sakura asked.

"Directions, for Kakashi," Sasuke spoke. "I've been subtly leaving a trail of pebbles that are coated with a special perfume Pakun can smell. Though, I can't tell how far behind us they'll be."

"Give me a minute then," Sakura spoke. "Sorry Hinata. Why don't we take 5, get some water and food. Then it'll be a straight shot." And as Sakura said that, she performed her own summoning jutsu, and a miniature Katsyu appeared.

"Katsyu-sama, any news from Shisho?" Sakura asked.

"Tsunade-sama dispatched Hatake-san, Jiraiya-sama, Gai-san, and Shizune-san at just after 10:00 this morning," Katsyu said.

"10:00…" Sakura mused. "Thank you. Please convey to Shisho that we think we've found the location of Otogakure."

"Hai!" Katsuyu said before disappearing.

"They'll have gone by Toad to the Valley of the End if I know Ero-Sennin," Naruto spoke. "Even still, Kurama is faster."

"So, they're 13 hours behind us," Sakura calculated.

"Maybe a little less," Sasuke said. "You're forgetting, Gai's with them. But still…if we wait, we'll be waiting hours…"

"No!" Hinata spoke up.

"I don't want to leave them in there any longer than I have to either, -ttebayo!" Naruto declared.

"Sakura?" Sasuke turned to the med-nin.

"Who knows what they've already endured," Sakura stated. "Even if he IS early for once, I don't feel like waiting for Kakashi-sensei on this one."

"So, we're all on the same page then," Sasuke declared.

"Hmm…thank you, Katsuyu," Tsunade replied.

"So, they know where Otogakure is?" Hiashi asked.

"Seems like it. They're 25km away. They'll be there in maybe an hour or two at most," Tsunade said. "Sounds like they're not waiting for backup."

Tsunade had resolved herself to riding this out in the basement of the T&I department alongside Hiashi, especially with Zero Hour rapidly approaching. It could be arguable been easier to ride this out with a bottle of sake, but Tsunade had just as much at stake with this mission as Hiashi.

"Do you think it's wise of them?" Hiashi asked.

"In all honesty…" Tsunade started. "If this WASN'T Orochimaru, I'd say wait. But only Kamis know what sort of sick perversions Orochimaru is capable of. All I can really do is trust their judgement." Tsunade laughed slightly. "Damn…why didn't I just go with them? Leaving them to face Orochimaru all on their own…This may very well go as the stupidest decision I've made yet."

"Why do you think she did it," Hiashi spoke after a pause of Tsunade's cracking. "Why didn't she tell me where she was going?"

"Probably for the same reason Naruto didn't want her to know in the first place," Tsunade said. "To protect you…"

"But that's not her job," Hiashi replied. "As the father…it's my responsibility to protect her. But…even I failed to do just that with her sister."

"Well, it's not over until the fat toad croaks, right?" Tsunade said. "Its in their hands now…"

Hiashi and Tsunade just sat there again, in a sort of awkwardly suspenseful silence as they waited for the next bit of news to break…what would hopefully be a successful recovery of Hanabi and Team Anko. And Tsunade was silently cursing herself. This would have been so much better with alcohol.

It was late in the afternoon by the time the rescue team arrived at the lake described to Sasuke by his former captive. Along the way, they'd encounter further resistance by the Fuma clan, who were apparently Orochimaru's first line of defense…or perhaps just his wannabe rejects.

That sniper was the only one who really put up a challenge to their presence, and even he fell at a devised strategy. And some of their comments…it made sense why they were up here, scattered around the Land of Rice like a flock of vultures, just looking for an opportunity to outwit the snake.

"There…" Sasuke pointed as his Sharingan eyes picked out of the trees, one tree with a large hollow beneath it.

"Well? Whada ya think?" Naruto asked.

"A trap," Sasuke replied.

"Most definitely a trap," Sakura added. And Naruto faulted.

"I don't know…" Hinata stated. "I can't see the signs of any traps at the entrance, but…"


"The ground surrounding the base is heavily infused with chakra," Hinata said. "My Byakugan can't penetrate through it to see what's below."

"So in other words," Naruto said, trying to piece things together.

"It's a trap," Sasuke stated plainly.

"Most definitely a trap," Sakura affirmed.

"The entrance may not be trapped, but if this is the entrance to some sort of stronghold, I can't imagine there not being traps," Hinata said.

"Oh come on! I know there's a trap! Why are you making it sound like I don't know it's trapped? Who do you think you're talking to?! I was the Academy's prank and trap master!" defended Naruto.

"Are we even certain this is Orochimaru's base?" Sakura asked.

"Through our contract, I can sense Hanabi-sama's presence is nearby," Hanta added. "I am afraid this is as far as my senses will be able to take you, Hinata-sama."

"Thank you, Hanta-san," Hinata replied.

"We shall be ready for your call, should you require our aid in your task of freeing Hanabi-sama," Hanta said as he disappeared.

"So then, based on what Hanta was saying, Hanabi's around here?" Sakura asked. "So, this must be one of Orochimaru's bases."

"Can you find any other points of entry? Anything about what this base might look like or what we can expect?" Sasuke asked Hinata and the poor Hyuga focused everything into her eyes, but the chakra shrouds surrounding Otogakure were not budging.

"Well, its not an entrance, but this definitely feels like one of Orochi-teme's houses," Naruto spoke. He'd been quiet for a little over a minute now, and that had everyone wondering what he was up to. The answer to their question was answered by toad-like pupils and red-pigments around Naruto's eyes.

"I can definitely feel…strange energies down there," Naruto spoke. "Orochi-teme's cursed-seal freaks are in there, but there's more…It's sort of familiar, but I can't seem to finger on it. Kurama's even intrigued by it."

Sasuke sighed. In ANBU missions, intel and preparation were key. The more intel they had to prepare for a mission, the better their chances were of successfully executing a flawless plan. But here, they were practically going in blind. It was nowhere near ideal, but it was what they had to work with.

"Naruto, keep some clones out in front," Sasuke ordered. "They'll trip the traps. But be ready for anything."

"Yeah…" Naruto nodded as a trio of clones disappeared down the hole, the four of them following close behind as the descended into the Snake's Lair. And it was now that they were truly within Orochimaru's grasp. "There's no going back now, -ttebayo!"

Naruto landed, the solid ground meeting his feet in the darkness. And looking forward, there was a large wooden door in front of him, the kanji for 'East' on it.

And as Naruto's senses stretched out, there was something beyond that door. Something odd, and something big was definitely on the other side of that door. A massive chakra signature…no…two.

One was vaguely familiar, but nowhere near enough to where he could put a finger to it. However the other…the other was dark and malicious. It was everything the history books had described the Biju as, should you not know any better.

"Hinata, can you see what's beyond that door?"


"Hinata?" Now, Naruto was confused, but as he turned to look around for Hinata, let alone the rest of the team, he realized he was alone. Even entering the base, his clones had somehow been dispelled the moment they entered.


"Hmm…" Kurama growled as even he tried to make sense of their predicament. "It's not genjutsu. Your chakra's exactly how it always is, not to mention you're still in Sage-mode."

And so, Naruto reached out with the natural energy, and the feedback he got sent even a shiver down his spine. The energy in this place was just…wrong. There was no other way to put it. It was wrong, it was evil, and it was corrupt. But through that energy, he could pick out a few signatures…Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata…they were nowhere near where he was, but they were there somewhere. Somewhere in the chaotic abyss that stretched out before him. And their chakra was still strong. Besides their chakra, there were other, uncorrupted chakra signatures, but they were weak and he couldn't get a read on who or what they were.

"Hmm…I think…we passed through a barrier when we entered that snake-hole," Kurama thought after getting feedback from Naruto's senses. "If what I'm sensing is the case, then that barrier scatters anyone who passes through it to a random point…a sort of space-time barrier."

"Damn…so what you're saying then…" Naruto started. "We're already separated and in the belly of the beast?"

"It appears so," Kurama said.

Looking around, and making a Rasengan for light, Naruto saw that there was no way out. No way save the one directly in front of him…where that dark chakra was coming through.

"Well? Looks like we'll just have to plow our way through and reconvene with everyone, -ttebayo," Naruto declared.

"I'd put it slightly different," Kurama stated. "First, we have to get by whatever else is on the other side of this door."

"Any idea what we're dealing with?"

"No…but like you've felt, there are two separate signatures. One of them…I swear I've felt before…it feels like that stubborn ox of a brother."

"You mean Octopops?"

"Yeah, but the other…the one that feels dark…best proceed with caution."

Naruto pushed, and the door budged just enough for him to slip through. And unlike the previous chamber, this one was lit if only by rows and rows of dimly lit tanks, filled with various odds, ends, monstrosities, and trinkets.

"Well…that explains the first signature…"

Naruto came face-to-face with a rather large tank, containing the severed horn of Hachibi. And thinking back to every time he'd seen Gyuki, he recalled that the bull-like Biju was in fact missing one of his horns.

"Hmm…I wonder what he'd pay me to get this back," Kurama mused. "Oi Naruto, think you can seal this up for me?"

"Sorry, but not now," Naruto said. "If it really is part of Octopops, then the only way I can seal it is by a Demonic Seal and that'll take more time than I'm willing to give. Once we kick Orochi-teme's face, then we'll come back."

"Fine…let's get going then. But if we don't come back, I'm taking you over…got it?"

"That dark energy though…it's really giving me the creeps," Naruto shivered. It was a strange feeling, like they were being watched. And as they passed numerous other tanks, there certainly were enough eyes to do just that. Until they came near the end of the hall, and a doorway came into view. But before that, out of the corner of his eye, another large tank, only smashed outwards, like whatever was inside it had broken out.

"You feel it, don't you? This malice? It's moving…"

"Yeah," Naruto said as he braced himself for whatever was lurking in the shadows.

Sasuke swore. Of course it had been a trap. And now, it was only him in a small and darkly lit chamber, facing a door with the kanji for 'South' on it. Sakura, Naruto, and Hinata were nowhere to be found, and while the Sharingan had the ability to see chakra, it was nowhere near the Byakugan in that capability. For one, it couldn't see through walls or the giant door in front of him. So all he could see was darkness and the door.

Pushing at the massive door, aside, Sasuke stepped into a long corridor. And there was an uneasy feeling about this place. Just what sort of trap did he just enter?

Cautiously proceeding down the corridor, eventually there was a light coming from ahead. Not a bright light, but definitely more than just a few measly torches lining the side of a hallway. But aside from the light, growls, grunts, howls, and screams echoed around the chamber above until they found their way to the hallway where he was.

Carefully peering into the chamber, doing his best to conceal his presence from whatever monstrosities were in front of him, Sasuke gazed on into a large circular chamber, stories high and lines with nothing but bricks, bars, and cages. And within those cages…people, prisoners, or perhaps worse.

And then, the noises stopped. Whatever creatures or monsters there…they were onto something. Was it him? Sasuke cursed. He was certain he was stealthy, and with a level that most others in the ANBU couldn't detect. But out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of what exactly was trying to sniff him out…one of Orochimaru's curse-seal freaks.

Two stories above him, a 'person' was sniffing into the air, feeling around for something that had piqued its interest. And that wasn't the only one as more curse-seal freaks began to emerge from their holes. And they were sensing in his direction, moving into the center of the chamber and walking towards him.

Natural energy…that had to explain why they could sense him. Sure, he was no expert when it came to natural energy, but he'd gleamed the basics of its capabilities from Naruto…heightened durability, strength, power…and sensory. Regardless of how corrupted their natural energy was, it made sense that they could feel a foreign chakra signature nearby as all of the sudden, they came to a stop, one of them growling in Sasuke's direction before the entire horde descended upon the Uchiha.

It took Sakura a minute to reorient herself with her surroundings. It was obvious that she'd been separated from her team as she was standing alone, and facing a door with the kanji for 'North' on it. After every trick she had to dispel genjutsus, she knew this separation wasn't a genjutsu. How they'd been split, well she had some ideas, but nothing that was sticking out.

Still, her main priority right now had to be reuniting with her team and getting out of here. And the only way she could see was through the door in front of her.

Opening the door, Sakura proceeded forward, into whatever horrors Orochimaru had in store for her. But the minute she passed through the threshold, a horrible smell ravaged her nostrils and churned her stomach.

The vapors in the air, they might not have been poisonous, but they might as well have been as Sakura struggled to wet a cloth and cover her nose in hopes of dampening the smell. A smell of rotting flesh, and of formaldehyde…

As Sakura peered into one of the side chambers, she was instantly regretting doing so as the room was what looked to be a medical operating room, with a surgical table and even a person…if they could still be called that…strewn out and cut open.

And finally, after getting a view of the monstrosity on that table, Sakura lost it as she emptied the contents of her stomach on spot there. As a medic, she was used to the gruesome sights of the trade, of blood and bodies on the surgical tables, and of injuries that were so gruesome, only the darkest of imaginations could have thought up such a cause of the injury. But this…this surpassed everything she'd ever seen.

In a sort of Frankensteined fashion, the 'person' on the table was stitched together with other…well they didn't appear to be humans. In all honesty, it reminded her vaguely of Amachi's Kaima experiments, but a step further. Said person on the table was a hybrid of what could only be described as human and an insect-like, demonic alien.

And just as she wanted to look away and try to forget whatever it was she'd seen, the abdominal cavity of the individual on the table swelled until it burst, spewing a mixture of bile and gasses which spread quicker throughout the room than Sakura thought possible, penetrating her mask and nearly bringing the pink-haired kunoichi to her knees as she bolted away from the room, afraid of whatever that was spreading through the rooms. That definitely wasn't normal, and for a body to produce something even THAT foul smelling…just what sort of hell had she wandered into?

Running down the corridor, Sakura stumbled into another room, digging into her sealed supplies for a canister of specialized oxygen mixture, designed especially by Tsunade for situations like this…when a shinobi had inhaled a sort of unknown substance. After a frantic minute of getting her breathing under control Sakura took account as to where exactly she'd stumbled into this time. And the sights in front of her weren't much of an improvement.

Numerous jars and canisters lined the walls and shelves in this room. And suspended in them were heads and brains, hands and claws, hearts, organs, and just about anything one could imagine belonging in a mad doctor's dream laboratory. And just like what Sakura saw on the table back there whatever was in those jars, while they were human-like, many of them were clearly not fully human.

Now, all Sakura wanted to do was find her team, find Anko-sensei, Hanabi, and Katomi, and get the hell out of this place. What she was witnessing down here, in the depths of hell, was every horror story she'd ever read, and then some.

Sakura pushed forward, until she passed another room, where she heard a pained moan come from. And while she was afraid to look, this was the first hint that something inside one of these examination rooms was actually alive. And looking in, there was a man on the examination table…the first human thing Sakura had seen since entering this place.

"Are you okay?" Sakura asked concerned as it was clear the man was suffered from labored breathing. Said man was young and in his prime, probably early-to-mid twenties. He had light purple hair and grayish-brown eyes. And he was breaking out in a hot-sweat.

"I'm perfectly fine," the man panted as he immediately sprung up from the table, grabbing Sakura by the throat, and pinning her to the floor as the Konoha medic's eyes widened in horror while the man's flesh turned brown and bubbled, his hand around her neck taking on a sort of crab-claw-like appearance as her hands struggled to keep it from snapping her head off from the rest of her body.

And only to add to the disgust, two other faces of people sprouted from his now bulging and bubbling back.

"With this, we shall show Orochimaru-sama the value of the Fuma clan," all three faces spoke in unison.

Hinata strained her eyes to peer through the door in front of her, marked with the kanji for 'west'. However, as what seemed standard with Orochimaru's bases, the walls were laden with chakra, making it difficult for her Byakugan to see through it.

"Naruto-kun…" Hinata thought. Where had Naruto, and Sakura, and Sasuke have gone? What happened that got them separated like that?

Hinata took a deep breath before forcing open the door in front of her, the only way which it appeared she could go. Other than the door, she was enclosed on all four sides and there was nowhere else for her to go.

Stepping inside, the room she entered was gigantic, with towering bookcases creating a maze-like feel within Orochimaru's library and archives. And with an eerie purple light, shining down from the crystal lanterns from above, Hinata took note of her surroundings with her Byakugan, but what she saw as she extended her vision nearly blinded her, forcing her to deactivate her Byakugan almost immediately.

Rubbing her eyes, it was like she walked into the one place designed to defeat the Byakugan as all she were reflections of herself staring back, like she was looking into a house of mirrors.

But she couldn't afford to stop. She had to find an exit, regroup with Naruto-kun, and save Hanabi. And so, Hinata pressed forward as she made her way through rows and rows of towering shelves, filled to the brink with scrolls and books.

And, as she's thought the labyrinth would never end, finally the bookcases gave way into a large central area of the library, were a brilliant tapestry hung down on a wall, built solely for displaying it.

And on the tapestry, there was what appeared to be the image of some grand palace or temple, with four gates, one of them bearing the similar kanji of 'west', and vaguely resembling the door she'd passed through. The other interesting thing was the fact that by the 'west' gate, there was a tiger, white as the moonlight, and she was certain she recognized it…Byakko…the leader of the clan associated with her summoning contract.

And it wasn't just the 'west' gate that had an animal guardian by it…

"Genbu, the Black Tortoise of the North…"

Hinata turned around as she heard a voice from behind her, and there was standing a woman, with dark-blueish hair tied back in a lose bun. In addition to the hair, the other defining features of her included a green kimono-dress with a white flower print, and a cold look to her eyes.

"Suzaku, the Red Bird of the South. Seiryu, the Azure Dragon of the East. And Byakko, the White Tiger of the West. The four guardian deities of Koryu, the Yellow Dragon of Heaven. Orochimaru-sama's been obsessed with the legends surrounding the Yellow Dragon. He even designed his main base to resemble the Golden Temple…with the four gates leading to a central path…leading to Orochimaru-sama. Most of us are convinced it's just a fairy tale, but imagine the look of sheer delight when he returned just the other day, claiming to have come into possession of one of the four guardians!"

Four guardians? Hinata was already starting to connect the dots. That poster…Byakko…her summons, the White Tigers, and also their other summoner…Hanabi.

"Where is she? Where did Orochimaru take Hanabi?" Hinata demanded of the woman. However, she just sneered back at the Hyuga intruder.

"Ohh? Hanabi? So you know this girl? Well, too bad you're never going to see her again," the woman laughed and as Hinata prepared to attack, a surge of chakra welled up from beneath her, encasing her in a prison of violet crystal.

"How long has it been?"

Tsunade let out a deeply held breath as she looked past the bars and into the cell at her partner in suspense. "Long enough. By now, they should have entered the belly of the beast itself. Zero hour."